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雅思地圖題每個細節變化都要提到,不要忽視一個細節 。下面是小編整理的雅思地圖題范文,希望能幫到大家!
The map shows the growth of a village called Chorleywood between 1868 and 1994.
It is clear that the village grew as the transport infrastructure was improved. Four periods of development are shown on the map, and each of the populated areas is near to the main roads, the railway or the motorway.
From 1868 to 1883, Chorleywood covered a small area next to one of the main roads. Chorleywood Park and Golf Course is now located next to this original village area. The village grew along the main road to the south between 1883 and 1922, and in 1909 a railway line was built crossing this area from west to east. Chorleywood station is in this part of the village.
The expansion of Chorleywood continued to the east and west alongside the railway line until 1970. At that time, a motorway was built to the east of the village, and from 1970 to 1994, further development of the village took place around motorway intersections with the railway and one of the main roads.
The Hawaiian island chain, in the centre of the Pacific Ocean, is approximately 2,700 km in length. It is formed of volcanoes and the active ones are at the south-east tip of the archipelago, where Hawaii itself is located.
It is believed that the chain began to form nearly 80 million years ago. Each island started to evolve after an eruption on the sea floor. First, a `hot spot' existed on the ocean bed, which let out a plume of material called magma. This magma may originate as deep as 2,883km below the ocean bed. Next, further eruptions took place, which built up the volcano. Eventually, it emerged above the surface of the ocean.
Since that time, the spume of magma has remained static as the Pacific tectonic plate moves in a north-west direction across it at a speed of 7-9cm per year. As it moves, a volcano forms as it passes over the hotspot and then become inactive when it has passed it.
In the year 1780, a river that ran/went along the north-south direction stretched through the western periphery/edge of the village. Immediately to its east was a vast expanse/plot/tract of farmland where farmers engaged in agricultural activities. The northeastern corner of the village was occupied by residential buildings that accommodated around 100 families. Overlooking from the homes to the south lay a sprawl of woods that took up almost a quarter of the land area of the village.
By the year 1860, significant/tremendous changes had taken place in the layout of settlements in the village. A bridge was built over the river, facilitating the communications and interactions between people on either side of the river. The area of farmland was halved to give way to the construction of a new road linking the river bank to the homes, whose number also doubled over the span of 80 years to 200. The tract of woodland was also significantly reduced, giving rise to vast areas of open, unused land.
The village indicated clear, visible signs of modern infrastructure in the year 2000. The population increased by nearly twofold, attaining 500. On the previously open land erected schools and sports fields for children to receive education and play sports. A new road was set up to make the travel between residential areas and schools more convenient. What's more, a line/stretch of shops was established along the eastern river bank in the downstream, heralding the advent of a commercial era. More impressively, a wetland formed at the southern end of the river, providing a shelter for birds in the region that retained the last vestige of the pristine nature amidst the full force of modernization elsewhere.
The diagrams of the coastal area of Brightsea illustrate its development from a fishing community in 1950 to a ferry terminal, with plans for future development.
In 1950 the coastal zone of Brightsea was undeveloped with just a light house and lighthouse keeper's house. There was a jetty for fishing boats, and a few cottages.
Currently, it can be seen that certain developments have taken place. For example, roads have been constructed and there is an hotel near the lighthouse. A large wharf is now supporting a ferry service. A cafe and shop are catering for the daily needs of the community.
There are plans for Brightsea to experience further growth. The hotel is to be extended and a sailing club built alongside the hotel, to the south. A second ferry wharf will be added with a telecommunications antenna and the shop replaced by a supermarket and car park. In the northern part of Brightsea, a restaurant and apartments will be built to supersede the cafe.
In summary, the coast of Brightsea has changed from being a fishing community in 1950 and is expected to become a more signigicant ferry terminal. The lighthouse will have been the only constant landmark.