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摘 要:改革開放以來,特別是中國加入世貿組織以來,隨著我國與世界經濟的聯系日趨緊密,我國在世界貿易中的地位不斷提高,2004年1躍成為全球第3大貿易大國。但與此同時 ,我國的外貿依存度也在以驚人的速度飆升,2004年高達70%。這不僅反映了我國經濟融入全球經濟程度的提高和實力的增強,同時也意味著我國依賴國際市場的程度和受世界經濟波動影響程度的不斷加深。針對中國外貿依存度過高的問題,國內外的學者和專家從多方面分析了其中的原因,有的認為是匯率變化,有的認為是產業結構中第3產業比重低,有認為是統計方法差異,還有認為是GDP被低估。本文首先闡述了外貿依存度的演變過程,然后從外貿結構方面分析了中國外貿依存度過高的原因,以及高外貿依存度對中國經濟的影響,最后分析了調整外貿結構的對策和建議。
The Adjustment of China’s Foreign Structure with the High Degree of Dependence on Foreign Trade
Abstract: Since reform and opening-up, especially since Chinas accession to WTO, as connection between our country and international economy being becoming closer, our country position in world commerce improved constantly, suddenly become the third largest big trading nation in the world in 2004. But meanwhile, the foreign trade of our country is depended on degree and risen violently at the surprising pace, up to 70 in 2004. This has not merely reflected the economy of our country incorporates improvement of the intensity of global economy and enhancement of capability, but also means the intensity of the international market of reliance of our country and receives the constant intensification of the economic fluctuation influence degree in the world at the same time. Foreign trade depend on, spend high problem to China, The domestic and foreign scholars and the expert from the multi-analysis reason, some thinking were the exchange rate change, some thinking were in the industrial structure the tertiary industry proportion are low, have thought was the statistical method difference, but also had thought was GDP is underestimated .This text explain foreign trade development course to depend on degree at first, analyze from foreign trade structural respect China foreign trade depend on and see through the high reason, and the high foreign trade depended on one degree of impacts on Chinas economy, analyzed countermeasure and suggestion of adjusting structure of foreign trade finally.
Key words:degree of dependence on foreign trade;structure of foreign trade;risk;countermeasure