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傳統節日 Traditional Festivals
拜年 paying a New Year call
爆竹 firecracker
鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers
除夕 New Year’s Eve
春節 Spring Festival
春聯 Spring Festival couplets (conveying best wishes for the year )
辭舊迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new ; ring out the old year and ring in the new
大掃除 year-end household cleaning
燈謎 lantern riddles
登高 hill climbing
端午節 Dragon Boat Festival
恭喜發財 May you be prosperous! / Wish you all the best !
觀燈 viewing the lanterns
賀年片 New Year film
餃子 dumplings (with meat and vegetable stuffing )
龍燈舞 dragon lantern dance
廟會 temple fair
年畫 New Year picture
年夜飯 family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve
壓歲錢 money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift
烹飪 Culinary Arts
美食節 gourmet festival
中餐烹飪 Chinese cuisine
色,香,味俱全 perfect combination of color , aroma , taste and appearance
four major Chinese cuisines: Shandong cuisine , Sichuan cuisine , Canton cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine
南淡北咸,東甜西辣 the light southern cuisine , and the salty northern cuisine ;the sweet eastern cuisine , and the spicy western cuisine
八寶菜 eight-treasure pickles ( assorted walnut meats , asparagus , lettuce , almonds , cucumber and peanuts , etc . pickled in soy sauce )
八寶飯 eight-treasure rice pudding (glutinous rice steamed with preserved fruits , sweetened bean paste , lotus seeds , longan , etc.)
白斬雞 tender boiled chicken (made by boiling a whole chicken in water and cutting into cubes , then dipping into seasonings )
臭豆腐 odd-odour bean curb
粉蒸肉 pork streamed with rice flour
風味小吃 local delicacy
腐竹 rolls of dried bean milk cream
冷盤 hors d’oeuvres
薩其馬 Manchu candied fritter cut in squares