1984年成立博物館,2008年被評為首批國家一級博物館,享有“三國圣地”之美譽。 成都武侯祠博物館現分為三國歷史遺跡區(文物區)、西區(三國文化體驗區)、錦里民俗區(錦里)三大板塊,面積15萬平方米。2006年武侯祠被評為國家AAAA級旅游景區,是全世界影響最大的三國遺跡博物館。
從山門跨進武侯祠,叢竹簇簇,松柏森森,翠柳青青,潭水粼粼,景色優美宜人,眼前的香爐里煙霧繚繞,仿佛能帶人一覽三國鼎立的場面o繞過香爐拾級而上,進入了一處靜謐的院落o院子內古木交錯,花卉滿庭o一棵棵百年大樹就像忠心耿耿的士卒守衛著庭院,將庭院的氣氛裝飾得更加神秘o大拜殿是人們祭祀孔明先生的地方,殿內塑著孔明端坐的正面像,他羽扇綸巾,風度莊嚴o地上的蒲團上跪著祈福的人們,虔誠地祈求孔明的庇護o殿堂的柱子上掛滿了歷代名人撰寫的對聯o這些對聯無不包含著人們對孔明先生的敬重和仰慕之情,我閉上眼睛,好像看到了孔明先生手搖羽扇,為劉備出謀劃策的情景o ,
武侯祠之游,給我留下頗深印象的要數那些碑刻、牌匾和楹聯,這一切,使武侯祠彰顯豐富的文化內涵,閃爍著中國古老文化的燦爛光輝o ,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Hello, welcome to the tour. I'm your guide.
Chengdu wuhou temple, is located in south gate wuhou temple street, chengdu, sichuan province is China's only protect us si temple, the temple of marquis, the premier of han and HuiLing, referred to as people used to place the three wuhou temple. Chengdu wuhou temple was built in 223 AD to build HuiLing (tomb of liu bei), among them, the temple of marquis (zhuge liang's dedicated the temple), built in the tang dynasty, the early and sacrifice to liu bei's fierce emperor (han) adjacent the premier of the han, the early years of the Ming dynasty rebuilt the temple of marquis, formed the manner and si, the unity of ancestral temple and cemetery landscape. Besides huiling, the main building of the existing temple temple was rebuilt during the reign of emperor kangxi in 1672. In 1961, the wuhou temple in chengdu was declared by the state council as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.
Founded in 1984, the museum was honored as one of the first national first-class museums and enjoyed the reputation of "the holy land of The Three Kingdoms" in 2008. The museum of wuhou temple in chengdu is divided into three parts: the historic sites of The Three Kingdoms (cultural relic area), the west side (cultural experience zone of the three countries), and jinli folk zone (jinli), which covers an area of 150,000 square meters. In 2006, wuhou temple was awarded as the national AAAA tourist scenic spot, which is the most influential museum of the three countries in the world.
In the three years (223 years), the temple was built by cheng han li xiong (in the reign of 303 -- 334) and was originally located in the city of chengdu. In the southern and northern dynasties, wuhou temple moved in. At the beginning of the Ming dynasty, huiling, han zhaoli temple, wuhou temple merged, and liu bei, zhuge liang and one hall, the shu people used to refer to all three as wuhou temple. The existing buildings in wuhou temple were built in the eleventh year of qing kangxi (1672).
Wuhou temple is divided into the front and back two halls, forming the temple of zhaoli (zhaoli dian, liu dian) in front, the wuhou temple (zhong wu dian and zhuge liang hall) in the rear, the former high post low pattern. The objects in the hall are related to the feather, zhang fei statue. What two corridors of civil-military respectively bungalows, plastic statue of 28 military officer, inside and outside many signboards, of which the most clear Zhao Fan toward al famous: "can policy are turning away from the ancient soldiers not belligerent. It is wrong to be lenient, but later to be thought of. There are six stone tablets in the pines after the gate of wuhou temple, written by the prime minister of tang dynasty, and written by liu gong and lu jian of masons, which is called the "three monuments". There are many cypress trees in wuhou temple, and the atmosphere is solemn and solemn.
Stride into the temple of marquis from the gate, CongZhu ponder, pine forests, cui willow blue green, pool, the scenery pleasant, in front of smoke in the incense burner, as if to take people in three kingdoms tripartite confrontation scene o bypass censer ascend the stairs, entered a quiet courtyard ancient crisscross, o courtyard flower division o hits the full one hundred trees like the loyalty of the foot soldiers guarded the courtyard, will be even more mysterious atmosphere of courtyard decorated o big temple worship is a place where people sacrifice to Mr Kongming, inside the plastic with kongming sits in the front, he lup black silk ribbon scarf, elegant solemn blessing o futon kneeling on the ground, pray piously kongming asylum o hung on the pillars of the temple couplet o these couplets of past dynasties celebrities to write that does not contain the people of the respect and admiration for Mr Kongming, I closed my eyes, as if Mr Saw kongming hand feather fan, liu2 bei4 ideas of o,
Hall, surrounded by bamboo bosk fluffy like umbrella, of primitive simplicity and beautiful thatched cottage o thatched cottage "various ge hermitage" hanging on the front of the plaques o, it is said that this is the place where zhuge kongming was seclusion o zhuge hermitage left is wild YunAn, pavilion, cooper is on the right is zhuge kongming members read the o in this elegant breath over my head picture came out of the "three"...
Wuhou temple tour, leave me a deep impression to the inscriptions and tablets and couplets, all this, the temple of marquis reveals the rich cultural connotation, flashing the glorious beams of the Chinese ancient culture, o
I have seen the solemn and verve of the wuhou temple, and I am more convinced that the splendor of the children of nanyang will be a towering monument in the years to come.
Wuhou temple is located in nanyang wolong hills southwest, south sit west to east, existing palace houses 267 rooms, the main building of the east and west is arranged on a central axis, points before and after the twofold, architectural layout rigorous, density, male yan temple, pavilion, spectacular. In front of the temple is the magnificent and graceful "qiangu dragon" stone memorial arch, nine meters high, the face width of 13.5 meters, three doors and four pillar buildings, the body is covered with the decoration, the symmetrical pattern, the pattern, the pattern, the pattern, the smooth and colorful. Soaring out of the gate, looking at the pillar of the sky, with the pine and cypress, the wuhou temple is more majestic. From the mountain gate to the main hall, the two sides of the two corridors are the front, which is the place for people to sacrifice to zhuge liang. The thatched cottage, behind the pavilion, wild YunAn, cooper has put his ideas into the pavilion, with the platform, small hongqiao, Liang Fu rocks, tuck stone, old longdong, put his ideas into the fields, based on the various ge is bright "put his ideas into life daily life and the construction of monuments (i.e., wolong ten views). Finally, ning yuanlou, also known as the qingfeng building. Outside the hill gate, there are "various ge Wells" and "the tannin reading table". On the left side of the temple, the temple is related to zhangdian, sangu hall and hsieh nursery pavilion. The right courtyard is the road house, where the Taoist lived. Under the stage, there was zhuge college. There is a dragon tower in the southwest corner of the temple. Big main architecture of the temple worship is the front of the temple of marquis, temple of tall, magnificent is jehiel mountain type building, the front suspension and inscriptions more than ten, two wall carved stone, are embedded in the plastic & zhuge liang's statue, both for its jeske, its various ge sun still stands resemble, image is clear.
Ning yuanlou is the main building in the rear of wuhou temple, and also the tallest building in the temple. In the middle of the building, there was a long song of zhu ge liang. The view of the tower, the beautiful scenery of the city of wan city, fresh and vivid.
The wuhou temple covers an area of 120,000 square meters, with clusters of bamboo rustling, pine and cypress mori, water and water, flowers and flowers, the scenery is pleasant. The overall pattern wanes, the structure is elegant and delicate, the atmosphere is ancient and fragrant, the mood is picturesque, without losing the seriousness and seriousness of the famous scholar's temple, also retains the lively and fresh scenery of the old garden. The beautiful natural scenery and the attractive cultural landscape reflect, make you linger. Combining the style of architecture, temple architecture and local folk houses, it shows the high level of architectural art, which is rich in plane, changeable in space, and harmonious in group layout. The inscriptions in the temple are also a feature. The wuhou temple in nanyang, which has been the first place in many wuhou temple in China, is known as the "wolong stele". Its contents are numerous and rich, and remember the recording of the recording of the song, the calligraphy of the true grass of the calligraphy. Among them, "the monument of zhang jingchu", han "li mengchu" and "zhao to the tablet" are rare treasures of the world, and have a high level in the art of calligraphy and sculpture. "Master chart, the resort of the dragon guard" (wu hou temple gate in the right). Wuhou temple's "out of the teacher's table" cursive script, the pendragon flying snake teng, strong and strong, a view of the dragon. According to the inscription, in the eight years of song shaoxing (1138), yue fei was in the temple of wuhou in the rain, and he was deeply moved and wrote a tearful handwritten book "out of his master's table" to express his feelings. Its character is silver check, body is handsome. The prime minister coined the term, a letter of calligraphy. Visitors stop to watch, can see wuhou's mind, and can enjoy the calligraphy of yue fei.