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  • 雅思寫作素材

    時間:2024-11-01 01:39:02 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿





      There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手機的使用帶來了社會,醫療和技術問題有哪些?是否認為手機弊大于利?(2006年1月14日 )


      Mobile phone and the Internet are very useful for old people, however, this section of population is the fewer users of mobile phone and the Internet, in what ways can mobile and the Internet is useful to the old? How can old people be encouraged to use this new technology? (2008年6月28日)手機和網絡對于老人有用,但是,老人們很少使用,手機和網絡對于老人用處何在?如何鼓勵老人使用手機和網絡?

      Mobile phone advantages and disadvantages on individual and the society. 手機對于個人以及社會的利弊?(2010年9月4日)

      Some people think people have benefited from modern communication technology, while others think some people have not benefit at all, to what extent do you agree or disagree ? 有人認為人們可以從現代交流技術中獲益,有認為認為人們無法獲益,你在多大程度上認同這個觀點(2010年11月20日)

      With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing? 人們使用手機電腦日益增多,很少有人寫信,有人認為傳統的書信會被手機取代,是否認同?(2012年11月24日)



      1. 方便交流:手機給人們的交流交往帶來巨大便利,例如,學子出國留學和家人聯系。老人出門感到不適,打緊急求助電話,女生沒有趕上末班車,給父母打電話求助,情侶之間發送短信,增進感情。

      2. 輔助教育:手機可以扮演教育者的角色,例如查手機字典,閱讀電子書,瀏覽網絡課程;

      3. 娛樂功能:手機強大的娛樂功能給生活帶來樂趣,例如手機相機抓住生活的美麗瞬間,留下美好回憶。聽歌緩解壓力,提高學習工作效率。游戲放松身心,消磨時光。


      1. 手機輻射有害健康,尤其是影響沒有完全發育的大腦。

      2. 年輕人可能沉迷手機游戲,耽誤學習,浪費時間。

      3. 年輕人如果追求高價的時尚手機,就會增加了經濟負擔。

      4. 新型的手機犯罪日益嚴重,具體而言,不法分子發送手機誘餌短信,竊取密碼,侵犯隱私,非法牟利。

      5. 公共場所外放手機音樂電影,影響他人。


      1. the cell phone = the mobile phone n手機

      2. the contrivance of the mobile phone = the invention of the mobile phone n手機的發明

      3. bring huge convenience to people’s communication v 給人們的交流帶來極大的方便


      4. …… is a significant source of getting the latest information for the vast majority of people …… 是大多數人獲得最新信息的渠道。

      點評: 推薦背誦:可以寫作所有傳媒的利好。

      5. The mobile phone newspaper enables its users to familiarize themselves with the up-to-the-minute current events 手機報可以讓我們了解時事政治。

      點評:familiarize themselves with = get to know v了解……

      點評:the up-to-the-minute = the latest adj 最新的

      6. …… could perfectly play /enact the role of educator …… 可以扮演教育者的角色:

      點評: 推薦背誦,可以寫作所有科技產品的教育輔助功能。

      7. mighty entertainment functions n 強大的娛樂功能

      8. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life v 增加生活的樂趣

      9. catch the wonderful moment of life v抓住生活的美麗瞬間

      10. can be used in an emergency situation 緊急情況下可以使用

      11. if a young girl misses the last bus home, she could ring her parents 女孩趕不上末班車,可以通過手機求助父母。

      12. In spite of some merits of the cell phone, it undoubtedly has some drawbacks. 經管手機有利好,其弊端同時存在。

      13. A train or bus journey can be absolutely ruined by the nearby presence of some who is keep on playing the mobile phone music. 旅行中,如果有人不斷外放手機音樂,這一點令人討厭。

      14. …… is physically detrimental …… …… 是有害身體健康的

      15. The radiation of the mobile phone exerts a baneful influence on the users’ health 手機輻射有害健康。

      點評: exert a baneful influence on v 對于……施加了不良影響

      16. One’s eye-sight will be impaired after gazing at the screen of the cell phone for a long time. 太久盯著屏幕,人的視力會下降。

      17. …… will impose much pressure upon sb economically v增加某人的經濟負擔

      18. As for schoolchildren, the academic performance will be delayed provided that they use the mobile phone excessively. 如果過度使用手機,會耽誤學業。

      點評:academic performance n 學業

      19. intercourse = communication n交流

      20. dispel sense of isolation v 驅散孤獨感

      21. The problems the mobile phone brought about are becoming the focus concerned by the society. 手機帶來問題成為社會關注的焦點。

      22. reap fabulous profits illegally v 非法牟利


      23. Although the mobile phone might trigger various downsides, its indispensable roles in people’s daily life cannot be ignored. 盡管手機也許引起一些弊端,我們無法忽視其在生活中的重要作用。

      24. What we can do is to draw on the advantageous aspects. 我們應該利用其利好。

      點評:draw on v 利用……

      25. The advantages prevail over its demerits pprovided that use them

      properly and sensibly. 如果理性使用手機,手機利大于弊。

      二、廣告類+ 觀點類:

      Some people believe that advertisement discourages us from being different individuals by making us all want be or look the same,to what extent do you agree or disagree?有人認為廣告使我們變得趨同,你是否認同這個觀點?





      首段:背景介紹 + 爭議焦點 + 作家立場

      Nothing has received more praise and abuse than advertisements. Although we may pride ourselves on good tastes, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertisement exerts a subtle influence on us. So influential are various advertisings that some people argue that ads make us lose individuality. In this essay, I will endeavor to explore whether or not various advertisements wipe out our individual uniqueness.

      解析:endeavor to do sth v 努力做……

      解析:lose individuality v失去個性

      解析:wipe out v 使消除


      Granted,I have to concede that many consumers,especially whose unwise buyers or impulsive teenagers,might be swayed by various advertisement campaigns and thus buy the similar goods. A case in point is that small phone sale booms early overnight and almost every individual owns an I-phone. It is conceivable that the fantastic pictures and witty slogans of ads is an indispensable contributing factors to such an uniform consumption of small phone. Therefore, it is never without reasons to believe that ads, to some extent, make us become similar with each other. Further, one’s sense of vanity, sometimes, contribute to people’s conformity. When confronted with the universally accepted notion that only material success can judge one’s social status, some adults like to follow the trend and purchase the same luxurious commodities, which also makes them look the same.

      解析:sense of vanity n 虛榮心

      解析:contribute to people’s conformity v 導致了人們的相似性

      解析:follow the trend v跟風

      解析:purchase the same luxurious commodities 購買相似的奢侈品

      解析:luxury n 奢華

      拓展:luxurious adj 奢華的


      What I want to rebut,however,is that it is rather groundless to simply believe that the impacts of ads are the root causes of people’s similarity. More people, those wise buyers or faithful consumers of one brand can successfully resist the temptation of ads, they tend to maintain personal favor in electronic products, daily consumption and so on. Still, as for those who have limited amount of money at their own disposal, they will wisely allocate their hardly earned money, thereby, the influence of ads exert a trivial impact on them. Last, such is human nature to stand out from the rest and pursue unique charm in terms of personal necessities,therefore,even rich people sometimes resist the popular brand,so,it is unfair to say ads make us become similar.

      解析:such is human nature to do sth 做……是人之本性

      解析:stand out from the rest 出類拔萃;與眾不同

      解析:so,it is unfair to say …… 說……是公平的;


      To sum, personal consumption needs and abilities will determine their choice of buying. It is hard to say people’s similarities is only the result of advertisement campaign. When consumers have a wide range of choices, ads actually make them become different rather than identical.

      解析:have a wide range of choices 有多元的選擇

      解析:advertisement campaign n廣告宣傳;廣告營銷


      1. advertisement = advertising n 廣告雅思詞匯下載

      2. TV commercial n 電視廣告

      3. advertisement campaign n 廣告宣傳

      4. public-service ads = public –interest ads n 公益廣告

      5. rational consumers = wise buyers n理性的消費者

      6. wise buying = rational consumption n 理性消費

      7. ads produced by super stars n明星做的廣告

      8. makeup ads n化妝品廣告

      9. medicine ads n 藥品廣告

      10. street flyers n 街頭廣告



      1. Under no circumstances can we understate the indispensable roles of ads in our lives. 我們不能忽視廣告在生活中的作用。

      解析:under no circumstances = on no account v絕不……

      2. witty slogan n智慧的宣傳語

      3. eye-catching pictures n 精美的圖片

      4. exert a subtle influence on v對于 ……有微妙的影響

      5. ……could play the role of educator v 可以扮演教育者的角色

      6. …… is a one of significant sources of getting information v是獲得信息的重要的源泉之一

      7. …… bring huge convenience to consumers v 給消費者帶來巨大便利

      8. ……serve the function of entertainment v滿足娛樂功能

      9. promote the sales of the relevant products v 提高相關產品的銷量

      10. help relevant enterprises to compete for the lion’s share in the market v 幫助企業實現最大盈利

      解析:lion’s share n最大的份額


      1. We can,however, never ignore the negative influence induced by advertisement campaign. 然而,我們不能忽視由于廣告宣傳引起的弊端。

      2. Many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous actors or popular singers 很多的廣告公司會雇傭歌手以及明星代言商品。

      3. fake and illegal ads n虛假的非法的廣告

      4. …… are full of flowery phrases and empty promises v充滿了花哨的宣傳語以及空洞的承諾。

      5. buy goods without consideration v沖動購物

      6. purchase goods impulsively v沖動購物

      7. endanger the consumers’ interests v 威脅到消費者的利益

      解析:endanger v危及到……

      8. impose much pressure upon consumers economically v 增加消費者的經濟負擔


      9. consumers are affected by = consumers are influenced by = consumers are swayed by …… v消費者被 …… 影響

      解析:sway v使搖擺;受影響

      10. poorly educated children in the remote rural areas n偏遠農村地區的文盲兒童

      點評:illiterate = poorly educated adj 沒有受到良好教育的


      A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究顯示,7歲到11歲的年輕人花費太多時間看電視,玩游戲,這對于孩子,家庭和社會的影響何在?應該如何解決?


      1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 電視疏遠了朋友和家人的關系,是否同意?

      2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can learn more from watching television than by reading books.比之讀書,人們看電視學到的知識更多,是否同意 ?(2008年10月26日)

      3. Agree or disagree? If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies? 為了在學校表現優異,父母應該限制孩子的電視電影時間,是否認同?

      4. Films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have negative effect on society and should be banned. Other says they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 電影和電影游戲其中暴力內容流行,有人認為這對于社會有不良影響,有人認為這只是放松,討論再結論?(2011年10月29日)

      5. It has been believed that people read for pleasure have developed imagination and language skills better than people who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 讀書比看電視更能激發想象力和培養語言技巧是否同意?




      2. 一些精彩的電視節目可以扮演教育者的角色,比如百家講壇,藝術人生這樣的節目就可以開拓一個人的視野和啟迪一個人的智慧,加深人對于自我和生活的洞察。

      3. 玩電腦游戲有利于開發智力和培養創造力。


      1. 在學校,孩子的主要任務是學習知識,考慮到孩子們的自律性較差,允許孩子們看電視易使他們分散精力,耽誤學習。

      2. 過度沉迷電視游戲對于健康不利,具體而言,人會視力下降,懶惰久坐,不愿意從事戶外運動,因而導致肥胖。形成對比的是,戶外運動是更好的放松身心的方式,可以提高學習效率。

      3. 孩子們看電視以及玩游戲,減少了和父母的溝通,會導致家庭關系疏遠。有時候,父母和子女之間會為選擇喜歡的電視節目發生爭執,更加增加家庭矛盾。


      1. 政府加強對于電視網絡的監管,加強傳媒審查,使青少年遠離精神垃圾的毒害。

      2. 父母限制孩子們玩電視游戲的時間,幫助孩子們培養更加有意義的娛樂方式,比如讀書,鍛煉身體,學習一種樂器。同時,增強青少年自制能力。

      3. 父母為孩子們創造更加快樂的源泉,例如家庭聚餐,家庭游戲,家庭旅行等。


      1. A lot of parents are concerned by the fact that their children are spending too much time playing computer games or watching television. 很多的父母因為子女花大量的時間玩電腦游戲或者看電視而憂心忡忡。

      2. Many teenagers ranging from 7 to 11 always take watching TV or playing on-line games as the only source of their entertainment 很多孩子把電視有游戲當成是娛樂的唯一源泉。

      3. Playing computer games help develop one’s intelligence and train one’s reaction玩電腦游戲有利于開發智力和鍛煉反應能力。

      4. idiot box n 電視機 (貶義詞匯)

      5. couch-potato = heavy TV viewers = TV addicts n 電視迷(三劍客)

      6. be addicted to = indulge in = abandon oneself to sth v 沉迷于 ……

      7. As a result of the addition to electronic games, young students often ignore the outside world. 因為沉溺于電子游戲,青少年學生經常對外面的世界視而不見。

      8. …… is physically detrimental …… v 有害健康(健康角度)

      9. …… are prone to diminish physical activities v …… 減少了體育運動

      10. impair the viewers’ eyesight v 有害視力(健康角度)

      點評:impair v 傷害(尤其指的是器官的受損)

      11. make one get into the habit of sedentary lifestyle and laziness v使人養成懶惰和久坐的習慣

      12. contribute to obesity v 導致肥胖

      13. multiply the likelihood of obesity v 增加了肥胖的可能(健康角度)

      14. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的內容 (少年犯罪外因)

      15. poison one’s pure mind = corrupt one’s innocent mind v 毒害純凈的心靈

      16. arouse one’s violent and sadistic impulse v誘發暴力沖動

      17. mislead one’s life outlook = misguide one’s life attitude v 誤導人生觀

      18. poison one’s innocent mind, arouse one’s violent impulse and misguide one’s life outlook. v 毒害純凈的心靈,誘發暴力沖動,誤導人生觀(經典三劍客)

      19. distance the family relationship = alienate the family relationship v疏遠家庭關系

      20. affect the communication among family members negatively 對于家庭成員之間的交流有不良的影響

      21. The academic study will be delayed 耽誤學習(推薦背誦,反對除了學習外的一起活動)

      22. strengthen the censorship of mass media v 加強傳媒審查(政府作為)

      23. organize family activities such as family trip or family meal v 組織家庭活動例如家庭聚餐家庭旅行。

      24. strengthen the family tie v加強家庭聯系

      25. The young should be encouraged to foster healthier approach of entertainment 鼓勵孩子們培養健康的娛樂方式。











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