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  • 旅行感悟英文語錄

    時間:2025-03-13 17:55:05 藹媚 英語句子 我要投稿
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      1、旅行對青年,是教育的一部分;對于老年人是部分經驗。Travel to youth is a part of education; it is part of the experience of the elderly.

      2、像旅行一樣自由,絕不只是說遠游時漂泊不定的航線。旅行使人自由,只不過因為旅行時候的你可以擁有自己的世界。Like travel as free, not just say excursion drifting route. Travel is free, but you can have your own world when you travel.

      3、說走就走的旅行,要么緣由幸福穩定和寬裕,要么禍起無力無奈和逃避。Go to travel, or the source of happiness is stable and comfortable, or to have no escape and.

      4、怪天怪地,我都不會怪你,你有選擇幸福的權利。Strange strange, I will not blame you, you have the right to choose happiness.

      5、旅行賦予我們獨處的機會,從日常生活中解放并獨立出來,自己的小小記憶,或一如既往的眷顧與癡迷,都得以清晰地呈現。Travel gives us the opportunity to be alone, from the daily life of liberation and independence, their own little memory, or, as always, and obsession, are able to clearly show.

      6、別忘了答應自己要做的事情,別忘了答應自己要去的地方,無論有多難,有多遠。Dont forget to allow yourself to do, dont forget to allow yourself to go, no matter how hard it is, how far.

      7、憧憬一段任性的旅行,最好在青春飛揚的時節,最好有個遙遠美麗的目的地,最好能伴陽光前行,最好,有你。Look forward to a wayward travel, the best in the youth flying season, it is best to have a distant beautiful destination, it is best to travel with the sun, the best, there are you.

      8、不要悲觀地認為自己很不幸,其實比你更不幸的人還很多;不要樂觀地認為自己很偉大,其實你只是滄海之一粟。Dont think their pessimistic, unfortunately, in fact, still a lot of people who are more unfortunate than you; dont optimistically think oneself is very great, in fact, you are just a drop in the sea.

      9、人生就像一條奔流不息的江河,永遠沒有回流。趁年輕,來一場說走就走的旅行。Life is like a running river, never return. Take advantage of the young, a trip to say go.

      10、與其說散就散的友情,倒不如來一場說走就走的旅行。Rather than just scattered friendship, it would be a field trip.

      11、人生就像一場旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的風景以及看風景的心情,讓心靈去旅行。Life is like a trip, do not have to care about the destination, care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery, let the mind to travel.

      12、有些膽怯的人,像蝸牛那樣蜷縮在自己的角落,那是因為他們沒有勇氣去擁抱陽光。Some timid people, like a snail, curled up in a corner of their own, because they did not have the courage to embrace the sun.

      13、趕快上路吧,不要有一天我們在對方的葬禮上說,要是當時去了就好了。Get on the road, dont have to say that one day we were at each others funeral.

      14、在海外旅行中度過自己的全部生涯的人,盡管會與很多人相識,卻沒有一個朋友。People who spend their entire lives on overseas trips, even though they will meet a lot of people, but not a friend.

      15、要么旅行,要么讀書,身體和靈魂,必須有一個在路上。Or travel, or reading, body and soul, there must be one on the road.

      16、如果不出去走走,你或許以為這就是世界。If you dont go for a walk, you might think this is the world.

      17、我知道總有天可以實現--所以總是對未來的旅行充滿著希望。I know that theres always a day to be realized - so theres always hope for the future.

      18、人生就像一場旅行,不必在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的風景以及看風景的心情,讓心靈去旅行!Life is like a trip, do not have to care about the destination, care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery, let the mind to travel!

      19、我做過很多大夢,比如打算滿世界旅行,但年與時馳,志與日去。好些年過去了,我還是坐在這里,沒有出發。Ive done a lot of dreams, such as going to travel all over the world, but with the Chi Chi, and went on. Many years passed, I still sit here, no starting.

      20、一個人到國外去以前,應該更進一步了解祖國。A person to go abroad before, should be more understanding of the motherland.

      21、旅行雖頗費錢財,卻使你懂得社會。A journey is a lot of money, but it makes you understand the society.

      22、自己的旅行,其實正在這個城市里緩緩進行著,在自己的生命中慢慢萌芽出一些屬于自己的事物。Their own travel, in fact, is slowly in the city to carry out, in their own life slowly budding out of some of their own things.

      23、旅行就是,即使是同一個世界,你們發現的卻是不一樣的世界。Travel is, even if it is the same world, you find the world is not the same.

      24、一場奮不顧身的愛情,一段說走就走的旅行。夢在遠方。A section of love regardless of personal danger, go to travel. Dream in the distance.

      25、旅行的理由不需要闡述太多,一個字就可以概括全部:走。The reason for travel does not need to elaborate too much, one word can generalize all: go.

      26、那個夢想中的自己,那個曾經丟失的自己,那個豁然開朗的自己。然后在世界的某個地方相聚,開懷。The dream of their own, who had lost their own, the click into place. And then somewhere in the world to meet and laugh.

      27、七月的意大利夜風清涼,鉆進睡袋,也不覺得冷。仰望星空,那璀璨的天河,是最溫暖的棉被。July Italy breeze cool, into the sleeping bag, do not feel cold. Looking up at the sky, the bright Milky way, is the most warm quilt.

      28、人生就是一場又一場的相遇,都是緣分,沒有好與壞,沒有對與錯。緣分來了,好好相待;緣分盡了,自會分離。Life is a meeting and a meeting, are fate, no good and bad, there is no right and wrong. Fate came, treat each other as well, the fate of the best, since it will be separated.

      29、背起行囊走四方,不為天寬,不為地廣,只為見見風吹草低見牛羊。Pack go Quartet, not day wide, not broad, only to see the wind and see the low grass and sheep.

      30、健康的才是美麗的,合適的才是最好的,常新的才是迷人的,平凡的才是偉大的,堅韌的才是長久的,真實的才是永恒的。Healthy is beautiful, the right is the best, often new is charming, ordinary is great, tough is long, real is eternal.

      31、如果有一天我失蹤了,只有兩種可能:身體在旅行,或者靈魂在旅行。If one day I am missing, there are only two possibilities: the body is on a trip, or the soul is traveling.

      32、一個人,一條狗,一場說走就走的旅行。A man, a dog, a journey to walk on.

      33、我們守著距離拉成的相思。溫柔著彼此的言辭。We keep the distance pull into the acacia. Gentle with each others words.

      34、出外旅行的人,極其所能,也只有把自己的安危委諸天命,因為除此之外,別無他法。People who travel, extremely can, only for his own safety commission of the destiny, because in addition to.

      35、旅游不在乎終點,而是在意途中的人和事還有那些美好的記憶和景色。Travel does not care about the destination, but the people and things on the way there are those beautiful memories and scenery.

      36、旅行是一種病,當你把身邊的人都傳染了,而你自己根本不想從中跑出來。Travel is a kind of disease, when you put the people around me are contagious, and you dont want to let out of the.

      37、來一場說走就走的旅行,人模狗樣的去,灰頭土臉的回來。A trip to the gray, pretend to be cool, come back.

      38、旅行完之后,又回到熟悉的城市;問道熟悉的氣息,見到熟悉的人回想旅行一路,坦然一笑,回想旅行之樂。After the trip, and returned to the familiar city; asked the familiar smell, to see the familiar people think about the journey, calm smile, remember the music of travel.

      39、有的事情現在不做,就一輩子也不會做了。每次都是想到這個,提著包就走了。Some things do not do now, will not do for a lifetime. Every time you think of this, carrying the bag on the left.

      40、每次旅行,旅行之樂,千年一瞬,一眼萬年。Every time travel, travel of the music, the Millennium moment, a million years.

      41、人生最好的旅行,就是你在一個陌生的地方,發現一種久違的感動。The best travel life, you are in a strange place, found a long time moving.

      42、流浪是一段和自己獨處的時光,流浪既浪漫又艱辛,但流浪能讓我找到自己。Wandering is a time to be alone with you. Its both romantic and hard, but it can make me find myself.

      43、旅行是為了離開,旅行是對庸常生活的一次越獄。Travel is to leave, travel is a breakout of the daily life.

      44、失去的我們不妨讓其失去,因為它可讓我們少些惆悵;得到的我們不妨少些滿足,因為它可讓我們多些清醒。We can lose it, because it can make us less melancholy; we might as well be less satisfied, because it can make us more conscious.

      45、The rubbish will pollute the environment .It is bed for our health.So please dont throw about the rubbish.

      46、They measured noses in a sultry[sltri] summer afternoon.

      47、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.

      48、Maybe its a once-in-a-life-time encounter; hence we should cherish each meeting.

      49、If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.

      50、They encountered each other on a journey.

      51、We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees.

      52、Treat kindly the Earth is to treat kindly oneself.

      53、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.

      54、Rescue the Earth is to rescue future.

      55、Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment.

      56、We should not throw litter onto the ground.

      57、Protection of the environment is everyones responsibility.

      58、Now people pay more attention to how to pretend our environment .With the development of science and technology,it becomes more important to pretend our environment.

      59、As we know , water is very important to man.

      60、It“s our duty to protect our environment.

      61、Trees are very helpful and important for us.

      62、We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.

      63、But save square inch ground, stay with descendant Geng.

      64、We should plant more flowers and trees.

      65、How to protect our environment has been one of the most difficult problem in the world.

      66、But some people dont care about it.

      67、Its our duty to protect our environment。

      68、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green.

      69、It is very important to take care of our environment.

      70、Something must be done to stop the pollution.

      71、We cant live without water.

      72、The waste water will pour into rivers,lakes and fields.It will harm the crops ,kill a large number of fish.

      73、We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.

      74、Let me check the metre out。我察看一下計價器。

      75、2 、This hall is entirely different from any of the royal courts I have seen in the west。過去我在西方看到的宮殿和這個大殿很不相同。

      76、We can go up to the Longevity Hill and have a broad view of all the fascinating scenes from there。我們可以上萬壽山,在那兒所有的迷人景色都能一覽無遺。

      77、4 、Do you have a good business being a taxi driver?出租車生意好嗎?

      78、5 、But Im afraid one day is not enough to see all the intetesting places?墒且幢樗芯坝^恐怕一天時間是不夠的。

      79、6 、In the subsequent dynasties,the Great Wall was rebuiltmany times。在后來的各個朝代,長城又被多次修建。

      80、7 、The dragons head is beautifully modeled and is rising proudly over there。龍頭塑造得非常漂亮,它高傲地在那里仰望。

      81、8 、Lets set off right away。讓我們馬上就動身吧。

      82、Famous pine tree such as theFlying Dragon and theTwin Dragonsare found there。在蓮花峰,還能看到一些名聞遐邇的松樹,如飛龍松和雙龍松。

      83、10 、On your right is Tiandu Feng,one of the three main peaks of Huangshan and also the steepest。在你們的右邊是黃山三大主峰之一的天都峰,也是最陡的一座山峰。

      84、Please allow me to inquire about the history of this famous garden,would you?請允許我們打聽一下這個花園的歷史,好嗎?

      85、Good morning。 The United Airlines。 What can I do for you? 早上好。美國聯合航空公司。我能為您做些什嘛?

      86、And it was built more than 000 years ago?是在000多年前建的嗎?

      87、These gardens are not large but curious in their de-signs。這些庭園規模不大,但設計巧妙。

      88、According to our travelling schedule,today were going to visit the Palace Museum。根據我們旅游日程安排,今天我們去故宮。

      89、Where do you intend to take a trip today?您想到什么地方去旅游呢?

      90、The touring cab is waiting at the opposite parking ground。旅游車正等在對面的停車站。

      91、Thats in the all-day tour。 只有全天旅游去。

      92、Would you please tell me something about the city?你能告訴我有關這個城市的一些情況嗎?

      93、Shall we go to the top floor of the hall to have a birds-eye view from there。我們是否到它的頂樓上去俯視一下。

      94、The last massive rebuilding of the Great Wall was in Ming Dynasty。長城的最后一次大規模重建是在明朝。

      95、A few more steps will bring us to the top。再走幾步我們就到頂了。

      96、Here rare and precious cultural relics are kept。這里保存著珍貴的文化遺跡。

      97、The first thing I would like to tell you is that it was constructed and built up in the Ming Dynasty。首先,我要告訴你們的是這座花園創建于明朝。

      98、Could you give me some information about it,Miss Li?李小姐,你能給我們介紹一下嗎?

      99、Oh,It is gorgeous and elaborate,indeed。嗬,真是華麗精致。

      100、Do you use the metre?你使用計價器嗎?











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