3、抽到某個(gè)話題進(jìn)行演講、闡述;兩三人就同一個(gè)話題進(jìn)行討論、辯論(多人一起復(fù)試的情 況);
1、What can you tell me about yourself
2、What would you like to be doing five years after graduation
3、What is your greatest strength
1、Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member.
2、Tell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done
3、Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.
1、What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with
2、What are some of the things you find difficult to do
3、How would you evaluate me as an interviewer
1、A chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. Each store deals independently with its suppliers. The president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse.
What are the key considerations in making this decision
1、It is the 15th Century. How do convince the Pope that the Earth is round
2、If I gave you an elephant,where would you hide it
3、Why are soda cans tapered on the top and bottom
1、Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself
2、Why did you take the MBA examination Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China
3、Why do you choose RENMIN University to study MBA Tell me a little about RENMIN University form your understanding.
1、 What is your undergraduate major? How do you like your major?
My major is economics. I like my major very much and I quite enjoy my learning journey for the past four years. That’s why I would like to go onto further studies in this area.
2、 Why did you choose our university?
I choose Beijing Foreign Studies University because of the following reasons. Firstly, it has been my dream place for years as it owns the top quality facilities for language training and the best environment for conducting research in this area. Secondly, I could learn up-to-date knowledge and real world experience to get ready to launch into my chosen career after graduating. Therefore, I could receive a first-class education with a focus on practical skills and professional relevance, giving me excellence prospects for employment and career development.
3、How do you plan to study in your postgraduate program?
In my opinion, the study method is quite important for research. So firstly, I will choose a certain approach in my study area with your guidance. Then I will draw a pragmatic research plan and time schedule, as I hope that I can form a systematic view of my major. Thirdly, I would familiarize myself with the latest development of this area by reading books and journals. I do hope that I can get somewhere in this field. If necessary, I will continue my research and study to pursue a doctor’s degree.
4、 Why do you change your major for your postgraduate study?
I change my major for two main reasons. One is that I am quite interested in economics. In my spare time, I often read books on economics, like An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations written by Adam Smith, Principles of Economics written by N.Gregory Mankiw, and Intermediate Microeconomics written by Hal Ronald Varian. The more I read those books and relevant articles, the more fascinated I’m in economics. The other is that economics is likely to bring more employment and development opportunities to me than psychology. That’s why I choose economics as my future domain.
5、 If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?
I would like to seize the opportunity for the following reasons. For one thing, I could enhance my overall knowledge and understanding of my subject while exposing myself to English and developing my intercultural skills. For another, I could increase my independence and self-confidence as well as widen my network of friends and future contacts