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作者:李韓平,周宏,鄭玉玲,鄧小紅,馬茹,姜永強【關鍵詞】 葡萄球菌B型腸毒素
Screening inhibitor of Staphylococcal enterotoxin B from random circular 7mer peptide library displayed on phage
【Abstract】 AIM: To obtain the specific peptide which can bind with SEB and inhibit SEBs enterotoxin activity by panning from the random circular 7mer polypeptide libraries. METHODS: The affinity of peptide and the competitive activity of the synthetic peptide with that of antiSEB monoclonal antibody (McAb) were detected respectively by PhageELISA and competition ELISA. Animal experiment was performed to assess the suppressive effect of the screened peptide on the toxicity of SEB and its enterotoxin. RESULTS: The circular 7mer peptide obtained by panning suppressed the multiplication of spleen lymphocytes in mice. At the ratio of 160:1 (SEB: synthetic 7mers peptide), the peptide protected the little cats from attack of enterotoxin and the survival rate of mice treated with the screened peptide was significantly higher compared with that of the control group. CONCLUSION: The obtained peptide specifically combines with SEB and suppresses its enterotoxin activity, which paves the way for the development of SEB inhibitors.
【Keywords】 staphylococcal enterotoxin B; peptide library; screening; inhibitor
【摘要】 目的: 擬通過生物淘選從噬菌體表面展示環狀7肽肽庫中篩選出與葡萄球菌B型腸毒素(Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, SEB)結合并能抑制該毒素毒性效應的特異性短肽. 方法: 采用PhageELISA來鑒定所得目的肽的親和性;利用競爭ELISA研究合成肽與SEB mAb競爭結合SEB的情況;通過動物實驗考察其抑制SEB的超抗原特性和腸毒活性情況. 結果: 篩選所得短肽在一定濃度范圍內可以抑制SEB對鼠脾淋巴細胞的激活;合成肽與SEB質量比160∶1下,合成肽可較好地抑制SEB對乳貓的腸毒活性,并對SEB引起的小鼠致死具有明顯保護作用. 結論: 得到了能與SEB特異結合并能抑制SEB超抗原特性和腸毒活性的短肽.
【關鍵詞】 葡萄球菌B型腸毒素;肽庫;篩選;抑制劑
葡萄球菌B型腸毒素(Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, SEB)[1]是超抗原(SAg)家族的主要成員之一,該毒素可以造成食物中毒,嚴重時甚至導致致死性休克. SEB中毒后缺乏特異的治療手段,因此研究SEB的特異高效抑制劑具有重大的意義. 我們利用固相篩選方法,即以SEB作為親和靶標蛋白,從環狀7mer肽噬菌體文庫中篩選到與SEB結合,并能抑制該毒素毒性效應的噬菌體克隆. 結果表明,所篩選環狀7mer肽在細胞水平上可抑制SEB對小鼠脾細胞的激活,在整體動物水平上對SEB導致的毒性具有一定保護作用.
環狀7mer肽噬菌體文庫( Random circular 7mers peptide library displayed on phage)為New England BioLabsInc產品; M13噬菌體單鏈DNA提取試劑盒為Qiagen公司產品; SEB單克隆抗體由本室保存; DGal(D半乳糖)為Sigma產品;抗M13噬菌體mAb、CM Sepharose FF為Amesham產品; BCA蛋白定量試劑為Pierce產品.乳貓BALB/C實驗動物由軍事醫學科學院豐臺實驗中心提供并飼養.
隨機肽庫的擴增、定量按照所附試劑盒說明書進行;純化按QIAprepM13 Handbook進行. 親和靶標蛋白SEB的分離純化與定量按文獻[2]方法進行. 依據優勢噬菌體陽性克隆序列合成相應的多肽,由軍事醫學科學院六所合成, 并進行了多肽純化和脫鹽處理,合成多肽的純度達95%以上. 將純化的SEB與0.1 mol/L NaHCO3(pH 8.6)相混合, 制成質量濃度為1 g/ L的溶液,取100 μL混合液加于酶聯條微孔進行包板固定,于4℃過夜;次日棄包被液后,加200 μL濃度為 50 g/L BSA于酶聯孔中進行封閉,37℃結合2 h,間隙振蕩;棄封閉液,取100 mL/L TBST液200 μL洗滌6次,間隔為5 min/次,然后將10 μL肽庫原液加于含有100 μL TBST的酶聯孔中,室溫輕搖過夜;次日棄未結合的噬菌體,取100 ml/L TBST 200μL洗滌10次,間隔為3 min/次,最后加80 μL洗脫緩沖液,室溫輕柔吹打10 min后,將洗脫得到的噬菌體轉入微量離心管中,立即加入15 μL 1 mol/L TrisHCL(pH 9.1)進行中和. 將所得噬菌體進行感染、擴增、純化后進行下一輪篩選. 在后續的篩選中TBST的濃度增為500 mL/L. 隨機挑取第3輪噬菌體單克隆進行培養后進行PhageELISA分析及DNA序列測定. 將SEB包被酶聯板,經30 g/L BSA封閉后加入培養好的單克隆上清,采用PhageELISA法檢測SEB與噬菌體的結合情況. ssDNA的提取