- 相關推薦
Every Tom, Dick and Harry. 舉出常用的男孩名,表示“不論誰都……”、“不管張三還是李四”。雖然沒有女孩名,但男女都可用。
My daughter had a homestay in America. (我女兒為體驗當地生活,去美國了。)
So did every Tom, Dick and Harry. (不管誰都能去啊。)
I like sexy girls. (我喜歡性感的女人。)
So does every Tom, Dick and Harry. (無論誰都是這樣的。)
Out of the frying pan into the fire. frying pan “平底炒菜鍋”,直譯是菜從鍋里炒出來又掉進了火里。
I live to eat.
Pudding rather than praise. 不太常用的說法。
Every dog has his day.
Bob won the lottery. (鮑勃中了頭彩。)
Every dog has his day. (瞎貓碰上了死耗子。)
Everyone has good days.
Everyone gets lucky sometimes. (誰都會有走運的時候。)
A flying crow always gets something. 不太常用的說法。
Speak of the devil. “說到惡魔,惡魔就來”。源自諺語Speak of the devil and he will appear。
Speak of the devil.常用于口語中。
Here comes John! (約翰來了。)
Speak of the devil. (真是說到曹操,曹操到。)
Love is blind. 直譯是“愛情是盲目的”。表示人們一旦談戀愛,就會失去正確的判斷能力,無法冷靜地看待事物。
1.contact [kɑn.tkt] n.接觸,聯系 v.聯系
eg:Can I contact you by telephone? 我能通過電話聯系你嗎?
contract [kntrkt] n.合同
content [kɑn.tent] n.內容 adj.滿足的
2.voluntarily [vlntrli] adv.自愿地
eg:He made the promise quite voluntarily. 他完全自愿地做出了承諾。
voluntary [vɑln.teri] adj.自愿的;志愿的;自發的;故意的
volunteer [,vlnt] n.志愿者;志愿兵
3.assignment [sanmnt] n.任務;布置
eg:There was no telling what the next assignment would be. 不知道下一個任務將是什么。
assignable [sanbl] adj.[經] 可分配的;可指定的;可讓渡的
assign [san] vt.分配;指派;[計][數] 賦值
4.proportion [prpr()n] n.比例
eg:His head is out of proportion to the size of his body. 他的頭部與身體大小不成比例。
proportional [prprn()l] adj.相應的,成比例的
disproportion [dsprp()n] n.不均衡;不相稱
5.vulnerable [vlnrbl] adj.易受傷害的
eg:His knee was his vulnerable spot. 他的膝蓋是容易受傷的位置。
be/have vulnerable to 易受...影響的
6.pursue [prsu] v.追求
eg:If I have enough money, I would have had no doubt to pursue a famous car. 如果我有足夠的錢,我會毫不猶豫買一輛名車。
pursuit [prsut] n.追求
in pursuit of 為了…
7.operation [.ɑpre()n] n.操作;運行
eg:How much time do you usually complete the operation? 你通;ǘ嗌贂r間完成操作?
cooperation [k,pre()n] n.合作,協作
corporate [krprt] adj.法人的;共同的
8.improvement [mpruvmnt] n.改進;改善;改進處
eg:It is only a question of time, however, until we see an improvement. 不過我們會看到改善的,只是時間問題。
improve [mpruv] vt.改善,增進;提高…的價值
improve in...在…方面有所增長(或改善)
9.specialize [spe()l.az] v.專門研究(或從事);專攻
eg:Most students do not expect to specialize in economics. 大多數學生并不想把經濟作為專業。
special[spe()l] adj.特別的;專門的,專用的
specialized [spe()lazd] adj.專業的;專門的
10.chemical [kemk()l] n.化學品;化學制品 ; adj.與化學有關的;化學的;
eg:The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate. 那些化學品公司已經合并成一個龐大的企業集團。
chemist [kemst] n.化學家;藥劑師;藥房
11.insurance [nrns] n.保險;保險業;保險費;保費
eg:How much will the insurance cost them? 買保險的費用要多少呢?
insure [nr] v.投保,上保險
ensure [nr] v.確保
12.comprehensive [.kɑmprhensv] adj.全面的,理解的n.(英)綜合中學
eg:The government gave a comprehensive explanation of its plans for industry. 政府對其工業發展計劃做了全面的解釋。
comprehension [.kɑmprhen()n] n.理解(力)
comprehensible [kmprhensbl] adj.可理解的,能懂的
13.engage [nɡed] v.忙于,從事;雇傭
eg:They engaged him in a new project. 他們讓他從事一個新項目
eg:He is currently engaged as a consultant. 他現在受雇為顧問。
be engaged in 參加,從事
14.explore [ksplr] v.探索;探討
eg:Its not so wise that you do not explore the childrens market. 你們不開發兒童市場,這樣做非常不明智。
exploration [ksplre()n] n.探測;探究;踏勘
explorer [ksplrr] n.探險家;探測者,探測器
15.adapt [dpt] v.改編;改寫;使適應
eg:Good players have to be able to adapt to any type of football. 優秀的球員要適應任何類型的足球。
adapt to適應....
adapt...for... 將...改編成...
adopt [dpt] v.收養;領養
16.refine [rfan] v.精煉;改進;改善
eg:Galileo continued to refine his ideas about objects in motion. 伽利略繼續提煉他有關物體移動的觀點。
confine [knfan] v.限制,限定
define [dfan] v.界定;明確
17.campaign [kmpen] n.戰役;運動 v.領導運動
eg:He said that such a campaign would not be sustainable. 他說這樣的做法是不可能持久的。
movement [muvmnt] n.移動;活動
18.economic [.eknɑmk] adj.經濟的;經濟上的;經濟學的
eg:I’d like to consider the economic aspect. 我想討論一下經濟方面的問題。
economic disruption/depression 經濟蕭條
19.prosper [prɑspr] v.繁榮;成功;發達;興旺
eg:With her at the wheel, the company began to prosper. 有了她當主管,公司開始興旺起來
prosperous [prɑsp()rs] adj. 繁榮的;興旺的
prosperity [prsprti] n. 繁榮,成功
20.sustain [ssten] v.支持;支撐;遭受
eg:Why do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul? 為什么你認為你對該企業會保持長久的興趣?
sustainable [sstenb()l] adj.可持續的
sustainable development 可持續發展
21.accelerate [ksel.ret] v.使加速,增速
eg:Was that one of your aims to accelerate the rate of development? 加快發展的速度是你的目標之一嗎?
speed up 加速
22.convenient [knvinint] adj.方便的
eg:Its very convenient to pay for things by check. 用支票付款非常方便。
convenience [knvinins] n.方便;便利;適宜
23.inferior [nfrir] adj. 下級的,下等的 n. 次品
eg:He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself. 他喜歡與那些智力水平不如他的人共處。
superior [sprir] n. 上級,上司 adj.更好的
24.dominate [dɑm.net] v. 支配,統治
eg:His personality dominated the other members of the committee. 他的個性對委員會其他成員起了決定性的影響。
dominant [dmnnt] adj. 有統治權的;占優勢的
dominance [dmnns] n. 優勢;統治;支配