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  • 外語系畢業論文答辯

    時間:2024-10-05 01:29:52 論文答辯 我要投稿














      第二部分重點介紹了李陽瘋狂英語的特點及優勢。其中特點包括以下幾個方面:1、辦班靈活,注重課堂互動;2、學習過程由簡單到復雜,由短句到長句,由句子到篇章,朗讀速度由慢到快,同時訓練方式也叫為獨特;3、各種場合講話善于借助身體語言,使語言與動作相結合,更形象化;4、訓練句型非正規性(Damn it! Watch your month)、幽默性、中成英表、鼓勵性(No pain, no gain)等。而優勢則包含六個方面:1、大聲讀,在讀中克服羞怯;2、大聲拼,在拼中學會記憶;3、大聲唱,在唱中找到樂趣;4、大聲說,在說中找到自信;5、重視非智力因素的培養。也就是指注重對學生學習激情的激發,而把學習英語與人生奮斗相聯系起來。如:“一分耕耘,一分收獲”“學習英語沒有什么了不起!攻克英語,小菜一碟!”“打擊我吧!迫害我吧!主我成為真正的人!”等;6、教材更符合生活實際。教學內容多取自歐美國家的實際生活的情景,而且口語強調地道,實用(如:Is everything under control?一切都在掌握之中嗎? Give me a favor!幫我一把吧!)。


      第四部分,也就是全文的核心部分,講了李陽瘋狂英語教學法在中學英語口語教學中的運用,共八個方面。1、教師示范作用,課堂推廣瘋狂口語訓練教學。這一小點主要講了“一口氣訓練法”(指盡量在一口氣內讀完盡量多的段落,在一段時間訓練之后,原來需要換三、四口氣才能讀完的短文,可以一口氣讀完)和“三最口腔肌肉訓練法”(最大聲、最清晰、最快速);2、組建瘋狂英語角或瘋狂英語俱樂部,營造語言氛圍;3、中學英語口語結合瘋狂英語神奇的句子中心論。即以句子結構為中心,將口語變成說句子(如:What’s your favorite…?)這一句型,后面可以變接(food, pastime, holiday)等,由一個句型演變成十幾個甚至上百個句子,也就是所謂的:“以一頂十,以一頂百的核裂變超級句型”;4、開展多種瘋狂式英語演講活動,激發學生的能動性;5、幫助學生樹立瘋狂的情感意識。情感是指制約行為的感情、感覺、心情、態度等方面;6、多媒體輔助,輸入瘋狂信息資料;7、在瘋狂口語中培養學生的英語思維能力,巧妙地借助身體語言;8、用瘋狂英語手勢法和五大發音秘訣,幫助學生糾正發音,突破發音難關。手勢法:指用不同的手勢扮演不同的發音部位,盡情地跟隨手勢,張嘴進行模仿、練習,直到真正做到位;五大發音秘訣即為:長元音和雙元音飽滿、短元音急促有力、干凈利落、連音和省略、咬舌音、繞口令訓練等,真正幫助學生糾正發音,突破發音難關。結合實際,說明了推崇李陽瘋狂的必要性!




      Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am a f. o. &boli-bennett, my tutor is Chen. Her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it's show time. You and I will work hard to welcome any correction.

      The topic of my thesis is《 George Eliot “Middleton ma qi” of the female and female problems》.Here's the paper selected topic background.

      George Eliot (1819-~1880) was bom as Mary Anne Evans, an English novelist,journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorimi era who developed themethod of psychological analysis. George Eliot is her pseudonym in the literary circle.

      In January 1855 after eight-month-stay with George Henry Lewes from Germany back toEngland, her first article Evangelical Teaching in Westminster Review was well received, butconsidering the discriminative views on women critics in the mid-Victorian era,she used “theauthor of article No. 4as a code name to conceal her gender so that she could gaina fair treatment from critics. With the encouragement of Lewes and her distinct views onwriting, she turned to fiction in 1856, among which Scenes of Clerical Life is her first novel.

      As a leading woman novelist in the late Victorian era, Eliot is a prolific writer in noveland poetry. Her works include seven novels including Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on theFloss (1860),Silas Marner (1861),^omo/a(1863), Felix Holt, the Radical (1866),Middlemarch (1871-72),Daniel Deronda (1876),poetry with The Spanish Gypsy (1868) asthe representative, translation of David Strauss' The Life of Jesus (1846) and of LudwigFeuerbach's The Essence of Christianity (1854) and other articles like Silly Novels by LadyNovelists (1856),Scenes of Clerical Life(l857),etc. when she worked as editor ofWestminster Review (1851-1854)。

      As far as Eliot's writing style is concerned, she creates her fictional world out of herpersonal experience~a middle-and-lower-class rural England of the nineteenth-centuryMidlands. All her rich experience gives rise to her distinct writing features, which is highlypraised by Leavis in The Great Tradition:

      Of the earlier novelists it was George Eliot alone (if we except the minor relevance of JaneAusten) whose work had a direct and significant bearing on her own problem. It had this bearingbecause she was a great novelist, and because in her mature work she handled withunprecedented subtlety and refinement the personal relations of sophisticated charactersexhibiting the 'civilization,of the 'best society,' and used, in so doing, an original psychologicalnotation corresponding to the fineness of her psychological and moral insight .

      Leavis summarizes the writing features of George Eliot from two aspects. Firstly, Eliot's lifeexperience and her research into the Victorian society are well reflected in her works,whichjustifies for our study on the inter-relationship among her life, her feminine outlook and herfeminine characters in her works. Secondly, she specializes in ”sophisticated characters“ withthe touch upon the Victorian society and a daring trial on the psychological development ofcharacters.

      Young called Eliot as ”moralist of the Victorian revolution . Undoubtedly Eliot'sdeep insight into human psychological and moral aspects symbolizes her mature techniques inhandling with characters, which,to a great extent, also greatly influences her successorsincluding Henry James, Joseph Conrad, and D.H. Lawrence,etc.

      When it comes to her position in English literature,Leavis places Eliot “mnong threeother great novelists including Jane Austen, Henry James and Joseph Conrad.” He regardsEliot as “a great artist~a great novelist, with a great novelist's psychological insight andfineness of human valuation .” Lord David Cecil compares George Eliot with Jane Austenand says by way of explaining the phrase, it is this: that “George Eliot, being concerned, notto offer 'primarily an entertainment,' but to explore a significant theme-a theme significantin its bearing on the 'serious problems and preoccupations of mature life'-breaks with 'thoseftmdamental conventions both of form and matter within which the English novel up till thenhad been constructed?‘” In this way, Eliot's contribution to English literature and herphilosophy beyond the traditional realm for women cannot be neglected.

      Middlemarch is a milestone of Eliot's mature works,which depicts a provincial life of avirtual town named Middlemarch in1830s with more than 70 characters in it Leavis callsMiddlemarch as “the only one book to represent her mature genius.” Virginia Woolfmakes- the following comments on Middlemarch:

      It is not that her power diminishes, for, to our thinking, it is at its highest in the matureMiddlemarch, the magnificent book which,with all its imperfections, is one of the few Englishnovels written for grown-up people.

      The political background of Middlemarch is concerned about the first Reform Bill in1832 of English history. This novel has won critical triumph as well as commercial success,which embodies Eliot's philosophy on life, women, reform and morality,etc. Besides,characters reflect the writer's thinking and passion. As Longinus points out,“The genius ofgreat poets and prose writers, as their passion declines, finds its final expression in thedelineation of character !叫。” So it is with George Eliot in her Middlemarch, Therefore, thefeminine characters in Middlemarch have something to do with George Eliot's outlook onVictorian women. What's more, her personal experience also contributes to the formation ofher distinct feminine views.

      In this thesis, researches will concentrate on the feminine protagonists in Middlemarch tohave a relatively deep study of Victorian women and their women questions in the novel fromthe feminine perspective. During the process, the text intends to find out the interrelationshipbetween Eliot's distinct feminine views and her feminine characters. More importantly, thethesis will induce a relatively objective study on Middlemarch and its feminine characterswhen they tackle with their problems so as to find out both progressiveness and limitations ofGeorge Eliot's feminine views.

      Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into six parts.

      In the first part, the authoress displays the introduction of the thesis including theresearch background, research perspective and aspects as well as the purpose and significanceof the current study.

      In the second part, the thesis shall give the definition of women questions and related keyconcepts in Eliot's writings.

      In the third and fourth part comes the textual analysis. In the two parts, the text willfocus on Dorothea the protagonist to discuss the typical women questions in family andsociety and to look into how they deal with these questions from the gynocritic perspective.

      The fifth part shall be a further exploration on George Eliot's views on women.

      In the sixth part, the research shall come to the conclusion of the thesis as well as somesuggestions for further exploration.

      OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.












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