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  • и~}

    rg2020-08-14 14:25:23 иԇ ҪͶ


    disorganize vt. _yʹy


    The injury disfigured the bosss face. She felt like a disgraced woman. The way some people looked at her face with disgust seemed to dishearten her even more. It was a dismal situation.

    It all started last week after the boss dismissed an employee from his job. The employee had recklessly caused a huge explosion that disintegrated one of the machines in the factory. The dismissal was clearly a fair and disinterested decision. However, the decision disgruntled the employee. He was disinclined to accept it.

    The day after his dismissal, the dissatisfied employee returned to the factory wearing disheveled clothes. He was swinging a large metal pipe and a sharp knife. His disjointed speech indicated that he was drunk. He seemed to be claiming that the telephone system with several blows. Fear of injury disorganized the entire factory.

    The dissatisfied employee descended the stairs to the bosss basement office. With one swing of his pipe, he dislocated her jaw. Fortunately, a courageous colleague came to her rescue. The brave colleague punched the attacker in the mouth. The powerful punch dislodged the attackers teeth and knocked him out.

    You saved my life, the boss uttered in pain. For a moment, I though he might dismember me with his knife.











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