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  • 英語格言

    時間:2020-07-21 14:05:47 格言 我要投稿




      It is not lost that a friend gets. 東西給了朋友并不是損失.

      Kitchen Physic is the best physic. 飲食有節,百藥無緣。

      Knowledge is the antidote to fear. 知識是治療恐懼的特效藥.

      It is better to give than to take. 施比受更有福.

      One flower does not make a spring. 一花獨放不是春.

      Only the selfless can be fearless. 無私才能無畏.

      Overeating will cause indigestion. 貪多嚼不爛.

      Empty vessels make the most sound. 滿瓶不響,半瓶響叮當.

      Even a black hen lays a white egg. 黑雞生白蛋,丑婦生俊兒。/草窩里飛出金鳳凰。

      Even reckoning makes long friends. 帳目清楚,友情久長.

      Everything comes to him who waits. 凡事要肯等待; 久等必有一得.

      Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并非只是啤酒和九柱戲./ 人生并不全是吃喝玩樂.

      Let that which is lost be for God. 失去的東西就別想它了. /失去的東西就算獻給上帝了.

      Gear is easier gained than guided. 生財容易理財難.

      Good things are worth waiting for. 好事值得等待。

      Great trees keep down little ones. 大樹底下,小樹難長。

      Zeal should not outrun discretion. 熱情不應壓倒謹慎。

      The wish is father to the thought. 思考源于愿望. /心有所欲,腦有所思.

      While there is life there is hope. 一息尚存,希望不滅.

      A good name is better than riches. 美名勝過金錢。

      A danger foreseen is half avoided. 預見隱患猶如防患一半.

      A light purse makes a heavy heart. 錢袋越空,心情越重。

      Adversity is a great schoolmaster. 逆境是好老師.

      The path to glory is lways rugged. 光榮之路常坎坷.

      The best mirror is a friend's eye. 朋友的眼睛是最好的鏡子.

      The cow eats grass but gives milk. 牛吃的是草,擠出來的是奶.

      The good is the enemy of the best. 過得去是精益求精的敵人。

      Never offer to teach fish to swim. 切忌班門弄斧。

      Old friends and old wine are best. 陳酒味醇,老友情深.

      No man can lose what he never had. 一個人從來沒有過的東西,他永遠不會失去.

      Newspapers are the world's mirror. 報紙是世界的鏡子。

      No man is happy but by comparison. 人的幸福都是比較而言的。

      True nobility is exempt from fear. 真正高尚的人是無所畏懼的..

      Spare the rod and spoil the child. 不打不成器。

      Speech is the picture of the mind. 言語是心靈的畫像。

      There is no time like the present. 最好的時間就是現在.

      There's nothing new under the sun. 天下原無新事物。

      Through obedience learn to command. 通過服從學習指揮.

      There is no royal road to learning. 求知無坦途.

      There is no disputing about tastes. 品味無可爭論。/ 人各有所好。

      Speech is silver,siilennce is gold. 雄辯如銀,沉默如金.

      Success belongs to the persevering. 成功屬于不屈不撓的人.

      Strong in action, gentle in method. 行動要堅強,方式要溫和。

      Sometimes the best gain is to lose. 有時吃虧就是最大的便宜。

      So many countries ,so many customs. 異國不同俗。

      Vainglory blossoms but never bears. 虛榮光開花,永遠不結果。

      Truth's best ornament is nakedness. 打扮真理的秘決是不加掩飾.

      Never fry a fish till it is caught. 魚未捉到手,不要忙著煎。

      The best fish swim near the bottom. 高山出鷹鷂,深水藏好魚.

      The pen is mightier than the sword. 筆鋒利于劍。

      The least said, the soonest mended. 少說一句,息事寧人。

      All bread is not baked in one oven. 面包不都是一個爐灶里烤出來的。/ 不應強求一律。

      A work ill done must be twice done. 工作沒做好,就應當重新做.

      The wind cannot be caught in a net. 撒網捕風,徒勞無功.

      You can't judge a tree by its bark. 人不可貌相.

      Wine and judgement mature with age. 酒老味醇,人老識深.

      Wisdom first teaches what is right. 智慧首先教人明理.

      He is happy that thinks himself so. 自樂者常樂。

      He that cannot obey cannot command. 不服從命令者不能指揮。

      He that runs fastest gets the ring. 誰跑得快誰得獎. /捷足者先登.

      At need one sees who his friend is. 處于困境時可以看出誰是自己的朋友.

      Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 一旦加入以惡名,他永遠洗刷不清。

      Gluttony kills more than the sword. 暴食比刀劍傷人。

      Experience is the teacher of fools. 經驗為愚人之父.

      First impressions are most lasting. 最初的印象最難忘

      Eat at pleasure,drink with measure. 隨意吃飯,適度飲酒。

      Every man has a fool in his sleeve. 人人都有當傻瓜的可能.

      Every man is best known to himself. 自己最了解自己./知已莫若已.

      Every man loves what he is good at. 人人都喜歡自己擅長的事物。

      In a calm sea every man is a pilot. 在平靜的海上,人人可以作舵手.

      One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕飛來不成夏.

      Respect a man, he will do the same. 尊重別人,別人就會尊重你。

      Problems loom large when men don't. 困難象彈簧,你弱它就強.

      Quality matters more than quantity. 質比量重要.

      A lawyer never goes to law himself. 律師自己決不會打官司。

      A great fortune is a great slavery. 財多多受累.

      A friend is easier lost than found. 朋友易失不易得.

      A fool may give a wise man counsel. 愚人也能為智者出主意. / 愚者千慮,必有一得.

      A foul morn may turn to a fair day. 陰霾的早晨能變成晴朗的白天.

      A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 有個樂天的妻子是人生的歡樂.

      A city that parleys is half gotten. 求和之城已陷落一半。

      A book that is shut is but a block. 有書不讀如藏木.

      A bride is diligent for three days. 新娶媳婦三日勤.

      A brother is a friend given by God. 兄弟是天賜的朋友.

      A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 惡始必有惡終.

      Whatever you do,do with your might. 不論干哪 一行,都要盡力干.

      An empty sack cannot stand upright. 空袋難站立. /有理走遍天下,無理寸步難行.

      All true love is founded on esteem. 真正的愛基于尊重.

      he world belongs to the energetic. 世界屬于朝氣蓬勃者








    教師格言精選 教師座右銘09-14




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