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  • 飲食的留學英語詞匯

    時間:2024-08-13 12:13:42 留學英語 我要投稿
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      香 smell good

      甜 sweet

      鹹 salty

      酸 sour

      澀 harsh

      苦 bitter

      辣 hot / spicy

      嫩 tender

      淡 light

      濃 thick

      硬 tough

      Q chewy

      合口味 palatable

      重口味 rich flavor

      不合口味 unpalatable

      好吃 good / tasty / yummy

      難吃 terrible

      多汁的 juicy

      油膩的 greasy

      美味的 delicious

      爽口的 refreshing

      黏牙的 sticky

      新鮮的 fresh

      走味的 stale

      順口的 smooth

      糊掉的(如麵條) soggy

      黏稠的(如麥芽糖) gooey

      鬆軟的(如棉花糖) fluffy

      硬脆的(如模範生點心餅) crunchy

      酥脆的(如洋芋片) crispy

      平淡無味的 flat

      Moon Festival

      賞月 moon gazing

      appreciate the moon

      闔家團圓 family reunion

      嫦娥 Chang O

      玉兔 Jade rabbit

      烤肉 outdoor barbeque

      烤肉架 grill

      柚子皮 pomelo peel

      月餅 mooncake

      太陽餅 sun cake

      鳳梨酥 pineapple cake

      蛋黃酥 yolk pastry

      flaky pastry with egg yolk paste

      綠豆椪 bean & meat pastry

      flaky pastry with mung bean paste

      棗泥 red date paste

      芋泥 taro paste

      蓮蓉 lotus seed paste

      伍仁 mixed nuts paste

      核桃 walnuts

      栗子 chestnuts

      抹茶 green tea

      火腿 Chinese ham

      紅豆沙 red bean paste

      綠豆沙 mung bean paste

      冰淇淋(雪餅) ice cream

      汁 juice

      冰 shaved ice

      冰棒 popsicle

      雪糕 ice cream bar

      牛奶 milk

      奶昔 milkshake

      咖啡 coffee

      汽水 soda

      礦泉水 mineral water

      優酪乳 yogurt drink

      奶茶 milk +


      奶綠 milk green

      奶香烏龍 milk oolong

      紅茶 black

      綠茶 green

      烏龍茶 oolong

      普洱茶 pu-erh

      菊花茶 chrysanthemum


      泡沫 bubble

      珍珠 pearl

      粉圓 tapioca

      波霸 boba

      椰果 coconut jelly

      茶凍 tea jelly

      咖啡凍 coffee jelly

      仙草 herb jelly

      愛玉 fig jelly

      蜂蜜 honey

      蜂蜜檸檬 honey lemon

      石榴 grenadine

      烏梅 black plum

      酸梅 sour plum

      梅子 plum

      薄荷 peppermint

      洛神 roselle

      金桔 kumquat

      玫瑰 rose

      薰衣 lavender

      桂花 osmanthus

      茉香 jasmine

      香草 vanilla

      芋香 taro

      胚芽 wheat germ

      花生 peanut

      杏仁 almond

      布丁 pudding

      豆花 tofu pudding

      紅豆 red bean

      綠豆沙 mung bean paste

      可爾必思 calpis

      冬瓜茶 winter melon drink

      青草茶 herb tea

      可可 cocoa

      巧克力 chocolate

      解凍 defrost

      洗(菜葉等) rinse

      包(粽子等) wrap

      泡 soak

      倒(果汁) pour

      盛(飯菜) serve

      沾(如醬油) dip in

      抹(如果醬) spread

      撒(如胡椒) sprinkle

      榨(如檸檬) extract (by pressing)

      醃(肉) marinate

      醃(菜) pickle

      調味 season

      攪拌 stir

      拌勻 toss

      切 cut

      切薄片 slice

      切厚片 chunk

      切塊 cube

      切丁 dice

      切絲 hash

      切碎 mince

      剁碎 chop

      拍碎(如大蒜) pound

      刨碎(如蘿蔔) grate

      磨碎(如麵粉 / 絞肉 / 咖啡豆) grind

      搗泥(如馬鈴薯) mash

      剝皮(如香蕉) peel

      削皮(如蘋果) scrape

      去鱗 scale off

      打(蛋花 / 沙拉 / 奶油)


      打破(蛋殼等) crack

      麵包 bread

      麵粉 flour

      麵糰 dough

      麵筋 gluten

      麵線 thin noodles

      麵條 noodles

      板條 / 河粉 flat rice noodles

      米粉 rice noodles

      冬粉 / 粉絲 bean threads

      乾麵 dry noodles

      拌麵 dry noodles with sauce

      炒麵 chow mein

      stir-fried noodles

      sauteed noodles

      湯麵 noodles in soup

      涼麵 cold noodles with sauce

      油麵 oily noodles

      意麵 egg noodles

      素麵 vegetarian noodles

      拉麵(日式) Ramen / Japanese noodles

      拉麵(中式) stretched noodles

      泡麵 / 速食麵 instant nood

      陽春麵 plain noodles

      牛肉麵 beef noodles

      鴨肉麵 duck noodles

      鵝肉麵 goose meat noodles

      雞絲麵 shredded chicken noodles

      豬排麵 pork chop noodles

      排骨麵 pork rib noodles

      炸醬麵 noodles with soybean paste

      麻醬麵 noodles with sesame paste

      擔仔麵 (Tainan style) peddler noodles

      擔擔麵 noodles with spicy sauce

      麻辣麵 spicy hot noodles

      大滷麵 noodles in thick soup

      刀削麵 sliced noodles

      烏龍麵 Udon

      海鮮麵 seafood noodles

      鮮蝦麵 shrimp noodles

      餛飩麵 wonton noodles

      鍋燒麵 noodles in pot

      肉骨茶麵 noodles with Pork Rib Tea soup

      義大利麵 spaghetti

      榨菜肉絲麵 pickles & shredded pork noodles

      什錦○○麵 assorted ○○ noodles

      炒米粉 stir-fried rice noodles

      炒河粉 Chow Fun / stir-fried wide rice noodles

      花枝炒麵 cuttlefish Chow Mein

      鱔魚炒麵 sauteed eel noodles

      鴨肉冬粉 duck bean threads

      貢丸冬粉 meat ball bean threads

      豬腳麵線 pig's knucle thin noodles

      蚵仔麵線 oyster thin noodles

      大腸麵線 chitterling thin noodles

      當歸鴨麵線 angelica duck thin noodles

      火鍋 hot pot

      涮涮鍋 Shabu-Shabu

      鴛鴦鍋 two-flavor hot pot

      hot pot divided into two sides--mild vs spicy

      麻辣鍋 spicy hot pot

      韓式泡菜鍋 Kimchi hot pot

      羊肉爐 mutton hot pot

      香菇肉? pork and mushroom thick soup

      蝦仁? shrimp thick soup

      米粉? thick soup with rice noodles

      麵線? thick soup with thin noodles

      魷魚? / 花枝? squid thick soup

      魚酥? / 土魠魚? fish nugget thick soup

      四神湯 four herb soup

      酸辣湯 hot sour soup

      豬血湯 pig's blood soup

      蛋花湯 egg soup

      魚丸湯 fish ball soup

      貢丸湯 meat ball soup

      餛飩湯 wonton soup

      蛤仔湯 clam soup

      圓仔湯 glutinous rice ball soup (沒餡)

      glutinous rice dumpling soup(有餡)

      紫菜湯 seaweed soup

      下水湯 chicken gizzard and liver soup

      玉米濃湯 cream corn soup

      青菜豆腐湯 tofu and vegetable soup

      竹筍排骨湯 bamboo shoot and sparerib soup

      金針排骨湯 lily flower and sparerib soup

      苦瓜排骨湯 bitter melon and sparerib soup

      排骨酥湯 fried sparerib soup

      醉雞 wined chicken

      香雞排 deep-fried chicken steak

      fried chicken breast

      鹽酥雞 deep-fried spiced diced chicken

      三杯雞 Three-Cup chicken

      燒酒雞 stewed chicken with wine and sesame oil

      麻油雞 stewed chicken with wine and sesame oil

      栗子雞 stewed chicken with chestnuts

      土窯雞 clay chicken

      手扒雞 hand carved chicken

      白斬雞 plain sliced chicken

      辣子雞丁 spicy diced chicken

      宮保雞丁 Kung Pao chicken

      spicy diced chicken

      薑母鴨 stewed duck with wine and ginger

      北平烤鴨 Peking duck

      蒸蛋 egg custard

      番茄炒蛋 scrambled egg with tomatoes

      ?仔魚煎蛋 fried egg with baby fish

      豆乾 dried tofu

      豆皮 dried bean curd sheets

      阿給 deep fried tofu

      棺材板 coffin burger

      臭豆腐 stinky tofu / fermented tofu

      皮蛋豆腐 tofu with preserved egg

      麻婆豆腐 Ma-po tofu

      spicy tofu with minced pork

      烤魷魚 BBQ squid

      烤香腸 BBQ sausage

      鐵板燒 Teppanyaki

      鯛魚燒 Tai Yaki

      狀態 在線 稀飯 / 粥 porridge / congee

      地瓜粥 yam porridge / sweet potato porridge

      海產粥 seafood porridge

      八寶粥 eight-treasure porridge

      皮蛋瘦肉粥 preserved egg & pork porridge

      白飯 plain rice / steamed rice

      油飯 glutinous rice

      炒飯 fried rice

      蛋包飯 Om-Rice / omelet rice

      蛋炒飯 egg fried rice

      蝦仁 / 肉絲 / 火腿 / 蛋炒飯 shrimp & pork & ham & egg fried rice

      咖哩飯 curry rice

      肉燥飯 minced pork (with) rice

      香菇滷肉飯 stewed minced pork & mushroom (with) rice

      雞絲飯 shredded chicken (with) rice

      雞腿飯 chicken leg (with) rice

      焢肉飯 braised pork (with) rice

      排骨飯 pork chop (with) rice

      魚排飯 fish fillet (with) rice

      鱈魚飯 cod (with) rice

      蒲燒鰻魚飯 Unagi Kabayaki (with) rice

      broiled eel (with) rice

      牛肉燴飯 beef over rice

      滑蛋牛肉飯 beef & egg over rice

      沙茶牛肉炒飯 Satay beef (with) fried rice

      沙茶牛肉燴飯 Satay beef over rice

      微波加熱 microwave / heat up / nuke

      開火 turn on the stove

      小火 low flame

      中火 medium flame

      大火 high flame

      煮熟 cook

      煮滾 boil

      蒸 steam

      炒 stir fry

      煎 fry

      炸 deep fry

      焗 bake

      烤 / 烘(麵包) toast

      烤(糕餅)(用烤箱) bake

      烤(肉類)(用烤箱) roast

      烤(肉類)(用烤架) broil / grill / barbeque

      水煮 poach

      紅燒 braise in soy sauce

      燒焦 burn

      川燙 blanch

      燜 covered stew

      燉 stew / simmer

      滷 stew / simmer in soy sauce

      燻 smoke

      涮 rinse in boiling soup

      煨 cook in embers

      燴 cook with thick sauce

      煲 cook in pottery

      ?(如麵皮) roll

      餡 fillings

      肉汁 gravy

      滷汁 marinade

      醬汁 sauce

      沙拉醬 dressing

      調味料 seasonings

      過濾(如果汁) strain

      去浮渣(如燉湯) skim

      試吃味道 taste

      起鍋 / 分盛 dish up

      倒掉(剩菜) dump

      菜尾 / 剩菜(還能吃) leftovers / remains

      廚餘(不能吃的) scraps

      味精 monosodium glutamate / MSG

      鹽巴 salt

      糖水 sugar syrup

      糖粉 icing sugar

      砂糖 sugar

      方糖 cube sugar

      冰糖 rock sugar / candy sugar / crystal sugar

      紅糖 brown sugar

      代糖 aspartame

      果糖 fructose

      黑砂糖 black sugar

      葡萄糖 glucose

      麥芽糖 maltose / malt sugar

      發粉 baking powder

      五香粉 five spices powder

      太白x (corn / potato) starch

      胡椒粉 pepper

      蘇打粉 baking soda

      肉燥 minced pork

      蝦仁 dried shrimp

      味噌 soybean paste

      豆鼓 black beans

      油蔥 fried minced shallot

      紅糟 red (yeast / fermented) rice

      九層塔 basil

      芫荽 / 香菜 coriander

      茴香 fennel

      肉桂 cinnamon

      八角 star anise

      香草 vanilla

      咖哩 curry

      乳瑪琳 margarine

      美乃滋 mayonnaise

      米酒 rice wine

      醬油 soy sauce

      辣油 hot sesame oil

      麻油 sesame oil

      香油 sesame oil

      菜油 rapeseed oil

      奶油 butter

      牛油 tallow

      豬油 lard

      雞油 chicken fat

      蠔油 oyster oil

      食用油 edible oil

      沙拉油 salad oil / soybean oil

      清香油 lard

      橄欖油 olive oil

      椰子油 coconut oil

      棕櫚油 palm oil

      花生油 peanut oil

      魚肝油 cod liver oil

      葵花籽油 sunflower seed oil

      葡萄籽油 grape seed oil

      玉米胚芽油 corn oil

      小麥胚芽油 wheat germ oil

      稀飯 porridge

      酸菜 pickled mustard

      泡菜 pickled cabbage

      榨菜 pickled mustard tuber

      紫菜 /海苔 dried seaweed

      菜心 pickled lettuce

      脆瓜 / 花瓜 pickled cucumber

      肉鬆 pork floss

      優酪乳 yogurt

      豆腐乳 preserved bean curd

      瓜仔肉 spaghetti sauce with cucumber

      素瓜仔肉 meatless spaghetti sauce with cucumber

      土豆麵筋 peanut gluten

      辣蘿蔔乾 chili radish

      壽司 sushi

      饅頭 steamed bread

      飯糰 rice ball

      油條 twisted cruller

      春捲 spring roll

      土司 toast

      漢堡 hamburger

      三明治 sandwich

      總匯三明治 club sandwich

      ●●加蛋 with egg

      ●●加火腿 with ham

      豆漿 soybean milk

      米漿 rice & peanut milk

      鮮奶 fresh milk

      奶茶 milk tea

      阿華田 Ovaltine

      好力克 Horlicks

      養樂多 Yakult

      蛋餅 egg pancake

      燒餅 sesame seed cake

      餡餅 fried dumpling

      抓餅 tear pastry

      牛肉捲餅 beef roll

      蔥油餅 green onion pancake

      紅豆餅 red bean cake

      肉包 meat bun

      菜包 vegetable bun

      割包 steamed sandwich

      湯包 soup bun

      小籠包 mini steamed bun

      叉燒包 barbecued pork bun

      豆沙包 bean paste bun

      水煎包 fried bun

      鹹蛋 salty egg

      皮蛋 preserved egg / 100-year egg

      鐵蛋 iron egg / 1000-year egg

      炒蛋 scrambled eggs

      水煮蛋 boiled egg

      荷包蛋 fried egg

      菜脯蛋 scrambled egg with salted turnip

      韭菜盒 fried leek dumpling

      水餃 (boiled) dumplings

      餛飩 wonton

      湯餃 dumplings in soup

      蒸餃 steamed dumpling

      煎餃 fried dumpling

      蝦餃 shrimp dumpling

      魚餃 fish dumpling

      燕餃 pork dumpling

      鍋貼 fried dumpling / potsticker

      燒賣 Shao-mai / Dim Sum

      粽子 Zongzi / rice dumpling

      肉圓 round meat dumpling

      芋圓 taro ball

      碗粿 (steamed) rice cake

      芋粿 (steamed) taro cake

      米糕 / 油飯 glutinous rice

      蘿蔔糕 fried turnip cake

      綠豆糕 bean paste cake

      豬血糕 pig's blood cake

      黑輪 / 關東煮 oden / fish cake stew

      高湯 soup-stock

      燕窩 (edible) bird's nest

      人蔘 ginseng

      海蔘 sea-cucumber

      魚翅 shark's fin

      鮑魚 abalone

      干貝 dried scallop

      雞精 chicken essence

      香菇 black mushroom

      紅棗 red date

      桂圓 dried longan

      銀耳 silver fungus

      蓮子 lotus seed

      蜂王乳 royal jelly

      冬蟲夏草 cordyceps


      coffee pot 咖啡壺

      coffee cup 咖啡杯

      paper towel 紙巾

      napkin 餐巾

      table cloth 桌布

      tea–pot 茶壺

      tea set 茶具

      tea tray 茶盤

      caddy 茶罐

      dish 碟

      plate 盤

      saucer 小碟子

      rice bowl 飯碗

      chopsticks 筷子

      soup spoon 湯匙

      knife 餐刀

      cup 杯子

      glass 玻璃杯

      mug 馬克杯

      picnic lunch 便當

      fruit plate 水果盤

      toothpick 牙簽


      bear's paw 熊掌

      breast of deer 鹿脯

      beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海參

      sea sturgeon 海鱔

      salted jelly fish 海蜇皮

      kelp, seaweed 海帶

      abalone 鮑魚

      shark fin 魚翅

      scallops 干貝

      lobster 龍蝦

      bird's nest 燕窩

      roast suckling pig 考乳豬

      pig's knuckle 豬腳

      boiled salted duck 鹽水鴨

      preserved meat 臘肉

      barbecued pork 叉燒

      sausage 香腸

      fried pork flakes 肉松

      BAR-B-Q 烤肉

      meat diet 葷菜

      vegetables 素菜

      meat broth 肉羹

      local dish 地方菜

      Cantonese cuisine 廣東菜

      set meal 客飯

      curry rice 咖喱飯

      fried rice 炒飯

      plain rice 白飯

      crispy rice 鍋巴

      gruel, soft rice, porridge 粥

      noodles with gravy 打鹵面

      plain noodle 陽春面

      casserole 砂鍋

      chafing dish, fire pot 火鍋

      meat bun 肉包子

      shao-mai 燒麥

      preserved bean curd 腐乳

      bean curd 豆腐

      fermented blank bean 豆豉

      pickled cucumbers 醬瓜

      preserved egg 皮蛋

      salted duck egg 咸鴨蛋

      dried turnip 蘿卜干


      menu 菜單

      French cuisine 法國菜

      today's special 今日特餐

      chef's special 主廚特餐

      buffet 自助餐

      fast food 快餐

      specialty 招牌菜

      continental cuisine 歐式西餐

      aperitif 飯前酒

      dim sum 點心

      French fires 炸薯條

      baked potato 烘馬鈴薯

      mashed potatoes 馬鈴薯泥

      omelette 簡蛋卷

      pudding 布丁

      pastries 甜點

      pickled vegetables 泡菜

      kimchi 韓國泡菜

      crab meat 蟹肉

      prawn 明蝦

      conch 海螺

      escargots 田螺

      braised beef 燉牛肉

      bacon 熏肉

      poached egg 荷包蛋

      sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋

      over 煎兩面荷包蛋

      fried egg 煎蛋

      over easy 煎半熟蛋

      over hard 煎全熟蛋

      scramble eggs 炒蛋

      boiled egg 煮蛋

      stone fire pot 石頭火鍋

      sashi 日本竹筷

      sake 日本米酒

      miso shiru 味噌湯

      roast meat 鐵板烤肉

      sashimi 生魚片

      butter 奶油


      beverages 飲料

      soya-bean milk 豆漿

      syrup of plum 酸梅湯

      tomato juice 番茄汁

      orange juice 橘子汁

      coconut milk 椰子汁

      asparagus juice 蘆薈汁

      grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁

      vegetable juice 蔬菜汁

      ginger ale 姜汁

      sarsaparilla 沙士

      soft drink 汽水

      coco-cola(coke) 可口可樂

      tea leaves 茶葉

      black tea 紅茶

      jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)

      tea bag 茶包

      lemon tea 檸檬茶

      white goup tea 冬瓜茶

      honey 蜂蜜

      chlorella 綠藻

      soda water 蘇打水

      artificial color 人工色素

      ice water 冰水

      mineral water 礦泉水

      distilled water 蒸餾水

      long-life milk 保久奶

      condensed milk 煉乳; 煉奶

      cocoa 可可

      coffee mate 奶精

      coffee 咖啡

      iced coffee 冰咖啡

      white coffee 牛奶咖啡

      black coffee 純咖啡

      ovaltine 阿華田

      chlorella yakult 養樂多

      essence of chicken 雞精

      ice-cream cone 甜筒

      sundae 圣代; 新地

      ice-cream 雪糕

      soft ice-cream 窗淇淋

      vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋

      ice candy 冰棒

      milk-shake 奶昔

      straw 吸管


      pineapple 鳳梨

      watermelon 西瓜

      papaya 木瓜

      betelnut 檳榔

      chestnut 栗子

      coconut 椰子

      ponkan 碰柑

      tangerine 橘子

      mandarin orange 橘

      sugar-cane 甘蔗

      muskmelon 香瓜

      shaddock 文旦

      juice peach 水蜜桃

      pear 梨子

      peach 桃子

      carambola 楊桃

      cherry 櫻桃

      persimmon 柿子

      apple 蘋果

      mango 芒果

      fig 無花果

      water caltrop 菱角

      almond 杏仁

      plum 李子

      honey-dew melon 哈密瓜

      loquat 枇杷

      olive 橄欖

      rambutan 紅毛丹

      durian 榴梿

      strawberry 草莓

      grape 葡萄

      grapefruit 葡萄柚

      lichee 荔枝

      longan 龍眼

      wax-apple 蓮霧

      guava 番石榴

      banana 香蕉


      string bean 四季豆

      pea 豌豆

      green soy bean 毛豆

      soybean sprout 黃豆芽

      mung bean sprout 綠豆芽

      bean sprout 豆芽

      kale 甘藍菜

      cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜

      broccoli 花椰菜

      mater convolvulus 空心菜

      dried lily flower 金針菜

      mustard leaf 芥菜

      celery 芹菜

      tarragon 蒿菜

      beetroot, beet 甜菜

      agar-agar 紫菜

      lettuce 生菜

      spinach 菠菜

      leek 韭菜

      caraway 香菜

      hair-like seaweed 發菜

      preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜

      salted vegetable 雪里紅

      lettuce 萵苣

      asparagus 蘆薈

      bamboo shoot 竹筍

      dried bamboo shoot 筍干

      chives 韭黃

      ternip 白蘿卜

      carrot 胡蘿卜

      water chestnut 荸薺

      ficus tikaua 地瓜

      long crooked squash 菜瓜

      loofah 絲瓜

      pumpkin 南瓜

      bitter gourd 苦瓜

      cucumber 黃瓜

      white gourd 冬瓜

      gherkin 小黃瓜

      yam 山芋

      taro 芋頭

      beancurd sheets 百葉

      champignon 香菇

      button mushroom 草菇

      needle mushroom 金針菇

      agaricus 蘑菇

      dried mushroom 冬菇

      tomato 番茄

      eggplant 茄子

      potato, spud 馬鈴薯

      lotus root 蓮藕

      agaric 木耳

      white fungus 百木耳

      ginger 生姜

      garlic 大蒜

      garlic bulb 蒜頭

      green onion 蔥

      onion 洋蔥

      scallion, leek 青蔥

      wheat gluten 面筋

      miso 味噌

      seasoning 調味品

      caviar 魚子醬

      barbeque sauce 沙茶醬

      tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄醬

      mustard 芥茉

      salt 鹽

      sugar 糖

      monosodium glutamate, gourmet powder 味精

      vinegar 醋

      sweet 甜

      sour 酸

      bitter 苦

      lard 豬油

      peanut oil 花生油

      soy sauce 醬油

      green pepper 青椒

      paprika 紅椒

      star anise 八角

      cinnamon 肉掛

      curry 咖喱

      maltose 麥芽糖


      jerky 牛肉干

      dried beef slices 牛肉片

      dried pork slices 豬肉片

      confection 糖果

      glace fruit 蜜餞

      marmalade 果醬

      dried persimmon 柿餅

      candied melon 冬瓜糖

      red jujube 紅棗

      black date 黑棗

      glace date 蜜棗

      dried longan 桂圓干

      raisin 葡萄干

      chewing gum 口香糖

      nougat 牛乳糖

      mint 薄荷糖

      drop 水果糖

      marshmallow 棉花糖

      caramel 牛奶糖

      peanut brittle 花生糖

      castor sugar 細砂白糖

      granulated sugar 砂糖

      sugar candy 冰糖

      butter biscuit 奶酥

      rice cake 年糕

      moon cake 月餅

      green bean cake 綠豆糕

      popcorn 爆米花

      chocolate 巧克力

      marrons glaces 唐炒栗子


      breakfast 早餐

      lunch 午餐

      brunch 早午餐

      supper 晚餐

      late snack 宵夜

      dinner 正餐

      ham and egg 火腿腸

      buttered toast 奶油土司

      French toast 法國土司

      muffin 松餅

      cheese cake 酪餅

      white bread 白面包

      brown bread 黑面包

      French roll 小型法式面包

      appetizer 開胃菜

      green salad 蔬菜沙拉

      onion soup 洋蔥湯

      potage 法國濃湯

      corn soup 玉米濃湯

      minestrone 蔬菜面條湯

      ox tail soup 牛尾湯

      fried chicken 炸雞

      roast chicken 烤雞

      steak 牛排

      T-bone steak 丁骨牛排

      filet steak 菲力牛排

      sirloin steak 沙朗牛排

      club steak 小牛排

      well done 全熟

      medium 五分熟

      rare 三分熟

      beer 啤酒

      draft beer 生啤酒

      stout beer 黑啤酒

      canned beer 罐裝啤酒

      red wine 紅葡萄酒

      gin 琴酒

      brandy 白蘭地

      whisky 威士忌

      vodka 伏特加

      on the rocks 酒加冰塊

      rum 蘭酒

      champagne 香檳


      meat 肉

      beef 牛肉

      pork 豬肉

      chicken 雞肉

      mutton 羊肉

      bread 面包

      steamed bread 饅頭

      rice noodles 米粉

      fried rice noodles 河粉

      steamed vermicelli roll 腸粉

      macaroni 通心粉

      bean thread 冬粉

      bean curd with odor 臭豆腐

      flour-rice noodle 面粉

      noodles 面條

      instinct noodles 速食面

      vegetable 蔬菜

      crust 面包皮

      sandwich 三明治

      toast 土司

      hamburger 漢堡

      cake 蛋糕

      spring roll 春卷

      pancake 煎餅

      fried dumpling 煎貼

      rice glue ball 元宵

      glue pudding 湯圓

      millet congee 小米粥

      cereal 麥片粥

      steamed dumpling 蒸餃

      ravioli 餛飩

      nbsp;cake 月餅

      green bean cake 綠豆糕

      popcorn 爆米花

      chocolate 巧克力

      marrons glaces 唐炒栗子











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