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  • 托業口語名詞詞匯

    時間:2024-10-03 20:32:53 托業 我要投稿
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      I have an account with the bank. 我在銀行開有戶頭。

      He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他對西班牙語文的知識。

      Don‘t stay away on account of John. 為了約翰,不要離開。


      Don‘t take him seriously —— it’s just an act. 不要把他看得太認真 ——— 他只是假裝那樣而已。

      In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正當其拾球之際,他失足跌倒。


      They‘ve just had an addition to the family. 他們家里剛又增加一口。


      They do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 為了達到目標,他們調整了人員。

      5. advertisement

      Advertisement helps to sell goods. 廣告有助于銷路。

      6. agreement

      I‘m quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所說的話。

      7. air

      My plans are still quite in the air. 我的計劃還未定案。

      Radio Beijing is on the air 24 hours a day. 北京電臺全天24小時廣播。

      8. amount

      There is still quite an amount of prejudice against him. 人們對他尚有很大的偏見。

      He has any amount of money. 他的錢不可數計。

      9. amusement

      He looked at me in amusement. 他很感興趣地望著我。

      There are plenty of amusements here – cinemas, theatres, concerts, football matches, and so on. 這里有許多娛樂 - 電影院、戲院、音樂會、足球比賽等。

      10. animal

      animal desires

      11. answer

      She gave no answer. 她沒有回答。

      12. apparatus

      Your digestive apparatus takes the food you eat and changes it so that it can be used to build up the body. 你的消化器官把你所吃的食物消化、吸收,用以增進身體的健康。

      13. approval

      Your plans have my approval. 你的計劃我贊成。

      14. argument

      I have no wish to engage in (an) argument with you. 我不想跟你辯論。

      15. art

      The story is developed with great art. 那故事非常技巧地展開。

      16. attack

      Attack is said to be the best form of defence. 常言道,攻擊是最好的防御。

      17. attempt

      Her attempt at a Christmas cake had to be thrown away. 她的圣誕蛋糕做得不好。

      18. attention

      Pay attention to what you‘re doing. 注意你在做的事。

      A pretty girl usually receives more attentions than a plain girl. 一個漂亮女孩通常比一個普通女孩得到較多的殷勤。

      Attention! 立正!

      19. attraction

      He cannot resist the attraction of a pretty girl. 他無法抗拒漂亮女郎的吸引力。

      20. authority

      He is a great authority on phonetics. 他是語音學方面的權威。

      21. back

      He slipped and fell on his back. 他仰天滑到。

      22. balance

      Don‘t get excited; keep your balance. 不要沖動,保持冷靜。

      23. base

      A naval base is located at Wei Hai. 威海有個海軍基地。

      24. behavior

      Tom won a prize for good behavior at school. 湯姆在學校里得到品行優良獎。

      25. belief

      He has lost his belief in God. 他已不相信上帝。

      26. birth

      That baby weighed seven pounds at birth. 那嬰兒生下來七磅重。

      27. bit

      He ate every bit of his dinner. 他把他的晚餐吃得光光。

      She‘s feeling a bit tired. 她覺得有點疲倦。

      He doesn‘t care a bit. 他一點也不在乎。

      28. bite

      His face was covered with insect bites. 他滿臉都是蚊蟲咬傷。

      I haven‘t had a bite since morning. 我從早晨到現在一口東西都未吃過。

      There‘s a bite in the air this morning. 今天早晨有點寒風刺骨。

      29. blood

      He gave his blood to help his sister. 他輸血給他的妹妹以救她。

      His blood is up. 他發脾氣了。

      His blood ran cold. 他嚇得魂不附體。

      30. blow

      Let‘s go for a blow. 讓我們到戶外吹吹風。

      31. body

      His body was brought back to England for burial. 他的遺體被運回英國埋葬。

      She‘s a nice old body. 她是一個很好的老人。

      32. brass

      get down to brass tacks 開門見山

      33. bread

      I‘m only dong it for the bread. 我純粹是為了錢才做那件事。

      34. breath

      They are not be mentioned in the same breath. 他們不可同日而語。

      There wasn‘t a breath of air/wind. 一絲微風都沒有。

      35. brother

      He is my brother. 他是我的兄弟。

      36. building

      buidling materials 建筑材料

      building site 建筑工地

      37. burn

      He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他死于火災時所受到的灼傷。

      38. burst

      a burst of applause 一陣喝彩

      39. business

      He is in business of himself. 他自行經商。

      That‘s no business of yours. 那事與你無關。

      I‘m sick of the whole business. 我對這事情實在感到厭煩。

      40. butter

      butter will not melt in sb‘s mouth 一本正經的樣子

      peanut buttter 花生醬

      41. canvas

      He is canvassing for the Conservative candidates. 他正在替保守黨候選人奔走拉票。

      42. care

      Take care (that) you don‘t get run over when you cross the street. 當你穿越街道時,小心不要被車子撞到。

      I will leave this in your care. 我將此事交由你負責。

      He seems free from care. 他顯得無憂無慮。

      43. cause

      You have no cause for comlaint. 你沒有理由抱怨。

      44. chalk

      The girl like to collect chalks with various colors. 女孩喜歡收集各色粉筆。

      45. chance

      Let‘s leave it to chance. 我們就讓它聽其自然。

      It‘s the chance of a lifetime. 這是一生中難得再遇到的機會。

      46. change

      Take a change of clothes with you. 帶一套換洗的衣服。

      I have no small change. 我沒有零錢。

      Let‘s hope there will be a change in weather. 但愿天氣會變好。

      47. cloth

      a floor cloth 擦地板布

      a dish cloth 洗碗布

      48. coal

      A hot coal fell from the fire and burnt a hole in the carpet. 火爐中調出來一塊煤,把地毯燒了一個洞。

      carry coals to Newcastle 多此一舉

      49. color

      She has very little color. 她面色蒼白。

      50. comfort

      It‘s a comfort to know that she is safe. 知道她平安無事令人安慰。

      comfort station – (US) public lavatory (美) 公共廁所

      51. committee

      He sat on the committee when he was 45. 他45歲時成為委員會委員。

      52. company

      I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 我將很高興與你同行。

      53. comparison

      This one costs more but is cheaper by/in comparison. 這件東西價錢貴了點,但是比較起來還是便宜。

      54. competition

      At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world. 在奧運會上,我們的代表會與世界各地的最佳游泳選手角逐。

      55. condition

      The condition of my health prevents me from working. 我的健康情況不容許我工作。

      56. connection

      What is the connection between the two ideas? 這兩個想法之間有何關聯?

      He set up in business and soon had a good connection. 他開業經商,很快就有了相當多的顧客。

      57. control

      The children are out of control. 孩子們不聽管教。

      58. cook

      He is a good cook. 他是一個好廚師。

      59. copper

      1) 銅 2) 銅幣 3) (俚語)警察

      60. copy

      If you can‘t afford a new copy of the book, perhaps you can find a secondhand copy. 如果你買不起新書,你或許可以找到一本舊的。

      61. cork

      to draw/pull out the cork 拔開軟木塞

      cork-screw 瓶塞鉆

      62. copy

      63. cough

      He gave me a warning cough. 他以咳嗽警告我。

      64. country

      He decided to return to his country after graduation. 畢業后他決定回國。

      He spent the holiday in the country. 他在鄉下度假。

      65. cover

      The child read the book from cover to cover. 那孩子將書從頭讀到尾。

      Does your policy provide adequate cover against fire? 你的保險單是否提供適當的火險?

      cover girl 封面女郎

      66. crack

      Don‘t go skating today – there are dangerous cracks in the ice. 今天不要去滑冰,冰上有危險的裂縫。

      67. credit

      No credit is given at this shop. 這家商店概不賒帳。

      How much have I standing to my credit? 我的存款尚有多少?

      The bank refused further credits to the company. 銀行拒絕再貸款給該公司。

      68. crime

      It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime. 防止和偵破犯罪是警察的職責a crime to send the boy out on such a cold, wet night. 在這樣寒冷的雨夜把孩子們遣出是不對的。

      69. crush

      There was a violent crush at the gate into the stadium. 在體育場的入口處人群擁擠不堪。

      70. cry

      Let her have her cry out. 讓她哭個痛快吧。

      71. current

      A cold current of air came in when the door was opened. 門打開時進來了一股冷風。Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of her life. 在她平靜的生活中,沒有任何的騷擾。

      72. curve

      The driver of a car should not take curves at high speed. 汽車駕駛人不應在高速下轉彎。

      73. damage

      The insurance company will pay for the damage to my car. 保險公司將賠償我的汽車所受的損害。

      What‘s the damage? (What’s the cost?)(口語)值多少錢?

      74. danger

      He has been very ill, but the doctors say that he is now out of danger. 他的病一直很嚴重,但醫生們說他現已脫離險境。

      That man is a danger to society. 那個人對于社會是個危險人物。

      75. daughter

      He has a lovely daughter. 他有一個可愛的女兒。

      76. day

      We travelled day and night without stopping. 我們日夜不停的旅行。

      He‘s eighty if he’s a day! 他至少八十歲了。

      She was a beauty in her day. 她年輕時是個美人。

      77. death

      His mother‘s death was a great blow to him. 他母親的去世對他是一大打擊。

      78. debt

      It‘s much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt. 欠債容易償債難。

      79. decision

      Have they reached/come to/arrived at/taken/made a decision yet? 他們是否已有所決定了?

      80. degree

      He was not in the slightest degree interested. 他絲毫不感興趣。

      81. design

      The building seats 2000 people, but is poor in design. 這個建筑有二千個座位,但設計很差。

      He has designs on that young girl. (口語)他想打那個年輕女郎的注意。

      82. desire

      He has no desire for wealth. 他對于財富無欲望。

      I hope you will get all your heart‘s desires. 我希望你能得到你想要的。

      83. destruction

      Gambling was his destruction. 賭博是他毀滅的根源。

      84. detail

      Please give me all the details. 請讓我知道所有的細節。

      85. development

      Which is more important, moral development or physical development? 道德培養和體格培養哪一樣較重要?

      We must await further developments. 我們必須等待進一步的發展。

      86. digestion

      He can only eat the food that is easy of digestion. 他只能吃易于消化的食物。

      87. direction

      Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another direction. 湯姆朝著一個方向去,哈里朝另一個方向去。

      She feels the need of direction. 她感到需要有人指導她。

      88. discovery

      He made wonderful scientific discoveries. 他完成了驚人的科學發現。

      89. discussion

      The question is still under discussion. 這個問題仍在討論中。

      90. disease

      The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease. 醫生的職責是預防和治療疾病。

      91. disgust

      He turned away in disgust. 他厭惡地把臉轉開。

      92. distance

      My house is within easy walking distance of the shops. 我家離商店很近,走幾步就到了。

      93. distribution

      They could not agree about the distribution of the profits. 他們對于利潤的分配意見不一。

      94. division

      A hedge forms the division between his land and mine. 一道樹籬形成他的土地和我的土地之間的分界線。

      95. doubt

      I have no doubt of your ability. 我相信你的能力。

      96. drink

      What about a drink? 來杯酒如何?

      We have plenty of bottled drinks. 我們有很多的瓶裝飲料。

      97. driving

      take driving lessons 上駕駛課

      driving licence 駕駛執照

      driving school 駕駛學校

      driving test 駕駛執照考試

      98. dust

      The dust was blowing in the streets. 街上塵土飛揚。

      99. earth

      Who do you think was the greatest man on earth? 你認為誰是世界上最偉大的人?

      100. edge

      Don‘t put the glass on the edge of the table; it may get knocked off. 不要把杯子放在桌邊上,它可能被碰掉。











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