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  • 中石油職稱英語考試試題及答案

    時間:2024-07-07 03:26:22 職稱英語 我要投稿
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      1. You know youhave to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything. Iwant to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of yourreading. I want to persuade you to "write between the lines." Unlessyou do,you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.


      2. I contend,quitebluntly,that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but love.


      3. You shouldn'tmark up a book which isn't yours. Librarians (or your friends) who lend youbooks expect you to keep them clean,and you should. If you decide that I amright about the usefulness of marking books,you will have to buy them. Most ofthe world's great books are available today,in reprint editions,for a modestsum.


      4. There are twoways in which you can own a book. The first is the property right you establishby paying for it,just as you pay for clothes,and furniture. But this act ofpurchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership comes only when youhave made it a part of yourself,and the best way to make yourself a part of itis by writing in it. An illustration may make the point clear. You buy abeefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. But you do notown the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get itinto your bloodstream. I am arguing that books,too,must be absorbed in yourbloodstream to do you any good.


      5. Confusion aboutwhat it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence forpaper,binding,and type-a respect for the physical thing-the craft of theprinter rather than the genius of the author. They forget that it is possiblefor a man to acquire that idea,to possess the beauty,which a great bookcontains,without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover.Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched bybooks; it proves nothing more than that he,his father,or his wife,was richenough to buy them.


      6. There are threekinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets andbest-sellers-unread,untouched. (This deluded individual owns woodpulp andink,not books.) The second has a great many books-a few of them readthrough,most Of them dipped into,but all of them as clean and shiny as the daythey were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own,but isrestrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has afew books or many every one of them dogeared and dilapidated,shaken andloosened by continual use,marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This manowns books.)


      7. Is it falserespect,you may ask,to preserve intact and unblemished a beautifully printedbook,an elegantly bound edition? Of course not. I'd no more scribble all over afirst edition of "Paradise Lost" than I'd give my baby a set ofcrayons and an original Rembrandt! I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue.Its soul,so to speak,is inseparable from its body. And the beauty of a rareedition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of a painting or astatue.


      8. But the soul ofa book can be separated from its body. A book is more like the score of a pieceof music than it is like a painting. No great musician confuses a symphony withthe printed sheet of music. Arturo Toscanini revered Brahms,but Toscanini's scoreof the C-minor Symphony was so thoroughly marked up that no one but the maestrohimself could read it. The reason why a great conductor makes notations on hismusical scores-marks them up again and again each time he returns to studythem-is the reason why you should mark your books. If your respect formagnificent binding or typography gets in the way,buy yourself a cheap editionand pay your respects to the author.


      9. Why is markingup a book indispensable to reading? First,it keeps you awake. (And I don't meanmerely conscious; I mean wide awake.) In the second place,reading,if it isactive,is thinking,and thinking tends to express itself in words,spoken orwritten. That marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally,writinghelps you remember the thoughts you had,or the thoughts the author expressed.


      10. If reading isto accomplish anything more than passing time,it must be active. You can't letyour eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding ofwhat you have read. Now an ordinary piece of light fiction,like,say,Gone 14h'ththe Wind,doesn't require the most active kind of reading. The books you readfor pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation,and nothing is lost. But agreat book,rich in ideas and beauty,a book that raises and tries to answergreat fundamental questions,demands the most active reading of which you are capable.You don't absorb the ideas of John Dewey3 the way you absorb the songs of apopular singer. You have to reach for them. That you cannot do while you'reasleep.


      11. If,when you'vefinished reading a book,the pages are filled with your notes,you know you readactively. The most famous active reader of great books I know was PresidentHutchins,of the University of Chicago. He also hadthe hardest schedule of business activities of any man I know. He invariablyread with a pencil,and sometimes,when he picked up a book and pencil in theevening,he found himself,instead of making intelligent notes,drawing what hecalled "caviar factories" on the margins. When that happened,he putthe book down. He knew he was too tired to read,and was just wasting time.




      1. Alberta is located in the western part of Canada and is the westernmost among the Prairie Provinces. Toits west is British Columbia while to its eastis Saskatchewan.Its south borders on the U.S.state of Montana while its north borders onthe Northwest Territories.Alberta is amost popular place for people to go to on their vacations because of itsbeautiful scenery. The Canadian Rockies running through it have earned for itthe proud name of "Fifty Switzerland in One."


      2. With an area ofapproximately 255,212 square miles,equivalent to 661,000 square kilometers,itis the fourth largest province in Canada. Although it has apopulation of only 3.26 million,about one fifth of the population of Shanghai,it ranks also 4thin population among Canadian provinces. The province was named after PrincessLouis Caroline Alberta,a daughter of Queen Victoriaof England.It became a province of Canada in 1905.


      3. The people of Alberta originally came from many differentcountries. More than half of the Albertans came from Britain. Others came from Austria,Russia and the Scandinaviancountries. As only a small number were French Canadians,who migrated to Albertafrom the eastern part of Canada,the major language spoken in the province isEnglish,with the exception of a few bilingual towns north of Edmonton. Althoughthere are only a limited number of Indians living on reservations now,twohundred years ago they were the only inhabitants in what is now called Alberta.


      4. The first settlers of Alberta were cattle ranchers. Evennow,raising cattle is still one of the leading branches of economy. But atpresent many more Albertans are farmers,who raise millions of tons ofwheat,oats and barley,the also plant sugar beets and potatoes in the southernpart of the province. In the northern part,like the Indians who lived therebefore them,the hunters trap such fur-bearing animals as squirrels,beavers andfoxes. Albertais also rich in forest resources,coal and oil. It is one of the main timberproducing provinces in Canada.Owing to its rich deposit in oil,petroleum industry has become one of the mostimportant industries of the province,with many oil fields and refineries. Alberta also producesmore coal than any other province.


      5. The provincial capital Edmonton,with a population of about1,016,000,is the second largest city in the province. The largest city is Calgary. In 1967,it had apopulation of about 330,000. But after a lapse of 40 years,it now has more than1,060,000 inhabitants. The third largest city is Lethbridge,having a population of about67,000 persons. People in those cities work in meat-packing plants,flourmills,dairies and refineries. Some work in canneries and beet-sugar factories.


      6. The climate in Alberta ispleasant,particularly in summer,when the average temperature is about 60degrees Fahrenheit. In winter,it is much colder and in the north,thetemperature can drop to 20 degrees below zero. Although the best season fortraveling is the summer months of June,July and August,many tourists areattracted to the first rate skiing ground at the resorts of Banff and Jasper.


      7. Albertais located in the Mountain Standard Time Zone. 12 o'clock at Noon in Edmonton is 2 p.m. EasternStandard Time.


      18. Unleashing YourCreativity


      1. I’ve always beenan optimist and I supposed that is rooted in my belief that the power ofcreativity and intelligence can make the world a better place.


      2. For as long as Ican remember, I’ve loved learning new things and solving problems. So when Isat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade, I was hooked. Itwas a clunky old teletype machine and it could barely do anything compared tothe computers we have today. But it changed my life.


      3. When my friendPaul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago, we had a vision of “a computeron every desk and in every home,” which probably sounded a little toooptimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators. But webelieve that personal computers would change the world. And they have.


      4. And after 30years, I’m still as inspired by computers as I was back in seventh grade.


      5. I believe thatcomputers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity andinventiveness, to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn’tsolve on their own.


      6. Computers havetransformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of theworld’s knowledge. They’re helping us build communities around the things wecare about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matterwhere they are.


      7. Like my friendWarren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I loveto do. He calls it “tap-dancing to work”. My job atMicrosoft is as challenging as ever,but what makes me “tap-dance to work” is when we show peoplesomething new, like a computer that can recognize your handwriting or yourspeech, or one that can store a lifetime’s worth ofphotos,and they say: “I didn’t know you can do that with a PC!”


      8. But for all thecool things that a person can do with a PC, there are lots of other ways we canput our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world. There arestill far too many people in the world whose basic needs go unmet. Every year,for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent ortreat in the developed world.


      9. I believe thatmy own good fortune brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world.My wife, Melinda, and I have committed to improving health and education in away that can help as many people as possible.


      10. As a father, Ibelieve that the death of a child in Africa isno less poignant or tragic than the death of a child anywhere else and that itdoesn’t take much to make an immense difference in these children’s lives.


      11. I’m still verymuch an optimist, and I believe that progress on even the world’s toughestproblems is possible — and it’s happening every day. We’re seeing new drugs fordeadly diseases, new diagnostic tools, and new attention paid to the healthproblems in the developing world.


      12. I’m excited bythe possibilities I see for medicine, for education and, of course, fortechnology. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativityand willingness to solve tough problems, we’re going to make some amazing achievementsin all these areas in my lifetime.


      Wordsand Expressions

      hooked [hukt]adj.鉤狀的,入迷的,吸毒成癮的

      clunk [klʌŋk] n.沉悶的金屬聲v.發出沉悶聲

      teletype machine 電傳打字機

      curiosity [,kjuəri'ɔsiti] n.好奇心

      inventiveness [in'ventivnis] 有發明創造能力,獨創性,獨創能力

      tap dancing n.踢踏舞

      unmet [ʌn'met] adj.未滿足的,未相遇的,未應付的

      immense [i'mens] adj.極廣大的,無邊的,非常好的

      19. The Principles ofInternational <原18>


      1. Internationaltrade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goodsand services produced in another country. There are several reasons whyinternational trade exists.


      2. The distribution of natural resourcesaround the world is somewhat haphazard: some nations possess natural depositsin excess of their own requirements while other nations have none. For example,Britainhas large reserves of coal but lacks many minerals such as nickel, copper,aluminum, etc., whereas the Arab states have vast oil deposits but little else.In the cultivation of natural products climate plays a decisive role. Someproducts will only grow in tropical climates whereas others, such as citrusfruits, require a Mediterranean climate. Moreover, some nations are unable toproduce sufficient quantities of a particular product to satisfy a large homedemand. For example, Britaindoes not produce enough wheat to meet the needs of its population. These arethe reasons why international trade first began.


      3. With the development of manufacturing andtechnology, there arose another incentive for nations to exchange theirproducts. It was found that it made economic sense for a nation to specializein certain activities and produce those goods for which it had the mostadvantages, and to exchange those goods for the products of other nations whichhad advantages in different fields. This trade is based on the principle ofcomparative advantage.


      4. The theory of comparative advantage, alsocalled the comparative cost theory, was developed by David Ricardo and othereconomists in the nineteenth century. It points out that trade betweencountries can be profitable for all. Even if one of the countries can produceevery commodity more cheaply, as long as there are minor relative differencesin the efficiency of producing a commodity even the poor country can have acomparative advantage in producing it. The paradox is best illustrated by thistraditional example: the best lawyer in town is also the best typist in town.Since this lawyer cannot afford to give up precious time from legal affairs, atypist is hired who may be less efficient than the lawyer in both legal andtyping matters. But the typist's comparative disadvantage is least in typing.Therefore, the typist has a relative comparative advantage in typing.


      5. This principle is the basis ofspecialization into trades and occupations. At the same time, completespecialization may never occur even when it is economically advantageous. Forstrategic or domestic reasons, a country may continue to produce goods to whichit does not have an advantage. The benefits of specialization may also beaffected by transport costs: goods and raw materials have to be transposedaround the world and the cost of the transport narrows the limits between whichit will prove profitable to trade. Another impediment to the free flow of goodsbetween nations is the possible introduction of artificial barriers to trade,such as tariffs or quotas.

      5.這個原則是實行貿易和職業專業分工的基礎。但是,完全的專業分工可能永遠也不會實現,即使從經濟的角度來看是有利的。由于戰略和國內的 原因,一個國家可能仍然要生產它并不具有優勢的產品。專業分工的好處也 可能會受到運輸費用的影響,因為要在世界范圍內進行貨物和原料的運輸,運輸的費用使得貿易獲利的范圍縮小。國家之間貨物自由流通的另一個障礙是可能采用人為的貿易壁壘,例如關稅和配額。

      6. In addition tovisible trade, which involves the import and export of goods and merchandise,there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services betweennations.


      7. Nations such as Greeceand Norwayhave large maritime fleets and provide transportation service. This is a kindof invisible trade. When an exporter arranges shipment, he rents space in thecargo compartment of a ship.


      8. The prudent exporter purchases insurancefor his cargo's voyage. While at sea, a cargo is vulnerable to many dangers.Thus, insurance is another service in which some nations specialize. Great Britain, because of the development ofLloyd' of London,is a leading exporter of this service, earning fees for insuring other nations'foreign trade.


      9. Some nationspossess little in the way of exportable commodities or manufactured goods, butthey have a mild and sunny climate. During the winter, the Bahamas attract large numbers oftourists who spend money for hotel accommodation, meals, taxis, and so on.Tourism, therefore, is another form of invisible trade.


      10. Invisible tradecan be as important to some nations as the export of raw materials orcommodities is to others. In both cases, the nations earn money to buynecessities.












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