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請求籌備出差 Request for Preparing for a Business Trip
①(會議名稱) will be held ②(會議時間) in ③(會議地點).We’re pleased to inform you that you are invited to attend the conference on behalf of our company.
Delegates are required to sign in ④(會議報到時間).Make sure you arrive there on time. You’d better prepare your trip in advance. Please inform me of your preferred arrival time so that I can book a flight for you. If you have any ⑤(參會資料) for the meeting, please send them via e?mail to the committee ahead of time and send me a back-up copy. If you have any particular requirements concerning ⑥(會議設備),please do not hesitate to contact ⑦(聯系人).Attached please find ⑧(附件內容).
Please reply before the end of this week.
回復請求籌備出差 Reply to the Request for preparing for a Business Trip
Thank you for your email informing me to attend ①(會議名稱).
I am delighted to take this business trip.
I’m writing to confirm that I will arrive in ②(出差地點) on ③(抵達時間). Please book ④(往返機票)for me. ⑤(其他相關事宜).
I do hope that this business trip will be a great success and be beneficial to our ⑥(市場推介).
確認預定行程 Confirming Itinerary Reservation
I am writing to tell you that I have booked ① (機票類型)for your attendance at the ②(會議名稱).
Since you prefer to arrive ③(抵達城市及時間) and to fly back to ④(返回城市及時間),we have booked a round-trip flight, leaving at ⑤(飛往會議地航班起飛時間) and returning at ⑥(返回航班起飛時間).A timetable is attached for all the information about your flight. If I can be of any further assistance,please call me or email me.
Wish you a happy and successful business trip.
付款出錯 Payment Error
With careful check of this order, we regret to tell you that there was an error in ①(出錯的地方)which has lead to a great loss to our company.
So we have to emphasize the contract which shows the purchases should be paid in ② (幣種)rather than....The total amount is ③ (金額).Also, we have to mention that the payment should be finished ④ (合同規定的付款日期).
Please arrange all the related issues immediately, and pay the order required as soon as possible.
Look forward to your prompt reply.
為付款出錯致歉 Apology for Payment Error
Thank you for your email. After careful check, we found that there was indeed a big mistake in ①(出錯的地方).It is ②(出錯的原因).We are deeply sorry for the error that we did not abide by③(不符的地方).We hope you could understand that we did not make such mistake in purpose.
Thank you for your efforts, which have been instrumental in effecting a settlement. We have already changed ④ (需修改的地方).The total amount is ⑤(貨款金額).
Sorry for any inconvenience brought to your company.
對服務的不滿 Service Dissatisfaction
On behalf of our company ① (我方公司名字),I am writing to inform you that our company is not satisfied with ② (不滿意的方面).
For one thing, ③ (投訴對方的不足). For another, we regret to say that ④ (所造成的后果或影響).We tried our best to ⑤(我方已采取的措施),however, we still have not received a definite reply.
All in all, we can not accept that ⑥ (我方不能接受的事宜).Please explain to us clearly so as to avoid ⑦ (應避免產生的后果).
Please give your immediate attention to this matter.