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  • \иx俼ϵĎ״ֶ̎

    r(sh)g2021-01-07 19:56:01 иԇ ҪͶ


    ᘌ(du)LɾLՈ(qng)䣺On rare occasion when a fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign sculptors, as in the 1770s when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina, commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt. (ǵijЩҪƷĕr(sh)˕(hu)D(zhun)ˇg(sh)ң1770~sкϿ_{IJ˹DоίӢJ.W.ƙ(qun)William PittĴʯ)


    ȫx~gϢ^sy(hu)(do)ץסc(din)Ҳ҂fľmȻx˵(du)vʲô]ӡ҂្ԭ侫飺American turned to foreign sculptors. ǣՈ(qng)ˇg(sh)?gu)æּ?/p>

    Σᘌ(du)Ƨc(din)Ҏ(gu)yc(din)磺Were Earth to be juxtaposed with the Great Red Spot, our planet would be dwarfed in comparison, with a diameter less than half that of the Great Red Spot. (ѵľƴt߲Ŕ[еԒ҂.@ҊIֱtߵһҡ)juxtaposed(wŔ[)yc(din)̓MlǾ˲Ҫ

    ҂ֻҪJ(rn)ԓxļ󲿡our planet would be dwarfedСڴtơԇϤdwarfedĺxҲɌ(du)c(din)a(b)fwith a diameter less than half that of the GRS@vСڴt

    ZͻݡܶͬW(xu)W(xu)(x)ZsҕZҪ棺ͻc(din)(ni)ݻc(din)ЧZ|(zh)҂đ(zhn)ϴ_Ƿ(hu)ɞ鿼c(din)Լ҂c(din)磺Only when it has been chewed up and digested almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen and on through the gut.(ֻʳﱻ鲢ҺB(ti)ʳܴ^cθ_(d))










    иxԇʽ ô俼иxԇ10-20

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