1 為什么選擇者這所學校
Why are you interested in this University?Why do you choose this univ.?Why do you select my university?
2 選擇小校還是大校
Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?
3 通過什么方式知道了這所學校
By what means you know this University?
4 是否聯系了其它學校或本校的其它老師
Do you apply for other universities or contact with other faculties in this university?What's other university you applied to?
5 申請了幾個學校
How many universities do you apply?
6 現在拿到了那些offer
Have you got any offer yet? And what are they?
7 如果有其它學校錄取了你去不去
If other university give you an admission, will you accept it?If we give you this offer, will you accept it?
8 把本校放在第幾位
Where/How do you rank this university?
9 為什么選擇在美國學習
Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?Why you want to have your graduate study in US?
10 為中美兩國教育體制的不同做了那些準備
What preparations do you make when you are faced with the education differences between China and USA?
11 有沒有同學在此學校就讀
Dou you have any schoolmates studying in this university?
12 讀過我的介紹嗎?
Have you read my ***
13 如果我們給了你offer,你會來嗎?
I want to know if we provide you with the offer, will you come?I'm anxious to know what your decision is.
14 在這個學校怎樣學習
What's your plan in this university.?
15 希望通過研究生學習獲得什么
What do you want to receive through the graduate study ?
16 拿什么學位
What degree do you want to get after the study?
17 畢業后的打算
What's your plan after you finish your study?What do you plan to do in the future?future career plan
18 是否回國
Would you come back to your home country after your study?
19 回在美國找工作嗎
Would you like to seek a job in USA?
20 回國的三個理由
Please tell me three reasons why you will come back to your home country.
21 回國后做什么
What will you do when you come back to your country?
22 你認為讀PHD的最大困難是什么
what will be the biggestt difficulty in graduate study?
23 愿意做理論還是實驗
what you like, experimental of analytical?
24 為什么要讀PHD?
why want to pursue PhD
25 現在做什么
What are you doing now?Would you please introduce your recent research workcurrent research project
26 現在的專業是什么
What is your major now? Say something about your work, etc.
27 你現在課題的`具體內容,感覺自己有何不足
What is your research content now?What is your deficiency?
28 工作壓力如何排解
How do you release your work stresses?'
29 教授讓你做你做不到的事情怎么辦
What will you do if the professor let you do what you can't do?
30 是否有無法完成的事
Do you have something you can't complete?
31 研究興趣
What is your favor? (maybe)research interestWhat research field do you want to choose in graduate……
32 喜歡的課程
What is your favorite courses?interesting
33 用什么計算機語言編程?
what program language do you use to write the programs?
34 工作經驗
Please tell me your working experience.would you please introduce your work before?
35 是否提出過一些特別的觀點
Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?
36 有哥哥姐姐嗎
Do you have sisters or brothers?
37 是否做過oral presentation
oral presentation
38 最佳和最差的經歷
What were your best and worst experiences?
39 從以前的工作中學到了什么
what did you learn from your past work?
40 在哪里上高中
Where did you attend the secondary school?
41 簡歷中的細節問題
42 本科的學校大嗎
Is Engineering school of Tsinghua Univ. large?
43 本科的大學有多少人多少個系
How many students in 888 University? How many department in 888 University?
44 學校的排名
Where/How does your university rank?
45 做TA,RA的能力
How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant?
46 學了多少門課
How many courses did you learn?
47 大段的自我介紹
Please introduce yourself.
48 認為自己的品格怎么樣
What do you think of your personality?
50 是否愛運動
Do you like sports, etc?