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以題目的難易程度分析,人們常常把它們分為表層理解和深層理解。所謂表 層理解就是對文中的客觀事實 的感知和記憶,深層理解是根據文中的客觀事實, 在認真思考后進行邏輯推理、總結或概括,得出結論,或從 上下文、字里行間 悟出文中沒有直接表達出來的而可能存在的和必然的結果來。
1.要判斷出所給文章的類別,根據各類文章的性質,在開始閱讀后有意識地 著重去掌握和記住某些關鍵的 內容和詞匯。這樣既抓住了要害,又節省了時間, 避免了在若干細節及無關全局的問題上糾纏,初中階段,碰 到的主要是記敘文。 如果是故事或傳記,就應特別注意找出主要人物、事件發生的時間、地點、主要 情節以及 最后結局。故事傳記主要是敘述主人公的主要特征,他與其他重要人 物之間的關系也應同時記住。新聞報導、 史地知識介紹,往往是一人一事地介 紹,比故事、傳記要簡單,但也離不開記敘文的基本特點,對于上述要求 它們 同樣適用。而新聞報導特別強調時間性、準確性,因此要搞清時間、地點和數字。
2.解題時不要邊看問題邊從文中查找答案,因為用這種方法難以提高閱讀理 解的效果,尤其是對于深層理 解的文章。應瀏覽全文,了解全文的概貌。看完 后,應記住文章的要點,重要的結論以及一些關鍵性的人名、 地點、定義和數 字(不同的人名、地點可用鉛筆在試卷上分別打上不同的記號,以便查找)。
3.要注意找出主題句,利用主題句來查找有關信息。一般說來,論述性較強 的文章或說明文,每一段或相 關的幾段里總有一句話是主題句。讀了主題句后, 便能知道這一段大致的中心內容,因為主題句概括了全段的 主要內容,而該段 其余的句子則是用來闡述或說明主題句的。
4.一定要掌握好解題速度,有效地控制考試時間,先易后難是考試時答題的 一般方法。碰到難題時,千萬 不要鉆牛角尖,耽誤太多時間。一時做不出的題, 要果斷舍棄,以免影響解別的較有把握的題。待全部題解完 后,如有剩余時間 再回來做放棄的題。
5.對于一般不影響句子或全文理解的生詞,可以放過去,不必務求理解。遇 到重要生詞時,不要著急,也 不要輕易放棄,我們可以采取根據上下文來猜詞 或根據構詞法來猜詞等方法來猜出這個詞的大致意思。
6.有的學生要用"順讀法",就是先讀短文后讀題目,然后再讀短文尋找正 確答案。有的學生采用"倒讀 法",就是先讀題目(四個選項不讀)后讀短文, 最后尋找答案。我比較贊成"倒讀法",因為這種閱讀方法 是帶著問題閱讀, 目的明確,容易集中,能及時抓住文中與解題關系密切的信息,從而節省了閱讀 時間。“倒 讀法"對表層理解的題目(提問時間、地點、原因等)效果最好,對 深層理解的題目,要從短文的整體內容出 發,進行概括和總結,分析所提供選 項,作出準確的判斷。
總之,解答這類題的中心步驟就是閱讀,既要閱讀短文,又要閱讀題目。閱 讀時要注意閱讀技巧,提高閱 讀效率。在做到以上幾點的基礎上,就可以對文 章后面所給的問題,分別用"一次判斷"、"逐個分析"以及 "排除法"等方 式來進行判斷解答了。
We arrived too late to get good seats. A.When we arrived,the good seats were already taken. B.We were late,but we found some good seats. C.We got good seats some time after we arrived. D.We had to stand for the whole show.
分析與答案:所給句子的意思是“我們到達太晚了而沒能坐上好位子”。而 這四個選項的句意分別是:A. 當我們到達時,好位子已被別人占了;B.我們去 晚了,但是我們找到一些好位子;C.我們到達后的一段時間才 坐上好位子;D. 整個演出時間我們不得不站著。由此可見,選項A更接近所給句子的意思,因而 選項A是正確答 案或最佳答案。
(1 )The great ship, "Titanic "set off from Englandto______. A.Australia B.the USA C.Arabia D.Europe
(2)People then thought it was safe to be on the shipbecause__________. A.it had 16 compartments B.it had more lifeboats than other ships C.it could not sink even if 4 compartments wore broken D.both A and C
(3)The ship was hit_______. A.when it started to cross the sea B.when a very large iceberg was suddenly seen ahead C.soon after it turned quickly on time D.soon after it had crossed the sea
(4)About 1,500 people were dead because________. A.the ship was the largest and finest B.4 of those compartments were broken C.hundreds of people jumped out into the water D.there were not enough lifeboats
(5)Which is the best title(標題)for the passage (短文)? A.How Does the "Titanic"Go Down? B.How Was the Great Ship Sinking? C.The Sinking of the "Titanic" D.The Sinking of a Ship
分析與答案:利用倒讀的方法,我們可以從(1)到(4)中迅速了解到the ship "Titanic"從英國航行到 某地去,為什么那么多人喪生等。在閱讀短文時, 很快就能抓住有關信息,輕而易舉地找出正確答案(分別是 B、D、C、D)。短文 如下:
The great ship, "Titanic" (泰坦尼克號), set off forAmerica in April 1912 on its first
trip.It was carrying morethan 2,000 people.
The "Titanic"was the largest and finest ship at that time.People thought it was safe to be on the ship because it had16 compartments(密 封艙)with it. Even if(即使是)4 of thosewere b roken,it would still be able to stay on the sea.
Four days later,when the "Titanic" was crossing the sea,the man on watch suddenly saw a v ery large iceberg ahead. Thegreat ship turned quickly on time,but before long there was asound from below.The captain went down to see what was thematter.To his surprise,he found the sh ip was sinking fastbecause 5 compartments had been broken! Hundreds of peoplejumped out i nto the water.As there were not enough lifeboats,about 1,500 lives were lost.
(5)是問短文的最好標題的,屬于深層理解, 當你讀了短文就會明白最好 的標題不是A(Titanic是如何 下去的),也不是B (這艘大船是如何正在下沉 的),也不是D(一只船的下沉),而是C ("Titanic"號沉 船事件)。
James Watt(詹姆斯·瓦特)and the Kettle(水壺)
James Watt was an English boy.He liked to ask questionsand was always thinking hard.
One day he was sitting in the kitchen(廚房)with hisgrandmother.There he saw a kettle on the stove(爐子)。
Soon steam began to rise out of the kettle, and the lidwas shaking. "Grandma,what's in the kettle?"he asked.
"Water,my child.Nothing but water."
"But I know there is something else.It pushes the lid up."
"Oh,that's only steam."
"How does the steam get under the lid?"
"It comes from the hot water."
The boy said to himself."The steam must be very strong. Itcan push things.If there is more w ater,the steam will be muchstronger." Many years later James Watt tried hard and succeeded inmaking steam work for people. He gave the world its firststeam engine(發動機).
Ⅰ.Find the word from this story according to the phrases.
1)a thing for boiling water:k________
2)a thing in which fire burning for warming or cooking:s________
3)movable(可移動的)cover for opening:I_________
4)gain(收獲)what one is trying to do:s_________
5)use force on something to make it move away:p_________
Ⅱ.According to the story,choose the correct answer:
1)James Watt was from_________. A.America B.Australia C.England D.Germany
2)There was________on the stove. A.a basin B.a kettle C.a jar D.a pan
3)Grandma told little Watt why the lid of the kettle wasup and down.It was because________ ___. A.the stream pushed it B.the boy moved it C.the lid moved itself D.someone came and did it
4)Many years later Watt invented________. A.the first sewing machine B.the first computer C.the first bike D.the first steam engine
5)James Watt was_________. A.a famous writer B.a famous driver C.a famous scientist D.a famous musician
分析與答案:題1也是做閱讀理解的常見題, 先把所給的詞組或短語意思 弄清,然后從短文中找單詞就不 難了。1 )意為"燒開水的工具",這就是 kettle。2)意為"能在其中燃燒用以取暖或燒飯的東西",這就是 stove。3) 意為"能打開并可移動的東西",這就是lid。4)意為"通過努力去做而取得 的收獲",這就是su cceed。5)意為"在某物上用力使其移動”,這就是push。
3)選A。短文中的奶奶告訴瓦特蒸汽來自熱水。壺蓋的上下波動的力既不 是瓦特做的,也不是有人進來動 的,更不可能是壺蓋自己產生的力動的。