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  • 商務英語短語

    時間:2023-09-19 09:05:21 煒玲 商務英語 我要投稿
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      trust fund 信托基金

      trust receipt 信托收據

      type sample 標準樣品

      ultimate consumer 最后消費者

      unassignable letter of credit 不可轉讓信用證

      unclean B/L 有債務提單

      unconditional delivery 無條件交貨

      unconfirmed credit 未確認信用證

      unconfirmed letter of credit 未確認信用證

      uncontrollable costs 不能控制的成本

      unearned income 未獲利潤

      unfavorable balance of trade 貿易逆差

      unfavorable trade balance 貿易順差

      unfilled orders 未發貨的訂單

      unfinished work 未完成的工作

      uniform customs and practice for documentary credits 押匯信用證統一慣例實務

      uniform prices 固定價格

      unilateral trade 單邊貿易

      unindorsed check 未經背書的支票

      unit cost 單位成本

      unload carge 卸貨

      unprecedented rise 空前漲價

      unprecedented sales 空前銷售

      unreasonable prices 不合理價格

      unskilled labor 不熟練工人

      unsuccessful bidder 未得標商人

      unused balance of letter of credit 信用證未用余額

      upset price 開拍價格,最低價格

      usual discount 普通折扣

      valid period 有效期限

      validity 有效期

      valuable merchandise 貴重品

      value of import 輸入價值

      variable cost 可變成本

      variable expenses 可變費用

      ventilated compartment 通風艙

      verbal (oral) contract 口頭契約

      vice-general manager 副總經理

      volume (space) tons 容積噸

      voyage charter 論次計租輪

      voyage policy 航程保單

      warehouse certificate 倉庫憑單

      warehouse to warehouse clause 倉庫到倉庫的保險條款

      warehouse receipt 倉單,存貨,倉庫收據

      warehouse warrant 倉單

      water stain 水漬

      wear and tear 日久耗損

      weekly reports 周報

      weight list 重量單

      weight tons 重量噸

      weights and measures 度量衡

      well-assorted goods 各色俱全的貨物

      wharf(pier, quay) 碼頭

      wholesale business 批發業

      wholesale dealers 批發商

      wholesale goods 批發貨

      wholesale merchant 批發商

      wholesale price 批發價

      with average 全損之外擔保分損

      with recourse 有追索權

      with particular average 單獨海損賠償

      without recourse 無追索權

      without return 不可退貨

      wooden case 木箱

      working capital 流動資本,資本周轉金

      working day 工作日

      working expenses 工作費用,經營費用

      working hours 工作時間

      World Bank 世界銀行

      world market 世界市場

      worlds fair 萬國博覽會

      wrapping paper 包裝紙

      written agreements(contracts) 書面契約

      written contract 正式合同

      written document 書面證明

      written evidence 字據

      written permission 書面許可證

      yearly installment 按年攤付

      Zone Improvenment Program (ZIP) 郵政編碼

      storage charges 存貨費用

      straight bill of lading 收貨人抬頭提單,不轉讓提單

      straight credit 直接信用證

      straight letter of credit 簡明信用證

      strong firm 有氣色

      strong market 市面旺盛

      subsidiary company 附屬公司

      successful bidder 拍賣成交,得標商

      sundries (all sorts of goods) 雜貨

      superior quality 優等品

      supervision 監督

      superfine quality 極上品

      supply and demand 供需

      supply department 供應部

      supporting document 原始單據,證明文件

      survey method 調查法

      surveyors certificate 鑒定證書

      surveyors report 驗貨報告書,公證人報告

      suspend payment 停止支付

      suspension of business 停業

      suspension of publication 停刊

      synthetic industry 人工合成工業

      table of freight charges 運費表

      table of rates 稅率表

      tabulated quotation 行情表

      Taiwan Supply Bureau 臺灣物資局

      Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau 臺灣煙酒公賣局

      tale quale (tel quel) 現狀條件

      tally 點數,計數

      tally man 點數人,賣賒人

      tally sheet 計數紙

      tax bearer 納稅人

      tax collection office 征稅局

      tax exemption 免稅

      tax exemption certification 免稅證

      tax evasion 逃稅,漏稅

      tax free 免稅的

      tax free imports 免稅進口貨

      telegraphic address 電報掛號

      telegraphic transfer 電匯

      telephone directory 電話號碼薄

      temporary employment 短工

      temporary payments 暫付款項

      temporary receipt 臨時收據

      term bill 期票

      terms of credit 信用證條件

      termination of contract 合約終止

      termination of employment 雇傭終止,解雇

      terms of sale 銷售條件

      textile factory 紡織廠

      thanks for patronage 銘謝惠顧

      this side up 此端向上

      through bill of lading 聯運提貨單

      tight money market 銀根緊的金融市場

      time bill 期票

      time charter 定期租船契約

      time deposit 定期存款

      time draft 遠期匯票

      time letter of credit 遠期信用證

      time limits 期限

      time of delivery 交貨時日

      tissue paper 薄紙,棉紙

      total amount 總計,總數

      total cost 總成本

      total loss 全部損失

      total price 總價

      total value 總值

      trade acceptance 商業承兌匯票

      transit clause 運輸條款

      type of merchandize 貨物種類

      type of payment 付款類別

      trade center 貿易中心

      trade channel 貿易途徑

      trade discount 商業折扣

      trade disputes 商業糾紛

      trade mark 商標

      trade promotion division 貿易推廣部

      trade zone 貿易地區

      trade secret 商業機密

      trading corporation 貿易各公司

      tranship goods 轉口貨

      travel allowance 旅行津貼

      travellers check 旅行支票

      travellers letter of credit 旅行信用證

      treasury bill 財政部證券

      treaty obligation 條約義務


      trial balance 電子表格

      trial order 試訂單

      trial sale 試銷

      trucking expenses 卡車運費

      sell well 好賣,暢銷

      sellers market 賣方市場(求過于供)

      selling agent 銷售代理商

      selling cost 銷售成本

      selling at half price 半價出售

      selling at less than cost 蝕本出售

      selling expenses 銷貨費用

      selling price 售價

      selling profit 銷售利潤

      selling rate 賣價,賣出比率

      semi-finished goods 半成品

      semi-manufactured goods 半成品

      service business 服務業

      service department 服務部

      settle a claim (bill) 解決賠償

      settle account 結帳,清算,支付

      settlement of exchange 結匯

      share holder 股東

      shares of stock 股份

      ship (discharge) the cargo 裝(卸)貨

      shipped on board B/L 裝運提單

      shipping advice 貨運通知

      shipping agent 貨運代理人

      shipping business 航運業

      shipping company 航運公司

      shipping documents 裝運單據

      shipping expenses 裝貨費用

      shipping note 裝貨通知單

      shipping order 發貨單

      shipping receipt 裝貨收條

      shipping sample 裝船貨樣

      shipping space 艙位

      shipping ton 裝載噸

      shipping weight (intake weight) 裝船貨物重量

      shipment sample 裝運貨物樣本

      shop keeper 老板,店主

      shopping center 市場,購物中心

      short bill 短期匯票

      short contract 空頭

      short credit 短期信用

      short form bill of lading 簡式提單

      short tons 短噸

      shortage in weight 重量不足

      shut out 退關,軋出

      shut the book 停止交易

      signing of contract 簽約

      sight bill 即期匯票

      sight draft 即期匯票

      sight letter of credit 即期信用證

      silver coin 銀幣

      simple contract 簡約

      skyrocketing price 飛漲價格

      slack season (off season) 淡季

      slip system 傳票制度

      small change 零錢

      small quantity 小量

      smuggled goods 貨

      sole agents 包銷,獨家經理人

      special clause 特別條款

      special column 專欄

      special discount 特別折扣

      special expenses 特別開支

      special order 特別訂貨

      special price 特價

      special tax 特種營業稅

      special value 特別價值

      speculative business 投機事業

      spot delivery 當場交付

      spot goods 現貨

      spot sales 當場買賣

      stale bill of lading 失效提單

      stamp duty 印花稅

      stamp tax 印花稅

      standard 標準,準則

      standard of living 生活標準

      standard sample 標準樣品

      standardization 標準化

      stand-by letter of credit 備用信用證

      state enterprise 政府企業

      state monopoly 國營專賣

      statement 表,報表,報告書,清單

      statement of assets and statement of loss and profit 損益表

      sterling area 英鎊區

      sterling bloc 英鎊集團

      stock in hand 有現貨

      stock keeper 貨物管理人

      stock market 股票市場

      stock on hand 存貨,存貨目錄

      stop payment 止付

      stop work 停工

      storage (godown rent) 倉租,保管費

      recipient of goods 受貨人

      reciprocal buying 互相購買

      reciprocal demand 相互需求

      reciprocal purchase 相互購買

      reciprocity clause 互惠條款

      red bill of lading 紅色提貨單

      reduce the price 減價

      refined salt 精鹽

      reflation 通貨再膨脹

      registered 掛號的,登記過的

      registered capital 注冊資本

      registered letters (post) 掛號信

      registered mail 掛號郵件

      registered trade mark 登記商標

      regular members 普通會員

      regular price 正常價格

      regular procedure 正規手續

      regular service 定期服務

      regular subscriber 常年訂閱者

      reinsurance policy 再保險單

      reminder letter 催函

      remit money 劃撥款項

      remittance permit 匯款核準書

      renminbi (RMB) 人民幣

      repeat offer 重復發價(發盤)

      report form 報告格式

      request notes 申請單

      restraint of trade 貿易約束

      restriction of import 進口限制

      resume business 復業

      retail business 小買賣,小生意

      retail dealer 零售商

      retail price 零售價

      retail store 零售店

      retail trader 零售商

      return cargo 回頭貨

      returned goods 退貨

      revision of treaty 修正條約

      right of priority 優先權

      risk plan basis 實際危險制

      risk of breakage 破損險

      risk of hook damage 鉤損險

      risk of leakage 漏損險

      risk of non-delivery 遺失險

      risk of oil damage 油污險

      risk of sling damage 吊索損險

      risk of sweat damage 潮腐險

      risk of theft and/or pilferage 盜竊險

      risk of warehouse to warehouse 倉庫至倉庫險

      rise in price 漲價

      rival commodities 競爭商品

      rival firms 競爭公司

      rock bottom price 最低價

      rough estimate 概算

      round voyage 全航程

      sales allowance 銷貨折讓

      sale book 銷貨簿

      sale by brand and/or description 憑廠牌和說明售貨

      sale by bulk 批發

      sale by description and/or brand 貨物分類出售

      sale by inspection 看貨買賣

      sale by sample 憑樣本買賣

      sale by specification憑規格買賣,憑說明書買賣

      sale by standard 憑標準買賣

      sale by confirmation 售貨確認書

      sale contract 售貨合同

      sales invoice 銷貨發票

      sales letters 銷貨信件

      sales manager 營業主任,銷售經理

      sales potential 推銷潛力

      sale tax 銷售稅

      sales promotion 促進銷售

      sales quotas 銷貨配額

      sales system 銷售制度

      sales tax 銷售稅

      sales territory 銷售區域

      sales woman 女推銷員,女店員

      sample card 貨樣卡

      sample of goods 貨樣

      sample room 樣品間

      savings bank 儲蓄銀行

      sea damage 海損

      sea risk 海險

      secondhand goods 舊貨

      secondhand wooden case 舊木箱

      second party 乙方

      selected quality 上選品質

      selection 選擇品,精選品

      sell goods 銷貨,行銷

      sell on credit 賒銷

      sell out 賣完


      干勁十足 strenuous efforts

      給予照顧 to extend one’s accommodation

      有心事have something on one’s mind

      理所當然 stand to reason

      不合情理 be contrary/against to reason

      激烈競爭 sharp/fierce competition

      站穩腳跟 set a firm footing in…

      把心里話說出來 to speak out one’s mind

      當然啰 by all means

      沒問題 be out of the question

      沒門 be out of the question/by no means

      不能再往下去了 cannot go any further

      達成交易 to come to terms with you/to come to business/transaction with you on the following terms/ to close business at the price of/to close a deal with your offer/to conclude business/ to enter into business with you/to see/pull the business through


      開門見山 come straight to the point

      沒有機會 stand no chance

      做成這筆交易 to pull the transaction through

      折中 to meet each other half way

      共同的努力 joint effort

      妥協 make a compromise

      得寸進尺 be neversatisfied/ be so insatiable

      太離題 go too far off the point

      完全達成一致 arrive at a complete agreement/come to an agreement/conclude an agreement/ enter into an agreement/ reach an agreement/ make an agreement

      結果令人滿意 turn out satisfactory

      對……非常熟悉 be well acquainted with

      不受顧客歡迎 be out of favor with the customers

      你一定知道 You must be aware of the fact that…

      你不會不知道 You cannot be ignorant of the fact that…


      即期裝運 prompt shipment

      裝船耽擱 delay in shipment

      野蠻裝卸 rough handling

      安排裝船 arrange shipment

      加速裝船 expedite shipment

      延期裝船 extend shipment

      提前裝船 advance shipment

      延遲裝船 postpone shipment

      貨物吊上船 the goods on the hook

      直達輪 direct steamer

      租船 to charter a ship

      裝船通知 shipping advice

      裝船須知 shipping instruction

      裝船延期 to postpone the shipment

      允許分批裝運和轉船 partial shipment and transshipment allowed

      裝船單據 shipping documents

      按時裝船 punctual shipment

      整批裝運 ship the whole lot at one time

      提前裝運 to advance shipment


      分期付款 payment by installments

      苛刻的付款條件 harsh payment terms

      余額以優惠付款的方式在…年內付清 to have the rest in easy payments spread out in …years

      外商獨資企業 an enterprise exclusively with foreign capital

      補償貿易 compensation trade

      支付方式 mode of payment

      付款交單D/P (Document against Payment)

      出示單據議付 presentation of shipping documents and negotiation

      由某人付款 for one’s account

      外貸 foreign loans

      報拉格斯最低到岸價 quote the lowest price CIF Lagos

      價格低廉 keen price

      已向外報價 be on offer

      大量詢價 a crowd of inquiries

      凈價 net price

      穩定物價 to stabilize the price











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