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  • 財務術語英語翻譯

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      估計使用年期 estimated useful life

      估值師 valuer

      估值報告 valuation report

      低收費經紀 discount broker

      低于面值 below par

      低于最佳賣盤價 / 低于最好沽盤價 downtick; minus tick

      魘德蚵艏?firm bid and ask quotations

      作價買賣 market making

      傭金回扣 commission rebate

      免責聲明 disclaimer

      冷淡對待令 cold shoulder order

      利息補貼【中國內地】 interest rate subsidy【Mainland China】

      利息資本化 capitalisation of interest

      利益沖突事宜委員會 Conflict Committee

      利率上限 interest-rate ceiling

      利率掉期 / 利率調期* interest-rate swap

      利率期貨 interest-rate futures

      利率銜接 interest collar; interest rate collar

      利潤 profit

      初次公開招股 initial public offering (IPO)

      初步認購價 initial subscription price

      助理主管【創業板】 assistant supervisor【GEM】

      即日平倉交易 day trade

      即日回購協議【銀行】 intraday repurchase agreement【banking】

      即日有效買賣盤 good-for-day order

      即日拆借市場 intra-day money market

      即日流動資金 intraday liquidity

      即日差額繳款報告【中央結算系統】 Intra-day Marks Collection Report【CCASS】

      即日追補按金 intra-day margin call

      即日報價 intraday quotation

      即日買賣 day trade

      即日盤 / 即日買賣盤 day order

      「即日鮮」 day trade

      即日額外按金 intra-day margin

      即月 front-month

      即夜傳送報告資料服務【中央結算系統】 Overnight Report Distribution【CCASS】

      實時支付結算系統【金管局】 Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS)【HKMA】

      實時或取消 Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)

      實時匯款同時交收【銀行】 payment vs payment (PvP)【banking】

      實時信息 real time information

      實時數碼數據傳送專線 realtime digital datafeed

      實時數碼數據服務 Realtime Digital Data Service (RDDS)

      實時轉送 online transfer

      否定聲明 negative statement; disclaimer

      囤倉策略 buy and hold strategy

      均衡價格 equilibrium price

      坐盤 proprietary trading

      夾倉 squeeze; short squeeze

      尾盤 at-the-close order

      技術分析 technical analysis

      投資分析員 investment analyst

      投資服務指令【歐洲聯盟】 Investment Services Directive (ISD)【European Union】

      投資者戶口服務 Investor Account Service

      投資者戶口持有人 Investor Participant (IP)

      《投資者戶口持有人規則》 Terms and Conditions for Investor Participants

      《投資者與證券市場》【刊物】 Investors and the Stock Market【publication】

      《投資者應知多點》【刊物】 Know More About Your Investment【publication】

      投資級別 investment grade

      投資理念 investment philosophy

      投資組合 portfolio

      投資組合經理 portfolio manager

      投資對象 investee

      投資管理研究聯會 Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR)

      投資顧問 investment adviser

      投資顧問委員會 Investment Advisory Committee

      投標程序 tender procedure

      折扣 discount; haircut

      折扣經紀 discount broker

      折算 translation

      折舊 depreciation

      折讓 discount

      折讓經紀 discount broker

      拋空 short selling

      改良特別股份交易方法 Enhanced Special Stock Trading Method

      更正交易 trade amendment

      更改財政年度結算日期 change of year end

      每日平均交收效率 daily average settlement efficiency

      每日交易活動及持倉報告【期貨】 Daily Trading Activity and Open Positions Summary Report【futures】

      每日回報標準差 standard deviation of daily return

      每日按金 daily margin

      每日按金要求 daily margin call

      每日價格上限 daily trading limit

      《每周港股統計數字》 Weekly Hong Kong Stock Market Statistics

      每股有形資產凈值 net tangible assets per share

      每股盈利 earnings per share (EPS)

      每股資產凈值 net asset value per share

      沒有利益關系的股東 disinterested shareholder

      沒有預先借貨的賣空活動 naked short selling

      沒有擔保的賣空交易 uncovered short selling

      私人戶口交易指引 personal account dealing guidelines

      私人配售 private placing

      私人密碼 personal identification number (PIN)

      私有化 / 私營化 privatisation

      系列按金價值 series margin value

      系統性風險 systematic risk

      系統參數 system parameter

      系統終止 system closure

      系統整合商 system integrator

      系統聯通權 system access right

      系統聯通權收費【期權】 System Access Right Fee【options】

      巡回推介 roadshow

      《防止洗黑錢修訂指引》 Revised Guidance Notes Regarding Money Laundering

      accountant genaral 會計主任

      account balancde 結平的帳戶

      account bill 帳單

      account books 帳

      account classification 帳戶分類

      account current 往來帳

      account form of balance sheet 帳戶式資產負債表

      account form of profit and loss statement 帳戶式損益表

      account payable 應付帳款

      account receivable 應收帳款

      account of payments 支出表

      account of receipts 收入表

      account title 帳戶名稱,會計科目accounting year 或financial year 會計年度

      accounts payable ledger 應付款分類帳Accounting period(會計期間)are related to specific

      time periods ,typically one year(通常是一年)

      資產負債表:balance sheet 可以不大寫b

      利潤表: income statements (or statements of income)

      利潤分配表:retained earnings

      現金流量表:cash flows

      營業費用 Operating expenses

      代銷手續費 Consignment commission charge

      運雜費 Transpotation

      保險費 Insurance premium

      展覽費 Exhibition fees

      廣告費 Advertising fees

      管理費用 Adminisstrative expenses

      職工工資 Staff Salaries

      修理費 Repair charge

      低值易耗攤銷 Article of consumption

      辦公費 Office allowance

      差旅費 Travelling expense

      工會經費 Labour union expenditure

      研究與開發費 Research and development expense

      福利費 Employee benefits/welfare

      職工教育經費 Personnel education

      待業保險費 Unemployment insurance

      勞動保險費 Labour insurance

      醫療保險費 Medical insurance

      會議費 Coferemce

      聘請中介機構費 Intermediary organs

      咨詢費 Consult fees

      訴訟費 Legal cost

      業務招待費 Business entertainment

      技術轉讓費 Technology transfer fees

      礦產資源補償費 Mineral resources compensation fees

      排污費 Pollution discharge fees

      房產稅 Housing property tax

      車船使用稅 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)

      土地使用稅 Tenure tax

      印花稅 Stamp tax

      財務費用 Finance charge

      利息支出 Interest exchange

      匯兌損失 Foreign exchange loss

      各項手續費 Charge for trouble

      各項專門借款費用 Special-borrowing cost

      流動資產 Current assets

      貨幣資金 Cash and cash equivalents

      現金 Cash

      銀行存款 Cash in bank

      其他貨幣資金 Other cash and cash equivalents

      外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank

      銀行本票 Cashiers cheque

      銀行匯票 Bank draft

      信用卡 Credit card

      信用證保證金 L/C Guarantee deposits

      存出投資款 Refundable deposits

      短期投資 Short-term investments

      股票 Short-term investments - stock

      債券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds

      基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds

      其他 Short-term investments - other

      短期投資跌價準備 Short-term investments falling price reserves

      應收款 Account receivable

      應收票據 Note receivable

      銀行承兌匯票 Bank acceptance

      商業承兌匯票 Trade acceptance

      應收股利 Dividend receivable

      應收利息 Interest receivable

      應收賬款 Account receivable

      其他應收款 Other notes receivable

      壞賬準備 Bad debt reserves

      預付賬款 Advance money

      應收補貼款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable

      庫存資產 Inventories

      物資采購 Supplies purchasing

      原材料 Raw materials

      包裝物 Wrappage

      低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods

      材料成本差異 Materials cost variance

      自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods

      庫存商品 Finished goods

      商品進銷差價 Differences between purchasing and selling price

      委托代銷商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis

      受托代銷商品 Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

      存貨跌價準備 Inventory falling price reserves

      分期收款發出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages

      待攤費用 Deferred and prepaid expenses

      長期投資 Long-term investment

      長期股權投資 Long-term investment on stocks

      股票投資 Investment on stocks

      其他股權投資 Other investment on stocks

      長期債權投資 Long-term investment on bonds

      債券投資 Investment on bonds












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