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  • 常用臨床醫學英文術語

    時間:2024-10-05 23:50:01 職業英語 我要投稿
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      diseases 疾病

      acute diseases 急性病

      advanced diseases 病沉重期,晚期疾病

      chronic diseases慢性病

      communicable diseases 傳染病

      complicating diseases 并發病

      congenital diseases 先天性疾病

      acquired diseases 后天性疾病

      contagious diseases接觸性傳染病

      endemic diseases 地方病

      epidemic diseases 流行病

      functional diseases 機能病、官能病

      infectious diseases 傳染病

      inherited diseases 遺傳病

      malignant diseases惡性病

      nutritional diseases 營養病

      occupation diseases 職業病

      organic diseases 器質性病

      paroxysmal diseases 陣發性病

      periodical diseases 周期病


      secondary diseases 繼發病

      sexual(venereal, social)diseases 性病

      terminal diseases 絕癥

      wasting diseases 消耗性疾病chief complaint 主訴

      clinical manifestation 臨床表現

      delivery history 分娩史


      family history 家族史

      history, medical history 病史


      marital status婚姻狀況

      menstrual history 月經史

      menarche 初潮


      past history既往史

      pathogenesis 發病機制

      personal history 個人史symptoms 癥狀

      cardinal symptom 主要癥狀

      classical symptom 典型癥狀

      concomitant symptom 伴發癥狀

      constitutional(systemic) symptom 全身癥狀

      indirect symptom 間接癥狀

      induced symptom 誘發癥狀

      local symptom 局部癥狀

      mental symptom精神癥狀

      symptom-complex (syndrome)symptom 綜合癥,癥候群


      antecedent 前驅征

      assident (accessory) 副征

      commemorative 后遺癥

      sign of death 死征


      sign of disease 病征

      subjective 自覺征,主觀征

      vein sign靜脈征vital sign 生命體征

      body length (height of the body) 身高

      body weight 體重

      barrel chest 桶狀胸

      cachexia 惡病質

      compulsive position 被動體位

      critical facies 病危面容

      emaciation 消瘦

      enophthalmos 眼球下陷

      entropion 瞼內翻

      exophthalmos 眼球突出

      flushed face 面色潮紅

      gain (loss) in weight 增加(減輕)體重

      lock-jaw 牙關緊閉

      lordosis 脊柱前凸 醫.學教育網整理

      nasal ala flap 鼻翼扇動

      nystagmus 眼震

      obesity 肥胖

      pallor 蒼白

      scolisis 脊柱側凸

      agitation 焦急不安

      debility, weakness 虛弱

      diaphoresis 出汗,大量出汗

      dizziness, vertigo 眩暈

      lassitude, fatigue 無力,倦怠

      malaise 不適

      night sweat 盜汗

      numbness 麻木

      rigor, chill 寒冷,發冷

      perspiration, sweating 出汗

      pruritus, itching 癢,

      somasthenia 軀體無力

      tingling 麻刺感abscess 膿腫

      acidosis 酸中毒

      adhesion 粘連

      alkalosis 堿中毒

      allergy 過敏

      coagulation defect 凝血不良

      congestion 充血

      dehydration 脫水

      distention 膨脹

      edema 水腫

      embolism 栓塞,栓塞形成

      fluid and electrolyte imbalance 水電解質紊亂

      gangrene 壞疽

      hematoma 血腫

      hemorrhage, bleeding 出血

      infarction 梗塞,梗死

      infection 傳染

      inflammation 炎癥

      ketoacidosis 酮酸中毒

      metastasis 轉移

      perforation 穿孔

      necrosis 壞死

      shock 休克

      response 反應,應答

      reaction 反應,感應

      thrombosis 血栓形成

      ulceration 潰瘍fever, pyrexia 發燒,發熱

      continuous fever 稽留熱

      intermittent fever 間歇熱

      low-grade fever 低熱

      remittent fever 馳張熱

      relapsing fever 回歸熱pain 痛

      burning pain 灼痛

      chest(flank,…) pain 胸(脅腹…)痛

      cramp-like pain 痙攣性痛

      dull, diffused pain 彌漫性鈍痛

      pleuritic pain 胸膜炎性痛

      radiating pain (pain radiating to…) 放射性痛(放射到…疼痛)angina 絞痛

      cardiac angina 心絞痛

      backache 背痛

      colic 絞痛,急腹痛

      earache 耳痛

      headache 頭痛

      neuralgia 神經痛

      migraine 偏頭痛

      rebound tenderness 反跳痛

      somatalgia 軀體痛

      sore throat 咽喉痛

      stomachache 胃痛

      toothache 牙痛

      bloody sputum 帶血的痰

      cough 咳嗽

      dry cough 干咳

      expectoration 咳痰

      expectoration of blood 咳血

      hemoptysis 咳血anoxia 缺氧

      apnea 呼吸暫停,窒息

      asthma 氣喘,哮喘

      Cheyne Stokes respiration 切-斯氏呼吸,潮式呼吸

      dyspnea 呼吸困難

      hyperpnea hyperventilation 過度呼吸,換氣過度

      hypopnea 呼吸不全, 呼吸淺表

      hypoxia 低氧,缺氧

      orthopnea 端坐呼吸

      respiratory arrest 呼吸停止

      suffocation 窒息

      tachypnea 呼吸急促

      fetid breath 口臭

      fruity breath 呼吸有水果味arrhythmia 心律失常,心律不齊

      atelectasis 肺不張,肺膨脹不全

      cardiac arrest 心搏驟停

      cardiac hypertrophy 心臟肥大

      cyanosis 發紺,青紫

      distension of jugular vein 頸靜脈怒張

      extrasystole 期外收縮

      gallop rhythm 奔馬律

      hemopleura 血胸

      hepatojugular reflux 肝頸靜脈回流

      hypovolemia (循環)血容量減少

      palpitation 心悸

      tachycardia 心動過速

      pneumothorax 氣胸

      thrill 震顫

      absent breath sounds 呼吸音消失

      dull sound 濁音

      hyperresonant 鼓音

      rale 啰音

      rhonchus, rhonchi 鼾音,干啰音

      wheeze 哮鳴音anorexia, loss of appetite 食欲不振,厭食

      dysphagia 吞咽困難

      eructation 噯氣

      belching 噯氣

      flatulence 氣脹

      flatus 腸胃氣,屁

      gaseous distention 胃脹氣

      hematemesis 嘔血

      hiccough, hiccup 打呃,呃逆

      nausea 惡心

      pyrosis 胃灼熱

      regurgitation 反胃,回流

      thirsty 口渴

      vomiting 嘔吐

      anal fissure, crack in the anal canal 肛裂

      ascites 腹水

      board-like rigidity of the abdomen 板狀腹

      decreased tactile fremitus 觸覺性震顫減弱

      exophageal varices 食管靜脈曲張

      fistula 瘺,瘺管

      hemorrhoid 痔

      hernia 疝

      hepatomegaly 肝腫大

      intussusception 腸套疊

      jaundice 黃疸

      muscle guarding, defence of the abdominal wall 腹壁肌衛

      peristalsis 蠕動

      loss of peristalsis 蠕動消失

      mass peristalsis 總蠕動

      retrograde (reversed) peristalsis 逆蠕動

      prolapse 脫垂

      prolapse of anus 脫肛

      rectal prolapse 直腸脫垂,脫肛

      volvulus 腸扭轉calculus 結石, 石

      biliary calculus 膽結石

      vesical calculus 膀胱結石constipation 便秘

      defecation 排便

      diarrhea 腹瀉

      incontinence of feces 大便失禁

      hematochezia 便血

      fecal impaction 大便嵌塞

      occult blood 潛血

      painful straining with defecation 排便痛性牽動

      clay colored stools 陶土色便

      dark, granular/coffee ground emesis 咖啡樣嘔吐物

      fecal vomiting, stercoraceous vomiting 嘔糞,吐糞

      foul fatty stools, steatorrhea 惡臭脂肪便,脂肪痢

      scanty and hard stools 便少而硬

      tarry (black) stools 柏油樣便anuria 無尿

      burning sensation no urination 排尿時的灼燒感

      dysurea 排尿困難,尿痛

      enuresis, bed wetting 遺尿

      frequency of urination 尿頻

      micturation 排尿

      uresis, urination, voiding 排尿

      nocturia 夜尿

      oliguria 少尿

      polyuria 多尿

      tenesmus 里急后重

      vesical tenesmus 排尿時里急后重

      uremia coma 尿毒癥昏迷

      urgency of urination 尿急

      urinary incontinence 尿失禁aciduria 酸尿

      chyluria 乳糜尿

      cylindruia 管型尿

      glycosuria 糖尿

      hematuria 血尿

      ketonuria 酮尿

      pneumatinuria 氣尿

      proteinuria 蛋白尿

      pyuria 膿尿amenorrhea 經閉,無月經

      dysmenorrhea 痛經

      menorrhagia 月經過多

      lochia 惡露

      menorrhea 行經,月經過多

      menstruation 月經

      uterine contraction 子宮收縮blotch 斑點

      bruise 挫傷,青腫

      acne 痤瘡,粉刺

      desquamation 脫皮,脫屑

      ecchymosis 瘀斑

      loss of skin turgor 失去皮膚充盈

      nevus 痣

      papule 丘疹

      petechia 瘀點,瘀斑

      pigmentation 色素沉著

      pustule 膿皰

      purpura 紫癲

      red nodule 紅結節

      roseola 玫瑰疹

      scar 傷疤

      senile plaque 老人斑

      spider anaioma 蛛形痣

      subcutaneous nodule 皮下結節

      urticaria 蕁麻疹

      vesicle 小水皰

      vitiligo 白斑blindness 失明

      blurred vision, visual disturbance 視力模糊

      impaired vision 視力下降

      lacrimation 流淚

      papilledema 視神經乳頭水腫

      photophobia 畏光,羞明

      retinal detachment 視網膜脫離deafness 聾

      hearing loss 聽力喪失

      tinnitus 耳鳴

      epistaxis, nasal bleeding 鼻出血

      impaired smelling 嗅覺障礙

      nasal discharge 鼻涕

      nasal obstruction 鼻塞

      sneeze 噴嚏

      snore 打鼾

      aphonia, loss of voice 失音癥

      hoarseness 嘶啞

      gum bleeding 齒齦出血

      herpes labialis 唇皰疹,感冒瘡

      Koplik‘s spots 科普利克斑

      lead line of the gum 齦鉛線

      salivation, drooling 流口水

      straw-berry tongue 草莓舌

      tremulous tongue 舌震顫atrophy 萎縮

      contracture 攣縮

      deformity 畸形,變形

      dislocation 脫位

      fracture 骨折

      closed (simple)fracture 無創骨折,單純性骨折

      comminuted fracture 粉碎性骨折

      compound fracture 哆開(開放性)骨折

      knock-knee 膝外翻

      opisthotonos 角弓反張

      prosthesis 假體

      spasm 痙攣

      tetany (肌)強直,手足抽搦

      wrist drop 腕下垂aphasia 失語

      ataxia 共濟失調

      coma 昏迷

      consciousness 知覺,意識

      convulsion 抽搐,驚厥

      delirium 譫妄

      delusion 妄想

      faint 昏厥

      hallucination 幻覺

      hemiplegia 偏癱

      increased intracranial pressure 顱內壓增高

      insanity 精神錯亂

      loss of orientation 定向喪失

      mania 躁狂

      memory defects, amnesia 記憶缺損,遺忘癥

      paraplegia 截癱,下身麻痹

      projectile vomiting 噴射性嘔吐

      somnolence, (lethargy) 昏睡,嗜睡

      stupor 木僵,昏呆

      tetraplegia 四肢癱瘓

      unconsciousness 失去知覺

      yawning 打哈欠crisis 危象

      cerebral (febrile, hematic, hemolytic,hypertensive, thyrotoxic, ……) crisis


      failure 衰竭,故障

      central (circulatory, cardiac, myocardiac, peripheral, congestive, renal, respiratory) failure


      auscultation 聽診

      inspection 視診


      percussion 叩診

      laboratory examination 實驗室檢查

      physical examination 體格檢查

      rectal (vaginal) touch 直腸(陰道)指診

      impression 印象

      tentative diagnosis 暫定診斷

      differential diagnosis 鑒別診斷

      final diagnosis 最后診斷

      prognosis 預后

      prescription 處方

      incubation (latent) period 潛伏期

      prodromal stage 前驅期

      incipient stage 初期

      quiescent stage 靜止期

      alleviation 減輕,緩和

      remission 緩解

      attack 發作

      convalescence (recovery) stage 恢復期

      rehabilitation 康復

      relapse 復發

      sudden death 猝死

      moribund 瀕死的

      course of the disease 病程

      course of the treatment 療程

      indication 適應癥,指征

      complication 并發癥

      contraindication 禁忌癥

      side-effect 副作用

      sequel (sequela), after effect 后遺癥

      therapies 治療方法

      acupuncture therapy 針刺療法

      block therapy 封閉療法

      chemical therpy (chemo-therapy) 化學療法

      combined therapy 綜合療法

      conservative therapy 保守療法

      constitutional therapy 全身療法

      dietetic therapy 飲食療法

      operative treatment 手術療法

      palliative treatment, alleviative treatment 姑息療法

      physical therapy 物理療法

      psychotherapy 精神療法

      radical treatment 根治

      radio-therapy 放射性療法

      supporting treatment 支持療法

      symptomatic treatment對癥療法

      cardiac massage 心臟按摩

      cardiac pacing 心臟起博

      electrotherapy 電療法

      electroshock treatment 電休克療法

      hemodialysis 血液透析

      hyperbaric therapy 高壓氧療法

      insulin-shock treatment 胰島素休克療法

      light therapy 光療法

      therapeutic gymnastics 醫療體育











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