1、Wishing you a day filled with laughter, love, and lots of ice cream! 祝你度過一個充滿歡笑、愛和冰淇淋的日子!
2、On Childrens Day, may you be filled with joy and laughter. 兒童節快樂,愿你充滿歡笑和喜悅。
3、On Childrens Day, I wish you endless happiness and sweet dreams. 兒童節快樂,愿你幸福無邊,美夢連連。
4、送你一顆童心,愿你煩惱少,快樂多!end you a childlike innocence, let you worry, less happy.
5、朋友,愿你忘記煩惱,擁抱快樂甜蜜! Friend, you would like to forget the worry, embrace happiness sweet!
6、兒童節,愿你無憂無慮,幸福生活一輩子! Childrens day, I wish you happy and happy life!
7、愿你懷著一顆童心享受生活,收獲快樂!ou would like to enjoy life with a childlike innocence, happy harvest.
8、On Childrens Day, may you be filled with joy and laughter.六一兒童節,愿你充滿歡樂和笑聲。
9、Childrens Day greetings to you! May you always be young at heart!兒童節快樂!愿你永遠保持一顆年輕的心!
10、Today, lets make children feel special and loved. 今天,讓我們讓孩子們感到特別和被愛。
11、六一兒童節快到了,愿你保持幼稚享快樂!hildrens Day is coming. May you keep your childhood happy.
12、兒童節,愿你放下包袱,簡單生活!hildrens day, wish you to put down the burden, the simple life.
13、兒童是希望,兒童是夢想,兒童節快樂!hildren are hope, children are dreams, childrens day is happy.
14、童年是一首沒有憂傷的歌曲,唱出你我純真的記憶; Childhood is a song without sadness, singing your memory of my innocence;
15、做一個永遠快樂的孩子,兒童節快樂! Do a always happy children, happy childrens day!
16、祝你永遠擁有一顆純真、快樂的童心! wish you a pure and happy childlike heart forever!
17、六一兒童節到,祝你健康童顏不老。 Happy childrens day.
18、六一兒童節,祝你節日快樂,百事可樂! happy childrens day, pepsi cola!
19、May you always have a childlike heart, full of joy and laughter! 愿你永遠擁有一顆童心,充滿歡樂與笑聲!
20、May you have a blast on this Childrens Day and always stay happy.愿你在這個兒童節盡情玩樂,永遠快樂。
21、珍惜兒童世界,過好兒童節日,開心快樂永遠。 Cherish the world of children, celebrate childrens holidays, be happy and happy forever.
22、快樂多,身體好,童心常駐生活妙。 happy, good health, childrens heart lives wonderful.
23、祝曾經的兒童,六一兒童節快樂。 i wish the children, happy childrens day.
24、兒童節,愿你擁有兒童般的快樂,幸福常駐!hildrens day, may you have childrens happiness and happiness.
25、Happy Childrens Day! May your life be as beautiful as a rainbow!兒童節快樂!愿你的生活像彩虹一樣美麗!
26、Lets give the children a break from studies and let them play freely on Childrens Day. 讓我們在兒童節這一天讓孩子們暫時放下學習,自由玩耍。
27、祝你兒童節快樂,每天開心! happy childrens day and happy every day!
28、祝你幸福滿胸懷,六一兒童節里喜開懷! i wish you happiness and happiness. childrens day is a joy!
29、兒童節玩得開心,老頑童快悅舒心。 Have a happy childrens day, the old urchin yue shu xin.
30、Wishing you a day filled with smiles, hugs, and happy memories!祝你度過一個充滿微笑、擁抱和幸;貞浀囊惶!
31、六一兒童節,祝小朋友們快樂無比! Happy childrens Day!
32、On Childrens Day, remember to be a kid again and have fun!在兒童節這一天,記得再當一次孩子,盡情享受快樂!
33、尋找童年最喜歡的顏色,裝扮美麗心情!ook for the favorite colors of childhood, dress up beautiful mood.
34、On Childrens Day, remember to be brave, be kind, and always have fun!在兒童節這一天,記得要勇敢、善良,并且總是保持快樂!
35、May your heart be filled with joy and innocence, just like a childs. 愿你心中充滿快樂和純真,就像一個孩子一樣。
36、祝你:童顏大悅,給足勇氣!ish you: happy and brave.
37、On this special day, I pray for your happiness and prosperity.在這個特別的日子里,我為你祈禱幸福與繁榮。
38、Let the spirit of playfulness never leave you, even as you grow older.愿你永遠保持童真,即使你長大了。
39、兒童節快樂、開心永遠永遠!appy childrens day, happy forever.
40、愿適齡兒童,幸?鞓返谝弧!ay the children of the right age be happy first.
41、兒童節,給自己心情放個假吧! childrens day, give yourself a holiday!
42、On this Childrens Day, lets not forget the joy of playing and laughing like a kid.在這個六一兒童節,讓我們不要忘記像孩子一樣玩耍和歡笑的快樂。
43、愿你永有童心,生活甜蜜!ay you always have childlike and sweet life.
44、兒童節又快到,不管年齡多少,快樂最重要! Childrens Day is coming soon, no matter how old, happiness is most important.