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  • 中級翻譯資格考試口譯模擬試題答案

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      Part A: Spot Dictation

      1. a great deal 2. eventually count

      3. mountain area expeditions4. fascinating aspects

      5. part of our heritage6. exploration

      7. to the full8. without realizing it

      9. physical benefits10. has expanded

      11. isolated classroom12. outdoor activities

      13. walking14. daily basis

      15. can be easily measured16. opportunities for success

      17. young students 18. real achievement

      19. self-respect20. more formal education

      Part B: Listening Comprehension

      1-5 D A D B C6-10 C D C A A

      11-15 C B C A D16-20 D A C C B

      21-25 C D C D C26-30 B B C C D

      Part C: Listening and Translation

      Ⅰ. Sentence Translation

      1. 在香港,有一個地方你是一定要去的。那是孩子們的必到之處。去那里,他們一定會感到高興。

      2. 考慮到我們現在具備的良好的財政和政治上的支持以及投資環境,我想我們應該開始這個項目。

      3. 在這個國家大約有150 萬人在旅游部門供職,每年旅游業為國家經濟創收三億元。

      4. 彼得·布朗在公司里已經做了五年多的助經 。未能得到提升對他是個沉重的打擊。

      5. 你能從這一類的定期存款中獲取5%的利息,那要高出平均利率。但如果你提前支取就 會有處罰。

      Ⅱ. Passage Translation

      1. 在鄉村生活的問題是那里太安靜了。要干的活兒不夠多,而且公共汽車太少,你如果沒有私車,晚上就很難進城。商店和服務行業也太遠。在下雨時,有些路過于泥濘,無法走路。昨天,雨下得那么大,以至于我僅僅在下班走回這一段路,膝蓋以下都沾滿了泥。

      2. 關于自殺的一個錯誤概念,是 為自殺的大都是老年人或行將就木者。事實是50 歲以 下的人更容易自殺。自殺的原因通常是由于嚴重壓抑或者無法處 個人學習和生涯中的失敗。因壓抑或失敗而自殺,現在已經是15 至25 歲的人群中第三大死亡原因,也是大學生中第二大死亡原因。


      1-5 C B B D C 6-10 A D A C D

      11-15 A C C C A16-20 A A A C D

      21-25 B C A D D26-30 C D B D C



      懂得公開真誠的交流和可靠信息的價值和重要性是不難的。然而,只有極少數的機構可以做到這點。從長遠來看,交流不好,會破壞整個機構。限制溝通和曲解信息是短期行為的思路。我們必須避免這些愚昧、短 的陷阱,不斷地努力營造一個以客觀信息為基礎 的溝通體系。


      The Chinese people have been a freedom-and-peace-loving nation.They have always hoped for the world to be at peace and the peoples of various countries to co-exist peacefully. Having suffered from wars and foreign aggression in modern times, the Chinese people treasure freedom and peace all the more.Every nation needs a peaceful and stable international and domestic environment for its construction and development. The freedom of a country or nation is the prerequisite and base of the freedom of any individual.

      We hope that all nations can live in a world free from war and violence and that people from all parts of the world can enjoy freedom without oppression, discrimination, bullying and humiliation.



      Part A: Sport Dictation

      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Remember you will hear the passage only once. Now let s begin Part A with Spot Dictation.

      Experience is the great teacher. A student needs to be well versed in the theory.In other words, he can learn a great deal from books, but it is the experience of the situations and the application of this knowledge that will eventually count.With this in mind,many schools nowadays have incorporated into their curricula activities of outdoor education,such as field trips, camping holidays and mountain area expeditions.To our students from large cities, the countryside has two fascinating aspects: one is the vast wealth of wild life, historical relics and scenic grandeur that is part of our heritage;the other is the pure joy of physical exhilaration which is part and parcel of every trek or exploration. If we fail to exploit both to the full, we are the losers. While enj oying the former, we have moved into the realms of the latter without realising it.There should be no doubt about the very real physical benefits to be gained by participating in out-door activities. Although physical education in schools has expanded considerably,the general picture is still of isolated classroom periods dotted here and there throughout the academic year.In the wider field of outdoor activities, however, the physical effort,even thoug it may only involve walking, continues over long periods and often on a daily basis for several days on end. The physical improvement is very obvious and can easily be measured after as short a time as, say, ten days.

      The wide range of outdoor activities increases the opportunities for success. And there are many instances in which young students have tasted the lasting satisfaction of their first real achievement, often under testing situations. This is a basic essential and breeds self-respect as well as respect for others. Furthermore, it often produces an air of self-confidence which more formal education may well have damaged in some students.

      Part B: Listening Comprehension

      Ⅰ. Statements

      Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the following interview in a sport programme.

      (Woman) Mr. Deluca, you ve been a racing-driver for nearly 10 years.You've had a very dangerous life, haven't you? I mean,you've almost been killed a couple of times during these years, haven't you?

      (Man) Yes, I suppose that's right.

      (Woman) When was your worst accident?

      (Man) I'd say last year.It was during the British Grand Prix last September.In the the middle of the race I smashed into a wall. The car was completely ruined and my left leg was broken. Luckily, nobody was killed.

      (Woman) Is that the only time you've been… er… close to death?

      (Man) No. Once, during the Mexican Grand Prix,two cars in front of me had a bad accident.One of them ran into the other. I swerved to avoid them and hit a fence. My car was badly damaged but luckily I wasn t even hurt.

      (Woman) You must enjoy danger.I mean,you wouldn't be a racing-driver if you didn't, would you?

      (Man) I don't know about that. I had a very frightening experience quite recently. I was frightened to death! I thought I was going to be killed at any moment.

      (Woman) Really? When was that? During your last race?

      (Man) No. It was on my way to this studio. I had to drive through London streets during the lunch hour. There were so many cars all around me and they are so close to each other.

      Question No.19. Why does the woman say that the man has led a dangerous life?

      Question No.20. According to the man, when was his worst accident?

      Question No.21. What happened during the Mexican Grand Prix?

      Question No.22. What frightening experience did the man have quite recently?

      Questions 23 to 26 are based on the following interview.

      (Woman) Hello and welcome to this week's edition of“Consumers' Rights”. Today we ve brought you out of the city center and into Mr. Nick Marshfield's office which overlooks the Armlay International Airport. Mr. Nick Marshfield is the assistant manager of the Atlantic Airlines. And he is going to tell us something about the changes, if any, taking place in our airline companies. Nick?

      (Man) Hello. A few months ago four airline companies decided to create what you could call a third-class section by separating their discount passengers and giving them less service than the regular full-fare fliers.

      (Woman) I should think that would make things more complicated for the crew, with another group of passengers to take care of.

      (Man) Well, the plan turned out to be rather unpopular with some people anyway.One airline has completely dropped the idea after using it for about a month,saying “nobody liked it”. Another company doesn't know whether it will go on with it or not. Two other companies say they will continue the service only on their overseas flights. One thing about it — it's competition.The airline companies have been freed from federal government, and can now make their policies to please the customers. I suppose there is some advantage for the regular flight passengers because under this plan they get better service than the discount passengers. At any rate, the good part about it is that the customers will be the ones to decide what they want rather than the federal government.If the airline companies get more customers with the three-class system they may let it stay that way. If flights with only two classes are more popular overall, that is the way it will turn out.

      Question No.23. Initially, how many passenger classes were approved by the federal government?

      Question No.24. What does the man tell us about the new plan being tried out by the airline companies?

      Question No.25. How did the airline companies respond to the new idea?

      Question No.26. Who would be expected to benefit most from the new plan?

      Questions 27 to 30 are based on the following conversation.

      (Man) Do you know what day it is tomorrow?

      (Woman) Yes, it's Wednesday, the eleventh of March. Why? What's special about that?

      (Man) The eleventh of March. It's my anniversary. I will have been here for two years tomorrow.

      (Woman) Really? It can't have been that long! It seems likejust a couple of weeks ago.

      (Man) I must have seemed like a green kid when I walked in that door.

      (Woman) It was your first job, wasn't it?

      (Man) My first job, and the only job I've ever had.

      (Woman) But you've been promoted and transferred. You've done pretty well, I think.

      (Man) Yes, I suppose I have, but I should have kept on in night school. I should have gone ahead and taken some courses in Business Administration.

      (Woman) Are you thinking about going back and doing it now?

      (Man) I may. The work in the accounting department is getting to be pretty routine. And I feel that I can do with some change. Don't you ever feel that way about your job?

      (woman) All the traveling I do keeps it interesting. I get to see a lot of different places.

      (Man) You must have visitedjust about every big city in the country.

      (Woman) Most of them, and quite a few in Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean too.

      (Man) While I just stay in the same old office day after day.

      (Woman) You do sound restless! You'd really better look into the business administration course.

      (Man) Yes, I guess I should. I'll talk with Joyce and see what she has to say bout it.

      (Woman) You mean Joyce Carter, the Accounting Manager? I'm sure she'd encourage you to go ahead.

      (Man) I was so afraid of her when I first walked in. And now I just think of her as a friend. I wonder what the next two years are going to bring.

      Question No.27. When is the conversation taking place?

      Question No.28. How long will the man have worked there by the eleventh of March?

      Question No.29. According to the woman, why does she find her job interesting?

      Question No.30. Why does the man want to take the business administration course?

      Part C: Listening and Translation

      Ⅰ. Sentence Translation

      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence,translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now let's begin Sentence Translation with Sentence No. 1.

      Sentence No.1. There's one other place you shouldn't miss while you are in Hong Kong. It's an absolute must for the kids. They would certainly enjoy going there.

      Sentence No.2. Considering the favourable financial and political support and investment environment we now have, I think we ought to go ahead with the project.

      Sentence No.3. In this country, about 1.5 million people are employed in tourism, and every year the tourist industry contributes 300 million dollars to the national economy.

      Sentence No.4. His failure to get the promotion was a real blow to Peter Brown, who had been an assistant manager in the company for more than five years.

      Sentence No.5. You'll earn a 5 percent interest on this type of deposit account, which is higher than the average interest rate, but there'll be a penalty for early withdrawal.

      Ⅱ. Passage Translation

      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOLLET. You may take notes while you are listening. Now, let's begin Passage Translation with the first passage.

      Passage 1

      The trouble with living in the country is that it s much too quiet. There aren t enough things to do, and there are so few buses that you cannot get into town easily in the evening if you haven't got a car. Shops and services are not near enough, either. And when it rains, some of the roads get too muddy to walk on. Yesterday it rained so much that I got covered in mud up to my kneesjust walking home from work.

      Passage 2

      A common misconception about suicide is that most people who take their own lives are old and near death. The truth is that those under 50 are more likely to commit suicide than those over 50. Suicide, or taking one's own life, usually results from severe depression or inability to cope with failure in one's study and career. It is now the third leading cause of death among young people between age 15 and 25,and it is the second leading cause of death among university and college students.











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