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ȏĿԇcvx һNݔԵĜyԇһNݔԵĜyԇ@Ҫ߂һ߉MݔZԡ
Ҫץס˵˼S@ӲԲ׃f׃иͨһcʽČͨ҂Ҳ~^(Fish Bone)ʽ_^+Փ+YβΡиҲǿǷ쾚\@ӵĽYȥ_Լһ}Ŀ҂}ĿĕrҪRϘ˼_Լ^cͬķ]PϵҪ܉Rϴ_Լ^cѼXе֧@һ˼SҲwFھCόУCόģʽҲ^x nj෴ʽ˵@N}˼Sø߷ֵĿԾͱ^
磺I have heard many wonderful things about such cosmopolitan cities as Paris, London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong and I would love to visit these cities to check them out. ĸZԱ_I have heard many good compliments about such cosmopolitan cities as Paris, London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. I am eager to verify these cities myself.
עиCiBTǾWڴ}ĕrһҪעTypingspeed, format Լaccuracy.ֻ30ȥČ}ԼzĕrgҲ߀ʣ22-25犵ČrgһҪպÕrgߴֵٶȡ
҂|иииăľڶгFlʶǺܸߵǵһintroductionһBĕrʹeZľ䡣磺Some people claim thatµwwFʽ׃Nľ佻摪þ@úҪʹIBTfirst draftĸ֮µăҪҲ]и׃ҪҪwFԺͽyһԡ
1)Many experts claim that people should positively participate in garbage recycle.
2)Horror movies, in which there might be bleeding and terrifying scenes, are not recommended for children.
3)As long as you are a student, you should always behave yourself.
ZľZľ^Ҋʹalthoughthough@Bһʹas long asľ@Խጳһײһ
4)When it comes to psychology, most people believe that it is a behavioral study.
Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.
(1) Some people believe that________________. Other people hold the opinion that_________. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinions about it.
For A, ___________________.
But this also demonstrates that______________.
Moreover, _______________________.
B, on the other hand, _______________. For example, ________________.
In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways: First, _________________. Second, ______________________.
(2) A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused a heated debate for a long period. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we do not see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.
Some people believe B because______________. These people point out the fact that______________. They also argue that_______________________.
However, other people stand on a very different ground, they believe that____________. They firmly point out that______________________. An example can give the details of this argument: ___________________. In addition, ____________________________.
In a word, A is too temptating not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has________. ________.
и䌍IJy, ȻҪC ^,c .'C,x c, cMЧ, һƪ¿ɾrt!
:ÿҪԼģ, ģH, ֱ
Integrated task:
Indicate, state, claim, believe, argue, say, hold, discuss, mention, contend, demonstrate, raise the issue, according to the professor/writer..
Cast doubt on, refute, rebuke, refuse, question, disagree with, oppose, contradict, on the contrary, differ from
Support, strengthen, agree with, reinforce, present the same idea
ñʾY x^cͬľӣ
1. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.
2. this entirely opposes the writers expectation.
3. this is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.
4. this is another part where experience contradict theory.
In the lecture, the professor states that..., which differs from the point of the reading, the passsage contends that......
As for the writer, the writer indicates that.......R1.....On the contrary, the instructor argues that L1.....+detail.
In the lecture, the speaker raises the issue that L2+detail ......., yet the reading passage belives that.......R2...
In the lecture, the professor says L3.....+detail...., and what the professor says opposes the idea of reading which holds that R3.........
In a word, what is discussed in the lecture entirely opposes the writers expectation.
иԇČְɵԇ}ڴs50犵ĕrgԇ}30犵ĕrgҪԼ֪Rͽጲ֧ijһ}ijͨЧĻشһƪ300~ҵġx ϞAČԇ}ҪxһƪWgvxĕrg3犡Ȼ[ȥ@rҪ һδs2犵nv⡣ǿڌĕrԿڷ ϕr[ȥx ^пPӛ}20犵ĕrgY еҪc@ЩҪccxеҪкβͬͨЧĻشһƪ 150-225~ÿ΄յķ֔0-5CZԼܵ}ĿuԻش|Ժ͜ʴ_Ԟ
иCόҪxһƪWg~ڶʮȻҪ һ ϣrLsһְ犡Ҫx ϵPϢһƪ~
@ӢČx һҪҪܰסx еϢҪcڿԇҎĕrgȌһNʽ_
ҪyһЩxǰ ϵ}ѽһ`˽⣬ ĕrԓcڃɂ^cД^ϣh ^ùPӛPIϢӛ挑Üʂ
x ֮PIϢҪôú?һξǰx еcݺ^c_f^c֮gPϵڶչ_еķՓcC^c֮gPϵעǶȵIJͬοYעⲻҪԼđBȺ^c
һ䣺topic sentence:ϫ@õ֪Rȫ
1 ӣthe example of__ matches my point of view perfectly; To look for better illustration, one can look no further than___; one case in point involves___, ԼһӼɣҲǾԼеġӵĕrһľefor example such as
2 á{͔A recent survey, revealing that___ can also serve to demonstrate this point; A research, in which__ were investigated, suggests that____. {͔Լģe̫xV
3 ]У seldom can we imagine the situation without___; hundreds of years ago, when there was no__, people_(ô韩y)__
һKnowledge obtained from books is more diverse and has larger quantity. (Փc)
ڶUBooks are written form of documentation of facts and phenomenon, which, although obtained through numerous efforts, can be put down in only a few simple words. Therefore, compared to practicing,^ reading books can bring people numerous amounts of knowledge in a more convenient and efficient way.
]Hardly can we imagine the situation without those concise expressions of ideas. Without the benefits of books, the brilliant ideas of predecessors will be lost due to the lack of recording; students will have no material to go over when they are faced with examinations; all the essence and beauty of poems and novels will never be appreciated by the descendents.(űһc벻Բ)
More specifically, take the biological class as an example. If the teacher wants his students to grasp Mendels law of inheritance, instead of guiding the students to grow some pea, he will open up the textbook and tell the students what the result of the experiment that had been conducted is and what law Mendel has found.
ÔBesides, investigation showing that books account for 90 percent of the sources provided for students to obtain knowledge can also support my side.
aһcӵĕrҪβһ£ffrom the example, we can see that by reading books, we can obtain the most knowledge within a short time ֮@Փ߉ǺҪ^LL˲Ư
20xxиЇԁ䌑ԾCϺͪĸһƪĿʽyČWgһcС·όIELTSČIBT WritingЇ^ǿϤs֎İƅsְزͬF͌иƪĜyԇcMЎc
и~Ҫһ@ăAǜʴ_ҊֻгҊ~Rֱ^x˽ߵ˼·ֱر_ߵ˼ԹٷָϵһƪMĵ_^ΞThere are certain considerations or factors that everyone takes into account in a relationship. People may look for honesty, altruism, understanding, loyalty, being thoughtful etc! Everyone would more or less wish that the person shehe is dealing with has some of these virtues above. Putting them in an order according to their importance, however, can be very subjective and relative.
϶β]κƧ~;ʽľӣÿξ˼ֱεҲͨ䌍~Ĝʴ_Ժ̶ܴϾͿ@~ijҊȣij~܉ʴ_ֱرij˼@~ŕԇڬFČ, һЇ˲ȥϴgɳmѳQţmѽÓxˬFЇ˵ijB~R˾Ͳܽoֱӡˡ
@N~ijB߀wFи}Ŀ~Ոһ20xx.08.25и}~Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should not pay much attention to general subjects. Instead, they should help students prepare for specific careers and jobs.˼7 P102ͬһ}ij}~ǣSome people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion should be the main function of a university?
ց20xx.05.30и}Young school children (age five to ten) should be required to study art and music, in addition to math, language, science and history; Ƶһ˼}Schools should teach children the academic subjects which have a relationship with their future careers, so other subjects like music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ˼}ֻǻ\yfsubjects which have a relationship with their future careers, Щ߀rgȥmYЩĿԺ͘IP_и}Hֱг˿Ŀ߀childrengķ
ٿһmYďV˼}The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising but not the real need of the society where such products are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? }ֺӹӋx^wиôVVSMߵěQ@cģ Advertisement is a waste of time and money, because customers already know what they want.(20071208) ϿҊoՓČ~Ru߀dz}~xȡиowFֱZԂ
Wg̖˼ԇ䲻ðHԮPĿ}@Щ_ɏ^hĵx}^ˇcIBT Writing}sҪ̽ӑ}PǷӳиIģDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for children to choose the jobs similar to their parents (20100106);mYͨ߀ˇģDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else (20100207); ̽ӑҪX߀ҪģA job with more vacation time is better than a job with high salary but less vacation time (20090227); DZ߀DZŵģPeople should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying (20100612); Ը˸߲dģPeople who do not have to work because they have enough money are barely happy(20071103).߀иu㹷и}ĿIģTeacher should assign homework for students every day (20080427).@Щ}Ʒdz飬 Ĵ_ǵ˶ļҳdzҕڌ`֪ϲg̽ՓĂԡ@Ȼ`иĵһcҲиڿWՓH}ĂcЩƽrTPע,˼FĿһиռиҲͬWČҸָ]Hvw^ҲmY߅r˼ՓāԴ
ETSMַļһƪĵĹxHowever, job security tends to lead to decreased productivity. In general, employees who are certain that they can never lose their jobs tend to work less efficiently, thereby contributing to an overall reduction of productivity in the company. A common example all over the world is that of civil servants. In Thailand, for example, many government workers are so indolent that it can take days or months for something to be finished that should only take a few days. It is not uncommon to walk into a government office and see employees filing their nails, making personal calls on the telephone, taking three-hour lunches, or surfing the Internet for fun.
Going abroad for study can cultivate the independence of students. To be specific, students who study abroad have to deal with a wide range of difficulties all by themselves, which will put them at a big advantage in solving problems in future lives. @ՓУ@Ȼ^ڿնĴՄa wide range of difficulties Ăy a big advantage in solving problemswʲô @ЩԓپwӌɣFor example, by overcoming cultural difference between the east and the west, a students is expected to be more capable of adapting new environments when he or she steps into the working lives. ˸錍߀ԞӼ˹ 磺one of my university classmates; ָȥ
иĪxϵČWgETSSڲӰxǰƴֺ͘ce`Ze`(MַҲ)ٝMгFdontshouldntȿsʽ߀ʹɆЇ@@Zlеľͣ߀ʹc}ĿPVZP˷QʹٷMҲx__ǰ֮ʹI, we, you@Щ^^˷Q~Ҋиֻذ_ՓC_ĿڲӰƪǰ£ȫSһЩoPʹWZe`ƽrͿԇĕrԓтcóҊ~Rʴ_ر_ξԒ˼ΌFc֮g˼·ϵϵԼξwնĸԓrgCеĶAoAL䡣
cии@ĸĸ˾CόĿ(Ҫ3xһΌWgȻ һκxP 20犃Ȍƪ֮gPϵÕ挑ķʽ_)CόĿ䌍ֱպڇWҪWֱͱ_nǰ醕еăݺͽnv֮g֧߀ҪþCό횾߂ķN
cͬCόǿͬWSl]Ԓ}ȡ挍WnеČWgڌrܰlκ^cֻǾx Mб^ȫհxеĴoͬrֲ߀ԭе( ٺӛٺõͬWҲһֲȫ߀ԭ е^c)˱횾߂ČDxϺvЃݵεfČҪЃɂ棺~ͬxČ;ӵZČǰ߰ͬx~Č~ԸČҪ漰~ČZDQ
}Ŀеx ϣ Ҫں̵ܶĕrgȷ្еcϢھC漰}ĶnjWg,ښw{ҎɿѭڌWgµăݺͽYкܺõ߉µһ㶼ԓӑՓČoµ}@}չ_ӑՓ(һ㶼ҪcՓC)ՓC,¶ȡw{ʽ(MՓCe,Y^c)ӑՓʽ(}_^,MՓCe)ͬrʾDͿYԵB~xϵcϢͽYкܴĎΣ Ͽԓ cД ^cx^c֮gı^Ūǻ֧߀ǻԼֻ֧^cքeЩC(Fһȫnj^cѽ)
ϲٴλطţ ^ùPӛӛסPIԵľӺ~Zʲô еҪc텢OGоCό5ֵu֘˜ʣ A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading.
@õҪϢȫϢˣ PӛҪӛ,㵽Ҫָǣ@fҪϢ еҪc
OG4u֘˜У A response at this level is generally good in selecting the important information from the lecture and in coherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to the relevant information in the reading, but it may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading.
@fҪc߀ҪӛһЩݣôՓC^cĺeʲôӵ(ͬҲֻҪ ȡҪՓC͌)ɴ˿ҊETS PӛđBǣӛҪcҪCм֦ĩã]Ҳʧ
x cϢxȡռ20犕rgѶ߾Cϳһƪh֧^c(һ㶼ǰ) Yĵͬrԭ[ȥx@FmȻһ㲻ӛ ľɮ¿ҊxϕrɽY Pӛؑ ֻ֧^cġڛ] Ҫc߀xе^cČɷ^cȻ俼ɳֵĿǰ PӛЌֻ֧gҪcPӛЧغxPӛYƽrČдó¿ԇrͲúM~ĕrgȥ}jͶY
иԇһnjҪ2ƪһƪCό(Integrated writing)3犕rgxһƪs250ֵ£Ȼ һ2PڌxݵuՓһƪ150225ֵ¡@ƪµČMԔ⼰Mģѽo
ڶƪĽЪPCoɘӣoһϤԒ}30犃Ȍһƪ300ֵ͵ĆǣDo you agree or disagree with the following statement- One should never judge a person by external appearance. Use specific reasons and details to support you answerͬWָPҪMԔ⼰Mģ塣HϪԔģPںܶǰoģ֪ιʾWϺPߵXҲֻPYϹPٴ΅иԇĽoλͬW¿Yиģ߷
u֘˜1effectively addresses the writing topic and task
u֘˜2well organized and well developed
u֘˜3uses specific details and examples to support you view
u֘˜4displays language facility by demonstrating syntactic variety, word choice and idiom
(ͨ^l~T_չʾZԵ쾚̶)@һcǸλҕ 㯺Ͳһcиռ120ֵ30҂ҵҪϻĕrgҪҪø߷28õ28MϵͬWһҪעu֘˜firstǧfҪfirstlyfinallyǧfҪlast but not least. ͬW˺ܶ@һ˶õ~Móõ~ǧfҪƫ~ͬr҂Ҫ쾚ETSϲg.5ZY2Nľ
Some people like A; others like B. Which one do you preferA or B?
(1) No doubt, I choose A, because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages. But B on the other hand, has advantages no more than its disadvantages.
The most important benefit of A is that___________________.
To achieve the same effect, B will__________________.
Another benefit of A, which B almost cannot achieve, is that___________________.
Although B also has its seemingly profound advantages, it can only be achieved conditionally because_________________________.
After understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to say: to choose A is a wise action.
(2) Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, contradict A. Personally, I would prefer__________ because I think A has more advantages.
There are numerous reasons why________, and I would here explain a few of the most important ones. The main reason is that___________. It can be given a concrete example_____________.
Another reason why I advocate the attitude of A is that___________. Take the case of a thing that_______________.
One very strong argument for A is that__________________. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that_____________________.
Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent, __________.
But if all these factors are complicated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_________________.
1) Simile()It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison,words like as,asas, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul,so is good news from a far country.
2) Metaphor()It is like a simile,also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated.For example,the world is a stage.
3) Analogy ()It is also a form of comparison,but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance,analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance
3N1N͵2No^иü\õĕr뵽ʲômϵıwwͿM 3NtҪһЩA֪Rʩչ`lԽǏsyZlԽ벻ЧҌڵ3N иüеıһҪӻrg@Ӳ
oώ㷶However, success depends on many conditions, such as time, hard work and luck. The list goes on and on. As one of the books by Bryan Tracy says, the success consists of 21 secrets. No matter what era one is in, one has to tries ones best to work at right time at right place with a little luck in order to succeed. If one lives today but does take action,one will end up no where certainly.
oώķgɹȡQںܶǷЕrgǷԸŬ\Ƿá@ӣ䌍߀ԺLLBryan Tracyһfɹ䌍ǰ21MɲֵġһrÿһҪɹһ_ĕrg_ĵcһcc\ͬrټϰٱŬܳɹһסڽ@ĕr¸ȫŬôעһo
ƽӹHowever, There are many factors contributed to success, such as time, work hard, and luck. This list could be very long. Just as a book writed by by Bryan Tracy says that the success involves 21 pieces. If one want to make success, no matter what time it is, they must try their best at the right time, at the right position, but also with a little luck. If a person live in this society, he could not succeed without trying ones best.
Hfc~'Ԓ㷶@Щ_econditiongoes on and on secret but does take action end up no where
ٽgoes on and on䌍ֱg^ߺhh@ҲÁʾL˼
Ădoes take action{ʽ@ʾԼZSH˶@NƤëиԇֻ_
no where^õĵصʾȫܵ˼Ҳ҂õimpossibleĵص_һó^ETSώĿmȻǵص˰lָFڇ˿լһӣp۷ŹRXԼͬMвӷ֮
@N·ڰgӢĕrҪȥһһPϵԓ⣬Ρ(get the meaning, forget the form )ĵZY䷨ʽtҪشy@M^@MҪ˼ǷλˣҪӛZʽHϰӢgҲһӵĵPIҪDQа˼_ľYڌoӢZ~fЇԒ@@ȻDzmġ
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
҂ҊһnowadaysָǬFFrǽ죬Ҳ҂ÿw҂ֿfood˂ʲôԵʳߐ۳ּZʳҲпϵ»ڡͯǹɹS̎е'IҎҾ^ӵҲиNԭϺϵN@foodָʲô^mfood has become easier to prepareЂ^Ҫl^^ʲô
to prepareД࣬ԭDZ^ʂʳy׳̶@Ǻ˂߀֪ΠδʳôǺ^ȥҲǺ͂yʳ@^ԏĶNǶ
}Ŀoėl҂õ@ôܵĺô}Ŀʲôhas this change improved the way people live oZ}YՓ@Փ}̫xôԸ׃ėlĿ҂xʲô֮Ոиɽ֮˼·ƪ