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雅思高分作文:大學教育 1
As university education is the last stage before the starting of career, many people believe that it prepares students for employment only, but the fact is that it serves a lot many purposes. In this essay I shall discuss the various functions of a university.
Universities provide specialised education in fields such as medical, engineering, commerce etc. They provide library facilities, which support the curriculum. They provide laboratory facilities for science and technology related subjects. They send students to factories and industries so that they get practical experience. This job-oriented training helps them to understand the working conditions and also gives them an idea about competition in the market. They also create job opportunities for the students by arranging campus interviews.
On the other hand, universities also perform other functions which help the students in their personal life. They organise co-curricular activities such as cultural programmes, sports, debates, fairs etc. They gain many qualities such as self-confidence and positive attitude, which help them in their future life. Moreover, some people just go to university for gaining knowledge just out of interest for the subject. For example, a doctor may want to learn French language just for interest in the language.
Furthermore, a university is a place to know more about the world because there are students from across the globe in a university. For many, who may never travel abroad, this may be a chance of a lifetime for them to broaden their horizons and know more about the different cultures of the world. For example, in LPU ( Lovely Professional University), there are 200 students from Malaysia, Korea and other parts of the world.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, universities do not simply prepare a person for employment, but also have many other functions.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 2
Universities provide profound subjects in particular field to train people for their career. People are facing lots of hardships to complete their higher education and dropouts became common. There are several reasons for this trend which I intend to discuss in this essay in hope of suggesting appropriate measures to overcome this negative trend.
To begin with, there are a number of issues making todays students university education tough. Most importantly, more new courses are introduced into higher studies. Though, youngsters are attracted towards these new courses, the limited seats became a hurdle for them. The very tough competition for seats leaves them in physical and mental agony. Another point is the high cost of education. Younger generation try to meet the educational expenses through educational loans and part time jobs. The hard jobs, heavy curriculum and lack of time management flattened them under pressure. Sometimes they feel, the degree holders remain unemployed and it is better to continue part time jobs as full time jobs and they leave their education. The assignments and projects are sometimes hard to finish on time. All these problems make the students university study harder than their school days.
The solutions are not simple, but people can manage it and enjoy their studies as before. Firstly, parents and students should realize their strengths and limitations, and the skills needed to finish a course before choosing a course. Dedication and time management should be learnt by the students from their early life itself, which help them to mold their future life without mixing jobs with life or study. Parental support to their children in financial and academic problems like assisting them in a project work or assignment should also be encouraged. As governments are a powerful institute, they can make guidelines for curriculum in higher education and avoid overburden on these young minds. The grant or scholorships and on-campus jobs will provide financial support for them. Governments must either increase the seats of popular courses or approve new universities in both public and private sectors, to start the course.
In conclusion, it is undeniably true that the university education is harder than school studies and with personal, parental and government support and co-operation one can overcome this. Lets hope university students can enjoy their studies as their school days by these approaches.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 3
Is It Meaningful to Receive College Education?
Given the fact that many college students have difficulties in finding jobs in the recent,thousands of high school students are reported to refuse to take the National College Entrance Examination.The news seems so convincing that many students,their parents, and the society reach the conclusion that receiving college education is a waste of time and money.Undoubtedly, these students can earn some money working in big cities or running their own business in the near future. However, I am of opinion that this view is myopic,which is to the detriment of personal development and China’s overall growth in the long term.
Firstly, in terms of personal development, university is not a vocational training center despite the fact that a university diploma indicates graduates are more likely to find decent jobs. Instead, university is a place for personal cultivation and improvement. In universities, students will learn to find their real interests, perfect their personality, and form right outlooks toward the world. Furthermore, students will learn to gather, analyze, and evaluate information so that they can resolve problems in their lives. For those who are suspicious of the value of higher learning, to some extent, they can be regarded as plutolatry. They worship money and believe that money is everything in their lives.
Secondly, in terms of national growth, the advancement of a nation is characterized by its greatness of high education. In this sense, universities are the centers of research and academic exploration. Take the United States for instance. Among the top 100 universities in the world, the majority of them are located in the United States. The advancement of US high education is indicative of the fact that those universities produce the most Nobel Prize laureates in comparison with other countries. American universities also turn out to be a magnet for most smart students around the world. Those universities contribute tremendous share to the US’ growth through scientific and technological support.In China, if the belief that receiving college education is a waste of time and money can not be corrected in time, it is inevitable that China can only reap short-term GDP growth but will be deprived of opportunity to become a competitive international players in the long run, for the human resource will be drained eventually.
In sum, receiving college education will benefit both individual and the country. Indicative of the dire job market for college graduates is not the uselessness of college education. Instead, college education means we should study harder to make a full preparation for the future.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 4
Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.
In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough.We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work, and. in fact, working with ones hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor~ we can live without education,but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns.
In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of ones work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 5
Educational equality, also referred to as equality in education, is a measure of achievement, fairness, and opportunity in education,according to . The growing importance of education equality is based on the premise that now, more than ever before, an individual’s level of education is directly correlated to the quality of life he or she will live in the future. The issue of educational equality has become more and more significant nowadays with the rapid development of our economy and it has been put forward in governmental occasions several years before.
Educational equality is dependent on two main factors. The first is fairness, which implies that factors specific to one’s personal conditions should not interfere with the potential of academic success. The second important factor is inclusion, which refers to a comprehensive standard that applies to everyone in a certain education system. These two factors are closely related and are dependent on each other for true academic success of an educational system.
The pursuit of fairness in education is a significant issue in China. The Communist Party was born to bring fairness to China. It promoted egalitarianism with some success, though at a poor level of nominal equality, and Chinas inequality of education remains a major challenge despite its overall improvement of education service. Deputies to the National Peoples Congress, Chinas top legislature, must assume responsibility in safeguarding the nations education, and they must be held accountable. Our leaders must become more aware and act professionally within the present political system. It is fundamental for the health of the next generation.
Transforming schools into truly egalitarian institutions requires a holistic and long-drawn approach. However,kids need us to fix our education system now. With a focus on expanding education options for parents and spending our education founding wisely, we can overcome the barriers that exist today in education and give every child a fighting chance for success.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 6
The stage of college will be the most important period of our life. We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, which will be of great help when we come to the job market. The ability we gain in the college will be useful all the time.
In college education, we need to change our way of learning. In high school, we get use to learn what the teachers pass to us. Every thing they show us is correct. Teachers take the leader roles and students just follow them. But now students need to learn knowledge by themselves. As teachers will not show up much time, so they should improve their ability to learn.
What’s more, as teachers are no longer the center role, they try to cultivate students’ way of thinking. Critical thinking is what the college students most need. They are adults and should make their own decision. It is time for them to get rid of the out-date tradition, and creativity is what they need.
The aim of college education is to broaden vision and master special skills.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 7
In recent years, distant education has generally beenbrought into the public focus. A large number of universities have offered opencourses on the internet. However, just as the saying goes, “so many people, somany minds.” People from different backgrounds take divergent views concerningthis case.
Those who have already benefited from practicing itsing high praise of it. They come up with the attitude that distant educationhas provided a wider way for students to learn various cultures around all overthe world. It is a more convenient way for students to broaden their horizon.However, there are also some others who contend that various kinds of opencourses on the internet will bring some chaos to students. Students who areexposed to too many different courses and cultures will have difficulty indistinguishing the passive ones and the opposite.
Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, Iam inclined to be on the side of the former opinion. I strongly approve of themotion that distant education is a convenient and important way for students toget in touch with foreign culture, especially for those who major in foreignlanguage learning. But at the same time, I also advocate that students shouldpay more attention to choose proper subjects rather than accept them entirely.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 8
According to many people, university is aspringboard towards better jobs or higher salaries, and their only goal ofuniversity education is to get a degree. Why do you go to university? I believedifferent people have different answers to this question. As far as I amconcerned, I do not agree with their opinion that university education is aspringboard. Let me name my reasons.
First of all, university education can helpstudent cultivate sentiments. People who are having university education mustlearn much more knowledge. This knowledge will help them cultivate their tastefrom their inside heart. What’s more, the atmosphere in college is also helpfulin developing students’ personal quality.
Secondly, university education is a goodplace for students to prepare for going to society. College doesn’t like highschool. Students have to learn many things besides study. This is the finalstage before they enter the society for most students. Having universityeducation helps them adapt the society easily.
Thirdly, university educationwill let students have a further knowledge in one field. Before going to university,students have to choose their major. This is because they have to learn specializedknowledge in that field. If they want to success, having knowledge about onething deeply is necessary.
To sum up, university education has manyfunctions. It is not only a springboard for better jobs or higher salaries. Theycan’t set their goal for university education is to get a degree. It deservesmore.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 9
As a result of globalization and convenient interaction among different nations, a variety of native cultures are being or have been lost.
Its true of Chinese culture as well.
We may easily recognize all sorts of English courses in college education curriculum but few of Chinese culture.
And these indicate that Chinese traditional culture has been ignored in college education.
As we all know, traditional culture represents the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages and is a rich heritage to every Chinese.
For college students, successors of modernization construction, mastering of Chinese cultures particularly of significance.
Besides, traditional culture education can promote the cultural awareness and patriotism among college students.
Therefore, its necessary and beneficial to integrate Chinese culture into college education.
To achieve this, colleges and universities should take effective measures to preserve the native culture.
Cultural awareness should be promoted both through the courses and extracurricular activities.
As for college students, we should actively be involved in the culture education.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 10
Much has been discussed recently on English teaching at college, Someone says that it is a total failure. To some extent , it is reasonable to say so, for after ten-year English learning, most graduates cant properly communicate with foreigners, nor can we translate between languages, let alone write in English. Where are the problem?
To begin with, English teaching at college, to a great extent, teacher-centerde, turning a language class into an information class. It is still very common in the classroom that the teacher explains every language point in detail, while students take notes all the time. Secondly, culture is neglected in English teaching because of poor text design. Some redundant unrealistic materials and a great deal or grammar and structure exercises in the text lead to students memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of English rules. Few students know how , when and where to use them. Finally, test-oriented education, in a sense, misleads and impedes college English teaching in China. For example, colege English Test Band Four or Six is so overemphasized in some colleges that teachers teach to the test, sacrificing learning for the sake of test results, and students only learn to pass the examination.
As a result ,students actual language competence is weakened though the passing rate has increased. In conclusion, Chinese English teaching is to be reformed. Students should be centered on , culture knowledge ,should be introduced in language teaching , and examination should be dealt with appropiately.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 11
In my opinion,diploma may be more important in the old time of China since there were few university students,while it is not the same case today.
The importance of ability and diploma both depends on how it is recognized by the company or how it is related to the employees salaries.A person who holds a diploma is considered to be higher educated and thus relatively has higher opportunity to enter the door of a company.However,it becomes worthless if the person is lack of practical ability.As there are too many graduates,most of the companies prefer give an interview to choose the abler one,instead of offering training afterward.It happens because employers think a good academic student may not be good at using their knowledge in the workplace.
Therefore,the trend of companies recruitment system indicates that ability becomes more and more important nowadays.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 12
Nowadays, many people have access to enjoy college education. When it comes to college education, we naturally link it with ones future success. Different people have different opinions about what a role college education plays in the process of someone making success.
Some people insist on that college education is essential to ones future success. It has a great influence on peoples life, since most of knowledge and skills come from college education, and these are major important elements for success. But others think there are not relationship between college education and ones future success. Just like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, they all have dropped out and got great achievement in the future. Moreover, some valuable experience cant be learned in college. Therefore, they argue that college education is essential to ones future success.
Personally, college education is quite vital. It greatly determines ones future success.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 13
Getting a college degree is a career necessity in todays business world. College graduates earn nearly twice as much during their working years as high school graduates. College graduation will qualify you for many jobs that would not be available to you any other way. Your career advancement should be easier because some job promotions require a college degree.
It’s important to think about different options when deciding how to spend one’s summer during college. Don’t waste the three months off by not planning ahead of time. Consider the four options outlined below.
It’s important for college students to have some real world experience when they graduate and have their hard-earned degrees. A college degree will only get someone so far without any experience in the field. Many organizations and employers will not consider someone without experience. If college students can’t get hired without experience, how do they start? Take unpaid internships.
Some college students need a paying job over the summer to support themselves; however, if someone has the means to support oneself while completing a summer internship, then he/she should take the opportunity to build his/her resume. After college students complete an internship, they are more likely to get a paid job in the same field the next summer or after they graduate. This is a good way to get a positive reference for one’s resume.
College is expensive, and many students rely on financial aid and savings to get through the four years of study. If college students can find jobs that relate to their major, then they should take that opportunity. If this is not a possibility, then taking the best paid job available is usually the next best option. Any work experience that is done well can result in a good reference or recommendation for future employment.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 14
Nowadays most people go to university not only to learn new knowledge but to get a degree. Many of them no longer care about what they really learn in university, they care more about whether they will get the degree or not. They regard the degree as a golden key to a better jobs or higher salaries. For them, nothing is more important than a degree in university. In my point of view, I cannot agree to this idea.
In the first place, degree is nothing but a paper that can prove you have finished your courses. Most students don’t realize what helps them to find a good job is what they really learn from university, the professional course, and the social skills and so on. In addition, having certificates is more important than having a degree. For instance, if you are looking for a translation job, you certainly need a CET-4 or CET-6 certificate. if you want to be a high school teacher, you need more certificate to prove yourself that you are fit for this job, such as TEM-8 and teacher certificate which is not a degree can show your abilities.
In the second place, having a good personal relationship is much nicer than having a degree. In the social net, you have more friends means you have more choices. For example, many students do not choose the right major in university because their parents chose for them, so that they may not work hard. In that case, this kind of students should spend more time to learn what they are really interested in and make more friends. It’s much better than they spend the whole time to learn the major which they don’t like at all.
To sum up, students should not care too much about their degree, and they should focus on what is truly needed for their future life. The goal of university education is not just to get a degree, but the really useful knowledge and practical experience.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 15
nowadays, tuition and fees for college are much higher than ever before. how to finance your college education has become a matter of concern for many. you can deal with it in many ways. you can get all of the money from your parents. you can apply for a loan especially set up for college students. you can also acquire the money completely by yourself, doing a full-time job in summer and winter holiday. in addition, you can ask your parents for most of it and earn the rest in your spare time in college, by doing a part-time job.
in my opinion, i prefer the last way. having acquired most of the tuition and fees from my parents, i needn’t worry too much about the money and can concentrate on my study; on the other hand, a part-time job in my spare time makes my compus-life colorful. i can make a lot of friends, improve my abilities and learn lots of knowledge.
so, i choose this way to cover my tuition and fees.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 16
Students all over the world have to work for their education. A college education in the United States is expensive. The costs are so high that most families begin to save for their childrens education when their children are babies. Even so, many young people cannot afford to pay the ex-penses of full-time college work. They do not have enough money to pay for school costs. Tuition for attending university, books for classes, and living expenses are high.There are other expenses such as chemistry and biology laboratory fees and special student activity fees for such things as parking permits and football tickets. The cost of college education increases every year. However, classrooms are still crowded with students. Some American students have scholarships or other support, but many do not.
Students from other countries have money problems to overcome, too.Because students in most international programs need to have a sponsor (a person, organization, or Iocai government that pays for them), they work hard to earn scholarships or special loans.International students understand the value of going to school in another country.They also know that it is difficult.Yet just as Americans choose to attend American universities in spite of the difficulty, it is usually possible for students from abroad to work on university campuses to pay for some of the cost of their education.Some people believe that students value their education more if they work for it.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 17
much has been discussed recently on english teaching at college, someone says that it is a total failure. to some extent , it is reasonable to say so, for after ten-year english learning, most graduates cant properly communicate with foreigners, nor can we translate between languages, let alone write in english. where are the problem?
to begin with, english teaching at college, to a great extent, teacher-centerde, turning a language class into an information class. it is still very common in the classroom that the teacher explains every language point in detail, while students take notes all the
secondly, culture is neglected in english teaching because of poor text design. some redundant unrealistic materials and a great deal or grammar and structure exercises in the text lead to students memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of english rules. few students know how , when and where to use them.
finally, test-oriented education, in a sense, misleads and impedes college english teaching in china. for example, colege english test band four or six is so overemphasized in some colleges that teachers teach to the test, sacrificing learning for the sake of test results, and students only learn to pass the examination. as a result ,students actual language competence is weakened though the passing rate has increased.
in conclusion, chinese english teaching is to be reformed. students should be centered on , culture knowledge ,should be introduced in language teaching , and examination should be dealt with appropiately.
雅思高分作文:大學教育 18
These days, a higher education degree seems a requirement for a decent job. Therefore, some people tend to regard career-oriented skills as the aim of tertiary education, whereas others insist that universities are expected to focus on students academic study.
Indeed, one of the guidelines of higher education is to expand students academic knowledge, which helps them to become a well-rounded person capable of fully participating in society.
Young adults who are exposed to wider areas and deeper levels of knowledge usually have higher ability to adapt to the challenging world where a variety of skill sets will be needed. If these students only have access to the knowledge of a certain job, they will possibly end up finding themselves incompetent in the job market.
Beyond that, academic learning also provides opportunities to cultivate other skills, such as critical thinking, in-depth analyzing and abstract thinking. These higher order abilities are what the society expects from university graduates.
However, a certain amount of job-oriented training should also be available in todays universities where academic pursuit sometimes have been over-emphasized and, in some cases, go so far as to overlook the practical value for students future. For many young graduates, they need a fast start into the job market; thus, some pre-learnt experience of the hands-on aspect of their future career would be crucial. For those who do not have a clear goal, this kind of education will assist them to make occupational choices.
Employers would also have a better insight of what a newly graduated candidate have learnt with regard to the position, in which case they can hire applicants based on their skills instead of their degree. In turn, universities can be providing a larger number of essential and productive workforce for the society.
To conclude, higher education shoulders a great deal of responsibilities, which would certainly include enabling both academic and employment achievement for their students.
My view is that modern universities will need to diversify their objectives and focuses in response to the fast-changing world, and any institution that concentrates on just one aspect would fail its promises to the society.