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  • 職稱英語綜合類B級詞匯講解

    時間:2024-05-24 00:36:17 職稱英語 我要投稿
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      1.At midnight(午夜、半夜12點), we were aroused (吵醒)by a knock(敲) at the door. (answer: B)

      A. irritated:vt(使人惱怒、急噪)I am irradiated by the delay of the flight(航班的延誤).

      B. awakened: vt (弄醒,喚醒)my mother awakens me every morning.

      C. arisen(***): vi(是arise的過去分詞,出現、呈現、引起、發生,一般和介詞from搭配。)

      A new problem(問題) has arisen.

      arise = appear = come up = originate = cause

      D. annoyed:vt(是annoy的過去分詞, 使某人不悅、惹惱某人,打攪)

      His constant(不斷的。不停的) cries(哭鬧) annoy me.


      2.In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.

      A. confuses(使人迷惑,混淆) B. excites(使人興奮、刺激,激發)

      C. scares(恐嚇某人,嚇跑某人= frighten)

      D. diverts(轉移某人的注意力,使某物轉向)

      arouse = awaken = encourage = cause


      3.It is the movement, not the color, of objects that excites the bull.

      A. frightens(使人感到恐懼、害怕) B. scares C. confuses D. arouses


      4.She was awarded(頒發、授予、) a prize(獎) for the film(電影). (answer: A)

      A. given:vt(給、授予、讓步、供給), 常出現的固定搭配:give away泄露秘密,發放,頒發; give forth發表,公布,發出聲音、氣味;give in屈服,交上;give way to讓步,坍塌,破裂

      B. rewarded:vt酬勞、獎賞;n 報酬、賞金,常見搭配:

      as a reward for作為對某事的獎賞;reward sb for sth為某事而報答某人,請注意派生詞:rewarding: adj 值得做的,令人滿意的 a rewarding film/trip(旅行)

      如:He rewarded the boy for finding his lost mobile phone.

      C. sent(是send過去分詞,送, 寄)

      The mother sends her children to school every morning.

      D. reminded(原形是remind, 提醒某人,使某人想起,常見搭配:remind sb of sth)

      The picture(照片) reminded me of my father.


      she was awarded a gold medal(金牌) as a swimming(游泳) champion(冠軍)

      5.Smoking(吸煙) will be banned (禁止)in all public(公共的) places here. (answer: A)

      A. forbidden: 原形是forbid, 意思是禁止,不許,常見搭配:forbid sb to do sth,

      The teacher forbids us to talk(說話) in the class.

      B. allowed(***): 原形allow, 允許、準許某人做某事,allow sb to do sth, 如:

      My boss(老板) doesn’t allow me to use(使用)the phone(電話).

      C. permitted : vt 原形permit, 允許,許可,使某事有可能性,同義詞allow, let.

      allow = permit = let

      D. promoted(***): v 原形promote, 促進、增進、發揚、提升、請注意派生的名詞:promotion: 提升、促銷,提倡、贊助。

      如:She worked hard and was promoted very soon. (她工作努力,很快獲得晉升。)

      the organization(組織) works to promote(促進) friendship(友誼) between nations(兩國之間的).

      6.Smoking is not permitted in the office.

      A. probable:形容詞,可能的,同義詞:possible

      B. possible:形容詞,可能的,同義詞:probable)

      C. admitted:動詞,承認、允許某人進入,如:

      1). The small window admits very little light(陽光).

      2). I admitted I was wrong. (我承認我錯了。)

      D. allowed = permitted

      7.There is a growing(不斷增加的) gap(n 缺口、裂口、距離、分歧) between the rich(代表一類人,富人們) and the poor(窮人們). (answer: C)

      A. conflict:n 沖突、爭執、(意見的)分歧、v沖突、抵觸

      a conflict of interests利害沖突;

      B. tension: n 緊張,同義詞:nervousness

      C. gulf: n 海灣、溝壑、分歧,常見搭配:gulf between A and B in sth

      There is a gulf between the husband and the wife in education(教育) of their child.

      D. confrontation: n 對抗、動詞:confront.

      一般用于: confront sb with sth讓某人面對(不快的或令人頭疼的事情)

      有關gap,還有一個常見的表達:generation gap代溝

      8.I am very grateful(感激的) to you for your assistance(幫助). (answer: D)

      A. helpful:有幫助的,反義詞:helpless, 詞組:be helpful to sb

      He is always helpful to his mother.

      B. hopeful:有希望的,反義詞:hopeless, 常見搭配:be hopeful of/about對。。。抱有希望,如:I am hopeful of passing the exam.

      C. pitiful: pity+ful 令人憐憫的、可憐的,反義詞:pitiless: 無憐憫心的、殘酷的

      D .thankful:感激的、感謝的,反義詞:thankless: 不感謝的、忘恩的,常見搭配:

      be thankful to sb for sth = be grateful to sb for sth


      9.You will be meeting her presently(不久、立刻). (answer: A)

      A. shortly:adv馬上、立刻 I’ll be coming back shortly.

      B. currently: adv時下、當前,同義詞組:at present = now

      She is currently in Beijing.

      C. lately(***): adv 最近,同義詞:recently

      How have been lately?近來可好?

      D. probably: 可能地,反義詞:improbably, 同義詞:possibly.

      presently = shortly = soon

      10.Attitudes to(對。。。的態度) mental(精神的) illness(疾病) have shifted(改變) in recent years(在近幾年=lately). (answer: C)

      A. displayed: 展示、陳列某物,顯示、顯露 display sth to sb

      B. shown:原形show, 顯示、展示,此時和display屬近義詞。

      C. changed(***):高頻核心詞,含義豐富,改變、更換、交換、換乘、換衣服兌換貨幣,等等。

      change one’s idea/attitude改變主意/態度;change one’s job換工作; change gear換擋; change sides改變立場; change train換乘火車;change dollars into RMB把美圓兌換成人民幣。

      D. demonstrated:v 證明、論證、表明、游行

      11.I have been trying to(盡力) quit(停止) smoking. (answer: A)

      A. give up:停止、放棄,give up sth/doing sth, 如:

      My husband gave up(= quit = stop = abandon) smoking last year.

      B. pick up(***):撿起來、情況好轉、通過實踐學會(外語、技術)、收取某物、接人、偶然結識某人等。

      C. build up逐漸發展、增強

      D. take up:占據(時間或空間)、從事某事

      12.That guy(家伙,小伙子) is intelligent(聰明的), but a bit dull (沉悶的、乏味的、單調的). (answer: D)

      A.strange:奇怪的、陌生的、不同尋常的,常見搭配:be strange to sth

      he’s strange to the new work. (他對這新工作很不習慣。)

      B. special:特殊的、特別的、專門的、額外的,如:special friend特別的朋友;special train專列;當名詞用時,特別的人或事物。

      C. quiet:安靜的。Keep quiet!保持安靜!

      D. boring:枯燥的、無趣的、單調的,請注意和它有關的其他同根詞:

      bore: v使人感到乏味;bored: adj 感到乏味的;在口語中,有時說:

      Long speech bores me to death. (冗長的演講把我煩死了。)

      13. We all think(認為) that Mary’s husband(丈夫) is a very boring(乏味的) person.

      A shy(害羞的) B stupid(愚蠢的)

      C dull(乏味的、無趣的、遲鈍的) D selfish(自私的)

      dull = boring = uninteresting


      14.She is a highly (非常) successful (成功的)teacher. (answer: C)

      A. fairly :adv 相當地、公平地、完全地,一般與褒義詞連用,如:

      1). Your bedroom(臥室)is fairly tidy(整潔的).

      2). You are not treating(對待) us fairly(公平地).

      B. rather : adv 相當地,多與貶義詞連用,如:it’s rather cold today. (今天相當地冷。)除此之外,常見搭配:would rather do A than do B:寧愿做A也不愿做B,如:

      I would rather walk to school than take a bus.

      rather too:太。。。,如:English is rather too difficult for me.(英語對于我來說太難。)

      rather than:不是,不要,如:I would like a cup of tea rather than coffee.

      C. very: 非常

      D. moderately: adv 適度地、不過分地


      his classmates speak highly of him. (他的同班同學對他高度評價。)

      15.We should not sacrifice(犧牲) environmental protections(環保) to foster (促進)economic(經濟的) growth(增長). (answer: B)

      A. reduce:減少,同義詞:decrease

      B. promote: v 晉升、提升、促進

      C. realize(***):認識到、實現計劃、了解到,常見搭配:

      Realize one’s mistake認識到自己的錯誤;realize one’s hopes/plan/dream實現希望/計劃/夢想;realize the truth of the event了解時間真相

      D. give:給予

      補充:foster是一個多義詞,除了“促進”,還表示培養、培育、照顧、撫養(不屬于自己的孩子), 如:foster mother養母;foster parents養父母。

      16.Government(政府) health campaigns(健康運動) have fostered (培養)an awareness(意識) of the dangers(危險,危害性) in certain social habits (某些社會習慣).

      A. included(包括) B. discovered(發現)

      C. cultivated (培養、養成, 種植莊稼,陶冶情操)

      17.Relief workers(救援人員) were shocked (震驚的、吃驚的)by what they saw(他們所看到的). (answer: C)

      A. moved:感動的 B. touched:動人的、感人的(= moved)

      C. surprised: 吃驚的,be surprised at sth.

      I’m very surprised to see you here.

      D. worried: 擔心的、發愁的,同義詞anxious,搭配:be worried about

      He is worried about his exam.

      所以:surprised = shocked = astonished

      18.The weather(天氣) is a constant (不斷發生的、不變的)subject (主題)of conversation(談話) in Britain(英國). (answer: D)

      A. question: 問題、疑問、詢問,常見的搭配:an open question未解決的問題、允許公開爭論的問題

      B. problem問題、難題,solve a problem解決問題;

      C. title 名稱、題目、標題、頭銜

      D. topic話題、主題

      19.This is not typical (典型的、有代表性的)of English, but is a feature (特點、特征)of the Chinese language. (answer: B)

      A. particular:個別的、特別的、挑剔的,如:his particular problems他的個人問題; particular importance特別的重要; she’s very particular about her clothes. (她對她的衣服很挑剔。),副詞:particularly = especially

      B. characteristic: 典型的,常見搭配:be characteristic of = be typical of

      C. remarkable: 不同尋常的、出類拔萃的,同義詞:unusual = exceptional = extraordinary

      D. idiomatic: 來自于idiom習語、成語;idiomatic符合語言或方言的特點的

      20.It is virtually (幾乎)impossible(不可能) to persuade(勸說) him to apply for(申請) the job. (answer: B)

      A. simply:簡單地、僅僅 I bought the house simply because it was very big.

      B. almost幾乎、差不多。 She is almost 40 years old.

      C. totally = completely = entirely 完全地、全部地

      D. completely = totally

      補充:persuade sb to do sth勸說某人做某事

      D. discouraged:使某人泄氣,失去信心,反義詞:encourage:鼓勵,請注意dis-是一個常見的反義前綴。












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