- 相關推薦
1. 我早期,晚歸,日復一日,年復一年。一夜成名的背后,是17年的訓練。Lionel Messi。
2. 為你球衣前面的名字去比賽,他們才會記住你球衣背后的名字。Tonv Adams。
3. 有人告訴我,足球運動員是足球的奴隸。如果這真的算奴役,敬請給我無期徒刑。Sir Bobbv Charlton。
4. 左邊的數字表示我對抗癌癥的次數,右邊的數字表示我獲勝的次數。 Eeic Abidal
5. 有些人把足球看作生死攸關的事情。我對這種態(tài)度很失望。我可以向你保證,足球比生與死都重要得多!Bill Shankly。
6. 如果你不能在外面打平或輸球的時候支持我們,那就別在我們獲勝的時候主持我們!Bill Shankly。
7. 當你開始成為某只球隊球迷的時候,你支持它并不是因為它的獎杯、或某名球員、或它的歷史,你支持它是因為在它身上你認識到了自己,找到了你的歸宿之地。Dennis Berakamp。
8. 英扎吉出生時就越位了。Sir Alex Ferquson。
1、It's disappointed to me as you know what kind the World Cup means in football world. ——Rio Ferdinand, former captain of England national team
2、My job is to make it as difficult as possible for the coach to leave me after the rest. ——Landon Donovan, former captain of USA national team
3、We need to go on fight hard, we need to work hard for each other. —Clint Dempsey, captain of USA national team
4、It's not about making the amazing saves, it's the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great. ——Tim Howard, goalkeeper of USA national team
偉大門將并不是靠神奇的撲救成就,而是因為注重小事、小細節(jié)才能成功。 ——蒂姆·霍華德,美國國家隊國門
5、We have to talk about us, we have to improve. ——Fernando Torres, striker of Spain national team
6、 “Normally when you swap shirts they are soaked in sweat, but Beckham’s smelt only of perfume. Either he protects himself against BO or he sweats cologne.”
7、 “Becks hasn’t changed since I’ve known him. He’s always been a flash Cockney git.”
8、“I’m so glad there will now be two good-looking guys at Real. I’ve felt so lonely in such an ugly team.”
9、“You score goals as a kid. Then you grow up stupid and become a goalkeeper.”
10、“He’s a smashing professional and a leader. He’s like Bobby Moore in that respect, though he wouldn’t have made it into Bobby’s drinking school.”
11、“Drogba - the strength of a bull but the pain threshold of a lamb.”
“德羅巴——他擁有一頭牛一樣的力氣,卻像一只羊一樣弱不經風。”——ITV解說員Clive Tyldesley在2007年評論德羅巴喜歡跌倒的作風時說。
12、 “We were driving back from Birmingham when Kieron (Dyer) suddenly shouted, ‘Stop the bus! I’ve left my diamond earring in the dressing room.’ Can you imagine in my playing days a player telling Bill Shankly, ‘Stop the bus, Bill, I’ve left me earring in the dressing room.”
13、“You could put (Luis) Figo in a phone booth with 11 opponents and he would find his way to the door. He’d beat them all and dribble his way out.”
14、“It’s not nice going into the supermarket and the woman at the till is thinking, ‘Dodgy keeper.’”
15、 “I’d been ill and hadn’t trained for a week. Plus I was out of the side for three weeks before that. So I wasn’t sharp. I got cramp before half-time as well. But I’m not one to make excuses.”