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【中文摘要】 配電系統可靠性評估是電力系統可靠性評估中重要環節之一。配電系統作為電力系統中電網直接與廣大電力客戶相連的部分,其可靠性是供電企業和電力客戶非常關心的問題,因而也是非常重要的研究方向。配電網可靠性的研究,其目的是向電力客戶提供安全可靠的電力供應,從而獲得最優的經濟效益和最佳的社會效益。配電網可靠性評估的算法是進行配電網可靠性研究的重要課題。在常規可靠性計算中,僅計算系統各項可靠性指標,很少涉及可靠性最薄弱環節的識別,而識別電力系統可靠性最薄弱環節,具有非常重要的意義。本文在綜述了一些常用配電網評估算法基礎上,提出了一種基于貝葉斯時序網絡的配電系統可靠性評估模型。將貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法應用于配電系統可靠性評估中,利用前向采樣技術,利用貝葉斯網絡對不確定性知識的靈活表示,利用“用戶配電系數”,較好地進行了配電網的可靠性指標評估,較好的解決了配電系統靈活的因果推理和診斷推理,準確的識別了鉗制配電系統可靠性的的薄弱環節。系統的模擬基于基本元件的模擬,利用元件加速穩定法,能較快的加速元件模擬推理和系統模擬推理的收斂速度。以Microsoft Visual C#為開發工具開發了配電系統可靠性評估軟件。該軟件運用高級面向對象技術和圖形化的手段,運用本文提出的基于貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法對配電系統進行可靠性指標的計算,并定量地分析配電系統的薄弱環節,通過對數據的分析處理,得出較傳統方法更有意義的結論。最后,用IEEE-RBTS bus2作為實驗系統驗證了此方法的正確性和軟件的有效性。因此,基于貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法的配電系統可靠性評估是一種較好的方法。
【英文摘要】 The distribution systems reliability assessment is one of the most important parts of power systems reliability assessment. Because distribution system is the direct joining part between power network and the vast power customers, its reliability is the issue power supply enterprise and customers are very concerned about and also a very important research direction. Distribution networks reliability research’s purpose is to provide customers with safe and reliable power supply, thus obtains the best economic and social benefits. The algorithm of distribution systems reliability assessment is an important issue on the study of distribution systems reliability. Reliability conventional calculation involes various system reliability indexs, but rarely touches upon the identification on the weakest links of reliability. However, the identification has a very important significance. This paper presents a kind of distribution systems reliability assessment model based on sequence bayesian networks after summarizing some commen distribution systems reliability assessment algorithms. This method build a bayesian network model of distribution system reliability assessment firetly, apply sequence bayesian networks simulation reasoning algorithm to distribution system reliability assessment, make use of forward facing sampling technique, make use of bayesian networks’flexible representation about uncertain knowledge, make use of "User Distribution Coefficient", carry out a better assessment of reliability indicators of distribution network, make a solution of the distribution system’s flexible causal reasoning and diagnostic reasoning and identify accuratly the weak links of clamp distribution system reliability.The system simulation is based on the simulation of basic components. The compenents and system simulation reasoning’s convergence rate can be accelerated using accelerated stable methods of components.A kind of distribution system reliability assessment software is developed with Microsoft Visual C# as a development tool. The software make a calculation about reliability indicators of distribution network using sequence bayesian networks simulation reasoning algorithm with a high-level object-oriented technology and graphical means, quantitatively analyses the weak links in the distribution system and obtain more meaningful conclusions than traditional methods by data analyzing and processing. At last, IEEE-RBTS bus2 Experimental System proves the method’s correctness and software’s effectiveness. So reliability assessment of distribution systems based on sequence bayesian networks simulation reasoning is a better method.
【中文關鍵詞】 配電系統; 可靠性評估; 貝葉斯時序模擬推理算法; 元件加速穩定
【英文關鍵詞】 Distribution system; Reliability assessment; Sequence bayesian networks simulation reasoning algorithm; Accelerated stable methods of component
摘要 4-5
Abstract 5-6
第一章 緒論 9-14
1.1 配電系統可靠性概念 9
1.2 配電系統特點 9
1.3 配電系統可靠性評估的重要意義 9-10
1.4 配電系統可靠性研究的任務 10-11
1.5 國內外可靠性研究的發展與現狀 11-13
1.5.1 國外配電系統可靠性評價 11-12
1.5.2 我國配電網系統可靠性的研究以及發展現狀 12-13
1.6 本文的研究內容和主要貢獻 13-14
第二章 貝葉斯網絡推理 14-22
2.1 貝葉斯網絡概述 14
2.2 貝葉斯網絡的研究與發展 14-15
2.3 貝葉斯推理問題簡介 15-19
2.3.1 貝葉斯網絡簡介 15-16
2.3.2 D-Separation 判定準則 16-17
2.3.3 單連通和多連通貝葉斯網絡 17-18
2.3.4 推理問題簡介 18
2.3.5 貝葉斯網絡精確推理算法的計算復雜度 18-19
2.4 貝葉斯網絡的近似推理 19-20
2.4.1 基于搜索的方法 19-20
2.4.2 隨機模擬方法 20
2.5 貝葉斯網絡的理論基礎 20-22
第三章 配電系統及其可靠性評估 22-33
3.1 引言 22
3.2 配電系統 22-24
3.2.1 配電系統概念 22
3.2.2 配電系統結構和運行特點 22-24
3.3 配電系統可靠性評估的模型 24-27
3.3.1 二狀態模型 24-25
3.3.2 三狀態模型 25-26
3.3.3 七狀態模型(簡化成四狀態模型) 26-27
3.4 元件的可靠性 27-30
3.5 配電可靠性評估的指標 30-33
3.5.1 負荷點可靠性評估 31
3.5.2 系統的可靠性指標 31-33
第四章 基于貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法的配電系統可靠性評估 33-53
4.1 貝葉斯網絡模型 33-34
4.2 貝葉斯網絡的建立 34-39
4.2.1 路徑搜索方法 34-35
4.2.2 基本故障后果分類 35-37
4.2.3 樹型鏈表的生成 37-38
4.2.4 貝葉斯網絡的形成 38-39
4.3 基于貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法的可靠性分析 39-43
4.3.1 貝葉斯時序模擬推理算法元件模擬 39-40
4.3.2 貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理的“因果”節點模型 40-41
4.3.3 時序模擬推理過程 41-43
4.4 基于貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法的實際算例分析 43-46
4.4.1 單出線配電系統接線圖 43-44
4.4.2 單出線配電系統的貝葉斯網絡圖 44
4.4.3 結果分析 44-46
4.5 因果模擬推理與診斷模擬推理 46-48
4.6 基于元件加速穩定法的單出線配電系統的可靠性分析結果 48-50
4.6.1 加快貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法收斂速度的方法 48
4.6.2 元件加速穩定法 48-49
4.6.3 基于元件加速穩定法的配電系統可靠性分析 49-50
4.7 基于貝葉斯網絡時序模擬推理算法的程序的實現 50-53
4.7.1 開發平臺 50-51
4.7.2 程序框圖及程序界面 51-53
第五章 結論與展望 53-54
參考文獻 54-58
附錄 58-59
在讀期間發表的學術論文 59-60
作者簡歷 60-61