- 相關推薦
目 錄
前 言 1
1 C++語言基礎 3
1.1 程序結構 3
1.2 類和數(shù)據(jù)封裝 4
1.3 構造函數(shù)和析構函數(shù) 4
1.4 繼承和派生 4
1.5 多態(tài)性和虛函數(shù) 5
1.6 友元,靜態(tài)函數(shù) 5
1.7 本章小結 6
2 知識的產(chǎn)生式表示法 7
2.1 產(chǎn)生式的基本形式 7
2.2 產(chǎn)生式系統(tǒng) 8
2.3 產(chǎn)生式系統(tǒng)的分類 13
2.4 產(chǎn)生式表示法的特點 17
2.5 本章小結 18
3 基于經(jīng)典邏輯的檢測方法 19
3.1 邏輯表達式等價性檢測 19
3.2 冗余檢測 22
3.2.1 知識冗余 22
3.2.2 冗余檢測方法 23
3.3 矛盾檢測 24
3.3.1 矛盾規(guī)則及矛盾規(guī)則鏈 24
3.3.2 矛盾檢測方法 25
3.4 從屬規(guī)則檢測 25
3.4.1 從屬 25
3.4.2 從屬規(guī)則檢測方法 26
3.5 環(huán)路檢測 26
3.5.1 環(huán)路 26
3.5.2 環(huán)路檢測方法 26
3.6 本章小結 26
4 1致性檢測程序的總體設計與實現(xiàn) 28
4.1 開發(fā)平臺 28
4.2 1致性檢測的總體分析 28
4.3 數(shù)據(jù)結構的設計 28
4.4 1致性檢測程序 29
4.4.1 冗余檢測過程 29
4.4.2 矛盾檢測過程 30
4.4.3 從屬檢測過程 30
4.5 算法實現(xiàn) 31
4.6 本章小結 33
5 1致性檢測程序的測試 34
5.1 測試過程 34
5.1.1 獲取知識 34
5.1.2 測試實例1 35
5.1.3 測試實例2 36
5.1.4 測試實例3 38
5.1.5 測試實例4 38
5.2 測試結果 41
5.3 關鍵性技術 41
5.3.1 檢測方法的總體實現(xiàn) 41
5.3.2 詳細設計細節(jié) 42
5.3.3 進1步工作 45
5.4 本章小結 47
總 結 48
參考文獻 49
致 謝 50
摘 要:在知識庫中知識可能會產(chǎn)生不1致,在應用這些知識進行推理時,會嚴重影響推理過程中知識的推理效率,甚至會產(chǎn)生錯誤。本文主要對知識庫中知識的1致性問題進行研究,并實現(xiàn)1個能檢測知識庫中知識的1致性的程序。
Studing and Implementation
of the Consistency Examination of Knowledge
Abstract: In knowledge base the knowledge may produce the inconformity, in appliedly these knowledgeses proceed logically, would seriously affect the reason logically process the knowledge efficiency, even will produce the fata mistakes.This article is main to proceed the research to the consistency problem of knowledge base inside knowledge, and realizes a program which can examine the consistency of knowledge base with knowledge.
What this article describe is regarding creation rules as a consistency of knowledge examination method.First, introduced the creation type of the knowledge methods.Then, discussed the consistency examination method immediately, including the redundancy, antinomy of the knowledge, from belong to and the wreath road.Finally, realized a verification consistency examination with the VC++6.0 development tool.This article was detailed to discuss the current in common methods.Use a kind of development examination in examine methods:According to logical examination in classic methods, discussing the consistency examination method to relate the insight of the developer at the same time and examine the process of cognition of the method to the consistency to emerges out one by one,exactly because these just make according to produce the consistency of the rules that the knowledge base examine can complete and make its redundancy in the knowledge base, self-contradict with from belong to the rule examines can realize.With these functionses realize,the beneficial to the management that us proceed knowledge base,making the development of the artificial intelligence even have the advantage in the knowledge base.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Knowledge base;Creation type rule;Consistency examination
前 言
(1) 領域專家提供的知識中存在某些不1致、不完整、甚至錯誤的知識。由于專家系統(tǒng)是以專家認識為基礎的,因而專家知識中的任何不1致、不完整必然影響到知識庫的1致性與完整性。
(2) 知識工程師未能準確,全面地理解領域專家的意圖,使得所形成的知識條款隱含著種種錯誤,影響到知識的1致性及完整性。
(3) 采用的知識表示模式不適當,不能把領域知識準確地表示出來。
(4) 對知識進行增、刪、改時沒有充分考慮到可能產(chǎn)生的影響,以至在進行了這些操作之后,使得知識庫出現(xiàn)了不完備的情況。特別是在知識庫建成之后,由于知識間存在著千絲萬縷的復雜聯(lián)系,因而對它的任何改動都可能產(chǎn)生意想不到的后果。
在Windows系統(tǒng)中用VC 實現(xiàn)鉤子機制03-18