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【中文摘要】 地質張裂系統廣泛見于熔巖流、地面沉降和張性構造發育的地區。而基性熔巖流的張裂體系具有獨特性,是地下水(或礦泉水)和油氣的重要儲體和運移通道。本文通過對老黑山西部熔巖流的張裂體系的野外實地觀察,結合高分辨率的遙感圖象,對張裂體系的信息進行了提取和分析,試圖探尋老黑山玄武質熔巖流張裂體系的分布規律及其成因。五大連池老黑山西側熔巖流的張裂隙非常發育,長短、寬窄不一。根據高分辨率QuickBird全色波段遙感數據可對張裂寬度大于0.5米和長度大于3米的張裂可以分辨的能力,本次工作對老黑山西部熔巖流的張裂進行了系統提取。所獲得的數據在地理信息系統軟件中進行了空間分析。對張裂的空間分布特征的分析和描述包括張裂的分布方向、區域單位面積內張裂的長度、區域單位面積內張裂的條數(即張裂的分布密度)。在張裂整體優勢方向確定后,在研究區內選取了15個張裂集中分布區,分別統計了區內張裂分布的特點:優勢方向、單位面積區域內張裂的長度、單位面積區域內張裂的條數(即張裂的分布密度)。這些區域有些是屬于同期的熔巖流、有些則不是同期的熔巖流。它們的方向分布反映了該區域熔巖流的張裂特點。對五大連池老黑山西部熔巖流邊緣的一股較大規模次級溢流體上的熔巖穹丘的分析,得到了21個熔巖穹丘的面積、周長和長寬比信息。通過以上工作,得出了下面幾點結論性的認識:1.老黑山西部熔巖流的張裂分布存在著不同的組合結構,這些組合結構與產生張裂的不同類型和期次的熔巖流之間存在著緊密的相關性。2.根據遙感影像判讀及實地觀察,老黑山西部熔巖流的張裂有三組優勢方向,它們反映了熔巖流的流動方向。大規模熔巖流的總流動方向是東西向和北西向,而北東向的熔巖流可能是這些大規模熔巖流的次級溢流,甚至是更小規模的次級溢流。3.隨著距離老黑山火山錐位置的不同和熔巖流的類型(如席狀熔巖流、小規模次級溢流體)不同,張裂呈現不同的特征。
【英文摘要】 The geological systems of tension fissures are widely found in the regions of lava flows, ground subsidence and development of extension structures. However, the fissure systems on the basaltic lava flows are very outstanding, which are the important storage media and migration pathway of groundwater (or mineral water), oil and gas. Through the field observations of the tension fissures on the western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano and the uses of high-resolution remote sensing data, we explored and analyzed the information of the systems of tension fissures and attempt to reveal the law of their spatial distribution and their causes.The tension fissures on the western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano are very rich and have different length and width. According to the ability of high-resolution panchromatic band of Quickbird remote sensing data to identify the tension fissures with the width > 0.5 meter and the length of >3 meter, we took out the data of tension fissures on the western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano. Then the data were analyzed on their spatial distributions by the software of geographic information system. The spatial distribution characteristics of the tension fissures were also analyze and described, such as the distribution of fissure direction, the fissure length within unit area and the fissure number within unit area. After the determination of the overall advantage direction, we chose fifteen interest areas with amounts of tension fissures and studied the distribution characteristics of fissures in each interest areas, including advantage direction, the length and number of fissures within unit area.Some of these areas are the lava flows forming in the same period, while others are not. Their direction distributions reflect the characteristics of fissures in the area. In addition, we measured the information of area, perimeter and aspect ratio of twenty-one tumuli and lava collapse of larger sub-overflow in the edge of western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano, Wudalianchi. The conclusions are as follows:1. There exists the characteristic combination structures of the tension fissures in the western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano. These combination structures have close relationship with the different types and stages of lava flows.2. According to the interpretation of remote sensing data and the field observations, three groups of the fissure advantage-directions in the western lava flows of Laoheishan volcano are recognized, which reflects the directions of lava flows. The overall flow directions of large lava flows is east-west and north-west,but the north-east flow direction of lava flows may be the sub-overflow of large lava flows or the smaller ones.3. With the different distances between fissures and Laoheishan volcanic cone and the types of lava flows (sheet lava flows or small sub-overflows), the tension fissures show the different features.
【中文關鍵詞】 五大連池; 老黑山; 熔巖流; 熔巖穹丘; 張裂
【英文關鍵詞】 Wudalianchi; Laoheishan volcano; lava flow; tumulus; fissure
摘要 4-5
第1章 引言 8-15
1.1 基性熔巖流的張裂構造研究進展 8-12
1.1.1 基性熔巖流 8-10
1.1.2 基性熔巖流的張裂 10-12
1.2 本文研究的主要對象和研究方法 12-15
1.2.1 研究區域和對象 12-13
1.2.2 研究方法和處理流程 13-14
1.2.3 QUICKBIRD數據的特點 14-15
第2章 五大連池火山區的研究背景 15-21
2.1 五大連池火山區的研究史 15-16
2.2 五大連池火山區的構造地質 16
2.3 五大連池火山區的火山地質 16-18
2.4 五大連池老黑山火山的熔巖 18-21
2.4.1 老黑山噴出的結殼熔巖 18-19
2.4.2 老黑山噴出的渣狀熔巖 19-21
第3章 老黑山西部熔巖流張裂的分布與特征 21-44
3.1 張裂特征的野外觀察 21-22
3.2 張裂的空間分布特征 22-41
3.2.1 張裂的頻率分布 23-25
3.2.2 張裂的組合特征 25-30
3.2.3 張裂的優勢方向特征 30-41
3.3 熔巖穹丘的特征 41-44
第4章 五大連池老黑山西部熔巖流張裂的成因分析 44-49
4.1 張裂的形成機制 44-46
4.2 張裂的組合特征分析 46-48
4.3 張裂的優勢方向特征分析 48-49
結論 49-50
參考文獻 50-53
致謝 53-54