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【關(guān)鍵詞】 慢性疲勞綜合征[摘要]目的:調(diào)查香港地區(qū)20~50歲人群疲勞與慢性疲勞綜合征(chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS)的發(fā)病情況及其中醫(yī)證型與癥狀,探討CFS的病機。方法:按流行病學(xué)方法,參照英國Chalder等制訂的疲勞量表、美國疾病控制中心1994年制定的CFS診斷標(biāo)準及按《中藥新藥臨床研究指導(dǎo)原則》中醫(yī)證候指導(dǎo)原則的要求制定調(diào)查表,對香港地區(qū)20~50歲的普通公民進行非隨機抽樣調(diào)查。研究疲勞癥狀、CFS及常見的中醫(yī)證型與癥狀。結(jié)果:1 013位公民中,有疲勞癥狀的為585人,占57.8%;符合CFS診斷標(biāo)準的65人,患病率為6.4%。在中醫(yī)證型中,以氣虛血瘀較為多見,占35.7%。在調(diào)查的54種中醫(yī)癥狀中,出現(xiàn)頻率最高的前8位癥狀依次為腰膝酸軟、神疲、乏力、疼痛、失眠、健忘、脈絡(luò)瘀血及頭暈眼花。舌象多見舌質(zhì)淡胖、淡暗,舌苔薄白、薄膩;脈象則多見沉細。結(jié)論:CFS在香港地區(qū)20~50歲人群中的患病率為6.4%。中醫(yī)證型以氣虛血瘀證為主。CFS的病機主要為本虛標(biāo)實,以氣虛、腎虛為本,血瘀為標(biāo)。
[關(guān)鍵詞]慢性疲勞綜合征; 證候; 氣虛血瘀
A preliminary epidemiological study and discussion on traditional Chinese medicine pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome in Hong Kong
ABSTRACT Objective: Our purpose is to conduct an epidemiological study of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and its syndrome types and symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) among adults (2050 years old) in Hong Kong, and to discuss the TCM pathogenesis. Methods: Design: Crosssectional questionnaire survey. Measures: Demographic data, CDC (1994) CFS diagnostic criteria, Trudie Chalder fatigue scale, and China national standard for TCM syndrome types criteria. Subjects: Twenty to fifty years old adults by convenient sampling. Results: One thousand and thirteen subjects were successfully interviewed. Five hundred and eightyfive subjects (57.8%) had different levels of fatigue. Sixtyfive subjects (6.4%) met CFS diagnostic criteria. In terms of TCM syndrome types, blood stasis due to qi deficiency had the highest prevalence (35.7%) among CFS. In the 54 symptoms investigated in total, the first eight symptoms in order of appearing rates were soreness of loins and weakness in knees, poor spirit, lassitude, pain, insomnia, forgetting, vessels blood stasis, vertigo and dazzle. The mostly appeared tongue figures were pale and corpulent or pale dim tongue proper, white and white greasy tongue coating, and the mostly appeared pulse figure was sunkenthin. Conclusion: The point prevalence of CFS among adults of 20 to 50 years old was found to be 6.4%. The most prevalent TCM syndrome type was blood stasis due to qi deficiency. The TCM pathogenesis of CFS was deficiency of origin, mainly deficiency of qi and kidney, with excess of superficiality.
KEY WORDS chronic fatigue syndrome; symptom complex; blood stasis due to qi deficiency
慢性疲勞綜合征(chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS)是一組以持續(xù)或反復(fù)發(fā)作的疲勞,伴有多種神經(jīng)、精神癥狀,但無器質(zhì)性及精神性疾病為特點的癥候群。香港是一個高速發(fā)展的現(xiàn)代化大都市,香港人工作生活的節(jié)奏很快,人們的心理及生理負荷大,因此本病的發(fā)病率也相應(yīng)較高。2004年3月~2004年6月,我們對香港地區(qū)20~50歲的普通公民進行了非隨機抽樣調(diào)查,調(diào)查表的制定參照了英國Chalder等[1]制訂的疲勞量表、美國疾病控制中心1994年制定的CFS診斷標(biāo)準[2]及按《中藥新藥臨床研究指導(dǎo)原則》中醫(yī)證候指導(dǎo)原則[3]的要求,以氣虛、血虛、肝郁脾虛、濕熱壅盛、腎陰虛、腎陽虛、血瘀等為主要中醫(yī)證型,共涉及中醫(yī)癥狀54項及舌、脈象。現(xiàn)將結(jié)果報道如下。
1.1樣本含量 樣本含量估計依據(jù)允許誤差0.2及提高研究可靠性的要求,并參照國內(nèi)外文獻,設(shè)定人群CFS患病率為6%進行計算:N=K×Q/P=100×0.94/0.06=1 567。
1.2調(diào)查對象 采用非隨機抽樣法,共調(diào)查了香港地區(qū)1 567位20~50歲的普通公民。共發(fā)放1 567份調(diào)查表,收回1 020份,其中有效表1 013例,有效反饋率為64.6%。其中男341人,女672人;平均年齡(36.2±7.82)歲。
1.3CFS診斷標(biāo)準 按照美國疾病控制中心1994年制定的CFS診斷標(biāo)準[2]。