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  • 中石油職稱英語閱讀練習含原文翻譯

    時間:2024-10-27 18:24:42 職稱英語 我要投稿
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      Automatic Auto:a Car That Drives Itself

      1. In September a driverless Audi TTSwill speedto the top of Colorado's Pikes Peakat justunder100 kilometers per hour—that'sright, no driver. It is an early steptowardarobo-carthatcan driveitself(定語從句), perhapsbetter than you can.

      1、9月份,一輛無人駕駛的(driverless)奧迪TTS汽車將以略低于(under)每小時100公里的速度駛向科羅拉多州的派克峰(Pikes Peak)頂部——對!沒有駕駛者!這是朝著機器人汽車(a robo-car)邁出的較早的一步,它或許比人操作得還好一些。

      2. The Pikes Peak runis a jointproject of the Stanford University Dynamic Design Laboratory, theElectronicsResearchLab (ERL 電子研究實驗室) forthe Volkswagen Group(大眾集團)(whichowns Audi), and software-makerOracleCorp. The rough,part-gravel roadto the top of Pikes Peak is therouteofthe annual International Hill Climbrally,an annual auto and motorcycle race.The TTS runwilldemonstrate whetherthe car can takecurvesas fast asa humandriver—without driving off a cliff.

      2、“派克峰試駕”(the PikesPeak run本句的主語)是斯坦福大學動態設計實驗室、大眾集團(奧迪品牌擁有者)電子研究實驗室,以及軟件開發商甲骨文公司(Oracle Corp)的聯合項目(a joint project)。這條通往派克峰頂峰的艱險的、半沙礫公路(the rough,part-gravel road)也是每年一度的(annual adj.)國際汽車及摩托車登山拉力賽(rally)的路線(route)。這款TTS汽車的駕駛將證明(demonstrate vt.) 是否它具備同人工駕駛“一樣快”的跑彎路的能力——并且不會掉入懸崖(cliff)。(翻譯作了小改動。)

      3. The car's sporty hatchbackhousestwocomputersin its trunk,bothusingOracle's Java Real-Time Systemto runalgorithmsthat(引導定語從句) keep the car on the road andat thelimits of itshandlingabilityon thevaryingsurfaces andconditions.

      3、在這款跑車型掀背式轎車的行李箱中儲藏著(house vt.)兩臺計算機,兩臺計算機(both)都使用了Oracle(甲骨文公司)的Java實時系統運行算法(to run algorithms),通過算法來保證在不斷變化的路況下汽車在道路上行駛并且在其操縱能力的范圍之內(at thelimits of its handling ability)。

      4. The carwill be guided bya differential GPS systemthat(引導定語從句)corrects errorsarisingin global positioning satellite signalsasthey travel through the ionosphereand troposphere. It is exactenoughtokeep the carwithin1.5centimeters of its course. A similar technology isin the pilot stagefor nationaldeploymentby the U. S.Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration, althoughthe crewis usingan off-the-shelf radio transmittertobroadcast exact locationdatatobe used forthe corrections.

      4、這款汽車將由一個差分GPS系統(a differential GPS system)來導航(本句采用了將來時被動語態),該系統能夠糾正全球定位衛星信號在穿越電離層和對流層時(as引導的時間狀語從句)出現的錯誤(arrising 動名詞詞組作定語,修飾errors)。它精確到足以(enough to do sht.)保持汽車在其路線1.5厘米的誤差范圍內行駛。雖然(although)工作人員(the crew ,為單數形式)己在使用(現在進行時態)現成的(off-the-shelf)無線電發射器來傳輸精確的位置數據用于更正路線(不定式to broadcast exact locationdata作is using…的目的狀語;不定式to be used for the corrections作前一個不定式目的狀語),但是,類似的技術(a similar technology)目前還處于由美國交通部下屬的聯邦公路管理局(Federal Highway Administration)部署的全國試點階段(the pilot stage ),(并未允許實際上路)。(deployment n. 調試,部署)

      5. There are several componentsto what the auto industry callsautonomous driving. First, the carmustbe able todistinguishthings in its environment,such asroads, buildings,intersectionsand other cars. Second,itneeds to be able toavoidcollisions. Beyond these basics,anintelligent vehiclewould obey the rules of the roadwhilegettingto the destinationasquickly and safely aspossible.The Pikes Peak runwill test the Audi's abilityto meet this goal.

      5、汽車行業(the auto industry)所謂的自動駕駛包括幾個部分。首先,汽車必須能夠區分(distinguish)它周圍環境的物體,例如(such as)道路、建筑物、十字路口和其他車輛。其次,它要能避免碰撞。除了這些基本要求外,智能汽車(an intelligent vehicle)必須盡可能快且安全地(as quicklyand safely aspossible)前往目的地(the destination)的過程中遵守交通規則(obey the rules)。“派克峰試駕”將測試奧迪車是否有能力實現這一目標(meet vt. 滿足;不定式作定語)。

      6. Some ofthese capabilitieshave already hit the street,and othershave been demonstrated in tests.For example,in EuropeVolkswagen Passats can park themselves, andcollision warningis availablein high-end modelsfrommost majormanufacturers,includingToyota, Mercedes and Volvo.

      6、其中一部分功能已經在街道上實現,其他的功能也已經在測試中得到 證實。例如(for example),歐洲的大眾帕薩特能夠自己泊車(Volkswagen 大眾汽車);而且主要汽車制造商,包括(including)豐田、奔馳和沃爾沃等,他們生產的高端(high-end adj.)車型也已經能實現碰撞警告(collision warning)。(直譯:碰撞警告已用于來自主要汽車制造商,包括豐田、奔馳和沃爾沃在內的高端車型。)

      7.The University of Oxfordis working onan autonomous navigationsystemthat(引導定語從句)takesininformationfrom onboardsensors, radar, cameras, lasers and Internet servers. Further, GMenvisions a systemcalledthe Mobility Internetthat(引導定語從句,修飾a system)connects intelligent carstoeach otherand toremote serversina vast, moving peer-to-peer networkthat(引導定語從句,修飾remote servers)wouldletthemtravelefficientlyandin sync. Someday, autonomousdrivingcouldoffer theultimatein comfort,lettingthe driverchaton the phone, email or watch TV on the way to work.Howmuch control you want toturn overto the car(主語)maydepend onyour age andwhere you are going,according toMarcial Hernandez,senior engineer at ERL. "On vacation with the family the driver may wanttoturn aroundandtalk tothe kids. Peopleintheir 30smay want todrive toSan Francisco, stopin front ofthebar, and tell the carto go parkitself."

      7、英國牛津大學正在開發一種能從車載(onboard)傳感器、雷達、攝像頭、激光束 和互聯網服務器中獲取(take in)信息的自主導航系統(anautonomous navigation system)。而且(further adj. 更遠的;adv.進一步地)通用汽車(GM-General Motors)設想(envision vt.)了一個稱為移動互聯網的系統(called 過去分詞作定語,修飾a system),該系統將智能汽車彼此連接(connet to)起來,并連接(and to)到一個龐大的、 移動的、點對點網絡的遠程服務器上(remote servers),這樣可以使汽車同步并且有效地(efficiently and in sync)行駛。(let sb. do sth. 使役動詞let(讓)后的不定式“不帶to”)在未來的某一天,自動駕駛可以提供極致的(ultimate adj.)舒適感,駕駛者可以在上班途中(on the way to work)在電話里聊天(chat on the phone)、發送郵件或者看電視。ERL的髙級工程師(senior engineer)馬歇爾·赫爾南德斯表示(according to 根據,按照;據…所說),你想把多少控制權交給汽車取決于(depend on)你的年齡和要去的地點(where you are going)。“在與家人度假時,駕駛者可能想轉過頭來和孩子說說話。30多歲的人可能想開車去舊金山,把車停在酒吧前并讓汽車自己去停車場。”

      8. Says Hernandez,"Taking the fun out of thedrivingis not our main goal—we'd like tohelp people enjoydriving. But theyshould make the decisioniftheywant to driveor (they) press the autopilot button. "

      8、赫爾南德斯說:“感受脫離駕駛的樂趣(taking the fun out of the driving)并不是我們的主要目的——我們想幫助人們享受駕駛(help sb. do sth. 使役動詞help后的不定式不帶to;enjoy doing sth.享受做某事)。但是他們需要做個決定:是自己駕駛還是按下自動駕駛儀的按鈕(theautopilot button)。”


      1. It is an early step toward a robo-carthatcan drive itself, perhaps .

      A. better than you B. better than you can C. better you can

      2. The TTS run will demonstrate the car can take curvesas fast asa human driver—withoutdriving offa cliff.

      A. as B. that C. when D.whether

      3. The carwill be guided byadifferential GPS system that corrects errorsarisingin global positioning satellite signals they travel through the ionosphere and troposphere.

      A. as B.that C.what D. where

      4. Second, the car needs collisions.

      A. to beable to avoid B.being able to avoid

      C. to be able to avoiding

      5. Someof these capabilities have already hit the street, and others % in tests.

      A. hasbeen demonstrated B.have been demonstrated

      C.have demonstrated

      6. GMenvisions a system connects intelligent carstoeach otherand toremote servers in a vast, moving peer-to-peer network that would let them efficiently and in sync.

      A. that; to travel B. which; travel C. where; travel

      D. that; travel

      7. How much control you want to turn overto the car(主語)may depend on your age and .

      A.where are you going B. where you are going

      C. where do you go to D. that you are going

      8. Taking the fun out of the driving(主語)is not ourmain goal—we'd like to .

      A. help people to enjoy to drive B. help people enjoy to drive

      C. help people enjoy driving D.help people enjoying to drive












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