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[摘 要] 在遠古文化中音樂和醫療有著密切的關系,使用音樂來治療疾病在歷史上早已有跡可循,但到了文藝復興時期,現代西方醫學開始突飛猛進,醫學逐漸朝向純粹科學方面發展,而音樂則趨向純粹藝術方面發展,音樂與醫學之間的關系開始分道揚鑣。系統而理論地對音樂治療的臨床價值進行研究始于20世紀之后。雖然從學科的創建至今不過半個多世紀,但音樂治療學卻以驚人的速度在世界上許多國家傳播開來,并且不斷的發展壯大。20世紀80年代初期,音樂治療學從西方傳入中國,從而開始了其在中國的發展之路。但目前,中國的音樂治療并未得到廣泛的應用,甚至許多人并不知曉其為何物。因此筆者想通過本文對音樂治療這個既帶有心理及精神醫學專業知識,又具有深厚的美學和藝術特性的學科的發展史進行概述,并且對音樂治療學的定位以及未來在中國的發展前景提出1些自己的觀點。
[關鍵詞]發展 定位 發展前景
[ Abstract ] has close relationship in the ancient times culture tenor cheerful medical service, use music treats disease already to have the mark in the history to follow, but to the Renaissance time, the modern west medicine started to progress by leaps and bounds, the medicine faces the scientific aspect to develop purely gradually, but music then tends to the pure artistic aspect to develop, between music and the medicine relations start to separate from each other. The system but the theory conducts the research after the music treatment clinical value to begin in for 20th century. Although from discipline foundation until now not more than half centuries, but music therapeutics many countries disseminates actually by the astonishing speed in the world, and unceasing growing strong. The 1980s initial period, music therapeutics spreads to China from the west, thus started it in the Chinas road of development. But at present, Chinas music treatment obtains the widespread application by no means, what even dont many people know it are. Therefore the author wants to treat this through this article to music both to have psychological and the energetic medicine specialized knowledge, and has the deep esthetics and the artistic characteristic discipline history carries on the outline, and as well as future will propose some own viewpoint to music therapeutics localization in Chinas prospects for development.
[ Key word ] develops the localization prospects for development
VisualC 與Delphi/C Builder之比較及未來的發展前景之我見03-18