Do you often feel stressed out with too much of workload? As time passes by, do you feel like you have more tasks on hand than you have time to do them or you could have effectively use your time to complete all the given tasks?你是否經(jīng)常感到工作太多、壓力山大?日子一天天過去,要做的事也越來越多,而時間卻根本不夠用,或者覺得很難有效利用時間完成任務?
The trick is to organize your tasks and use your time effectively to get more things done each day. This can help you to reduce stress and do better at workplace. Time management is a skill that takes time to develop and is different for each person. You just need to find what works best for you. Use few strategies listed below for few weeks and see if it can help you.訣竅就在于每天合理安排任務、有效利用時間實現(xiàn)事半功倍。如果能做到這一點,壓力便能減輕,工作也會更順心。時間管理技巧需要花時間學習,并且因人而異。你需要找到適合自己的方法。請先嘗試下面這些策略,看看是否有幫助吧。
Here are 10 ways that you can use to improve your time management skills and increase productivity.你可以運用以下10個方法來提高自己的時間管理能力和辦事效率。
1. Delegate Tasks:委派任務:
It is common for all of us to take more tasks than our desired potential. This can often result in stress and burnout. Delegation is not running away from your responsibilities but is an important function of management. Learn the art of delegating work to your subordinates as per their skills and abilities.我們或多或少都遇過多得超出承受范圍的任務,并因此壓力重重、精疲力竭。委派任務并不是逃避責任,而是一種管理技巧。根據(jù)下屬各自的優(yōu)勢長處,你可以考慮把任務分派給他們。
2. Prioritize Work:優(yōu)先次序:
Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as unimportant tasks can consume much of your precious time. Some tasks need to be completed on that day only while other unimportant tasks could be carried forward to next day. In short, prioritize your tasks to focus on those that are more important.每天工作前,先列出需要占用大量寶貴時間的重要緊急任務。有些任務當天必須完成,而有些則可以拖到第二天。總之,優(yōu)先安排重要的任務。
3. Avoid Procrastination:杜絕拖延:
Procrastination is one of the things that badly affect the productivity. It can result is wasting essential time and energy. It should be avoided at all costs. It could be a major problem in both your career and your personal life.拖延是嚴重影響效率的一大惡因,既浪費時間又耗費精力,無論如何都要杜絕,否則會極大危害你的工作和生活。
4. Schedule Tasks:計劃任務:
Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Make a simple ‘To Do’ list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks, and make sure that they are attainable. To better manage your time management skills, you may think of making 3 lists: work, home, and personal. 隨身攜帶便簽或筆記本,一旦想到什么就記下來。每天早上列個“任務清單”,按優(yōu)先次序排列,并確保任務能夠完成。若想進一步提高自己的時間管理能力,你可以按“工作-家庭-個人”來分類清單。
5. Avoid Stress:遠離壓力:
Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our body starts feeling tired which can affect our productivity. Instead, delegate tasks to your juniors and make sure to leave some time for relaxation.當工作量遠遠超出我們的承受范圍時,壓力就會接踵而來,而一旦感到身體疲憊,效率也會大打折扣。所以,你要學會把任務分派給下屬去做,給自己一點放松的時間。
6. Set up Deadlines: 設定期限:
When you have a task at hand, set a realistic deadline and stick to it. Try to set a deadline few days before the task so that you can complete all those tasks that may get in the way. Challenge yourself and meet the deadline. Reward yourself for meeting a difficult challenge. 處理任務時先設定一個期限,然后盡量在期限內(nèi)完成。你可以嘗試把任務期限提前幾天,那樣,如果中途出現(xiàn)新任務,你也能游刃有余了。挑戰(zhàn)自己在期限內(nèi)完成任務,然后在做成后獎勵一下自己。
7. Avoid Multitasking: 勿一心多用:
Most of us feel that multitasking is an efficient way of getting things done but the truth is that we do better when we focus and concentrate on one thing. Multitasking hampers productivity and should be avoided to improve time management skills.很多人以為同時處理多個任務能提高效率,但事實是,一次只專心做一件事的效果更好。一心多用并不利于提高效率,我們在學習時間管理技巧時千萬要避免。
8. Start Early: 及早開始:
Most of the successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their day early as it gives them time to sit, think, and plan their day. When you get up early, you are more calm, creative, and clear-headed. As the day progresses, your energy levels starts going down which affects your productivity and you don’t perform as well.很多成功人士有一個共同點:他們習慣早起,趁著早上的時間思考并計劃新的一天。早起使人頭腦清醒活躍、更加從容鎮(zhèn)定;而晚些時候人的精力會漸漸消耗,效率和工作表現(xiàn)遠不如早上。
9. Take Some Breaks: 間歇休息:
Whenever you find yourself for 10-15 minutes, take a break. Too much stress can take toll on your body and affect your productivity. Take a walk, listen to some music or do some quick stretches. The best idea is to take off from work and spend time with your friends and family.只要有那么10-15分鐘,就稍微休息一下吧。壓力太大既傷身體又影響效率。散散步、聽聽音樂或伸展一下胳膊,最好能暫時撇開工作,跟家人朋友呆一會兒。
10. Learn to say No: 懂得拒絕:
Politely refuse to accept additional tasks if you think that you’re already overloaded with work. Take a look at your ‘To Do’ list before agreeing to take on extra work. 如果感到工作量太大,可以嘗試委婉拒絕額外工作。接受額外工作前先看下自己的任務清單吧。