- 相關推薦
The applied research of ZigBee in intelligent illumination
Abstract: Along with societys progress and quality of life enhancement, the people already no longer satisfied regarding the lighting attachmentrequest the simple switch control, but needed one kind of energyconservation, is highly effective, the operation nimble intelligenceillumination control system. In the comprehensive survey market thedifferent factory research and development production intelligentillumination control system, the overwhelming majority all is thewired control network which sets up based on the field bus technology,very little has the control network which sets up based on thewireless technology. This article has analyzed one kind of newwireless technical - ZigBee and its in the intelligent illuminationapplied research. The article has first analyzed the existing eachkind of main intelligent illumination agreement characteristic; Thenbased on the ZigBee framework agreement to its physical level, the MAClevel and the network level has carried on the comparatively simpleanalysis; Introduced the ZigBee technology main characteristic and themerit, and applied according to its characteristic and the merit toZigBee to the intelligent illumination has carried on the feasibleanalysis, because the wireless technology existed easily the flawwhich disturbed, the article has further analyzed the ZigBeeanti-jamming, and simply has analyzed ZigBee and other wirelesstechnologies in the intelligent illumination the applicationfeasibility; Afterwards acts according to wireless technical severalkind of networks topology, has analyzed the ZigBee network way, andproposed on the physical building uses ZigBee to set up theintelligent illumination control network the application example;After that C-Bus, Dynet, DALI, HBS, EIB and ZigBee carries on thecontrast network effect, and further has carried on the wirelessnetwork and the wired network the comparison,; Finally makes theanalysis summary.
Key words: Intelligent illumination; ZigBee agreement; Network plan