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  • 歷年全國高等教育自學考試英語(二)試題及答案解析

    時間:2024-11-11 12:25:22 自學考試 我要投稿
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      Bicycle Commuting

      I may not be a movie star, best-selling author, or millionaire when Igrow up,but one thing I will be known for, at least locally,is commuting by bicycle. Is sad to see how few people do even though many could. Lots of people eagerly campaign for the reduction of greenhouse gases, but by driving cars, theyre sill contributing to the problem.

      You might be picturing me as an extreme environmentalist (環保主義者),but Im not one

      of those teenagers who wear shirts that say "Help save the world: Recycle." Actually,my interest in exercise, health, and fitness led me to cycling.

      Cycling can help you lose weight, improve your health, and prevent many diseases. Cycling also carries a relatively low chance of injury.

      While being good for your body, bicycle commuting is also a great way to cut greenhouse gases.

      Many environmentalists recycle,plant tees, and drive hybrid cars (混合動力汽車),but bicycle commuting could be even more effective than all of those combined. You could cut down the amount of greenhouse gases just by commuting by bicycle a few times a week.

      Bicycle commuting saves money too. When you buy your bicyde and the things that usually go with it. You might be shocked by the cost. But if you think about the increasingly high gas prices, you will know for sure that you can save a significant amount each year by not driving a car.

      You might think that you dont have time for bicycle commuting Actually. you probably do.

      You could cut back on your TV time and pick up this activity. It helps you care for the environment , save money, and most importantly get fit.

      1.1 will write a best-selling book on cyding. ( )



      C:Not Given

      2. Many local people commute by bicycle. ( )



      C:Not Given

      3. I am devoted to environmental protection.( )



      C:Not Given

      4. I started cycling to improve my health. ( )



      C:Not Given

      5. People are less ikely to get ijured while cig. ( )



      C:Not Given

      6. People drive to work for convenience.( )



      C:Not Given

      7. Bicycle commuting could be more effective in reducing greenhouse gases.( )

      A:True .


      C:Not Given

      8. People are in a good mood while cycling. ( )

      A:True .


      C:Not Given

      9. Gas prices keep going up.()

      A:True .


      C:Not Given

      10. Bikes are inexpensive to most people. ()

      A:True .


      C:Not Given


      閱讀下面短文,請從短文后所給各題的4個選項(A、B、 C、D)中選出1個最佳選項,并在答題卡相應位置上將該項涂黑。

      Spilt (打翻的) Milk

      I recenly heard a story about a famous scientist who had made severa l very important medical achievements. He was asked why he was so much more creative than the average person.

      He responded that it all came from an experience when he was about two. He hadbeen trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip (緊握) and it fell,spilling (打翻) the milk alI over the floor.

      When his mother came into the ki tchen, instead of yelling at him, or punishing

      him,she said, ”Robert, what a wonderful mess you have made!”Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to play in the milk for a few. minutes before we clean it up?”

      Indeed, he did。After a few minutes, his mother said,” Rober, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up. So,how would youlike to do that? We could use a sponge (海綿) or a towel, Which do you prefer?" He chose

      the sponge, and together they cleaned up the spilt milk.

      His mother then said,“You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in, how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Lets go out in the,back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it" The litle boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands,he could carry it without dropping it.

      The scientist remarked that it was then that he knew he didn t need to be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, mistakes were just opportunities for 1 earmi ng something new,which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the

      experiment doesnt work, ”we usually learn something valuable from it。

      11. This story is about a scientist who_______

      A. was extraordinary when he was young

      B. became well-known after an interview

      C. was smarter than the average person

      D. achieved great success in the, medical field

      12. He got the milk spilt all over the kitchen floor because he______

      A. dropped the bottle

      B. was naughty

      C.slipped and fell

      D.was weak

      13. After seeing the spilt milk,his mother______

      A. shouted at him

      B. cleaned the floor herself

      C.encouraged him to play in the milk

      D. forced him to clean the kitchen .

      14. The mother and the son went out in the back yard to______

      A. fill the bottle with milk

      B. clean the bottle

      C. find a way to carry the bottle

      D. search for a new bottle

      15. According to the text,mistakes give us chances to______

      A. know the truth

      B. learn something new

      C. do some exper iments

      D. teach a child alesson


      閱讀下面短文,請完成短文后的2項測試任務:(1)從第16~20題后所給的6個選項中為第①~⑤段每段選擇1個正確的小標題; (2)從第21~25題后所給的6個選項中選擇5個正確選項,分別完成每個句子。在答題卡相應位置上將答案選項涂黑。


      ①Volunteers are people who work wi thout be ing paid. They do the work because they want to. We need volunteers because there are many things that need to be done in society which the Government can’ t afford to pay for.

      ②Volunteers. are motivated by a desire to help others and to make the world a better place. Statistics suggest that more than one million people do voluntary work in .New Zealand. Some volunteers do the kind of work that they are particularly interested in, | but perhaps haven t had the chance to do during their working lives. Others make use of their

      professional skills and experience.

      ③Volunteers contribute to society in a number of ways. For example, some give their time to help preserve the natural env ironment. While there are government-run projects to ma intain national parks and forests,the projects would not succeed wi thoute volunteers. Some env i ronmenta l organizations rely solely on voluntary labor.

      ④“Meals on Wheels" is a voluntary organization run by the Red Cross. It delivers meals to elderly people who are unable to cook for themselves. Every year volunteer drivers deliver a million meals. This enables, elderly people to remain in their own houses.

      ⑤Volunteer Service Abroad was started in 1962. It sends volunteers, to poor countries. To be a volunteer you should be between the ages of 25 and 77, of good health and have a skill or ability that is requested by the country. Volunteers spend

      two years helping the local people improve their lives. Two years. is a long time, but when they return, many volunteers say: “It was the best two years of my ife.”

      16. Paragraph①:

      17. Paragraph②:

      18. Paragraph③:

      19. Paragraph④:

      20. Paragraph ⑤:

      A. Definition of volunteers

      B. How volunteers are organized

      C. How volunteers contribute to society .

      D. Why people want to be volunteers

      E. An organization sending volunteers abroad

      F. An organization delivering meals to the elderly


      21. People do voluntary work because they want to______

      22. Some volunteers help others by______

      23. Some organizations rely on volunteers to help______

      24. The elderly can have their meals del ivered wi thout______

      25. Many volunteers returning from poor countries______

      A. help others.

      B. leaving their homes .

      C. cooking for, the elderly

      D. using their. professional skills

      E. find their experience rewarding

      F. preserve the natural envi ronment



      How to Talk to a Doctor

      Its one of the saddest situations in modern medicine. : The average doctor s appointment lasts 15 minutes or less._ _26

      That doesn t leave much time for chatting about the weather or your mood

      What you don t realize - -but what I see very clearly as a doctor --is that what the patient says is more important than ever._ 27_ They can also make it much harder for me to figure, out what s wrong with you.

      Medicalschools teach a speific way to conduct an office visit. Part one is the complaint._ 28__ Part two in the physical exam. And part three is when the doctor gives you a diagnosis and pescrbesrsts or a teatment Chances are, you focus on part three, but the patients who receive the best care are those who master part one.

      The key is to describe in detail what. you ve been feling-not just“bad, ”but what kind of bad, for how long,and. after what kind of activity.

      _29_ _ Even though I ve been a doctor for many years, I tend to be a lttle nervouswhen I m the one sitting on the exam table. If I haven t prepared, I lose track of the details I inended to share_ _30_ When the. doctor asks you questions,you can be more specifie, and the diagnosis and treatment will be more accurate. And there may be a few minutes left over for a little pleasant conversat ion!

      A. No wonder you feel rushed.

      B. Of course,thats easier said than done.

      C. It is wise to see a doctor with your friend,D. It is also called the description of your problem.

      E. So I take a few minutes to writel down some crucial details.

      F. In fact,your descriptions can help me give you great care,第五部分:填詞補文(第31~40題,每題1.5分,共15分)


      Planting a Garden

      Planting a garden is a lot like having a family. Both require a great deal of work, 31 as they. grow and as the seasons__ 32_. As summer days lengthen, your plants become_ 33 _on you, much like your chi ldren depend on you for food and drink.

      Like a_ 34 child asking for drink of water, your plants do the, same. Their bent body, issues a demand much the way your child requests milk or| juice. Gett ing enough water, they would. thrive soon.

      You might also find you have to__ 35 _the space around your plants, much 1ike you pick up toys and clothes that have been thrown in your kid s room. Simi larly, roses need to be pruned. (修剪),and weeds need to be pulled. To keep chi ldren healthy, parents protect their chi ldren against disease with_ 36 and gardeners do the same with insect repellent (驅蟲劑). To nourish (滋養) them,parents_ 37 chi Idren vitamins,and gardeners use fertilizer, as both promote healthy growth.

      As chi ldren grow up, they need less care. However, here s where the similarity, ends, While plants die or. become_ 38 during winter, children_ 39 maintain an important role inthe family, and parents will find their_ 40 _does not come to an


      A. help

      B. clean

      C. change.

      D. inactive

      E. dependent

      F. still

      G. strong

      H. give

      I. responsibility

      J. thirsty

      K. medicine

      L. especially



      What Makes Us Different

      The reason Earth differs (differ) from all the other_ 41~ (planet) in the universe is because of you and me. At first, we were living in caves, the came the ice age,then the meltdown, and_ 42 (final),what we are today. We and Earth as a whole have changed so much. The only, thing that hasn’t changed is our greed and 43 (jealous).

      While we were in caves, we fought for food. While we wereliving on the ice, we fought for_ 44 (warm), clothing, and food, Now, we are 45 (fight) over land. Why do we fight for land that was never in our_ 46 (possess)? Wars, big or small, take

      place every day. Earth is a single nation.All the land masses on it belong to the planet,not to us. Everyone is the same, regardless of race, gender, or religion. .

      We are all deserve to be_ 47 (treat) equally. We are all also unique, but that doesn’t make us any__ 48 (little) human than the next person.

      If we can start by_ 49 (pay) a compl iment(贊美) to a different person each day, our worldwill be_ 50 (friendly) to live in. If we at least help one person in need and. let room for love to grow in our hearts,the world will be a better place.



      51.某英文報杜正在舉辦理為“Spring is Coming”的征文活動。請你根據下述寫作要點提交一篇英文短文應征。






      Do You Love Your Dog More Than Humans?

      Elizabeth Anderson once had a dog named Grace.She and her husband cared for Grace and tried to keep her out of trouble.They took her on vacations and enjoyed her company around the house.When Grace died at age 14,they were deeply upset.Because Grace was a dog,"I was unable to talk to anyone about this great grief,"says Anderson.

      “But its common to feel that way after the loss of a dog,”says Stanley Coren,a professor of psychology.“Our relationship with dogs is simple.Some might call it true love.”

      The bond between people and their dogs is a lot like love.In one recent study,when the dogs and their owners just looked at each other,they both had a higher level of the hormone (荷爾蒙)associated with love.“It is very natural to form a bond between dogs and humans,” says Takefumi Kikusui,author of the study.“But we found the same cant be said for humans and wolves."

      “Dogs are mans best friend,”says Coren.“Weve trained them to be that way.We invented the dog to fit in our lives.For 14,000 years,weve been creating an animal which understands our communications and we understand its communications.They have a bond with us.”For example,if a person points to something in a distance,a dog will look in the direction of the finger,just like a human.But what about a wolf?“It would simply look at the finger,”Coren says.

      For Anderson,dogs are more lovable than humans.She says,“They try their best to please us.They want to do whatever we want to do.Their love is not limited.They are good at all the things we enjoy in a relationship."

      1.Grace became a member of Andersons family at 14.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      2.Anderson enjoyed her time with Grace.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      3.Grace died in an accident.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      4.Coren does not understand peoples grief over the loss of their dogs.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      5.The bond between humans and dogs can be compared to love.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      6.Dogs have the hormone associated with love.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      7.Kikusui knows why wolves are different from dogs.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      8.Man started to train dogs 14,000 years ago.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      9.A wolf understands human communications.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      10.Anderson finds humans more lovable than dogs.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given


      閱讀下面短文,請從短文后所給各題的4個選項(A 、B 、C 、D)中選出1個最佳選項,并在答題紙相應位置上將該項涂黑。

      Marta Garcia:Inspired by Technology

      Marta Garcia is a high school senior.In the past years she has been working on a variety of projects.The projects are part of her work with Techbridge,a nonprofit organization. Techbridge was set up in 2000 to increase the number of women in science,technology, engineering and math(STEM).It offers a range of after-school activities for students.

      Techbridge focuses on learning by doing.It attracts Martas interest.“When I was a kid,” says Marta,“I wasnt into English.I was really into technology and math.My older sister was in Techbridge.She encouraged me to join.It was something for me to do after school.I found it pretty fun."

      Marta has created a complex music-making machine.Her latest project is a digital piano, which shows how far her STEM skills have advanced.Martas instructors have been following her progress closely.“Tve seen her master STEM skills,”says Techbridge CEO Linda Kekelis.“Shes very confident to face challenges.She isnt afraid of temporary setbacks.”

      Marta plans to attend Smith College this fall.She is still drawn to math and technology.

      But she does not want to be limited to one particular course of study.

      “Im not sure what I want to do after college graduation,"says Marta.“I know a STEM career is an option.”The future will be filled with jobs that require STEM skills.So her love of technology and her experience with Techbridge will serve her well.

      11.Techbridge was set up to

      A.train women teachers B.offer jobs for students

      C.teach STEM at school D.help girls learn STEM

      12.Marta Garcia works with Techbridge to

      A.develop her interest B.finish her education

      C.improve her English D.please her older sister

      13.Linda Kekelis is impressed by Marta Garcias

      A.knowledge B.interests C,confidence D.instructions

      14.The word “setbacks”(Para.3)most probably means" . ”

      A.advances B.difficulties C.activities D.projects 15.Marta Garcias experience with Techbridge will

      A.help her finish university B.benefit her in the future

      C.limit her to a STEM job D.let her take fewer courses



      (1)從第16~20題后所給的6個選項中為第O ~⑥段每段選擇1個正確的小標題;


      How to Create a Five-Year Career Plan

      ① More and more people choose to make a five-year career plan.They think that the plan can help them to learn where they would like to go in the future.In fact,with a five-year plan, you can document the progress you have already made in your chosen career.You can also learn where you are likely to be heading in the future.

      ② The initial step is to think about an end goal.This can help you to gain focus on your career.When you are setting your end goal,make sure that you do not choose a job purely based on its salary.Though salaries for the job may be high now,demand often changes over time.

      ⑧ The next step is to get an adviser.An adviser is generally a person who has achieved success in the career that you wish to take.Ideally,an adviser can give you sound career advice.Make sure that you choose your adviser carefully as they may provide you with great insight

      ④ Next,you will need to think about the abilities that you will need to fulfill your career plan.Assess your current work experience and past education;figure out any specific skills or knowledge you already have;identify any gaps that you will need to fill in order to meet your end goal;and list any opportunities that you can take to improve the skills or knowledge that you have identified 6 Finally,you will need to identify the jobs that you would like to take.If you feel that you already have the required skills and knowledge,apply for them.Even if you fail to get one, you will gain some invaluable knowledge from the interview.

      Task 1

      16.Paragraph 17.Paragraph 18.Paragraph 19.Paragraph







      A.The first step to make a career plan

      B.The reason for changing a career plan

      C.The right time to apply for desired jobs D.The necessity to get some career advice E.The importance of having a career plan F.The abilities to fulfill a career plan

      Task 2

      21.A career plan can give you

      22.When you choose a job,you should not focus on

      23.To gain career guidance,you should try .

      24.To fulfill a career plan,you should .

      25.A job interview can

      A.the salary alone

      B.to write it well

      C.get well prepared

      D.to find an adviser

      E.offer some useful knowledge

      F.a clear future direction



      What Does Happiness Mean?

      Happiness in life differs for all of us.- 26 Very often we are happy,but we just dont realize it.If you think about what actually makes you happy,you might find you have those things already around you.

      Your happiness depends entirely on you. 27 It is something inside you that you have to find and work towards.You can take positive action and make changes to your life or yourself in order to achieve happiness.

      28 The first step for you to do so is to look at your feelings and ask yourself questions such as “if I could be enjoying something in my life,what would it be?"and “what makes me feel satisfied in my life right now?”Once you understand what your idea of happiness is,you can build on what you have now or focus on changing your life to what you would like it to be.

      The important thing to do is to examine your feelings by way of the answers you give to your questions. 29 You should also focus on the good or bad feelings you get from your questions and answers.

      Happiness is something that is already right there inside you.You just have to realize what it is and bring it out to start enjoying life.It can be found in family life,work, relationships,nature or a pet,to name just a few. 30 The point is where to look.You should look in the right direction,that is,your inner self.

      A.No one else can give it to you.

      B.You should examine them honestly.

      C.Happiness is easy to define.

      D.You should understand what happiness means to you.

      E.Actually,it can be found in anything and any situation.

      F.What makes one person happy may not bring happiness to another.



      Tips for Improving Your Body Image

      Some people think that they need to change how they look or act to feel good about themselves.But actually all you need to . 31 is change the way you see your body and how you think about yourself.

      The first thing to do is 32 that your body is your own.If youre very worried about your weight or size, 33 _with your doctor to verify that things are OK.But its no ones business but your own what your body is like.Ultimately,you have to be happy with yourself.

      34 ,identify which aspects of your appearance you can 35 change and which you cant.Everyone has things about themselves that they cant change and need to accept,like their height,for example,or their shoe size.

      If there are 36 about yourself that you want to change and can change(such as how fit you are),do this by setting .37 for yourself.For example,if you want to get fit, 38 _make a plan to exercise every day and eat _ 39 foods.Then keep track of your 40 until you reach your goal.Meeting a challenge you set for yourself is a great way to boost self-esteem!










      J. method





      Does Watching TV Relieve Stress?

      After a tough day,you may possibly (possible) turn on the TV.Getting41 .(lose)in your favorite show seems like an 42 (effect) way to relax.But it may make things worse.

      It is 43 (general) believed that watching TV can . 44 (able)people to relax.It provides a temporary escape from stresses.However,the same cant be .45 (say)for those who are busy and 46(tire).Those people can feel guilty about . 47_(spend) so much time in front of the TV.They tend to see it as a form of procrastination(拖延).In other 48 (word),they are avoiding other important things out of .49 (lazy).They feel they are giving in to TV.That feeling - 50 (keep) them from relaxing.



      51.某英文報社正在舉辦題為“Online Shopping”的征文活動。請你根據下述寫作要點提交一篇英文短文應征,●你所了解的網上購物情況





      The Kid That Saved His Dad

      On a sunny day last April,Bode,then nine,and his father,John Taylor,54,were snowmobiling around the remote country of Lake Tahoe.As they were driving on the snow,a little dry branch jammed in the brake of Johns vehicle.Unable to slow down,John rushed toward a pine tree.He moved to jump off the vehicle before it crashed,but his pantleg(褲腿) caught underneath it.John felt his leg broken.As he sank six inches into the powdery snow, he could tell his arms and shoulder were injured too.Bode rushed to dig out his father,but John stopped him.They had no water,litle food,and no cell phone service.“Get on your snowmobile,”John told Bode.“Follow the road,and try to find help.”

      After a 20-minute ride,Bode spotted a tour group and asked the guide to radio for help. The rescuers quickly appeared on the scene.And Bode led them through the white wilderness to his dad,who was pale and in pain.

      While they were waiting for a plane to send John to the nearest hospital,the rescuers quickly stabilized his leg.An hour later,he received surgery for the broken leg and internal bleeding Today,Johns leg has healed enough for him to take Bode out on dirt bikes.Father and son now carry extra devices on their trips,including a two-way radio with an emergency buton.“Im still a little afraid to go out on a snowmobile,"says Bode.“But Im starting to feel better about it."

      Tisha Shaw,Bodes mother,says her sons courage and quick thinking have led her to treat him as more of an adult.She lets him stay up later at night because "I trust his judgment," she says.

      1.Bode and his father went snowmobiling last April.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      2.Bodes snowmobile broke down on the way.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      3.John had an accident and injured himself.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      4.John told his son to make a call for help.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      5.A tour guide helped Bode to contact the rescuers.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      6.The rescuers stabilized Johns leg on the plane.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      7.Johns surgery lasted for a long time.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      8.Bode and his father are better equipped for their trips now.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      9.Bode leamed to use the two-way radio quickly.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given

      10.Tisha Shaw has great praise for her son.

      A.True B.False C.Not Given



      Exercise at Home

      Home exercise is the new phenomenon in fitness.Its easy to see why more and more people are taking interest in home exercise.

      All it takes to get results at home is an exercise mat,and some free weights.Even if you dont have these tools,there are several kinds of exercise you can do around the house.You can always try the exercise that uses your own body weight.The secret to success is to exercise the right way without hurting yourself.

      At home,you can train at your own time.You are not affected by the timings of your gym or your trainer.This is an excellent solution for stay-at-home moms,and those individuals who work from home or have an irregular work schedule.With the number of tools available today,it is simple to set up a gym atmosphere in the comfort of your own home.

      To get results at home,you need self-motivation and discipline,since youre going to be on your own.Its not as hard as you think and can be enjoyable and beneficial.When you are committed mentally to pursuing a leaner,energized and dynamic fitness level,changes happen much faster.

      Therere some other advantages home exercise has over a health club.After all,a club is a social institution.If one gets there to socialize more,he will exercise less.A club could also be crowded.Many people may wait in line for the equipment.With home exercise,theres no waiting period.So,many individuals are now exercising at home.In fact,as a recent study says,exercising at home is just as beneficial as working out at a health club.It also found that people who trained at home were more likely to stick with their program than those who exercised at a club.

      11.A good aspect about home exercise is that it

      A.causes no injury B.yields quick results

      C.requires few tools D.takes little hard work

      12.Home exercise best fits

      A.housewives B.policewomen C.office workers D.school children

      3.To achieye the desired results from home exercise,you need to _*

      A.enjoy yourself B.know its benefits

      C.discipline yourself D.record your changes

      14.People who go to health clubs are likely to

      A.stick with their favorite programs B.make better use of gym equipment

      C.reap more gains from the training D.spend much time making friends 15.This passage mainly talks about

      A.types of home exercise B.advantages of home exercise

      C.ways to do home exercise D.people fit for home exercise



      Secrets About Professional Chocolate Tasters

      ① Peoples faces light up when I say I taste chocolate for a living,but its not always delicious.I also have to taste bad chocolate.Im usually in a small room and sit in front of a computer to record information.Sometimes the room has red lighting.So I can evaluate chocolate only by taste,not appearance.

      ② I can sample as many as 30 chocolates per day.To taste them professionally,I spit the sweets back out.Thats another not-so-sweet part of the job.Between samples,I wait 30 seconds to let my senses rest,and I chew half an unsalted biscuit and drink plain warm water. ③ First I smell the chocolate and record it.I also listen:Old chocolate doesnt make a clear and sharp sound when broken.Then I put a tiny piece in my mouth and leave it there for a few seconds.I let it melt and record the four basic tastes—sweet,sour,bitter and salty.

      4 I love chocolate.The bottom part of my refrigerator is filled with chocolate from different parts of the world.My favorite types are very high in cocoa (可可粉).Before I started tasting chocolate professionally,I ate a lot.But now I dont eat so much.

      6 Many people dont know how to appreciate the taste of chocolate.As a taster,I want to help others do what I do.To retrain your taste buds to enjoy better quality chocolate,try simple kinds that arent filled with ingredients like nuts.Look at food with curiosity and love.

      Notice its color,smell and taste.Then youll know good quality.



      How to Shoot a Movie

      A movie is a series of pictures.Each image is a still picture,just like a picture you take with a regular camera.But the pictures flash by so fast in a movie.As a result,you see horses run,people talk,and other kinds of motion.- 26 Movies are also called films because they are filmed.

      Lots of work has to be done before the filming begins.The producer and the director plan how and when they will film each scene.

      A movie is filmed scene by scene. 27 The scenes are not usually filmed in the order you see in the movie.Sometimes the weather is bad and an outdoor scene cannot be filmed.Big fancy sets take a long time to build.Scenes using these sets are often shot later.

      However,you may see them at the beginning of the film.

      Sometimes a movie needs special effects.They include small models of huge scenes and cleverly designed sets. 28 Moviemakers use these to film scenes and places that do not exist.They might use a small model of a large building to film the building falling down.

      Films can be turned into computer files.. 29 They can use computers to make new images.For example,dinosaurs(恐龍)made by computer looked like they were flying in some films.

      30 Many images in Titanic,including crowds of people on the ship,were actually made by computer.In some other films,computers were used to make the actors look as if they were fighting while floating in the air.



      Friendship and Loyalty

      Loyalty found in a friend is similar to making a deposit in a bank account.More often than not,your deposits 31 interest,an interest in your well-being and welfare.A loyal friend attracts another loyal friend.In essence,water does seek its own level.

      If you were a best loyal friend,- 32 Im sure you understand the principle of loyalty in a friend.You should never 33 your best loyal friend to gain more friends or make yourself seem more _ 34 to others.These are not the traits of a best loyal friend.

      A best loyal friend doesnt care who is invited to your party.They will .35 your party and celebrate you,just in the way a best loyal friend should do.

      Reconnecting with a best loyal friend is 36 to do on the Internet.A virtual friend, 37 doesnt assure you of his loyalty.My -38 to you is that youd better pay _ 39 to the smiling faces on the Internet.In the 1980s we were warned of smiling faces in a song,which contained these lyrics(歌詞),“A smile is just a frown turned upside down,my friend.”Now,that is the _ 40 for my generation.






      Ambition Can Lead to Success

      Since his early years Reid had been thinking (think)of changing the world.As he grew _41 (old)he became interested in the Internet and the tech industry.At first,he started a social network.But 42 (fortunately)he faced big problems that forced him to stop.

      One day Reid got an idea.It was to provide a _ 43 (solve) for people to pay online. They could use their emails instead of credit . 44 (card).Reid called his idea PayPal. PayPal faced tough competition from large credit card companies. It was hardly _ 45 (profit),but after a long struggle,it became 46 (success).

      Reid was not _47 (satisfy).He kept searching for the next big thing that can help him improve peoples lives.One day he 48 (find) that people spend a lot of time 49 (look)for jobs online.So he decided to create a website that connects employers with job seekers and _ 50 (name) it LinkedIn.




      第一部分:閱讀判斷(第 1~10題,每題 1分,共 10分)

      下面的短文后列出了 10個句子,請根據短文的內容對每個句子作出判斷:

      如果該句提供的是正確信息,選擇 A;如果該旬提供的是錯誤信息,選擇 B;如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,選擇 C。在答題卡相應位置上將答案選項涂黑。

      Red Nose Day

      Red Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event in the UK The aim of the day is to raise money for Comic Relief. This is a charity that helps people in need in Africa and in the UK.

      Comic Relief was started in 1985 by Richard Curtis. He wrote the famous films“Four Weddings and a Funeral" and“Notting Hill". Richard started Comic Relief in response to the severe famine in Ethiopia. Its called Red Nose Day as on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear! The money made from selling red noses goes to the charity.

      Red Nose Day takes place every two years in the spring. It is now so well established that many people consider it to be an unofficial national holiday.

      The slogan for the last RND was “Do Something Funny for Money," The money that was collected was used to help fund projects in such areas as education and mental health. Money-raising events take place on this day all over the country and many schools participate. People also donate money by post, in banks, by phone using a credit card and online.

      In the evening of Red Nose Day a telethon takes place on the BBC TV channels.

      This is like a television marathon (馬拉松) that shows some of the events of the day and reports how the money raised will be spent. People also upload videos of local charity events onto the Internet.

      So, if you are ever in the UK on Red Nose Day, you will know why you find normal people wearing red noses and doing silly things! Its all for a good cause!

      1. Red Nose Day is a famous event in Britain.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      2. Comic Relief aims to help people all over the world.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      3. Richard Curtis is a well-known actor and film director.

      A True B. False C. Not Given

      4. Many people wear a red nose on Red Nose Day.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      5. Red Nose Day takes place every year.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      6. Red Nose Day has become an official national holiday.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      7. The funnier people look, the more money they collect.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      8. People give money to Comic Relief in many ways.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      9. Many schools take part in the money raising events on Red Nose Day.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      10. The Red Nose Day telethon has attracted lots of film stars.

      A. True B. False C. Not Given

      第二部分:閱讀選擇(第 11-15題,每題 2分,共 10分)

      閱讀下面短文,請從短文后所給各題的 4個選項(A、B、C、D)中選出 1個最佳選項,并在答題卡相應位置上將該項涂黑。

      Those Who Ride on Two Wheels

      In the United States there are six million tennis players and twelve million gofers.

      These figures would not surprise most people. But many would be surprised to learn that twenty million Americans ride motorcycles (摩托車) Few people realize that motorcycling is fast becoming one of Americas most popular sports.

      According to the Cycle News, many kinds of people enjoy motorcycling. They include black people and white people, businessmen, professionals, and blue- collar workers, Among them, about 55% are businessmen, 3% are in the professions and 9% in government service.

      Such information is offered by the Cycle News in the hope of improving the general; publics impression of the sport. The public has tended to believe that all motorcyclists are wild and lawless young men.

      There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes. A motorcyclists appearance has something to do with this dislike. Motorcyclists often look dirty; in fact, they are dirty. On the road, there is little to protect them from mud.

      For practical reasons, they often dress in old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who ride in cars. For the same reason, motorcyclists usually wear dark colors. Perhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected of having bad natures.

      Probably motorcycles themselves also produce anger and fear. They are noisy, though some trucks are even noisier. But trucks are acceptable because they perform a needed service. Motorcycles, on the other hand, make an uncomfortable noise just to give their riders pleasure. Roaring along quiet streets they wake sleeping families and make babies cry.

      Yet, as motorcycling becomes more and more common, it will be interesting to see how people in general feel about the sport, Perhaps it will someday become as“respectable" as tennis or golf.

      11.According to the text,more and more Americans like__.

      A.playing tennis B.playing golf C.motorcycling D.car-racing

      12. According to the Cycle News, over half of the motorcyclists are__.

      A black people

      C. businessmen

      B. white people

      D. professionals

      13. The Cycle News wants to__.

      A make motorcyclists lawful citizens

      B. improve the image of motorcycling

      C persuade people to buy motorcycles D. raise the status of blue collar workers

      14. Motorcyclists usually wear dark colors because__.

      A they want to be respectable

      C. the colors look different

      B. they want to be impressive

      D. the colors suit their sport

      15. Some people dislike the motorcycle because it is__.

      A. noisy

      B. heavy;

      C. costly,

      D. illegal

      第三部分:概括段落大意和補全句子(第 16~25題,每題 1分,共 10分)

      閱讀下面短文,請完成短文后的 2項測試任務: (1)從第 16~19題后所給的' 5個選項中為第①--④段每段選擇 1個正確的段落大意: (2)從第 20~-25題后所給的 7個選項中選擇 6個正確選項,分別完成每個句子。請將答案寫在答題卡上。

      How to Forgive, Forget and Let Go

      ①Forgiving someone does not mean releasing them from an earlier guilt. What if the person who wronged you is not living? What if the person is someone who made you extremely embarrassed during school 20 or 30 years ago? Letting go of emotional pain does not mean that nothing happened; it means that you no longer want to be controlled by it.

      ② Recognize that forgiveness is not denial. Whatever caused the pain was a real incident, Denying that i happened means in is too painful to work through the emotions. There is Do timeline on forgiveness. Some steps take longer to get through and it is acceptable to set them aside for a period of time Part of forgiveness is understanding whether or not someone takes responsibility for what happened, and may even show regret.

      ③ Understand that not everyone who forgives reconciles with the person who caused the pain There are relationships that are harmful and even physically dangerous. While it is possible to forgive the past and more beyond it, it may also mean that the people who was involved can no longer play an active role in your life.

      If a person or situation is not safe. it may be best not to reconcile the relationship now. Work on forgiveness at a time when you are emotionally healthy and physically safe.

      ④Make a conscious decision to forgive someone. Even if they never apologize for what happened, determine within yourself that it is fine to proceed without this apology Apologies should not be asking for forgiveness Apologies should be offered as an effort of true regret: They should be admitting that taking personal responsibility for the situation is important. Even without that apology, make up your mind to forgive, forget, and eventually let go.

      Task 1

      16. Paragraph①:

      17. Paragraph②:

      18. Paragraph③:

      19. Paragraph④:

      A Forgiving should be at a safe time.

      B. Forgiving is not to deny what happened.

      C. Forgiving is not to free someone from blame.

      D. Forgiving can happen without an apology.

      E. Forgiving can lead us away from the past hurt.


      20. You may forgive someone__.

      21. There is no fixed time__.

      22. Even if youve forgiven someone,__.

      23. Dont rush to forgive those__.

      24. Some people apologize merely__.

      25. If you expect an apology,__.

      A. you may not become friends

      B. to offer forgiveness

      C. who are still dangerous to you

      D. who wronged you long time ago

      E. you may never get rid of emotional pain

      F. who only forgive those showing regret

      G. for being forgiven

      第四部分:填句補文(第 26~30題,每題 2分,共 10分)

      下面的短文有 5處空白,短文后有 6個句子,其中 5個取自短文,請根據短文內容將其分別放回原有位置,以恢復文章原貌,請將答案寫在答題卡上。

      Natural Resources

      Throughout history, people have often selected where they want to live based on the natural resources that are available in the area. _ 26 Some of these resources include water, food sources such as fruits and vegetables, and animals that can be caught or hunted.

      A regions natural resources determine the way of life of its people. _27 On the other hand, poor soil will either send people looking for better places, or attract people with other purposes for the land, such as setting up businesses or factories.

      28.__ People who wish to make a living as fishermen can do so by the ocean, but cannot do so in the desert. Desert people have many traditional and unique foods, which cannot be found in the forest. Each area attracts people based on their interests and purposes.

      Areas that have rich water resources will naturally have more people.Traditionally villages,towns and cities built near water have been the most successful. People there are able to use the water resources to meet their daily needs. 29_ Places that are hard to reach, such as high mountains or dry deserts, will have fewer people living in them.

      30__ For too long, people have destroyed natural resources, using up those resources that cannot be easily replaced. On the earth, we are lucky to have many resources that are renewable, such as sun, wind, water, and trees. As more and more focus is placed on the use of renewable resources, it will become easier to protect our planet from further harm.

      A. It is easy to find new resources in nature.

      B. Renewable resources are those that can be replaced easily.

      C. While you may not think of oceans as natural resources, they are.

      D. For example, regions with rich soil can support farming societies.

      E. They can also use the water to help them move goods to other areas.

      F. Natural resources are useful to people, and they come from the earth.

      第五部分:填詞補文(第 31~40題,每題 1.5分,共 15分)

      下面的短文有 10處空白,短文后列出 12個詞,其中 10個取自短文,請根據短文內容將其分別放回原有位置,以恢復文章原貌,請將答案寫在答題卡上。

      Business English Helps

      English plays an important role in the workplace. When it is used in the correct and proper_31, it can help to promote a career or a business. Some may_ 32 or want to study business English _ 33 they start their careers.Those who are already working have the34 _ to see what they can and cannot do_35 in English in their current job.

      Business English provides you with valuable skills needed for your work.

      For example, you will learn_ 36 to negotiate. Being able to deal with a_37 and knowing how to bargain and _ 38_ an agreement can make a_ 39 difference to the outcome.

      Business English learning encourages professional and efficient communication, and promotes service to customers and business partners,_ 40 is a great advantage for any business.

      A. big

      E. reach

      F. which

      G conflict

      I. way

      J. how

      K. small

      B. need

      C. what

      D. before H. effectively L. opportunity

      第六部分:完形補文(第 41~50題,每題 1.5分,共 15分)

      下面的短文有 10處空白,每處空白后的括號內有一個詞,請根據短文內容將其正確的形式填入文中,以恢復文章原貌,請將答案寫在答題卡上。

      Silent Listening

      If something bad just happened (happen) to your friend, what would you do?

      Would you mention it to him and say you feel sorry about it? Would you offer support or advice? According to Ruth Clark, such _ 41 (treat) could mean well, but it might not be what he _ 42 (real) wants or needs.

      Clark asked some college students to imagine some - 43 (pleasant) situations, e-g. a low exam grade or the dads_ 44 (lose) of his job. The students were then 45_ (ask) how they would like to be treated by a friend who learned of the bad situation from someone else. The results were a little_46(surprise). Some said they would want and expect their friend to mention the_ 47(annoy) situation, but most of the students in the study - 48_ (respond) that they would like the friend not to do it. The students made the- 49 (decide) for themselves whether to discuss their problem with a friend. So, there is value in being a silent_ 50 (listen) around a troubled friend.

      第七部分:短文寫作(第 51題,30分)

      請根據所提供材料中的要求完成一篇 100詞左右的英文寫作任務。請將答案寫在答題卡上。

      51.某英文報社正在舉行題為“ Fight against Haze (霧霾)”的征文活動。請你就此題目寫篇英文短文應征,內容包括:













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