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      新視野大學英語1讀寫教程課文 unit 10 Being Honest and Open


      Section A

      Pre-reading Activities

      First Listening

      Having ideas about a story before you read it is an important reading skill. Please listen to a very short piece of recording.

      Second Listening

      Now listen to the recording for the second time and try to the best of your ability to answer the following questions.

      1. What must you have in order to be honest?

      2. What are the three principles that constitute honesty?

      3. What two qualities help make relationships stronger?

      Being Honest and Open

      My grandparents believed that you were either honest or you were not. There was no middle point. They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: "Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show." They didn't have to talk about it; they demonstrated this truth by their life style. They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior.

      Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today — and getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand

      of ourselves. A good test for this value is to apply what I call the "Integrity Triangle", which consists of three key principles:

      Stand firmly for your convictions when confronted with personal pressure. There's a story told about a surgical nurse's assistance during her first day on the medical team at a well-known hospital. She was responsible for ensuring that all surgical instruments and materials were accounted for during an operation. The nurse said to the surgeon, "You've only removed 11 sponges, and we used 12. We need to find the last one."

      "I removed them all," the surgeon assured her. "We'll close now."

      "You can’t do that, sir," protested the nurse. "Think of the patient."

      Smiling, the surgeon lifted his foot and showed the nurse the twelfth sponge. "You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital," he assured her.

      When you know you're right, you can't concede.

      Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. Don’t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be more intelligent than you are. David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather, clarified this point to his newly appointed office heads by sending each of them a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside.

      His message was contained in the smallest doll: "If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants." And that is precisely what O & M became — one of the largest and most respected advertising organizations in the world.

      Be honest and open about who you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors — their looks or status — in order to feel good about

      themselves. Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this false mask, but they will do very little to enhance their inner value and personal growth. So be yourself. Don't engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. "Tough times never last but tough people do," as Robert Schuller says. In other words, face reality and be mature in your responses to life’s challenges. Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for eiching your relationships with others. Integrity means you do what you do because it's right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the twenty-first century without having to check your tracks in a rear-view mirror. My grandparents taught me that.


      Unit 1:cyberspace :if you don't love it ,leave it信息空間:出入隨愿

      something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. We hanker after wide-open spaces ;we like to explore ;we like to make rules but refuse to follow them .But in this age it's hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about he neighbours . 美國人的內心深處具有一種酷愛探索新領域的氣質。我們渴求寬敞的場地,我們喜歡探索,喜歡制定規章制度,卻不愿去遵守。在當今時代,卻很難找到一塊空間,可以供你任意馳騁,又不必擔心影響你的鄰居。

      There is such a place : cyberspace . Formerly a playground for computer fans ,cyberspace . Formely a playgroundfor computer fans ,cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency : school lchildren , flirtatious ,singles ,dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown ? 確實有這樣一個空間,那就是信息空間。這里原本是計算機迷的游戲天地,但如今只要想像得到的各類人群應有盡有,包括少年兒童、輕佻的單身漢、美籍匈牙利人、會計等。問題是他們都能和睦相處嗎?人們是否會因為害怕孩子們躲在臥室里看網上的淫穢圖片而將它封殺?

      The first order of business is to grasp what cyberspace is . It might help to leave beind metaphors 隱喻 of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate . Real estate ,remember ,is an intellectual ,legal ,artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland and shopping mall ,between red-light zone and school district ,between church ,state and drugstore . 首先要解決的問題是,什么是信息空間。我們可以拋開高速公路、前沿新領域等比喻,把信息空間看作一個巨大的房地產。請記住,莊園是人們智慧的結晶,是合法的、人工營造的氛圍,它建立在土地之上。在房地產業中,公園和商業中心、紅燈區與學校、教堂、政府機構與雜貨店都能區分開來。

      in the same way , you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate .Some property is privatedly owned and rented out ; other property is common land ; some places are suitable for children , and others are best avoided by all citizens . Unfortunately ,it's those places that are now capturing the popular imagination ,places that offer bombmaking instructions ,pornography, advice on how to steal credit cards .They make cyberspace sound like a nasty place . Good citizens jump to a conclusion : Better regulate it . 你可以用同樣的方法把信息空間想像為一個巨大的、無邊無際的虛擬房地產業。其中有些房產為私人擁有并已租出,有些是公共場所;有的場所適合兒童出人,而有些地方人們最好避開。遺憾的是,正是這些應該避開的地方使得人們心向神往。這些地方教唆你如何制造、為你提供淫穢材料、告訴你如何竊取信用卡。所有這些使信息空間聽起來像是一個十分骯臟的地方。正直的公民紛紛作出這樣的結論:最好對它嚴加管理。

      But before using regulations to counter indecency ,it is fundamental to interpret the nature of cyberspace . Cyberspace isn't a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children ,nor is it a giant television system that can beam offensive messages at unwilling viewers . In this kind of real estate ,users have to choose where thy visit ,what they see ,what they do .It's optiona .In other words,cyberspace is a voluntary destination --in reality ,many destinations .You don't just get "onto the Net" ;you have to go someplace in particular . That means that people can choose where to go and what to see .Yes , community standards should be enforced ,but those standards set by cyberspace communities themselves ,not by the courts or by politicians in Washington . 但是,在利用規章制度來反擊下流之舉之前,關鍵是從根本上理解信息空間的性質。惡棍并不能在信息空間搶走毫無提防之心的兒童;信息空間也不像一臺巨大的電視機,向不情愿的觀眾播放令人作嘔的節目。在信息空間這個房地產業中,用戶對他們所去之處、所見所聞、所做所為都要作出選擇,一切都出于自愿。換句話說,信息空間是個出入自便的地方,實際上,信息空間里有很多可去之處。人們不能盲目上網,必須帶著具體的目標上網。這意味著人們可以選擇去哪個網址、看什么內容。不錯,規章制度應該在群體內得以實施,但這些規章制度必須由信息空間內各個群體自己來制定,而不是由法庭或華盛頓的政客們來制定。

      what makes cyberspace so alluring is precisely the way in which it's different from shopping malls , television ,highways and other terrestrial jurisdictions.But let's define the territor: 信息空間之所以具有如此大的誘惑力,正是因為它不同于商場、電視、公路或地球上的其他地方。那么,讓我們來描述一下這個空間。

      First ,there are private e-malil conversations ,similar to the conversations you have over the teleophone .These are private and consensualand require no regulation at all . 首先,信息空間里人與人之間可以進行電子郵件交流。這種交流類似于電話交談,都是私人之間的、兩相情愿的談話,不需要任何規章制度加以限制。

      Second , there are information and entertainment services , wehre people can download anytihing from legal texts and lists of "great new restaurants " to game software or dirty pictures . These places are like bookstores ,malls and movie houses --places whre you go to buy something .The customer needs to request an item or sign up for a subscription; stuff (especially pornography ) is not sent out to people who don't ask for it .Some of these services are free or included as part of a broader service like ComputerServe or America Online ; others charge may and may bill their customers directly . 其次,信息空間提供信息與娛樂服務。人們可以從中下載各種信息,從法律文件、“大型新飯店”名單,到游戲軟件、下流圖片,無奇不有。這里如同書店、商場和電影院,屬購物區域。顧客必須通過索求或者登記來購物,物品(特別是淫穢之物)不會發送給那些沒有索取的人。有些服務可以


      Third ,there are "real" communities ---groups of people who communicate among themselves . In real-estate terms ,they're like bars or restaurants or bathhouses . Each active participate contributes to a general conversation ,generally through posted messages . Other participant may simply listen or watch .Some services are supervised by a moderator ; others are more like bulletin boards ---anyone is free to post anything .Many of these services started out unmoderated but are now imposing rules to keep out unwanted advertising ,extraneous discussions or increasingly rude participants . 三,信息空間里還有真正意義上的群體,那就是在內部互相交流思想的人群。從莊園的角度來看,這些群體就像酒吧、飯店或公共浴室。每個活躍的人都積極參與談話,談話一般通過郵件方式進行;而有的人也許只充當旁觀者或旁聽者。有些活動由專人監督,有些則像公告牌,任何人可以任意在上面張貼。很多活動起初都無人監督,但現在實行強制管理,用規章制度來掃除那些不受歡迎的廣告、不相干的討論或日漸粗魯的成員。

      cyberspace communitis evolve just the way terrestrial ommunities do : people with like-minded interests band together . Every cyberspace community has its own character . Overall , the communities on CompuServe tend t be more professsional ; those on AmericaOnline , affluent young singles ;Prodigy family-oriented itself there are lots of passionate non-commercial discussion groups on topics ranging from Hungarian politics (hungary Online ) copyright law . 信息空間里群體的'演變過程正如陸地社會團體的演變過程,即情趣相投的人們聚在一起。信息空間里每一個團體都各具特色。總的來說,“計算機服務”上的團體一般由專業技術人員組成;“美國在線”上的團體一般為富有的獨身者;“奇才”主要面向家庭。另外還有一些具有獨到見解的服務機構,“共鳴”為其中之一,是紐約市中心一家時髦的服務機構。再如“婦女專線”,是專為女性開辟的,她們希望逃避網上其他地方盛行的男性文化。就因特網本身也有大量情緒激昂的討論小組,都屬非商業性質,討論話題廣泛,從匈牙利政治(匈牙利在線)到版權法,無所不及。

      what's unique about cyberspace is that it allows communities of any size and kind to flourish ; in cyberspace ,communities are chosen by the users , not forced on them by accidents of geography . This freedom gives the rules that precise in cyberspace a moral authority that rules in terrestrial environments don't have . Most people are stuck in the country of their birth, but if you don't like the rules of a given cyberspace community ,they can restrict their children's access to it . 信息空間的獨特之處在于允許任何規模、任何種類的團體發展繁榮。在信息空間,用戶自愿參加任何團體,而不是因為地理位置的巧合而被迫參加某個團體。這種自由賦予主宰信息空間的準則一種道義上的權威,這種權威是地球空間里的準則所沒有的。多數


      what's likely to happen in cyberspace is the formation of new communities ,free of the constraits that cause conflict on earth . Instead of a global village ,which is a nice dream but impossible to manage , we'll have invented another world of self-contained communities that cater to their own members' inclinations without interfering with anyoneelse's The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand .In cyberpace ,we'll be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed --intellectual property ,content and access control , rules about privacy and free speech .Some communities will allow anyone in ;others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another .Those communites that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets wiht ever-more-particular interests and identities ) Those that can't survive --either because people lose interest or get scared off --will simply wither away . 在信息空間,可能會發生的情況是形成新的群體,新群體的形成不像在地球上那樣受到限制,產生沖突。我們不是要建立一個夢寐以求、而又難以管理的全球村,而是要建立一個由各種獨立的、不受外界影響的群體組成的世界,這些群體將投其成員所好,而又不干涉他人。一種真正的市場型管理模式很快成為可能。在信息空間,我們將能夠檢驗并完善所需要的管理制度——知識產權制度、服務內容與使用權的控制制度、個人隱私權與自由言論制度等。有些群體允許任何人加入,而有些則只允許符合這樣或那樣條件的人加入。能夠自立的群體會興旺發展(或許也會因為志趣與身份日趨特殊,而發展成為幾個分支)。有些群體或因為成員失去興趣,或因為成員被嚇跑而不能幸存下來,它們將漸漸萎縮消亡。

      in the near future ,explorers in cyberspace will need to get better at defining and identifying their communities . they will need to put in place --and accept ---their own local governments apart from terrestrial governments ,just as the owners of expensive real estatet often have their own security guards though they can call in the police to get ride of undesirable customers . 在不久的將來,信息空間的探索者應該更善于解釋和辨別各群體的性質。除了現實中的政府之外,他們將有必要安置并接受自己的地方政府,就如同豪華莊園的業主一樣.盡管可以叫警察來驅逐不受歡迎的顧客,但還是寧愿雇傭自己的保安。

      then what should be done about undesirable material in cyberspace ? What to do ,for instance ,about pornography . The answer is labeling ,besides banning ,questionable material .it makes sense for cyberspace participants themselves to agree on a scheme for uestionable items ,so that people or automatic filters can avoid them . It's easy enough for

      software manufacturers to build an automatioc filter that would prevent you or your child from ever seeing the undesired item on a menu . (it's as if all the items were wrapped , with labels on the wrapper.)

      Someone who posted pornographic material under the title "Kid-Fun" could be sued for mislabeling . 那么,該如何處置信息空間不受歡迎的材料呢?例如,淫穢材料該怎么辦?答案除了禁止以外,就是在有問題的材料上貼上標簽。信息空間的成員對有問題的內容應該達成共識,拿出一個解決方案來,使人們或自動過濾系統避開這些內容,這樣可能會有助于解決問題。軟件制造商很容易建立一套自動過濾系統,使你和孩子們在菜單上見不到不想見到的內容。(就好像所有的內容都被包裝了起來,并在包裝紙上貼有標簽。)如果有人在色情材料上貼上“童趣”的標簽,便可能會因錯貼標簽而被起訴。

      Without a lot of fanfare , private enterprises and local groups are already producing a variety of labeling services ,along with kid-oriented sites like Kidlink and Kid's Space .People differ in their tastes and values and can find services on the Net that suit them in the same way they select books and magazines . Or they can wonder freely if they prefer , making up their own itinerary . 一些私人組織和地方團體已經在不聲不晌地建立各種標簽服務系統,并建立了適合兒童的網站,如“兒童連接”、“兒童空間”等。具有不同品味和抱有不同價值觀念的人如同挑選書刊、雜志一樣,可以從網上挑選出適合自己的服務機構。如果愿意,他們還可以在網上無拘無束地逍遙漫游,完成自己的旅程。

      In the end , our society needs to grow up . Growing up means understanding thtat there are no perfect answers , no all-purpose solutions , no government sanctioned safe havens .We haven't created a perfect society on earth , and we won't have one in cyberspace either . But at least we can have individual choice and individual responsibility . 總之,我們的社會需要發展,要發展就意味著我們必須明白,世上沒有完美無缺的答案,沒有能夠解決各種問題的妙方,沒有政府認可的安全避難所。我們不能在地球上建立一個十全十美的社會,同樣也不能在信息空間營造一個這樣的社會。但是至少我們可以有個人的選擇——也有個人的責任。

      篇三:英語讀寫教程 Unit 1 課文句子翻譯

      Unit 1 Language in mission

      Text A An impressive English lesson

      Detailed Reading

      Difficult Sentences

      1. If I am the only parent who still corrects his child’s English, then perhaps my son is right. To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to. (Para 1)


      2. I think I got serious about this only recently when I ran into one of my former students, fresh from an excursion to Europe. (Para 2)


      3. She nodded three or four times, searched the heavens for the right words, and then exclaimed, “It was, like, whoa!” (Para 3)


      4. And that was it. The civilization of Greece and the glory Roman architecture were captured in a condensed non-statement. My student’s “whoa!” was exceeded only by my head-shaking distress. (Para 4)


      5. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these knowledge deficits because there is a sense that they should know better. (Para 5)


      6. Students are not dumb, but they are being misled everywhere they look and listen. (Para 6)


      7. Blame for the scandal of this language deficit should be thrust upon our schools, which should be setting high standards of English language proficiency. (Para 7) 對這種缺乏語言功底而引起的負面指責應歸咎于我們的學校。學校應對英語


      8. Moreover, the younger teachers themselves evidently have little knowledge of these vital structures of language because they also went without exposure to them. (Para 7)


      9. Then, out of his own curiosity, he asked me if other words had names for their use and functions. (Para 10)


      10. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary). (Para 11)


      11. The road map provides the framework and guidance you need for your trip, but it won’t tell you exactly what trees of flowers you will see, what kind of people you will encounter, or what types of feelings you will be experiencing on your journey. Here, the vocabulary makes the journey’s true colors come alive! A good vocabulary enables you to enjoy whatever you see as you drive along. Equipped with grammar and a good vocabulary, you have flexibility and excellent control. While the road map guides your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps you to fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way. (Para 12)






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