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  • 商務英語初級口語詞匯詳解

    時間:2024-09-24 01:06:53 商務英語 我要投稿
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      1.She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.


      重點詞語:vendor n. 賣主(公司或個人)

      商務用語:a news vendor 報販

      2.The price for food are subject to variation.


      重點詞語:variation n.變化,變更

      商務用語:the variation of opinion 意見的改變

      3.The shopping-center sells a variety of goods.


      重點詞語:variety n. 多樣化

      商務用語:a variety of 多種做樣的

      4.He ventured all his assets in the new business.


      重點詞語:venture n. ①企業 ②商業冒險 v.①冒險 ②投機

      商務用語:joint venture 合資企業

      venture capital 風險資本

      5.Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation.


      重點詞語:vocation n. ①行業 ②職業 ③勝任,適合

      商務用語:agricultural vocations 農務

      commercial vocation 商務行業

      have no vocation for arts 不適合搞文藝

      6.Her position has been upgraded to executive level.


      重點詞語:upgrade n./v. 升級,提升

      商務用語:on the upgrade 改善的,進步的

      7.Her retirement has left the position of company manager vacant.


      重點詞語:vacant adj. 空缺的

      商務用語:apply for a vacant position in an office 申請一個空缺的職務

      a vacant position 空職

      8.The value of water far exceeds its price.


      重點詞語:value n./v. ①價值 ②估價

      商務用語:a rise in value 價格上漲

      value securities 有價證券

      9.The treasurer will be presenting the accounts at the annual meeting.


      重點詞語:treasurer n.①司庫 ②掌管財務的人

      商務用語:Treasurer of the Household 英國皇室財務主管

      10.The Treasury is the part of the government which collects and pays out the government money.


      重點詞語:treasury n. ①國庫 ②財政部

      商務用語:treasury stock 庫存股

      treasury warrant 國庫支付命令書

      11.The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.


      重點詞語:undertake v. ①從事 ②同意做某事

      商務用語:undertake a post 擔任一個職位

      12.They are all temporaries like me.


      重點詞語:temporary adj.暫時的,臨時的

      商務用語:temporary employment 臨時的工作

      temporary workers 臨時工

      temporary post 臨時職位

      13.He tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister.


      重點詞語:tender n./v.①投標 ②清償 ③履行(某契約)④估價單,標書

      商務用語:tender for the construction of a new motorway 投標承建一條新的高速公路

      tender money in payment of a debt 討債還債

      invite tenders for a new bridge 新橋工程招標

      tender offer 投標

      14.Trade with other countries is important.


      重點詞語:trade n./v. ①生意 ②經商

      商務用語:balance of trade 貿易平衡

      trading profit 貿易利潤

      insider trading 內部交易

      trade mark 商標

      15.That company supplies paper to the printers.


      重點詞語:supply n./v.供給

      商務用語:supply the market with new commodities 向市場供應新商品

      supply a need /demand 滿足需要

      have a good supply of 備有許多

      16.According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.


      重點詞語:survey n.調查

      商務用語:monthly survey 月評

      geological survey 地質勘察

      annual survey 年度調查

      appraisal survey 估價調查

      17.There are plans to take over the company.


      重點詞語:take over n.①接管 ②接任,接替

      商務用語:take over from 取代

      take over as 接替某一職務

      18.This task is a accomplished by great effort.


      重點詞語:task n.①任務,工作 ②定額

      商務用語:fulfil a task 完成一項任務

      task force 突擊隊,攻關小隊(為完成某項任務而在一起的一組人)

      19.These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.


      重點詞語:tax n.①稅 ②稅金

      商務用語:free of tax 免稅

      capital gains tax 資本收益稅

      corporation tax 公司稅,法人稅

      20.She has a taxable income of $50,000 per year.


      重點詞語:taxable adj. 可征稅的

      商務用語:taxable income 應納稅收入的

      taxable allowance 免稅額

      21.The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products.


      重點詞語:wholesaler n.批發商

      商務用語:general line wholesaler 百貨批發商

      general merchandise wholesaler 雜貨批發商

      22.After dinner the ladies withdrew.


      重點詞語:withdraw v. ①拿走 ②收回 ③退出

      商務用語:withdraw the accusation 撤回控訴

      withdraw a bill 撤銷議案

      withdraw a remark 收回發言

      withdraw $500 from a bank account 從銀行提取500美元

      23.Our chief representative's withdrawal was construed as a protest.


      重點詞語:withdrawal n. ①拿走 ②收回 ③退出

      商務用語:coin withdrawal 鑄幣回收

      excess withdrawal over issue 已發行紙幣的超額回籠

      fixed savings withdrawals 定期儲金提款

      24.The plan won't work? How so?


      重點詞語:work n./v. ①工作 ②運轉 v.使(某人)工作,使用(某人)

      商務用語:in the works 準備中;發展中

      work-in-progress 工作過程

      workload 工作量

      work order (包括原料、半成品、成品的)全部存貨總量

      25.After the crash the car was a write-off.


      重點詞語:write-off n. ①債務的取消 ②保費項目,報廢物

      商務用語:periodic write-off 定期注銷

      premature tax write-off 過早的稅收沖銷

      rapid tax write-off 稅款快速沖銷

      tax write-off all the expenditures 各項費用的沖銷

      26.adulterant adj.摻雜用的 n.摻雜物,偽造品

      【例句】Adulterants are not allowed to appear in the market.


      27.advance n.提升;預付款 vt.貸款;預付墊款;預支 adj.預先的

      【商務用語】advance order 預定貨量

      advance publicity 前期宣傳

      on the advance (物價)在上漲

      additional advance 追加墊款

      【例句】You must pay for the goods in advance.


      28.adventure n.商業投機,投機事情,投機買賣

      【商務用語】adventure account 特種委托賬;投機買賣賬

      29.adverse adj.不利的,敵對的;相反的

      【商務用語】adverse exchange 逆匯

      adverse opinion 查賬報告中的反面意見

      adverse factors 不利因素

      adverse conditions 不利條件,有害狀態

      30.adviser n.顧問

      【商務用語】adviser in industry 工業顧問

      31.adjustable adj.可調整的

      【商務用語】adjustable currency 可視經濟需要調整的貨幣供應量

      adjustable dalay 可調延遲時刻,可調滯后

      adjustable desk 活動課桌

      adjustable distance 可調距離

      32.administer vt. 管理;實施 vi.管理 n.管理人,管理

      【商務用語】administer a trust fund 經營一項信托基金

      administer justice 執行審判

      administer arbitration 管理仲裁

      administer relief 進行救濟

      【例句】The manager of the personnel department has the responsibility to administer the staff of the company.


      33.administrative adj.管理的,行政的

      34.abode n.住所,寄居;營業所

      【相關詞組】take up one's abode 定居

      35.aboriginal adj.原始的;土著的 n.土著居民,土產

      【商務用語】aboriginal coast 原始成本

      36.abortive adj.無結果的;失敗的;夭折的

      【相關詞組】prove abortive 歸于失敗

      【例句】It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap.


      37.absolve vt.免除,解除

      【相關詞組】to absolve a person from blame 赦免某人

      【例句】They agree to absolve us from our obligation.


      38.absorption n.吸收,合并

      【商務用語】cost absorption 成本分攤/攤銷

      freight absorption 運費免收

      【例句】The absorption of small farms into a big one is supported by the government.


      39.abandon vt.放棄,委付 n.放任,狂熱;(海運保險)委付

      【商務用語】abandon rate 掛斷率

      abandon a claim 放棄索賠

      【例句】The project will be probably abandoned.


      40.abate vt.降低;取消;減少 vi.失效,(法令等)被廢除

      【商務用語】abate a tax 減稅

      abate a price 還價

      41.abatement n.沖銷;降低;打折扣;減稅

      【商務用語】price abatement 降價

      42.abeyance n.中止,擱淺,(所有權等的)未定

      【相關詞組】be in abeyance 暫停;未定

      keep(hold) in abeyance 暫不實施

      go(fall) ionto abeyance 失敗;(計劃等)延期

      【例句】Some old laws have fallen into abeyance.


      43.abide vi.遵守;堅持 vt.(常用語否定句或疑問句)忍受

      【相關詞組】abide by ... 遵守,堅守

      【例句】We must abide by the contract.

      44.accumulate vt.積累,存儲,蓄積(財產等)

      【商務用語】accumulated funds 積累的資金

      【例句】By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library.


      45.additional adj.附加的,補充的

      【商務用語】an additional tax 附加稅

      the additional regulation 補充規定

      additional outlay 額外開支

      additional appropriation 追加撥款

      46.adjudicate vt.判決,裁定 vi.審斷,判決

      【商務用語】adjudicate a claim for damages 裁定一項損害賠償的要求

      adjudicate (up) on a question 裁決一個問題

      adjudicate on a case 判決某案子

      adjudicate upon 判決

      47.adjudication n.判決;法院的判決

      【商務用語】bankruptcy adjudication 破產程序中的判決

      adjudication order 判決令

      48.adjunct n. 附件,助手 adj.附屬的

      【商務用語】adjunct account 增價賬戶

      adjunct condition 附加條件

      adjunct professor 副教授

      adjunct circuit 附加電路,附屬電路

      49.abundance n.豐富;充裕

      【相關詞組】a year of abundance 豐年

      【例句】Curtains are available in abundance.


      50.accessory n. 附件;零件 adj.附屬的,副的

      【相關詞組】accessary of a bicycle 自行車的附件

      51.accomplish vt.完成,達到,實現

      【相關詞組】to accomplish a purpose 達到目的

      accomplish one's mission 完成使命

      【例句】You should accomplish the task within the allotted time.


      52.accordance n.一致,和諧,給予

      【相關詞組】act in accordance with the rules 根據條例行事

      in accordance with your orders 按照你的命令

      53.accrue vi.自然增加;發生權責 vt.獲得,積累

      【商務用語】accrued assets 應計資產(應收未收款項)

      accrued interest 應計利息

      accrued depreciation 應計折舊

      【例句】The interest accrued over the months.

      54.affinity n.密切關系;吸引力;親和力

      【商務短語】affinity of aggregation 集團親和力,內聚力

      unit affinity 設備相似

      55.affirmation n. 斷言;證實;批準

      【商務用語】affirmation of a contract 批準合同

      make an affirmation 斷言

      56.agenda n. 議事日程;待辦事項記事冊

      【商務用語】place/put sth.on the agenda 把某事提到日程上來

      action agenda 行動記錄冊

      approved agenda 審定議程(最后通過的會議議程)

      provisional agenda 臨時議程

      57.aggregate n.合計,總量;法人團體 adj.合計的 vt.合計

      【商務用語】monetary aggregates 貨幣流通額

      output aggregate 總產品

      corporation aggregate 社團法人

      aggregate expenditure 總支出

      58.agreed adj.已經通過協議的,同意的

      【商務用語】agreed valuation 協定價值(承運人與托運人互相協定的貨物價值)

      agreed price 議定價格

      agreed charge 優待運費

      agreed quantity of trade 議定貿易量

      59.ailing adj.生病的,境況不佳的

      【商務用語】ailing economy 病態經濟

      【例句】The finance of our company is involved in ailing situation.


      60.airway n.空中航線

      【商務用語】airway bill 航運收據

      airway delivery note 空運提貨單

      international airway 國際航路

      global airway 環球航路











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