1997-2001年,大賽初創時的規模僅限于邀請全國范圍內的8-16支高校代表隊直接參賽,比賽有幸邀請到時任英國駐華公使夫人,優雅的Lady Appleyard作為主持人。上海交通大學(微博)獲得首屆”外研社杯”冠軍。此后的幾年內,北京外國語大學、復旦大學和對外經濟貿易大學分別奪得冠軍殊榮。決賽辯題涉及諸多社會關注熱點,如:
1997年的 Examinations do more harm than good.
2001年的 The opportunity cost of attending graduate school is too high for college students.
與此同時,外交部、教育部(微博)和文化名人也開始關注和出席”外研社杯”的總決賽。2002年,當時的英國駐華大使Sir. William Ehrman出席決賽并致辭;2003年,時任外交部翻譯室主任的張建敏先生和陽光傳媒集團總裁楊瀾女士參與了評判工作并為獲獎隊頒發獎杯。
2003年的Urbanization helps improve the quality of living.
2004年的Nationalism is a positive sentiment.
2005年, “外研社杯”大膽向國際化賽制邁出第一步,轉制為全美大學生辯論賽的通用模式——美國議會制(American Parliamentary Style,也稱AP)。外研社經過4年的持續推廣和培訓,最終使廣大英語學習者熟悉了賽制、磨練了語言、鍛煉了思維!由此開始,被”外研社杯”贊助出國參賽的冠、亞、季軍隊伍,屢屢代表中國在各項國際和洲際辯論賽中獲得大獎!
2005年的 This house believes that advertisement is a curse rather than a blessing.
2007年的 This house believes that China should establish English as an official language.
為使“外研社杯”辯論賽與“辯論界的奧林匹克”——世界大學生辯論賽制度接軌,2015年經過大規模的賽前培訓,“外研社杯”更上一層樓,采用”四隊辯論制”(British Parliamentary style,亦即BP 賽制)這一世界最先進的賽制。至此,比賽的賽制和日程安排真正實現了國際化,并將長期保持下去。
1. 辯論隊
2. 選手發言順序
3. 發言計時
第一分鐘末 響鈴一次(允許開始提出”質詢”)
第六分鐘末 響鈴一次(提出”質詢”的時間結束)
第七分鐘末7:00 連續響鈴兩次(發言時間結束)
超時15秒之后7:15 連續響鈴(發言緩沖時間結束)
On Debating
Clarity: Avoid use of terms which can be interpreted differently by different readers. When we are talking to people who substantially agree with us we can use such terms as "rednecks" or "liberals" and feel reasonably sure that we will be understood. But in a debate, we are talking to people who substantially disagree with us and they are likely to put a different interpretation on such words.
Evidence: Quoting an authority is not evidence. Quoting a majority opinion is not evidence. Any argument that starts with, "According to Einstein..." is not based on objective evidence. Any argument that starts with, "Most biologists believe..." is not based on objective evidence. Saying, "The Bible says..." is not evidence. Authorities and majorities can be wrong and frequently have been. (歷屆辯論賽中出現最多的問題)
Emotionalism: Avoid emotionally charged words--words that are likely to produce more heat than light. Certainly the racial, ethnic, or religious hate words have no place in rational debating. Likewise, avoid argumentum ad hominem. Personal attacks on your opponent are an admission of intellectual bankruptcy. Also, slurs directed at groups with whom your opponent is identified are usually nonproductive. Try to keep attention centered on the objective problem itself. There is a special problem when debating social, psychological, political, or religious ideas because a person's theories about these matters presumably have some effect on his own life style. In other words, rather than saying "and that's why you are such an undisciplined wreck" say, "a person adopting your position is, I believe, likely to become an undisciplined wreck because ..."
Causality: Avoid the blunder of asserting a causal relationship with the popular fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc which declares that because some event A happened and immediately afterward event B happened that event A was the cause of event B.(I knew someone whose car stalled on the way to work. She would get out and open the hood and slam it and then the car would start. Singing a song would have been just as effective to allow time for a vapor lock to dissipate!) Also avoid the popular fallacy that correlation proves causation. People who own Cadillacs, on average, have higher incomes than people who don't. This does not mean that if we provided people with Cadillacs that they would have higher incomes.
Innuendo(影射):Innuendo is saying something pejorative about your opponent without coming right out and saying it but by making more or less veiled allusions to some circumstance, rumor, or popular belief. If you want to see some excellent examples of innuendo, watch Rush Limbaugh. Politicians are, unfortunately, frequently guilty of using innuendo. It is an easy way to capitalize on popular prejudices without having to make explicit statements which might be difficult or impossible to defend against rational attack.
Be sure of your facts. What is the source of your information? If it is a newspaper or a magazine, are you sure that the information hasn't been "slanted" to agree with that publication's political bias? Where crucial facts are concerned, it is best to check with more than one source. Often international publications will give you a different perspective than your hometown newspaper. Check to see whether the book you are using was published by a regular publishing company or whether it was published by some special interest group like the John Birch Society or a religious organization. These books cannot be trusted to present unbiased evidence since their motivation for publishing is not truth but rather the furtherance of some political or religious view.
Understand your opponents' arguments. It is good practice to argue with a friend and take a position with which you do not agree. In this way you may discover some of the assumptions your opponents are making which will help you in the debate. Remember that everybody thinks that his position is the right one, and everybody has his reasons for thinking so.
Do not impute ridiculous or malevolent ideas to your opponent.
An example of this is the rhetorical statement, "Have you stopped beating your wife?" This imputes or presupposes that your opponent has beaten his wife. One frequently sees references by conservative speakers and writers to the idea that gay activists want "special privileges." This would be ridiculous if it were true. It isn't true, but speaking as if it were true and well known to all is egregiously unfair to listeners or readers who may not be well informed. It is probably always wise to treat your opponent with respect, even if he doesn't deserve it. If he doesn't deserve respect, this will probably soon become obvious enough.
Regression to the mean(邏輯退化): Another source of error which occurs very frequently is the failure to take into account regression to the mean. This is a bit technical, but it is very important, especially in any kind of social or psychological research which depends upon statistical surveys or even experiments which involve statistical sampling. Rather than a general statement of the principle (which becomes more and more unintelligible as the statement becomes more and more rigorous) an example will be used.
Let's consider intelligence testing.
1. Perhaps we have a drug that is supposed to raise the IQ of mentally retarded kids. So we give a thousand intelligence tests and select the 30 lowest scoring individuals.
2. We then give these low scoring kids our drug and test them again.
3. We find that there has been an increase in the average of their IQ scores.
4. Is this evidence that the drug increased the IQ?
Not necessarily! Suppose we want to show that smoking marijuana lowers the IQ. Well, we take the 30 highest scoring kids in our sample and give them THC and test them again. We find a lower average IQ.
Is this evidence that marijuana lowers the IQ?
Not necessarily! Any statistician knows that if you make some kind of a measurement of some attribute of a large sample of people and then select the highest and lowest scoring individuals and make the same measurement again, the high scoring group will have a lower average score and the low scoring group will have a higher average score than they did the first time. This is called "regression to the mean" and it is a perfectly universal statistical principle.
There are undoubtedly more points to be made here. Suggestions will be gratefully received. Larry has made the following suggestions:
· Apply the scientific method. (運用科學方法)
· Cite relevant personal experience. (合理引用相關的個人經歷)
· Be polite. (辯論過程中有禮待人)
· Organize your response. (Beginning, middle, end.) (對你辯詞進行合理的組織)
· Treat people as individuals.
· Cite sources for statistics and studies used.
· Literacy works. Break posts into sentences and paragraphs.
· Read the post you are responding to.