6.2 筆試真題 & 詳解
安永香港的筆試總共45分鐘,一開始大概就耗去了二十分鐘check in之類的。
這此背景下,寫一個email,要包括三項: 1.這個慈善組織xxx
第二篇作文是:公司的head office要搞carbon printfoot,然后in and out office的staff都要參加
寫一個email,還是包括三項,不好意思,記憶有點模糊,大致是 1. 為什么要launch這個initiative
2. suggested methods(solution?)
3. recommendations of management
今天,幸運的成分依然籠罩著我,安永的筆試就是博思的題目。難度大概比托福低一點,比6級高一些。具體的體型分閱完型、閱讀和聽力。完型內容比較簡單,從一段文字挖去一處,然后讓你選擇;接下來是相對較長的一段文字,有多處空格,讓你選擇;在接下來,空格不讓你選擇了,而是由你自己來填寫空格內的內容(不知道這部分怎么來算標準答案的)。閱讀總體量不大,基本上一道題對應一段,一般應試技巧足以應付,只是你要完全理解似乎不是很容易。聽力部分每道題可以聽兩遍。上來先是很白癡的題目,選擇4幅圖中與問題相對應答案的那幅圖,接下來是6級當中的short conversation,不過語速很快,和一般外國人對話的速度差不多,如果經常看美劇或者聽力牛X的同學應該不在話下,只是他們的語言環境多與商業有關,很多時候不理解他們所表達的習慣地話,恐怕只有蒙了;在接下來的聽力就是passage的內容了,個人覺得這個部分是聽力最難的部分,由于語速快,語境相對陌生,很多時候覺得幾個選項里的答案都是對的,不過有幾道題我是完全聽下來了,才發現細節才是區分正確選項與其他選項的關鍵。至于其他幾題,只有蒙了=,=
筆試的時候竟然只有我一個人坐在一間房子里對著一臺電腦,本來想偷偷地查個單詞什么的,后來想想算了。JEFF在論壇的時候說的一個人最重要的是to be honest。所以還是老實地做吧,事實證明我的選擇是正確的,因為85分鐘的題目我做到第84分鐘才完成……有驚無險。筆試前HR.SUE告訴我如果測試通過就可以簽OFFER了,額……不是吧……題目主要是聽力和閱讀,內容大致和職場有關。不過對于我這種6級500多一點的人來說真心是一道坎……而且做的時候我還走神,會YY寒假生活了,不過好在我及時回神,才沒讓我浪費太多時間。不過做的時候還挺糾結的,閱讀和聽力都有不少不會的詞。使勁蒙拼命蒙,終于的終于做完了。從環球金融中心48樓望下去,心中無限淡定,反正不過就不過了唄~
經驗 1:
40題,25分鐘,等時間到了才可以翻下一單元,不可以回看題目,每題給出 4個描述,每組選最符合和最不符合的,比如接受新信息,激勵他人實現目標,有創新意識,等等等,反正翻來覆去的出現,不同搭配,記得前后不要矛盾。
1、圖形推理,主要有重疊、旋轉、立體圖展開為平面圖等等,和 P&G差不多,難度適中
如(1)老王和小李今年加起來 60歲;幾年前,當老王的歲數是現在的小李的歲數時,他的歲數是當時小李歲數的 2倍,問老王現在幾歲
(2)2,5,10,17,(),選項是 21,22,19,還有一個忘記了……
(3)A、B廠商為某公司提供材料,A提供每件產品單價為 30元外加 400元/每筆交易,B公司每件產品 10元沒有額外加價,最后 A公司總報價比 B貴 8400元,問某公司一共需要多少件產品(具體數字記不太清楚咯,所以就湊了個是當時答案的數字,希望大家知道計算方法就好……)
(4)2、?、12、20、30,問號是 6 OR 8 OR 10 OR 23
4、中文閱讀:讀一篇描述校園生活的文章,然后問文章主旨,細節,以及句子填空,很簡單的,都能很快在原文找到,細心點就 OK
13題,25分鐘,包括語法,近義詞、圖表和閱讀理解,閱讀理解每篇算一題,每一大題下有 5個小題,所以這部分其實不止13題
簡單說下幾篇閱讀,(1)廣告的作用--幫助公司宣傳產品(2)人均 GDP與高中低收入國家,給出收入分層的定義,會問 XX國用幾年從低收入變高收入,XX國在 XX年表現等(3)講計算機系統的,個人感覺比較難理解,專業性較強,講了 IEEE8032系統,DA,SDF,prental等分支,對每個分支提個小問題。
經驗 2:
突然接到電話要我去筆試,沒有任何準備,本來想延期,HR說 miss掉這次只有下周去廣州了,只得作罷,硬著頭皮上。
因為工作原因,就一個晚上,根本沒有時間看樣題,就粗粗掃了下筆經~這里給同學們點建議:如果目標是外資銀行 or四大這種肯定會有筆試,平常邊投簡歷就應該邊練習,多做做題當活躍大腦,不管什么類型的題。之前面 Citi MA,也是突然接到電話然后沒有時間看樣題。應該吸取經驗的。
說回安永筆試,是 BULATS的題,應該叫機試,完全是在電腦做的,人生第一次。
1.電腦做題,只能點 next,無法返回之前做的題目。
2.對于聽力,優點就是可以慢慢讀題,等心里有數了再按播放,兩遍的聽力題,兩個播放按鈕,所以比較自由控制。缺點就是不是 paper,無法做 notes什么的(考 IELTS的習慣)。尤其是一段對話要答 6個選擇題,答題窗口巴掌大小(雖然 laptop有個 13寸左右的屏幕),無法一次性顯示 6個題目(每題 4個選項),所以按了第一題,旁邊就是2,3,4,5,6;按了第二題,旁邊就是 1,3,4,5,6(只顯示題干);放心的就是答題是按照順序來的。
3.無法看時間,沒拿手機,電腦上無法顯示剩余時間,只有答題進度,不過沒啥用,最后一個聽力題,當時進度條還剩了大約 1/10,我又沒看時間,擔心答不完,匆忙聽了一遍就按 next,結果顯示我全部題答完,無語!
說說出現的題型吧,沒有改錯(臨時看的筆經上有提到改錯的),完形填空大約 3,4題的樣子,其中一題是你點了空白處會有 4個詞給你選,另外 2~3題是完全自己填詞。閱讀理解的題有個幾道,4道?5道?不好意思忘記了。其余就是單選題,挺多的,單選很簡單。聽力整體難度不大,就最后一個 rain forest比較暈,不排除我突然開始擔心時間導致聽力下降。
當場 HR告知結果,pass,等面試通知。60分 pass,我掃了一眼屏幕,居然有人84分!!!當然也有人 40分。
最后題外話,Citi MA的筆試,時間上比較緊張(當然數學很好的人不用擔心),安永筆試時間還是很充裕的(我做完等了 HR很久……)。Citi比較考反應能力,數字敏感度等,安永則完全考英文水平。Citi的 pass會給人很 high的感覺,畢竟題目要動腦的。
經驗 3:
11月 13日,大連,上午 10點,考場的大媽很~~她不是安永的,大家放心,安永的兩名工作人員還是蠻好的。廢話不多說了,還是說點有關考試的內容吧。
聽力 50分鐘,閱讀六十分鐘,大家放心,時間足夠,我平時做題就慢,但是時間也是很充裕的,題型和博思的一模一樣,我個人覺得難度就是中級 BEC的水平,不難,但是聽力有的只放一便,得認真聽。我太長時間沒學英語了,所以答得自我感覺不太好,希望今后筆試的同學能取得好成績。
給大家留一點建議吧,多做博思和 BEC的題,考前下一下聽力,畢竟是英音,得先適應一下,還有就是考試時一定要讓自己完全集中在試卷上,別分心,做題第一感覺很重要,爭取一氣呵成。
經驗 4:
就一個考場,和之前的 dtt和 kp壯觀的場面比起來,這次是小排場,果然,考兩部分 IQ和 Writing ,全英文的,其中寫作居然要 80分鐘,覺得真麻煩.還不如讓我做選擇題呢。發現之前上網看筆經真是明智,至少讓我做第一題數列的時候得心應手, 0,-2,-9 , -40 ,____.跟我昨天做的題目很類似,只要前面一個數乘上第幾再加上第幾就行了,從 2開始比如2=0*2+2,9=2*3+3,40=9*4+4.
第二道是看圖形做算術,很簡單,答案是 10
第三道是勾股定理的好象答案是 20m。
第四道是看圖形,看你空間想象能力了,看清楚要,特別是那些角度,直角啊鈍角啊什么的。答案是 d
第五道是三個小姑娘逛街,共有多少忘了,花一樣的錢,a剩 40元, b c分別剩15元,問 a開始有多少錢。答案忘了。只用了 5分鐘不到就全做完了,真的很簡單.什么勾股定理啊,都是小學里學的,感覺好親切啊.
然后是改錯,我就是找不出 5個錯誤,最后把單復數什么的弄出來了,覺得還有幾個時態錯誤,感覺很奇怪的改錯題.
最后是閱讀,關于 global banking trends的,主要說現在的銀行間的吞并,大銀行越來越大什么的,后面有個解釋 organic growth,我看了半天沒解釋出來,字面上是有機增長,可就是不清楚背后的含義,都怪平時這方面的知識太少了,以后要多看看經濟報紙.
安永筆試詳細解答附參考答第一部分:IQ Test
1.11 24 51 106 ?
X=587+X/2 X=1174
一, ANNUAL DINNER的安排情況,細節。
二, 能不能促進員工間的COMMUNICATION?
三, 今年的EVENT和去年有什么不同?
Dear Shally,
I 'm glad to tell you the annual dinner impressed everyone greatly .XXX was invited as the preside of our annual activity and he's really humorous.At the annual dinner ,all young colleagues were in a same table ,at first ,we drunk beer,but a few minutes later ,the colleagues who come from north China felt it is better to use white wine instead of beer .
We then laughed and talked to each other and it's reslly a good way for communication,because after a year's hard working ,it's a great opportunity for us to relax ,to share the experience and to make our future plans.
The annual dinner this year is different from last year's –the delicious food ,red and white wine,we were singing and dancing together ,everyone is the super star that night,we don't need to wear formally like the working days and we all enjoyed the dinner very much.
Best wishes!
Sincerely yours,
一,what 's the factor?
三,根據圖表分析中國的real estate market.
As is shown in the chart ,the increasing rate of the three cities' house price remained high during the past 3 years,the factors for this are just as follows:
1. Local government have an willing to expand cities,national macro-control policies are not simply contain the rise in real estate price in the past.
2. Bank and other relevant financal institutions provide a great deal of loans to the real estate investors .The continued investment capital promoted the rise of the price.
3. The consumer does not want a real estate property prices go down ,or else their investment damaged.
Because of the above reasons I think I will not buy a house in Shanghai in 2008,although Chinese government has raised the captital threshold for investing in realestate market.
We can see from the chart ,in order to control the overheating real estate industry.the government carries out the macro-control measures and in this way the government can firmly hold the land and capitals in its hand.under the influences of the policies the real estate enterprises will extend to other industries to reduce the investment risks.
The amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent.
2.price advantage(20words)
The advantage which is given by tarriffs to the price of similar locally produced goods.
Moderate exorbitance of education is good for our country.
(1)The RMB exchange rate is too low,it was proposed that it should be fixed at one US dollar to 4.2 yuan.
(2)China's foreign exchange reserves are too high,the trade surplus has increased quickly.
(1)The RMB exchange rate has not been changed for too many years since 1994.
(2)According to the theory of international economics ,RMB is undervalued.
1. 電腦做題,只能點next,無法返回之前做的題目。
2. 對于聽力,優點就是可以慢慢讀題,等心里有數了再按播放,兩遍的聽力題,兩個播放按鈕,所以比較自由控制。
3. 無法看時間,沒拿手機,電腦上無法顯示剩余時間,只有答題進度,不過沒啥用,最后一個聽力題,當時進度條還剩了大約1/10,我又沒看時間,擔心答不完,匆忙聽了一遍就按next,結果顯示我全部題答完,無語!
說說出現的題型吧,沒有改錯(臨時看的筆經上有提到改錯的),完形填空大約3,4題的樣子,其中一題是你點了空白處會有4個詞給你選,另外2~3題是完全自己填詞。閱讀理解的題有個幾道,4道?5道?不好意思忘記了。其余就是單選題,挺多的,單選很簡單。聽力整體難度不大,就最后一個rain forest比較暈,不排除我突然開始擔心時間導致聽力下降。
最后題外話,citi ma的筆試,時間上比較緊張(當然數學很好的人不用擔心),安永筆試時間還是很充裕的(我做完等了hr很久……)。citi比較考反應能力,數字敏感度等,安永則完全考英文水平。citi的pass會給人很high的感覺,畢竟題目要動腦的。
(一)IQ test(10min)
1 數列 0,7,24,51,??
2 是關于廣告費用問題,5cm*10cm的黑白10,000RBM,10*20的彩色8,000;問8*15的彩色要多少錢?
3 時針和分針相交了,問下一次相交是多久之后?
4 一本書500頁有12章,每章之間有一頁空白,一個人閱讀速度每天十頁,問多少天看完?
5 學生的編號,excellent學生9號,finest是6號,worst是5號,問一個amazing學生是幾號?
Written test(75min)
1 .寫一封信給你的manager,三個內容:
(1),arrangement of a meeting
(2),the reason of why you are late for the conference
(3),report the process of your project.150-300words 35分
2. 寫一個圖表分析,兩張圖
一張是長江三角洲,珠江三角洲,京津地區的GDP貢獻比例。150-200words 35分
3. 中國GDP增長很快,常常成為報章頭條,但是這些statistics的可靠性如何?
(1).how reliable is statistics?
(2).will china's property boom continue?4.
4. 語法選擇題 4選1 四級難度 10題共15分
5.閱讀,關于中國的retail market的發展,200words左右,然后是幾個敘述題,還有一題是造,3分一題,五題。
1. 數列3,25,57,99。--
2. 四個空白圓圈44,兩個空白圓圈加兩個帶點圓圈48,兩個帶點圓圈兩個帶點方框圓圈 50,問兩個帶點圓圈兩個空白方框是多少?
二 75分鐘
1 給老板寫信,說明三點:1,所有參加的會議的情況;
2 看一個圖表,是關于北京,上海,廣州,深圳四個地區誠實勞動力狀況的(150-200)
3 語法題10個,個人感覺是偏向于金融專業詞匯,但又不是非常術語的東西,建議大家平時多留心英文經濟報道。
4 閱讀回答問題,是關于成長基金的,主要是競爭力,外資引入等問題,不是很專業的閱讀材料,有幾個答案個人覺得比較類似。
(三)IQ test (10min)
1. 數列,數字大概是 43 55 77 109 ___
2. 類似第一題 結合圖形推算的,不畫圖了
3. 關于電話費的計算 告訴你每天打多久,每分鐘多少錢,
小學數學題 有點費時間
4. Europe 7 USA 12到達Europe的時間是當地時間17:00,飛往USA需要8個小時,問飛到一半的時候北京時間是幾點?
5. beijing''s price7000,shanghai''s price8000, guangzhou''s price 9000
so WuXi's price=?
answer應該是 151 36 2880 4:00am 4000(參照某網友給出的答案:)
English writing and reading:
1. write a letter to your manager, including three things:
a. the sales forecast of the next month
b. the budget increase of cover training (maybe...)
c. a suggestion about the new accounting procedure
tips: 有字數限制,不過一般不會超...(just for myself)
2. write a report according to two diagrams,
about foreigh direct investment,
one of the two diagrams is about the number of the projects
(Joint Ventures,Cooperative, Wholly Owned, Shareholding)
the other is about the percentage change
3. 選擇題,有些很簡單,可以根據語法判斷出選項,10個或者15個?沒注意...
4. 讀一段英文,about the investment on railway government control and balabala...
真題 1:
1.數列: 2.5, 7, 24, 100, ?
規律:當 n≥2時,第 n個數的值等于前一個數加 1乘以 n,
3.路程問題:兩人背對背走 24m,然后分別左轉再走了 32m,然后問相距多少?
6.2 8 48 384求后面的數。
7.圖形題,求數,有 2個圓形,有 2個三角組成,或實心或空心,代表的數字不同對比一下就知道空三角比實心的少 4,所以所求的圖形代表。
8.兩汽車反相行駛 12KM,后都右轉 16 km求此時他們距離多少?
9.圖形題給一個中間挖空一個 6角形的正方形,求四個選項中哪個是被挖空的那個圖形,用線圈出來六角形是兩個三角形合在一起的,一個三角略大一些,并且六角形的排列角度不一樣,對比一下可知。
10. 3個人共 258,花了一樣的錢,A還剩 22, B.C各剩 10,求 A開始有多少錢?
11.比較圖,按第二幅、第一幅,第四幅的順序看,可知圓圈里一次少一個點,一次加 2,所以 24。
12.兩人背對走 3KM,分別左轉再走 4KM,問此時相距多少?
14.問哪個圖能填進空里,只有 B和 D比較混淆,看看粗細就知道了。
15.三人一共 279元,三人花費一樣多,甲剩下 30,乙、丙各剩下 15元,問甲一開始有多少?
16.一升水重 1KG,問現有 1KG的立方體邊長為 3M,則裝純水總共多重?
17.一本書等于 587頁加自身總頁的一半,則這本書多少頁?
18.是關于廣告費用的問題,5cm*10cm的黑白 10,000rmb;10* 20的彩色 80,000; 5*20的黑白 20,000;問 8*15的彩色要多少錢。
20.一本書 500頁有 12章,每章之間有一頁空白,一個人閱讀速度每天 10頁,問多少天看完
21.學生的編號,excellent的學生是 9號,finest的是 6號,worst的是 5號,問一個 amazing的學生是幾號?
Letter(比如:一封自薦信,表述自己的優勢 ),部門現狀,如何處理問題 (比如對training的看法),E-MAIL記得落款。
1) Specialty: whether we could organize seminar for all the workers to study and discuss the new accounting rules.
2) Work efficiency: whether we could organize a course for keyboard shortcuts learning,meanwhile we can organize some relevant interesting contest, which not only could increase thecommunication among all the workers, but also could increase the work efficiency.
1) Professional skills: if it is possible to organize study and discussion of the NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARD.
2) Working efficiency: if it is possible to organize the study of shortcut key operation and corresponding funny games,thus,the communication between colleagues as well as the working efficiency will be improved.
1) Professional skills: whether if u can organize team members together to learn and discuss the new accountant rules.
2) Work efficiency: whether if u can organize team members to learn the operation of keyboard shortcuts then set up a related interesting game, therefore it will not only enhance the communications between the colleagues but also improve their work efficiency.
China is now the number one of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in the world. What measures should China improve to maintain the position in the future?
FDI是指:在投資人以外的國家所經營的企業擁有持續利益的一種投資,其目的在于對該企業的經營管理具有發言權。跨國公司是 FDI的主要形式。到 1999年為止,5.3萬跨國公司約有 3.5萬億美圓資產。且跨國公司的投資主要是在發達國家之間,且基本上分布于日本,美國,歐盟三極之中。日本早前的 FDI主要投資于東南亞,80年代后,80%投資于美國,20%投資于歐洲。現在為中國的第三大外資來源國。從1997年亞洲金融危機以來,對外投資趨緩。關于國際直接投資(FDI)的本質,有的學者強調“經營資源”,尤其是企業的無形資產。例如,日本學者原正行(1992)認為,FDI是企業特殊經營資源在企業內部的國際轉移;另一位日本學者小島清(1987)認為,FDI是以經營管理上的技術性專門知識為核心。有的學者則強調“控制權”,例如 A.G.肯伍德和 A.L.洛赫德(1992)認為,FDI是指一國的某公司在另一國設立分支機構,或獲得該國某企業的控制權。相關國際機構、政府部門與理論界,例如聯合國跨國公司與投資司、國際貨幣基金組織、WTO、美國商務部等,認為國際直接投資與國際間接投資的根本區別在于是否獲得被投資企業的控制權,因為 FDI所形成的無形資產處于核心地位,而貨幣資本則處于非常次要的地位,只能進行間接投資,所以,FDI不僅直接參與經營管理,而且其直接目標就是獲得被投資企業的控制權。基于此,有學者認為,“FDI是指一國或地區企業通過壟斷優勢(主要表現為無形資產)的國際轉移,獲得部分或全部外國企業控制權,以實現最終目標和直接目標高度統一的長期投資行為。”
Overview of FDI in China
China’s absorption of foreign investment is an important content of China’s fundamental principle of opening up to the outside world, and also an important component of Deng Xiaoping Theory, and is one of the great practices of building up socialist economy with Chinese characteristics. The Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party in 1978 confirmed over again the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, and realized the historical transformation of key work for the entire Party. It also established the basic line of focusing on the central task of economic construction, and made up the great decision of reform and opening up to the outside world. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, was promulgated by the National People’s Congress in 1979, then the work of utilizing foreign capital as an important content of opening up to the outside world initiated as China’s fundamental principle. After twenty years of great efforts, the scale of absorbing foreign capital increasingly expanded as well as the level was increasingly upgraded when China’s law and managerial system on foreign investment have been gradually perfected. The achievements won the whole world’s attention, which effectively promoted the continuous, fast and healthy development of national economy.
I. The basic means of China’s absorption of foreign investments.
The foreign investments are basically divided into direct investment and other means of investment. The direct investment, which is widely adopted, includes Sino-foreign joint ventures,joint exploitation and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, foreign-funded share-holding companies and joint development. The other means of investment includes compensation trade and processing and assembling.
1. Sino-foreign joint ventures
Sino-foreign joint ventures are also known as share-holding corporations. They are formed in China with joint capitals by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals with Chinese companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals. The main feature is that the joint parties invest together,operate together, take risk according to the ratio of their capitals and take responsibility of losses and profits. The capitals from different parties are translated into the ratios of capitals,and in general the capital from foreign party should not be lower than 25%.
The Sino-foreign joint ventures are among the first forms of China’s absorption of foreign direct investment and they account for the biggest part. At present they are still a great part in the absorption of foreign investments.
2. Cooperative businesses
Cooperative business is also called contractual cooperation businesses. They are formed inChina with joint capitals or terms of cooperation by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals with Chinese companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals. The rights and obligations of different parties are embedded in the contract. To establish a cooperative business, the foreign party, generally speaking, supplies all or most of the capital while Chinese party supplies land, factory buildings, and useful facilities, and also some supply a certain amount of capital, too.
3. Exclusively foreign-owned enterprises
Exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, which are totally invested by foreign party in China by foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals in accordance with laws of China. According to the law of foreign-funded enterprises, the establishment of foreign enterprises should benefit the development of our national economy and agree with at least one of the following criteria: the enterprises must adopt international advanced technology and facility; all or most of the products must be export-oriented. The foreign funded enterprises often take the form of limited liability.
4. Joint exploitation
Joint exploitation is the abbreviation of maritime and overland oil joint exploitation. It is a widely adopted measure of economic cooperation in the international natural resources field.The striking features are high risk, high investment and high reward. The joint development is often divided into three steps: exploitation, development and production.Compared with the other three means mentioned above, joint cooperation accounts for a small ratio.
5. Foreign-funded share-holding companies
Foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals can form foreign funded share-holding companies in China with Chinese companies, enterprises, and other economic organizations. The total capital of the share-holding company is formed by equal shares,shareholders will take due responsibilities for the company according to shares purchased;Company will take responsibilities for all its debts through all its assets and the Chinese and foreign shareholders will hold the shares of the company. Among them, the shares purchased and held by foreign investors account for more than 25% of the total registered capital of the company. Limited company can be founded either by means of starting-up or rising, and the limited liability company invested by the foreigners can also apply to turn into share-holding companies. The qualified enterprises can also apply to issue A B share and list abroad.
6. New types of foreign investment
While expanding areas and opening-up domestic market, China is also exploring and expanding actively its new types of utilizing foreign investment such as BOT, investment company and so on. Since multinational merger and acquisition has become the major type ofinternational direct investment, Chinese government is now researching and enacting related policies so as to facilitate the foreigners to invest in China by means of merger and acquisition.
II. China’s policy direction of absorption of foreign investment
We should hold up high the flag of Deng Xiaoping Theory, follow the requirement of three representatives, center on the principles and policies of our nation’s economic and social development determined at the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adapt to the new situation of world economic development, stick to the principles of active and reasonable utilization of foreign capital, combine foreign capital absorption with economic structure adjustment and industrial upgrading promotion, the improvement of socialist market economy system, the reinforcement of enterprise competitiveness, the expansion of export and development of open economy, the vigorous exploitation of China’s western area, and promotion of regional economies′ harmonious development. Measures should be taken to further improve the soft environment for foreign investment, explore actively new methods for absorbing foreign capital, put emphasis on absorbing advanced technologies, modern management and special talents, and actively absorb foreign capital to invest in industries of new and advanced technologies, encourage multinational to set up district headquarters, research and procurement centers; speed up the development of supporting industries and push on the service trade field to open up to foreign countries step by step.
1. Energetically improve the political and legal environment for foreign investment, and to enhance legal administration level. According to our commissions for joining WTO and the requirement for our opening-up process, we will further improve the legal system of absorbing foreign investment, keep on the steadiness, consistency, predictability and feasibility of the policies and laws of foreign investment laws, try to create a united, steady,transparent and predictable environment for foreign investment. We will further simplify the examination and approval procedures for foreign investment and adopt a standardized examination and approval system; reinforce our sense of legality, try to be open, just and transparent, and establish an incorruptible, industrious, pragmatic and effective government,creating a good administrative environment for foreign investment.
2. Maintain and improve an open and fair market environment. We should combine this with the current work of rectifying and standardizing the order of market economy, prohibit firmly the improper collecting fees from foreign companies as well as improper inspection and fine of them. Measures should be taken to destroy local protectionism and industrial monopoly.We should also enhance the lawful measures to protect the intellectual property right and take strong actions against illegal piracy, therefore, establish an open, unified and fair market environment, further perfect the complaining mechanism of foreign-funded and protect the legal rights of foreign merchants according to law.
3. Further open the field of service industry. In accordance with China’s self-development and Commitment to the WTO, we will open this field vigorously and steadily and systematically,perfect rules and regulations for service industry and formulate a united and standard system for accession into the market of foreign investment service. We will encourage the import of modern service concepts and advanced management experiences, technologies and modes of modern market operation, improve structure of service industry in China.
4. Encourage foreign businessmen to invest in the new high-tech industry, the basic industry,and supporting industry. The ability of technology innovation and sustainable development directly reflect the competitiveness advantages of a country. We will continue to encourage foreign investors to introduce, develop and innovate technology and to invest in technology-intensive project, and projects with advanced technology and to guide in enterprise registered capital proportion limitation and funding condition. The relevant stipulations of setting pioneering investment enterprise should also be consummated in order to facilitate the conditions of setting and developing high-tech corporations. We should attract foreigners to invest in supporting industry and encourage the localization of new materials, push domestic small and medium-sized enterprises to enforce cooperation with foreign companies and introduce the advanced and applicable technology to match the large foreign-funded enterprises,thus to enter the production and sales network of multinational companies.
5. Attract actively more multinational companies to invest in China. Multinational companies as leading force of today′s world economy. We will pay more attention to improve the relevant policies to attract multinationals to invest in China, establish the local headquarters and set up cross-country procurement centers. Using the experience and methods of merger and acquisition of other countries and taking the economical system with China’s characteristics and realities of into consideration, we should speed up the step to draft and improve the practical policy and stipulations of investment through merger and acquisition, further revise the relevant stipulations of the foreign-invested share-holding companies, push the formulation and perfecting of BOT and special permission transfer investment methods, the various stipulations for foreign-funded enterprise’s listing domestically and abroad.
6. Further promote foreign invest in the central and western regions. Vast areas in these regions are rich in resources for farming and stock raising, mineral resources and tourist resources. With a large population and a market of great potential labor forces, other key elements for production are relatively inexpensive with the steady progress and western development strategy, such facilities as transportation, communication and construction has impressively improved. Because of the improvement of investment environment and ecological development and emergence of potential for the development of specialty economy, foreign businessmen who invest in these regions are facing brand-new opportunities and great development space.
FDI to China should Remain Stable
By Jiang Wei
寫一封信給 SHALLY,包括以下幾點內容:
1.ANNUAL DINNER的安排情況,細節。
2.能不能促進員工間的 COMMUNICATION?
3.今年的 EVENT和去年有什么不同?
Dear Shally,
I 'm glad to tell you the annual dinner impressed everyone greatly .XXX was invited as the preside of our annual activity and he's really humorous. At the annual dinner ,all young colleagues were in a same table ,at first ,we drunk beer, but a few minutes later ,the colleagues who come from north China felt it is better to use white wine instead of beer .
We then laughed and talked to each other and it's really a good way for communication,because after a year's hard working, it’s a great opportunity for us to relax, to share theexperience and to make our future plans.
The annual dinner this year is different from last year's –the delicious food ,red and white wine, we were singing and dancing together ,everyone is the super star that night, we don't need to wear formally like the working days and we all enjoyed the dinner very much.
Best wishes
Sincerely yours,
結合題目要求以及差距找出原因,進行分析。要求:條理清晰,有理有據,觀點鮮明,不人云亦云。給出一定的解決方案。不一定很個性,但要 practical。結尾可以給出自己的良好祝愿。
改錯、填空(考詞匯和語法,類似 CET-4、CET-6)
1.解釋 surplus(20words)
The amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent.
2. Price advantage (20words)
The advantage which is given by tariffs to the price of similar locally produced goods.
Moderate exorbitance of education is good for our country.
(1)The RMB exchange rate is too low, it was proposed that it should be fixed at one US dollar to 4.2 yuan.
(2)China's foreign exchange reserves are too high, the trade surplus has increased quickly.
(1)The RMB exchange rate has not been changed for too many years since 1994.
(2)According to the theory of international economics, RMB is undervalued.
最后提醒一點,要在卷子每一頁的右上角寫上自己的中文名字和申請的部門,草稿紙也寫。別忘了,HR拼命的重復這點。如果沒寫的話,再找 HR,態度有點不善。
真題 2:
第一題:寫封回信(150-200詞),包括以下內容:1.你認為如何提高上海 office和蘇州 office之間的效率。2.北京的培訓計劃開展的怎樣了?3.根據你設定的開展結果,你認為有沒有必要在總部也開展同樣的培訓計劃?
第二題:根據圖表寫一個報告(150-200詞),圖是一個柱形圖,是說四個時期的公司人員變動情況,分 management,administrative,production,HR四種 staff。HR數量基本不變,production一直在增加,administrative前兩時期持平,后兩時期持平,但后兩時期要高于前兩時期。management第一個時期很高,第二個時期大約降為第一時期的一半,以后均持平。
2.解釋“at the heart of”這個短語