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  • 如何積累和運用雅思寫作詞匯

    時間:2024-10-23 15:21:30 雅思考試 我要投稿
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      雅思寫作真題范文:Many students are taught to push themselves to try and be better than other students, rather than work together for everyone’s benefits. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(許多學生被教導要努力學習,比其他學生更好,而不是為每個人的利益一起工作。利大于弊嗎






      It is common that we are living in a world filled with sever competition in both businesses and individuals, even in those who study at schools. Personally, I think the merits do not necessarily outweigh the demerits.

      There are two benefits of developing students’ habit of competing with each other. Firstly, establishing a competitive environment is able to enormously motivate students of all levels to keep learning and working hard in order to keep up with peers and achieve more goals. In other words, this prevents ordinary students from giving up on themselves and makes them realize that being competitive is a quality that is capable of building up their perseverance. Furthermore, it is undeniable that competitive awareness can cultivate students to improve their problem-solving skills through coping with continuous challenges alone. Specifically, they are more likely to make great attempts to figure out problems in more effective ways rather than wait for others to find solutions.

      When it comes to drawbacks, we cannot ignore the fact that cooperation plays an extremely imperative role in students’ whole life. Those who do not know how to cooperate may find it difficult to adapt to working environment in the future, for one-man team is less appreciated in a large number of firms. Another perceived disadvantage is that enormous competition has the possibility for students to accumulate more pressure, especially for those who are not good at dealing with stress, contributing to insomnia or other health issues. Therefore, it can negatively affect their learning attitudes.

      In conclusion, although encouraging students to be competitive is beneficial for their academic studies and surrounding adaptability, it could become demerits when teachers only emphasize on teaching competition and ignore the impact of cooperation.



      真題范文:People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. Why you think this is? Are arts as important as science and technology?(在高科技時代,人們仍然重視藝術家。你為什么這么認為?藝術和科學技術一樣重要嗎



      The advanced technology and cutting-edge breakthrough of science usher in an age when the obsession with logic and rationality elbow its way to the spotlight of public. However, art or the artists, the relatively sentimental part of human mind, still deserves a place for its irreplaceable importance.

      It is apparent that the intrinsic characteristics of human being’s mind make artists an indispensable role. The essence of arts is its natural outflow of human emotion and their perception to the world from a subjective and self-oriented perspective, which can arouse a mental echo of the thirst for beauty and the probation of the primitive state of mind. Although we have lived in a world beaming with the hustle and bustle brought by technology, we still need musicians to compose the melodious tunes and painters to depict the magnificence of landscape. Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night will not pale compared with the stunning Hubble telescope.

      The importance of art cannot be underestimated for the simple reason that its benefits will make a difference to human, albeit the dominance of technology. The pace of modern life has been inevitably accelerated due to the penetration of technological devices such as new media and machines, whose tyranny drains energy and paralyses our sense to the beauty of world. This circumstance is likely to be eased because art can present the aesthetic bliss and therefore reduce the fatigue and tiresome. It seems that the exhaustive soul can be nourished in the company of a light-hearted classic music and a piece of oil painting. We need the soothing comfort of art, as the advancement of our logic is always entwined with the call of our nature.


      1. 雅思寫作詞匯量有限,只會重復使用簡單的詞匯

      考生的詞匯量不多,在復習過程中又不看優秀范文,或者即使看了范文,將之與自己寫的文章對照后,也不做任何詞匯積累工作。如果作文中涉及“污染”這個詞的使用,絕大部分考生都選擇用pollution 這個詞,并且在行文過程中不停地重復這個詞。這樣重復使用一個詞導致的結果就是作文詞匯得分只能達到5分。

      2. 有一定的寫作詞匯量,但是不會運用,浪費了詞匯儲備


      例如,雖然考生在考試前記住了facilitate (to make it easier for a process or activity to happen)這個詞,但在考場上想表達“計算機可以幫助我們更好地學習語言”的時候,卻仍然寫成了“Computers make it easier for us to learn another language ”,而不是“Computers can be used to facilitate language learning ”。那么,對于這類考生來說,復習時所做的詞匯積累就毫無意義可言了。

      3. 寫作用詞不準確


      例如有些考生在詞典中查到單詞endorse 的中文解釋有“贊同,同意”一項,于是決定把作文中的agree全改成endorse。殊不知,這個endorse在《朗文當代英語詞典》中的英文定義是“to express formal support or approval for someone or something”,這意味著endorse表示“同意”時多用于正式場合,并且很多時候是有一定身份的人才可以使用的,例如:“The Prime Minister is unlikely to endorse this view. ”因此,考生在作文中直接把這個詞當做“同意”來使用是不準確的。



      雅思詞匯評分標準中已經明確地闡述了不同分數檔對考生的詞匯要求,下面筆者以5 分、6 分和7 分的評分標準為例,為考生進行分析講解。

      雅思寫作5分:uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task; may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the reader

      雅思寫作6分:uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task; attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy; makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation, but they do not impede communication

      雅思寫作7分:uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision; uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation; may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and word formation


      如果考生想達到5 分,只需具有有限的詞匯量(limited range of vocabulary) ,能夠完成作文就好;

      而如果考生想達到6 分,則需要有足夠的詞匯量(adequate range of vocabulary),并使用不常見詞匯(less common vocabulary) ;

      7 分的要求更高,要求考生有豐富的詞匯量(sufficient range of vocabulary) ,在詞匯使用方面體現出靈活性(flexibility) 和準確性(precision) ,在使用不常見詞匯的同時也能對語體(style) 和搭配(collocation) 有一定了解。


      1. 詞匯量(range of vocabulary)

      對于詞匯量的要求,5 分的評分標準中用的形容詞是limited ( 有限的)。什么樣的情況屬于詞匯量有限呢?舉例來說,如果要描述這樣一個事實:“越來越多的人購買了越來越多的車輛,造成了越來越嚴重的空氣污染。”很多考生多半會寫成:“More and more people are buying more and more cars, which causes more and more serious air pollution.”這個英語句子的意思表達得很清楚,可在詞匯上只能拿到5 分。因為在表示“越來越多”這個概念的時候,more and more這個詞組被重復了三遍,這表現了考生在詞匯儲備方面的匱乏。

      如果考生想得到6 分及以上的分數,就要學會用a/an growing/increasing number of 、increasingly來替換more and more,即把本句改成:“Agrowing number of people are buying more and more cars,which causes increasingly serious air pollution. ”對于每個常見含義,筆者建議考生至少要掌握三種不同的英文表達方式。

      此外,在作文中,考官也會看重考生對不同話題相關詞匯量的掌握情況,以此作為評分的一種依據。比如說,對于犯罪的話題,criminal ( 罪犯)這個詞是考生在寫作時必然會用上的。除了可以使用lawbreaker 、offender這樣的同義轉換詞外,如果考生在考試中能使用一些表示具體犯了某種罪的罪犯的名詞,例如thief ( 小偷)、juvenile delinquent(少年犯)以及serial killer (連環殺手),也是自身具有充足詞匯量的有力證明。

      2.不常見詞匯(less common vocabulary)


      如果考生觀察《劍橋雅思考試全真試題集(3~9) 》中所提供的官方樣文的話,就會發現樣文里幾乎沒有大詞、難詞。相反,官方樣文的用詞幾乎都是四、六級考查范圍內的詞匯。比如,在上文中筆者曾經提到,一旦說到“污染”這個詞,很多考生的第一反應就是用pollution ,而contamination這個詞其實就是六級詞匯中要求考生掌握的詞,它完全可以替換pollution 。再比如,表示“破壞環境”這個含義時,大部分考生寫出的表達是damage environment,而“破壞”這個詞可以替換為六級詞匯中的deteriorate。所以,考生只要把大學四、六級考查的詞匯掌握好就行,不需要特意去尋找其他的詞匯資源。



      (1)利用同義詞或同義的概念替換詞以避免同一詞匯在文章中重復出現。這里利用同義詞是指如果考生在作文中兩次提到了相同的概念,那么考生可以分別用兩個不同的詞來表示。例如,在作文中考生可以分別用important和significant來表示“重要的”以避免重復。而同義的概念替換詞是指兩個可能并非完全同義,但在一定情境下可以相互替換的詞匯。例如,activity ( 活動) 和competition ( 競爭) 的意思并不完全相同,但在談到關于“比賽”這個概念時,這兩個詞都是可以使用的。例如,一場籃球賽是一場競爭(competition),也是一種活動(activity) 。

      (2)通過使用“詞性不同但詞義相同的詞匯”來避免重復。例如,在文章中要表達“日本的石油消耗量居全世界首位,而美國排第二”這個含義時,可以用“Japan consumes the largest amount of oil in the world, while consumption in the US ranks second place ”來體現詞匯使用的靈活性。其中,句中的consume和consumption 詞性不同,但詞義相同。


      顧名思義,準確性就是指單詞使用的準確程度。在積累詞匯的'過程中,考生會背很多同義或可表示相似意義的詞匯,但有些詞匯即使意思相近,在用法上也有很大的區別。例如,在前文提到了endorse這個詞的使用,如果不分場合地用它來代替agree,就會造成表達不當。再如,描述一個人的眼睛大可以用big,雖然big非常常見,但big eyes 搭配起來沒有問題。可是如果用enormous (extremely large in size or amount) 來形容眼睛的大小,就不恰當了。


      5. 詞匯,語體及搭配(style and collocation)

      Style是指語體的風格。雅思考試中的寫作測試是一個偏向于正式文體的語言測試,所以考生在行文的過程中不應出現過于口語化的內容,也不能用縮略語的形式。例如“I am gonna ... ”或“I’d like to ... ”這種表達都不應在雅思寫作中出現,而應該用“I will …”或“I tend to … ”這樣的表達來替代。評分標準中要求的搭配(collocation)的英文定義是“the way in which some words are often used together, or a particular combination of words ”,這要求考生在寫作時要注意詞語的固定搭配。例如,表示“學習知識”應該用acquire knowledge ,而不是learn knowledge;表示“犯罪”應該用commit a crime,而不是do a crime。這需要考生在平時多看范文,注意多多積累固定搭配,以提高自己在雅思詞匯方面的得分。



      1. 積累豐富多樣化的雅思寫作詞語

      為了避免在寫作時重復使用有限詞匯,考生在看范文時應對范文中意義相似或相同的詞進行積累和背誦。例如,在《劍橋雅思考試全真試題集6 》Test 2 的官方樣文中,表示某人觀點的時候,分別用了find 、feel 、think等詞匯表示“認為”的含義,考生就可以將其歸納總結,并在表達觀點時使用,以確保自己作文中的詞匯表達具有多樣性。

      2. 模仿雅思寫作高分范文

      為了避免背過的高級詞匯使用不上,建議考生在平時用仿寫范文的方法進行練習。具體的方法是,首先看一遍范文,理解了范文意思后,自己用英文寫一遍,寫完后把自己寫的文章和范文進行對照,查找異同,找出自己的用詞和范文的用詞有哪些不同之處,并總結范文中的地道詞匯,然后進行記憶。例如,在《劍橋雅思考試全真試題集5 》Test 2 的官方樣文中,表示“學習”和“好工作”兩個概念時,樣文的用詞分別是academic study and research、reasonable career ,而絕大多數中國考生的用詞是study和good job 。碰到這種情況,考生就可以將官方樣文中的地道表達記住,下次用時就可以把good job 替換成reasonable career。同時,如果想表達的是大學及以上階段的學習,也可以用academic study and research來替換study。

      3. 勤查字典












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