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個人基本簡歷 |
姓名: | 應屆畢業生求職網 | 國籍: | 中國 |
個人照片 |
目前所在地: | 廣州 | 民族: | 漢族 | |
戶口所在地: | 湛江 | 身材: | 170 cm?60 kg | |
婚姻狀況: | 未婚 | 年齡: | 27 歲 | |
培訓認證: | 誠信徽章: |
求職意向及工作經歷 |
人才類型: | 普通求職? | ||
應聘職位: | 項目經理/主管: 分公司/辦事處經理 外貿/貿易經理/主管 | ||
工作年限: | 3 | 職稱: | 無職稱 |
求職類型: | 全職 | 可到職- | 隨時 |
月薪要求: | 3500--5000 | 希望工作地區: | 廣州 東莞 |
個人工作經歷: | 2002/05--2004/04:JB International 在一家印度貿易公司擔任過口譯翻譯,市場購買兼價格磋商,單證,等工作一年時間,熟悉廣州各類商品市場(皮具,箱包,鞋及鞋材,化妝品,玩具,精品等)。工作期間陪同外商并代表過公司參加過多次各類廣州展覽會。 工作業績: 熟悉廣州各類商品大小市場! 2004/05--2005/04:廣東省貿促技術進出口有限公司 從事一年對日本,英國等外貿業務主要工作是客戶跟蹤,工廠驗貨,開發新產品等。產品包括:日用百貨,五金日用制品,皮具,塑膠制品,文具,玩具,家私等。并能獨立開發新產品。 參加過95.96屆中國商品出口交易會(參展商)。 工作業績: 從廣交會上認識新客戶并接訂單。 2005/06--至今:OSM 項目計劃制作以管控項目進程 與R&D,采購,物流,品保,生產商等功能組配合開展工作 尋找相應材料或工廠做樣品 監督打樣階段的品質及交期 庫存管理,產品生命期管控 生產流程和工序優化以提高工廠產能及品質 產品供和需的協調管控 客戶投訴處理 工作業績: 開發了公司第一個電子產品,多數的塑膠硅膠產品。 |
教育背景 |
畢業院校: | 廣東海洋大學 | ||
最高學歷: | 大專 | 畢業- | 2002-06-01 |
所學專業一: | 商務英語,科技英語 | 所學專業二: | |
受教育培訓經歷: | 1999-2000年獲校三等獎學金. 2001年12月通過微軟專家認證(MCP). 2001-2002年獲校三等獎學金. 2002年月份通過了ISO9000內審員認證資格. 英語CET四級能與外商正面正常流利溝通。 參加過995.96屆中國商品出口交易會(參展商)。 參加過廣州種類商品展會. |
語言能力 |
外語: | 英語 優秀 | ||
國語水平: | 優秀 | 粵語水平: | 優秀 |
工作能力及其他專長 |
熟悉五金,塑料,硅膠,箱包等物料及工藝流程,對品質要求意識強,對各生產工序和產能了解。 有采購價格方面能從,物料,工序,利潤,報廢等方面入手控制產品價格。工作中能制定計劃嚴格落實每一項工作 |
詳細個人自傳 |
Dear presonnel manager: Thanks first for reviewing my resume.I graduated from English Department of Zhanjiang Ocean University. My major is English of technology and science. After school I worked in an Indian trading company as a market purchaser and interpreter in Guangzhou.I also participate in guangzhou exchange fair for four times,accompanying foreign dealers and on behalf of company.I know the bag, shoes,leather,electronic,cosmetic,toy market and so on very well in guangzhou.I work there for almost one year. And then I in an Im&Ex Company, there I have joined the Conton Fair two times,in Conton Fair I met many customers from all over the world.I know what they want, I know how to service them.So I have got very valuable experience. Now I am in a Sweden trading company as project manager, and we mainly do the plstic and electronic product. We have a lot of doc such as Coltrol plan and Quality Standard to control the quality of the product.I can travel independently and know aobut the China supplier very well. Hoping I am efficent enough to join your promising company and make effort to you. Pls. give me a chance. Best regards Philip(周榮貴) Contact No. 13724400554 |
English Resume: | Dear presonnel manager: Thanks first for reviewing my resume.I graduated from English Department of Zhanjiang Ocean University.. After school I worked in an Indian trading company as a market purchaser and interpreter.I also participate in guangzhou exchange fair for four times,accompanying foreign dealers and on behalf of company.I know the bag, shoes,leather,electronic,cosmetic,toy market and so on very well in guangzhou.I work there for almost one year. And then I in an Im&Ex Company, there I have joined the Conton Fair two times,in Conton Fair I met many customers from all over the world.I know what they want, I know how to service them.So I have got very valuable experience. Now i am in a Sweden trading company, our customer is Nokia, and I mainly do the plastic, hardward and electronic product. We have a lot of doc such as Coltrol plan and Flow chart to control the quality of the product. And of course we know the pruduct and process very well Hoping I am efficent enough to join your promising company and make effort to you. Pls. give me a chance. Best regards Philip(周榮貴) Contact No. 13724400xxx |
個人聯系方式 |