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  • 中醫(yī)制藥常用英語詞匯

    時(shí)間:2024-08-30 21:28:19 行業(yè)英語 我要投稿
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      暗煅 sealed pot calcination

      熬 stir-heating


      掰 breaking off with hands

      白礬 Alumen

      白礬制 processing with alum solution

      白酒 liquor

      敗片 substandard slices

      伴炒 stir-heat drugs with another drug in fine powder form

      拌衣 coat the surface of drug with solid dressing

      蚌粉 Clamshell powder

      蚌粉制 processing with clamshell powder

      鎊刀 pangdao --- an old cutting instrument composed of a set of knives for cutting extremely thin slices

      鎊法 method for cutting drugs into very thin slices with a special knife “pangdao”

      鎊片 “pang” slices (see extremely thin slices)

      焙 bake over a slow fire ; cook by dry heat in an oven

      鱉血 Soft-shelled turtle blood

      鱉血制 processing with soft-shelled turtle blood

      鱉血炙 stir-heating drugs with turtle blood

      剝?nèi)ス麣?strip the shuck

      剝?nèi)ス?strip the fruit outer layer

      剝?nèi)?strip the shuck

      薄片 thin slices

      簸 fanning

      不水火制法 processing without fire or water


      燀 blanching; scalding in water to remove the seed coat

      長段 length of drug about 20 mm long

      長流水 flowing water

      敞口煅 calcining drugs in open air

      抄 blanching; scalding in water to remove the seed coat

      焯 blanching; scalding in water to remove the seed coat

      潮解 deliquescence

      潮片 moist herbal pieces

      潮氣 moisture in the air

      潮濕 moist

      炒 stir-heating

      炒爆 make the seeds crack by stir-heating

      炒成珠 expand the drug pieces in to ball-shape by scalding

      炒存性 nature of drugs partly preserved after stir-heating

      炒斷絲 stir-heat drugs till the gummy threads in the drugs are broken

      炒法 stir-heating drugs in a caldron

      炒黃 make light brown by stir-heating

      炒焦 make brown by stir-heating

      炒令煙盡 stir-head the drug till smoke disappeared

      炒令煙起 stir-head the drug till the emitting of the smoke

      炒去刺 remove the thorns by stir-heating

      炒去油 get rid of oil or fat by stir-heating

      炒熟 stir-heat the drugs till they are well done

      炒炭存性 preserve the nature of the drug after carbonization by stir-heating

      炒炭法 method for charcoal processing, parching a drug into charcoal

      炒炭止血 drug manifest more powerful effect of hemostasis after heating into charcoals in a pot

      炒香 stir-heat the drugs till they are fragrant

      炒以緩其性 decrease the original property of drugs by stir-heating

      炒至帶焦斑 stir-heat till the drug has some brown dots on the surface

      炒至鼓起 stir-heat till the drugs are bulge

      炒至老黃色 stir-heat till (the drugs) become dark yellow

      炒至靈活 make solid adjuvants loose by stir-heating

      闖 removing non-medicinal part such as hair or epidermis by collision of drugs with grit

      遲火 slow fire

      赤石脂 Halloysitum Rubrum

      蟲蛀 be damaged by worms

      蟲蛀的 moth-eaten or worm-eaten

      除去外膜 exclude the outer membrane

      穿刺法 method for examining the degree of softening by puncturing

      串 grinding with roller

      從制 processing a drug with the dressing that has the same or similar property and flavour so as to promote its original property, flavour and function

      醋 rice vinegar

      醋拌 mixing with rice vinegar

      醋炒 stir-heating with rice vinegar

      醋淬 tempering by dipping in rice vinegar

      醋煅淬 calcining followed by quenching with rice vinegar

      醋浸 soaking in rice vinegar

      醋潤 moistening with rice vinegar

      醋研 grinding with rice vinegar

      醋蒸 steaming drugs with rice vinegar

      醋制 processing with rice vinegar

      醋制入肝 processing with rice vinegar for leading the drug effect on liver

      醋炙 stir-heating drugs with rice vinegar

      醋煮 boiling in diluted rice vinegar

      淬 temper by dipping in water , oil , etc

      存性 nature of the drug partly preserved after carbonization

      寸節(jié) segments

      銼 filing

      銼法 filing

      銼屑 filings; file dust


      大緊眼篩 mesh whose diameter is 2 mm

      大中眼篩 mesh whose diameter is 6.6 mm

      單炒 stir-heating drugs with no dressing

      膽汁 bile

      膽汁制 processing drugs with bile

      刀圭 an old measuring tool for measurement of powder

      倒簸 winnowing with a dustpan

      搗 pounding

      搗取汁 get juice by pounding

      搗碎 pounding into pieces ; Stamp breaking

      搗為沫 pulverize by pounding

      搗作餅 pound the drugs into cakes

      稻糠火 heat from burning rice chaff

      稻米 rice

      低溫冷藏法 method for storing drugs at low temperature

      滴水成珠 drugs shape themselves into ball when they fall into water, be shaped like a ball when falling into water

      顛 separating drugs from foreign matters in a flat round bamboo container with vibration and gravitational fore

      掉邊 falling off the appearance of cork

      丁子 cubes of 1 cm

      頂頭片 slices cut in transverse section

      抖 shaking

      豆腐 bean curd

      豆腐蒸 steaming with bean curd

      豆腐制 processing with bean curd

      豆腐煮 cooking with bean curd

      嘟嚕煅 calcining drugs in a covered refractory pottery jar

      毒性 toxicity

      肚片 stomach-shaped drug slices

      短段 length of drugs less than 9 mm long

      段 segments

      煅淬 calcining followed by quenching

      煅法 calcining ; calcination

      煅飛 calcining the drug and grinding it with water

      煅片 calcined drug slices

      煅酥 calcining drugs until crispy

      煅炭存性 nature of the drug partly preserved after carbonization by calcining

      煅炭法 method for charcoal processing in a pot without air

      煅者去堅(jiān)性 decrease the tenacious property by calcining

      煅至紅透 calcine till (the drugs ) becomes thoroughly red

      堆潤 softening the drugs by stacking the washed or water-sprayed drugs with cover

      燉 stewing


      發(fā)汗 moisture transmitted to the surface of drug by piling up

      發(fā)酵 fermentation

      發(fā)霉 mold; mildewed

      發(fā)霉的 moldy

      發(fā)泡 foaming; foam rising

      發(fā)芽 germination

      發(fā)芽率 germination rate of seeds

      翻動 stirring

      礬水煮 boiling in vitriol solution

      礬制 processing with vitriol

      燔 broiling; setting on fire

      反制 processing a drug with the dressing that has different or opposite property and flavor so as to decrease its original property , flavor and function

      泛油 rancid oil seeps to the surface of drugs

      方塊 cubes of 1~1.5 cm

      放涼 be exposed in air for cooling

      飛凈 purifying drug by water grinding

      沸水燀潤法 method of moistening by putting (the drugs) in boiling water for a short time

      沸水泡 soaking in boiling water

      分檔 grading

      粉性 powdery

      風(fēng)干 air-dry

      風(fēng)化 efflorescence

      風(fēng)選 winning

      蜂蜜 honey

      逢子必炒 seed drugs be stir-heated before using

      麩炒 stir-heating with bran

      麩煨 cooking surrounded with bran

      麩制抑酷性而和胃 drugs after processing with bran manifest less property of dryness and harmonize stomach with bran

      伏龍肝 clay collected from the chamber of the Chinese cook-stove

      伏潤法 moistening under sealed-up condition

      斧頭片 axe-shaped drug slices

      輔料 adjuvants used in crude drug processing

      復(fù)潤 softening the drug twice so as to moisten it thoroughly

      復(fù)制法 complex processing method

      富水 plenty of water needed for preparation of drugs

      賦色 coloration; colouring


      改刀 reslicing the unqualified herbal pieces from place of production

      改刀片 herbal pieces obtained by reslicing the unqualified herbal pieces from place of production

      蓋煅 calcining drugs in a covered container without sealing up

      干餾法 dry distillation

      干漆水 lacquer decoction

      干漆水浸 soaking in lacquer decoction

      干熱法 dry heat processing

      干燥 drying; seasoning

      甘草水 (water) decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae

      甘草水制 processing with decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae

      甘瀾水 water with bubbles rolling on the surface ( water handled by repeatedly taken out of and pouring back to the container )

      蛤粉 pulverized-clamshell

      蛤粉炒 stir-heating with pulverized-clamshell

      蛤粉燙 stir-heating with hot pulverized-clamshell

      個(gè)治 slicing drug one after another

      枸杞湯 decoction of Chinese wolfberry

      枸杞湯浸 soaking in the decoction of Chinese wolfberry

      骨牌片 dominos-shaped drug slices

      固體輔料 kind of solid dressing under normal temperature

      瓜子片 melon seed-shaped drug slices

      刮去毛 remove fuzz by scraping

      刮去青皮(竹) scrap off the outer layer (of bamboo)

      刮去外層粗皮 scrap off the outer scurf

      刮削 scraping

      掛須 appearance of having something like tassel on the surface

      罐煅 calcining drugs in an earthenware jar

      罐燉 be stewed in a china jar

      罐蒸 steaming drugs in an jar

      貴在適中 what really counts is properly processed

      鍋煅 calcining drugs in an iron cauldron


      河沙 river sand

      荷葉 lotus leaf

      黑豆水 water decoction of black soybean

      黑豆水制 processing with decoction of black soybean

      黑豆蒸 steaming drugs with water decoction of black soybean

      黑豆汁 juice in which black soybean has been cooked

      黑豆煮 be boiled with black soybean

      黑芝麻炒 stir-heating with black sesame

      橫片 slices cut in transverse section

      烘 dry or warm by fire

      烘焙 drying on an oven

      烘干 dry drugs in a stove or oven

      烘烤 scorching on a fire

      烘切 cutting the drugs softened by fire into pieces

      烘去油 heat drugs in a stove or oven to remove fat or oil

      烘煨 roasting by exposing to an open fire

      紅見黑則止 charcoal’s the property of stopping bleeding

      厚片 thick slices

      糊片 over-fried drug slice

      蝴蝶片 butterfly-shaped drug slices

      滑石粉 pulverized-talcum

      滑石粉燙 stir-heating with hot pulverized-talcum

      滑石粉煨 cooking surrounded with hot pulverized-talcum

      懷干 drying by putting in the bosom

      緩煮 boiling drugs with slow fire

      黃酒 yellow-wine: brown rice wine

      黃衣 appearance of yellow rope on the surface

      灰分 ash content

      揮發(fā) volatilizing

      回潤法 moistening for twice

      火毒 fire toxin

      火候 duration and degree of heating , cooking and smelting

      火力 firing strength

      火燎 singeing

      火色 coloration of heat-processed drugs

      火制法 fire processing method


      極薄片 extremely thin slices

      極細(xì)粉 extremely fine powder

      急炒 stir-heating drugs quickly for a short time

      急火 strong fire which subsides quickly

      忌鐵器 keeping away from iron-wares

      加輔料炒 stir-heating with adjuvant

      加輔料蒸法 steaming with adjuvant

      加溫軟化法 softening crude-drugs by warm-soaking

      堅(jiān)脆 solid but crisp

      堅(jiān)實(shí) hard

      煎 decoction

      煎煮制霜法 method for making drugs into frost-like powder by decocting

      姜炒 stir-heating drugs with ginger juice or with decoction of dried ginger

      姜汁 Ginger juice

      姜汁浸 soaking in ginger juice or water decoction of dried ginger

      姜汁蒸 steaming drugs with water decoction of dried ginger

      姜汁炙 stir-heating drugs with ginger juice or water decoction of dried ginger

      姜制發(fā)散 drugs processed with ginger generally manifest their effects for dispersion

      姜炙 stir-heating drugs with ginger juice or with decoction of dried ginger

      焦斑 burned dots

      焦黑色 burned black

      焦枯 over burned

      角質(zhì) keratin

      角質(zhì)樣光澤 keratin-like gloss

      絞取汁 getting juice by twisting

      矯臭 odour-correction

      矯味 flavour-correction

      節(jié)片 segments

      節(jié)子 length of drugs less than 9 mm long

      解毒 detoxify

      緊水洗 washing with small volume of water

      浸 soaking

      浸鎊 soak drug and cut it into pieces with Bang knife

      浸酒soaking in rice wine

      浸泡 soak with large volume of water

      浸軟 maceration

      浸潤 moistening

      浸透 thorough soaking

      浸漬 soaking with small volume of water

      粳米 polished round-grained rice

      凈度 purity

      凈制 cleansing ; cleaning

      九蒸九曝 steaming and solarizing drugs to the sun alternatively for nine times

      九蒸九曬 steaming and exposing drugs to the sun alternatively for nine times

      九轉(zhuǎn)膽星 something made of Rhizoma Arisaematis cum bile by nine work procedures in turn

      酒 wine; liquor

      酒拌 mixing with rice wine

      酒炒 stir-heating with liquor

      酒淬 quenching with liquor

      酒燉 stewing drugs with rice wine

      酒烘 drying by the fire after mixing with liquor

      酒潤 moistening with rice wine

      酒砂炒 stir-heating the drugs with sand which has been sprayed with liquor

      酒穌 making crisp by soaking in liquor

      酒鐵砂炒 stir-heating the drugs with iron sand which has been sprayed with liquor

      酒洗 washing with rice wine

      酒研 grinding with rice wine

      酒蒸 steaming drugs with rice wine

      酒制 processing with rice wine

      酒制餅 make drug cakes through soaking them in liquor

      酒制升提 drugs, processed with wine, generally manifest their effects for ascending

      酒炙 stir-heating drugs with rice wine

      菊花篩 mesh whose diameter about 15-20 mm

      咀 biting into small pieces

      咀子 segment with the length about 1 cm


      看水頭 observing and distinguishing moisture-absorption and softening of drugs

      糠 rice chaff

      糠煨 cooking surrounded with hot rice chaff

      烤 baking

      烤干 bake drug dry

      烤切 cutting after bake

      顆粒性 particle or granule

      客片 nonnative slices; slices done in the production place

      扣鍋煅 calcining drugs under sealed-up condition

      枯干 dryness

      苦酒 rice vinegar

      塊 cubes or pieces

      寬水洗 washing with large volume of water

      寬絲 shredded slice about 5-10 mm wide

      寬湯煮 boiling in (a large volume) of water

      潰 fester


      蠟水細(xì)研 fine grinding with warm water decoction of candle

      蠟水蒸 steaming with water decoction of candle

      老蜜 honey refined until its temperature reaches 119-122℃ with loss of most contained water

      雷公炮制十七法 Lei’s seventeen methods for processing crude drugs

      連刀片 uncut-off herbal piece

      煉蜜 honey refined until its temperature reaches 116-118℃ with loss of 13% contained water

      晾干 spread and dry in the air

      晾涼 making cool by spreading

      晾悶 soften drugs by both placing the moistened drug in the air and putting it in a sealed container

      晾潤 soften drugs by placing the washed or moistened drugs in the air

      燎去毛 remove fibrous root or fuzz by singeing

      淋潤 softening drugs by spraying water

      鱗片 scale or bud scale

      柳木火 the heat of burning willow

      柳葉片 willow leaves-shaped drug slices

      露 distillate of herbal drugs

      露潤 softening drugs by absorbing dew outside

      爐口煅 calcining directly on the fire

      濾 filtrating

      綠豆 mung bean

      綠豆煮 boil mung bean in water decoction

      羅 sieve made of copper wire or silk thread for sifting powder

      蘿卜汁 radish juice

      蘿卜制 preparing drugs with radish


      麻辣感 sense of numbness and pungency

      馬蹄片 horse hoof-shaped drugs slices

      馬尾羅 mesh whose diameter is about 0.96mm.

      麥麩 wheat bran

      麥面 flour

      慢火 slow fire which lasts long

      眉毛片 eyebrow-shaped drugs slices

      霉?fàn) appearance of going moldy and getting rotten

      悶潤 softening drugs by putting the washed or moistened drugs in a sealed container.

      燜煅 calcining drugs under sealed-up condition

      燜火煅 calcining drugs under sealed-up condition

      米炒 stir-heating with rice

      米醋 rice vinegar

      米泔水 rice-washed water

      米泔水制 processing with rice-washed water

      米節(jié) length of drugs less than 9 mm

      米酒 rice wine

      米湯 water in which rice has been cooked

      密閉煅 calcining drugs under sealed-up condition

      密閉養(yǎng)護(hù)法 method for maintaining the property by sealed-up

      蜜 honey

      蜜麩 mixture of bran and water diluted honey

      蜜浸法 soaking in honey

      蜜水炒 stir-heating with water diluted honey

      蜜水浸焙 drying by the fire after soaking in water diluted honey

      蜜制和中 processing with honey for regulating and normalizing the function of stomach and spleen

      蜜制益元 processing with honey for benefit vitality

      蜜炙 stir-heating drugs with water diluted honey

      面煨 roasting drugs wrapped in flour paste

      明煅 calcining drugs in open air

      末節(jié) segments

      牡蠣粉 Oyster shell powder

      牡蠣粉炒 stir-heating with oyster shell powder

      木甑蒸 steaming with “Muzhen”

      木甄 Muzhen --- a kind of Chinese wood container be used to steam


      內(nèi)無白心 no white colored core found after boiling

      內(nèi)無干心 no dried core found after soaking

      嫩蜜 honey refined until its temperature reaches 105-110 C with loss of 3% contained water, d=1.34 approximately

      碾 grinding with roller

      尿泡 soaking in urine

      蘗法 budding---a method of making the seeds sprouting

      蘗米 sprout

      牛乳 milk

      糯米 polished glutinous rice


      拍 patting

      盤香片 incense coil-shaped drug slices

      刨 plane

      炮 process of roasting or stir-heating

      炮裂 cracking by stir-heating

      炮制 processing crude drugs

      炮制品 processed drugs

      泡 soaking

      泡潤 softening drugs by soaking them in water

      噴淋 spraying

      噴潤 softening drugs by spraying little water

      噴灑 spraying

      劈 chopping

      劈法 chopping

      劈開法 method for splitting drugs

      片 slices; pieces

      片型 piece shape of drug

      片張 the outer characters of piece

      漂 blanching and rinsing by frequently refreshing the water

      漂凈 removing salt, stinking smell and toxin of drugs by rinse

      頻換水 change water frequently

      曝 exposing to the sun

      曝干 drying the drugs by solarizing


      起滑 formation of a layer of mucous on the surface of drugs during preparation with water

      起沫 foaming

      起泡 aeration

      起霜 frosting

      氣味散失 losing of odor and flavor

      欠水 processing drugs with water for a short time to avoid excessive absorption of moisture

      強(qiáng)火 strong heating fire

      搶水洗 quick washing with large volume of water

      翹片 warped piece

      切段 cut into segments

      切塊 cut into cubes or pieces

      切片 cut into slices

      切絲 cut into slivers

      切碎 cut into pieces; chop into pieces

      切制 cutting

      青黛拌衣 coating with Indigo Naturalis

      青黛粉 Indigo Naturalis powder

      清炒 stir-heating drugs without dressing

      清蒸 simple steaming

      秋石 processed urine deposit

      曲 leaven

      麯藥 drugs prepared by fermentation

      去白 remove the white inner surface of exocarp

      去柄 remove fruit stalk

      去殘肉 remove the fresh remained on animal bone or turtle shell

      去側(cè)根 remove the branch root

      去翅 remove the wings

      去刺 remove the thorn

      去粗皮 scrap off the coarse layer of bark

      去蒂 remove the persistent calyx and fruit stalk

      去萼 remove the persistent calyx from stalk

      去根 remove the root

      去梗 remove leaf stalk

      去骨塞 remove the bony core of horn

      去核 remove the core from fruit

      去核免滑 remove the core for avoiding sliding

      去火毒 remove the irritating

      去節(jié) remove stem-node

      去莖 remove the stem

      去莖葉 exclude the stem and leaves of drugs

      去劣 eliminate the inferior-matter

      去鱗片 remove the scale or bud scale

      去蘆免吐 remove the residue of rhizome for avoiding vomit

      去蘆苗 remove the residue of basal leaf from root

      去蘆頭 remove the residue of rhizome from root

      去毛 remove the fur or down

      去毛刺 remove the thorn from fruit shell

      去毛絲 remove the silk thread of silkworm or filiform hair

      去木心 remove the woody core of root

      去皮 remove the skin

      去皮刺 remove the prickle

      去皮骨 remove the skin and skeleton( of snake)

      去皮尖 remove the seed coat and radicle

      去皮殼 remove peel or husk

      去皮免損氣 remove the down for avoiding tremendous loss

      去皮膜 remove the muscular membrane of musk sac

      去瓤 remove the pulp from berries

      去穰 remove the flesh or pulp

      去穰免脹 remove the flesh for avoiding distending

      去頭翅足 remove the head , elytra , wings and legs of beetle

      去頭尾 cut off the head and tail ( of snake )

      去頭足 remove the head and legs( of centipede )

      去外殼 remove the outer skin

      去外皮 remove the outer bark

      去咸 decrease saltiness

      去心 remove the plumule from lotus seed

      去心免煩 remove the core for avoiding fidget

      去腥臭 decrease the stinking smell

      去須 remove fibrous root

      去須根 remove the fibrous root

      去須毛 remove the tassel

      去油 remove the fat

      去油制霜 remove seed-oil by pressing to make the residue as a frost-like powder

      去雜 eliminate the foreign

      去枝梗 discard useless twigs


      熱風(fēng)干燥 drying with hot wind

      熱烘軟化法 method for softening drugs by fire

      熱水泡 soaking in warm water

      熱蒸軟化法 method for softening drugs by steaming

      人工干燥 artificial drying

      人乳 human milk

      日曬夜露 being exposed in the open air day and night

      絨毛 down

      茸毛 fuzz

      揉搓 kneading

      揉韌 making (the drugs) tenacious by kneading

      如法炮制 processing drugs under specified condition

      乳缽 pestle

      乳細(xì) grinding into very fine powder

      乳汁 milk

      乳汁拌微炒 slightly stir-heating drugs with milk

      乳汁浸 soaking with milk

      乳汁制 processing with milk (usu. with human milk in the ancient time)

      乳汁炙 stir-heating drugs with milk

      乳汁滋潤助生陰血 processing with milk for replenishing vital essence and blood

      軟化 softening

      軟化法 method of softening process

      潤鎊 moistening drug and cutting it into pieces with Bang knife

      潤切法 cutting after moistening

      潤軟 softening by moistening

      潤透 thorough moistening


      三分刀功 ,七分潤功 Skill of moisture is more important than that of cutting, there only three parts is the skill of cutting and seven parts is the skill of moisture.

      三類分類法 three methods for preparation of traditional Chinese crude drugs, preparation with fire, preparation with water and preparation with both fire and water

      桑柴火 heat of burning mulberry

      色黑如漆 as black as lacquer

      色澤 color and lustre

      砂 sand

      砂罐煅 calcining drugs in a covered refractory pottery jar

      砂鍋煅 calcining drugs in a marmite

      砂仁 Fructus Amomi

      砂仁拌蒸 steaming drugs mixed with Frcutus Amomi

      砂燙 stir-heating with hot sand

      篩號 sieve number

      篩選 sifting

      篩子 sieve

      曬干 drying under sunshine

      山羊血 fresh goat blood

      山羊血制 preparation of drugs with goat blood

      傷火 over stir-heating or burning during preparation of drugs

      傷水 excessive moisture-absorption of drugs during preparation

      傷水 the time of wetting is too long; excessive wetting time

      燒灰淋汁 spraying juice on ashes

      燒碳存性 nature of the drug partly preserved after carbonization by scorching

      燒碳法 carbonization by scorching

      滲析制霜法 method for preparing frost-like powder through dialysis

      升華制霜法 method for preparing frost-like powder through sublimation

      生姜汁 ginger juice

      生片 slices being used after cleansing

      生品 crude drugs

      生升熟降 crude drugs pertain to ascending while cooked drugs pertain to descending

      生瀉熟補(bǔ)crude drug pertain to purgation while cooked drugs pertain to nourish

      生用 being used after cleansing and cutting process

      濕熱法 method for processing drugs by moistening and warming

      石灰炒 stir-heating with lime

      石灰水 water decoction of lime

      食鹽水 water decoction of salt

      手捏法 pinching method ( for testing the degree of softening )

      熟地黃汁制 boiling in the steam water of Radix Rehmanniae Preparata

      熟片 processed herbal pieces

      熟用 being used after heat-processing

      刷 brushing

      刷凈 clean drugs by brushing away foreign matters

      刷去毛 remove fuzz by brushing

      刷洗 brush with water

      雙潤 softening the drugs twice so as to moisten

      雙潤法 softening for twice

      水淬 tempering by dipping in water

      水飛 levigation

      水火共制法 process of using both water and fire

      水頭 degree of drug softening

      水制法 water processing method

      順刀片 slices cut in longitudinal section

      絲 slivers

      絲片 shredded slice

      絲條片 cutting into long slice

      四氣 four properties of drug , i.e. cold, hot, warm and cool

      四性 four properties of drugs , i.e. ascending , descending, floating and sinking

      松泡 puffy

      酥 crisp

      酥脆 crispy

      酥浸 soaking in butter

      酥蜜法 method for stir-heating drugs with butter and honey

      酥油炙 stir-frying with butter, stir-heating with butter

      酥制 processing with butter

      酥炙 stir-heating with butter


      攤晾 spreading and drying in the air

      炭藥 carbonized drugs

      塘灰火 remained fire in hot ashes

      塘火 fire remained in ashes

      溏心 prepared drugs with external well done and internal half done caused by improper control of duration and degree of heating

      糖拌炒 stir-heating drugs with (refined) white sugar

      燙 scalding

      燙凈 removing the hair of drugs by burning

      燙去毛 remove fuzz by scalding

      淘凈 remove foreign matters from drugs by panning

      剔 picking out and getting rid of

      剔除 rejecting ; picking out

      提浸法 method for processing by soaking and extracting

      屜蒸 steaming drugs in a bamboo steamer

      挑揀 picking and choosing

      挑選 sorting

      鐵碾 iron-made boat-like grinder

      銅刀切 cutting with copper knife

      銅錢片 copper coin-shaped drug slices

      童便 fresh urine from boys under 12

      童便浸 soaking in fresh urine of boys under 12

      土 soil; earth

      土炒 stir-heating with soil

      土制補(bǔ)中 processing with soil for reinforcing the function of the spleen and stomach

      吐絲 something like silk appears when soaking or boiling


      挖取毛(果皮內(nèi)) pick out the hair from interior of fruit shell

      外干內(nèi)軟 the outer part being dry while the internal part being soft

      彎曲法 bending method (for testing the degree of softening)

      挽卷 preparing drugs into rolls of certain specification

      旺制 strong heating fire

      微波干燥法 method for drying drugs with microwave

      微炒 stir-heating slightly

      微火 mild heating fire

      微有麻辣感 having slight sense of numbness and pungency

      微煮 boiling drugs for a short time

      煨 roasting; cooking by surrounding with hot embers

      煨者去燥性 getting rid of dryness by roasting

      味甘如飴 sweet as malt sugar

      溫湯 warm soup

      文火 mild heating fire

      文武火 alternatively use of mild and strong fire

      無灰酒 lime-free rice wine

      吳茱萸汁 Fructus Evodiae juice

      吳茱萸制抑苦寒 bitter and cold properties of drugs being decreased after processing with Fructus Evodiae juice

      五類分類法 five categories for preparing Chinese medicine: purification , preparation with water, preparation with fire, preparation with both water and fire and the others

      五味 five taste of drugs : pungent, sweet, sour, bitter and salty

      武火 strong heating fire

      勿令犯火 avoid heating

      勿令犯水 avoid touching water


      洗 washing

      洗凈 remove foreign matters form drugs by washing

      洗潤 moistening after washing

      細(xì)絲 shredded slice about 2-3 mm wide

      下氣 therapeutic method to keep the adverse qi flowing downward

      鮮切 cutting drugs into pieces when fresh

      鮮用 being used in fresh state

      相對濕度 relative humidity

      相惡為制 processing with drugs that can damage or reduce the effects

      相反為制 processing with drugs that have different or opposite property and flavor so as to decrease the toxicity or side effects

      相殺為制 processing with drugs that can lessen or remove the toxicity or side effects

      相須為制 processing with drugs that have similar properties or functions to strengthen the effects

      相資為制 processing with drugs that have the same or similar property and flavour so as to promote its original property, flavour and function

      小緊眼篩 mesh whose diameter is 1.33 mm.

      小中眼篩 mesh whose diameter is 4.5 mm.

      斜片 slices cut in oblique section

      修事 processing of Chinese crude drug

      修制合度 qualified processing

      修治 processing of Chinese crude drug


      壓碾 pressing and grinding

      壓去油 press drugs for removing fat or oil

      延胡篩 mesh whose diameter is 10 mm

      研末 abrasive powder

      研如膏 grind drugs into paste

      鹽 salt

      鹽炒 stir-heating with salt

      鹽水 salt solution

      鹽水炒 stir-heating with water decoction of salt

      鹽水淬 tempering by dipping in water decoction of salt

      鹽水浸 soaking in salt

      鹽水洗 washing with water decoction of salt

      鹽水蒸 steaming drugs with salt solution

      鹽水制 processing with salt solution

      鹽水煮 boiling in salt solution

      鹽制入腎 drugs processed with salt generally manifest their effects on kidney

      鹽炙 stir-heating drugs with salt solution

      揚(yáng) winning

      羊脂 sheep’s fat

      羊脂制 stir-heating with the fat of sheep

      陽干 drying by exposing to the sun

      腰片 kidney-shaped drug slices

      咬白 the appearance of sprouts beginning to appear

      藥汁淬 quenching with drug juice

      藥汁泡 soaking in water decoction

      藥汁制 processing with drug decoction

      藥煮 boiling drugs

      液體輔料 kind of dressing which is liquid or sticky under normal temperature

      一炊時(shí)time for making a meal

      一伏時(shí) time period of a day and night

      一刻 a quarter: as one hundredth part of a day measured by copper clepsydra

      一時(shí)辰 two hours ( time unit in ancient time )

      一宿 one night

      一夕 one night

      一宵 one night

      一夜 one night

      一柱香 time period for burning out one stick of incense

      依方炮制 processing in accordance with prescription

      陰干 drying under shape

      陰陽水 boiled water mixed with newly-fetched water

      銀花汁 honeysuckle juice

      飲片 crude drugs slice processed for decoction

      飲片干燥 drying slices

      油片 slice of bleeding

      油砂 sand prepared with oil

      油砂炒 stir-heating with oily sand

      油炸 deep-frying with sesame oil

      油脂制 stir-heating drugs with animal fats

      油炙 stir-frying with sesame oil

      魚子片 5-10 mm long transverse pieces of drugs

      圓片 slides cut in transverse section

      圓氣 steaming the drugs with heavy steam emitted from the steamer


      雜質(zhì) impurity

      砸碎 break into piece

      灶心土 oven earth

      皂角 Fructus Gleditsiae

      皂角水制 processing with water decoction of Chinese Honey locust Abnormal Fruit

      軋碎 break into piece

      炸心片 slices with broken center

      粘連 attaching together

      掌握水頭 control the water-absorption and softening of drugs

      真空加溫潤藥法 method for moistening crude-drugs by warm-soaking under vacuum

      蒸 steaming

      蒸鎊 softening drug by steaming and cutting it into pieces with Bang knife

      蒸餅 process drugs into cakes then steam them

      蒸法 steaming

      蒸籠 steamer tub

      蒸露 distillation

      蒸悶 be steamed in a sealed container

      蒸氣干燥法 method for drying drugs with hot steam

      蒸切 cutting the drugs softened by steaming into pieces

      蒸軟 be steamed soft

      蒸桶 tub-shape steamer

      芝麻點(diǎn) sesame spots

      芝麻油 sesame oil

      直火煅 calcining drugs directly on flame

      直火干燥法 method for drying drugs directly on flame

      直片 slices cut in longitudinal section

      紙煨 roasting drugs wrapped in wet paper

      指甲片 nail-shaped drug slices

      指掐法 method for testing the degree of softness by hand nipping

      制其味 depress the flavour of drugs

      制其形 change the shape of drugs

      制其性 weaken the over –strong character of drugs

      制其質(zhì) change the texture of drugs

      制絨 process fibre into fine and soft material

      制霜 make frost-like powder

      制炭法 method for charcoal processing

      制用 being used after processing

      治削 cleansing

      炙 stir-heating with liquid adjuvant

      炙法 stir-heating drugs with liquid adjuvant

      炙酥 make the drug crisp by stir-heating with adjuvants

      質(zhì)酥脆 property of crisp

      中段 length of drug which is about 15 mm long

      中火 medium heating

      中蜜 honey refined until its temperature reaches 116-118C with loss of 13% contained water d=1.37 approximately

      中藥炮制 processing traditional Chinese material media

      中藥炮制學(xué) science of processing traditional Chinese material media

      皺紋片 slice like wrinkle

      朱砂 Cinnabar

      朱砂拌衣 coating the surface of drug with another drug in fine powder

      朱砂點(diǎn) Zhushadian (Cinnabar-shaped dots)

      豬膽汁制 stir-heating drugs with the bile of pig

      豬膽汁制瀉火 drugs processed with pig’s bile purging intense heat

      竹葉片 bamboo leaves

      煮 boiling; cooking

      貯于密閉容器 store in an airtight container

      自然軟化法 softening drugs by absorbing natural moisture

      走味 change of odor and flavor caused by deterioration

      走油 appearance of rancid oil seeping onto the surface of drug

      晬時(shí) a cycle of twenty-four hours

      遵古炮制 processing in ancient way











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