Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will bein the UK during the whole of November. We are quite interested by the fashion knitwear illustrated in yourcatalogue. As a fashion Chain. We might consider having some of our own designs manufactured in China. Please let me know when you would like to call on us. The week beginning 6 November would suit me best. I look forward to meeting you and discussing this matter.
感謝9月15日的來信。欣聞閣下將于11月逗留倫敦一個月,望到時能撥冗相會。本公司對貴公司商品目錄中的針織時裝深感興趣。現正研究設計款式,在中國制造后寄本公司時裝連鎖店發售。 如能于11月6日或其后數天抽空來訪,當感激不盡。 期待與您會面,商討有關事宜。
Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer. I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for an appointment. We currently have the sole agency for another computer company, Under the terms of the contract , We are barred from stocking any other company’s products. The sole agency comes under review in six months’ time . Contact us then and we may be able to consider your new product.
7月7日有關新型號手提電腦函收悉。 本公司暫未能安排會面,深感歉意。現時正為另一家電腦公司提任獨家代理,根據合約條款,不得銷售別家電腦公司的產品。該代理權將于六個月后期滿。屆時煩請再作聯系,共商貴產品代理事宜。
I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are very pleased to have you on our ream. I know that you will be equally proud of our products. Our European sales Representative, Antoine Gerin , will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feel to call him any time you have a problem, If I can regular intervals. Please feel free to call him any time you have a problem. If I can ever be of service, please call me. I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meeting you. In the meantime, the best of luck with our product line.
歡迎加入本公司成為我們的一分子。相信您也會以本公司的產品為榮。歐洲銷售代理安東尼·格林會定期與聯絡,遇有問題可與他商討。若有其他需要,歡迎向我提出。 下月我將赴法國一游,期望能與您會面。謹祝產品銷量節節上升。
Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarket proposal? We want to make decision by the beginning of next month. We would very much like to hear your thoughts before we make any definite plans. Could you choose a venue for the meeting? I can fly to London any time, Perhaps you would prefer Lyon or Paris? I leave it to you to choose. I look forward to seeing you again.
您好!未知能否于本月會面,商談有關特大自助市場的建議呢?我們準備于下月初作出最后決定。在未訂下明確計劃之前,希望能咨詢的意見。敢問能否選定會面地點?在倫敦、巴黎或里昂商談都可以,悉隨尊便。 期待與您見面。
Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account .We know we made a mistake on your last order . Although we replaced it for you. we want to make sure it does not happen again. We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order. It includes your firm’s particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.
感謝1月26日來信。對上月貴公司更換所需貨品,唯恐類似事件再發生,本公司生產、運輸和出口部經理已商議制訂更有效方法處理貴公司事務,并為此特別設計清單。 隨信奉上該清單,供貴公司今后訂貨之用。當中包括特殊規格、包裝要求和樗說明等欄目,相信此舉有助本公司提供更佳服務,促進雙方合作。如欲增設任何欄目于該清單上,懇求惠示。