- 友誼的英語名言 推薦度:
- 友誼的英語名言名句 推薦度:
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友誼的英語名言 1
1、Familiar paths and old friends are the best.
2、Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.
3、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.
4、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.
5、A friend is a second self.
6、One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible.
7、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
8、Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.
9、A friend in need is a friend indeed.
10、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.
友誼的英語名言 2
A true friend is one soul in two bodies. - Aristotle(真正的朋友是異體同心。—— 亞里士多德)
Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. - Khalil Gibran(友誼永遠(yuǎn)是一個(gè)甜蜜的責(zé)任,從來不是一種機(jī)會(huì)。—— 紀(jì)伯倫)
The only way to have a friend is to be one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson(獲得朋友的唯一方法是要先成為別人的朋友。—— 愛默生)
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. - Elbert Hubbard(朋友是了解你并且仍然愛你的人。—— 阿爾伯特·哈伯德)
Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs. - Swedish Proverb(友誼使歡樂倍增,使痛苦減半。—— 瑞典諺語)
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. - Walter Winchell(真正的朋友是在全世界都離你而去的時(shí)候,還能與你并肩而行的人。—— 沃爾特·溫切爾)
In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends. - John Churton Collins(在順境中,朋友結(jié)識(shí)了我們;在逆境中,我們了解了朋友。—— 約翰·丘頓·柯林斯)
The best mirror is an old friend. - George Herbert(老朋友是最好的鏡子。—— 喬治·赫伯特)
A friend is a present you give yourself. - Robert Louis Stevenson(朋友是你送給自己的一份禮物。—— 羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)
Friendship is love with understanding. - Anonymous(友誼是帶有理解的愛。—— 佚名)
A faithful friend is the medicine of life. - Apocrypha(忠實(shí)的朋友是人生的良藥。——《偽經(jīng)》)
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit. - Aristotle(交朋友容易,但是友誼是個(gè)慢慢成熟的果實(shí)。—— 亞里士多德)
My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. - Henry Ford(我最好的朋友是能激發(fā)我最好一面的人。—— 亨利·福特)
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. - Charles Caleb Colton(真正的友誼就像健康,直到失去才知道它的珍貴。—— 查爾斯·卡萊布·科爾頓)
The language of friendship is not words but meanings. - Henry David Thoreau(友誼的語言不是話語而是意義。—— 亨利·戴維·梭羅)
A friend is what the heart needs all the time. - Henry Van Dyke(朋友是心靈一直需要的。—— 亨利·范·戴克)
Friendship is a sheltering tree. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge(友誼是一棵庇蔭的樹。—— 塞繆爾·泰勒·柯勒律治)
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. - Euripides(一個(gè)忠誠的朋友抵得上一萬個(gè)親戚。—— 歐里庇得斯)
A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes. - Doug Larson(真正的朋友是忽略你的失敗而容忍你的成功的人。—— 道格·拉森)
Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words. - George Eliot(友誼是一種無法言喻的舒適,和一個(gè)人在一起感到安全,無需斟酌想法,也不必斟酌言辭。—— 喬治·艾略特)
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. - Jim Morrison(朋友是給你完全自由做自己的人。—— 吉姆·莫里森)
The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. - Hubert H. Humphrey(生命中最偉大的禮物是友誼,我已經(jīng)收到了。—— 休伯特·漢弗萊)
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one. - C.S. Lewis(友誼誕生于一個(gè)人對(duì)另一個(gè)人說:“什么!你也是?我還以為只有我一個(gè)人這樣呢。”——C.S. 劉易斯)
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. - Elbert Hubbard(朋友是了解你并且仍然愛你的人。—— 阿爾伯特·哈伯德)
Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way. - Charles Kingsley(友誼就像玻璃飾品,一旦破碎,很少能完全恢復(fù)原樣。—— 查爾斯·金斯利)
A true friend is one who holds your hand and touches your heart. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是握住你的手,觸動(dòng)你的心的人。—— 佚名)
The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer. - Henry David Thoreau(對(duì)我最大的贊美是有人問我的想法,并傾聽我的回答。—— 亨利·戴維·梭羅)
A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself. - Frank Crane(朋友是你敢于做自己的人。—— 弗蘭克·克蘭)
Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another. - Eustace Budgell(友誼是兩個(gè)人之間強(qiáng)烈而習(xí)慣性的傾向,以促進(jìn)彼此的美好和幸福。—— 尤斯塔斯·巴杰爾)
A true friend is someone who is there for you when hed rather be anywhere else. - Len Wein(真正的朋友是當(dāng)他寧愿在任何其他地方時(shí),卻在你身邊的人。—— 倫·韋恩)
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. - Aristotle(友誼是一個(gè)靈魂住在兩個(gè)身體里。—— 亞里士多德)
A friend is one who sees through you and still enjoys the view. - Wilma Askinas(朋友是看透你但仍然欣賞你的人。—— 威爾瑪·阿斯金斯)
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. - Elisabeth Foley(真正的朋友最美麗的發(fā)現(xiàn)是他們可以分開成長(zhǎng)而不會(huì)疏遠(yuǎn)。—— 伊麗莎白·福利)
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are. - Anonymous(朋友是理解你的過去,相信你的未來,并接受你本來樣子的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. Its not something you learn in school. But if you havent learned the meaning of friendship, you really havent learned anything. - Muhammad Ali(友誼是世界上最難解釋的事情。這不是你在學(xué)校里學(xué)到的東西。但如果你沒有學(xué)到友誼的意義,你真的什么也沒學(xué)到。—— 穆罕默德·阿里)
A true friend is one who knows your weaknesses and doesnt take advantage of them. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是知道你的弱點(diǎn)但不利用它們的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. - Woodrow Wilson(友誼是唯一能將世界凝聚在一起的粘合劑。—— 伍德羅·威爾遜)
A friend is someone who makes it easy to believe in yourself. - Anonymous(朋友是讓你容易相信自己的人。—— 佚名)
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.(最后,我們將記住的不是敵人的話語,而是朋友的沉默。—— 馬丁·路德·金)
A true friend is one who can see the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes the smile on your face. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是當(dāng)其他人都相信你臉上的微笑時(shí),能看到你眼中的痛苦的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. - George Washington(友誼是一種生長(zhǎng)緩慢的植物,必須經(jīng)歷并承受逆境的沖擊,才能配得上這個(gè)稱號(hào)。—— 喬治·華盛頓)
A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the way you are. - Elbert Hubbard(朋友是了解你并且仍然愛你的人。—— 阿爾伯特·哈伯德)
The only thing that lasts longer than a friendship is a grudge. - Mignon McLaughlin(唯一比友誼更持久的是怨恨。—— 米瓊·麥克勞克林)
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. - Jim Morrison(朋友是給你完全自由做自己的人。—— 吉姆·莫里森)
Friendship is a golden chain, the links of which are hearts. - Anonymous(友誼是一條金鏈,鏈節(jié)是心靈。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who is there for you when hed rather be anywhere else. - Len Wein(真正的朋友是當(dāng)他寧愿在任何其他地方時(shí),卻在你身邊的人。—— 倫·韋恩)
Friendship is a silent gift of nature. - Anonymous(友誼是大自然無聲的禮物。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. - Anonymous(朋友是知道你心中之歌的人,當(dāng)你忘記歌詞時(shí),他可以唱給你聽。—— 佚名)
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. - Henry Ford(生活中最偉大的事情是保持心靈年輕。—— 亨利·福特)
A true friend is one who is always there to listen, without judgment. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是總是在那里傾聽,沒有評(píng)判的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold. - Anonymous(友誼是無價(jià)的禮物,不能買賣。—— 佚名)
A friend is one who makes you smile brighter and laugh louder. - Anonymous(朋友是讓你笑得更燦爛,笑得更大聲的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a bridge between two hearts. - Anonymous(友誼是兩顆心之間的橋梁。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who sees the potential in you even when you dont see it in yourself. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是即使你自己看不到自己的潛力,他也能看到的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a love that never fades. - Anonymous(友誼是一種永不褪色的愛。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who brings out the best in you by believing in you. - Anonymous(朋友是通過相信你而激發(fā)你最好一面的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is the thread that binds hearts together. - Anonymous(友誼是將心靈系在一起的線。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who knows your story and still loves you. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是了解你的故事并且仍然愛你的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a journey that begins with a single step of trust. - Anonymous(友誼是一段旅程,始于信任的一步。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes you feel special just by being with you. - Anonymous(朋友是僅僅和你在一起就讓你感到特別的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a bond that lasts a lifetime. - Anonymous(友誼是一種持續(xù)一生的紐帶。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who is always there in times of need. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是在需要的時(shí)候總是在那里的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a gift that keeps on giving. - Anonymous(友誼是一份不斷給予的禮物。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who shares your joys and sorrows. - Anonymous(朋友是分享你的.快樂和悲傷的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a light that shines in the darkness. - Anonymous(友誼是在黑暗中閃耀的光。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who stands by you through thick and thin. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是無論艱難困苦都支持你的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a melody that never ends. - Anonymous(友誼是一首永不結(jié)束的旋律。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes your world a better place. - Anonymous(朋友是讓你的世界變得更美好的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a haven in a storm. - Anonymous(友誼是暴風(fēng)雨中的避風(fēng)港。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who knows your flaws and loves you anyway. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是知道你的缺點(diǎn)但仍然愛你的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a rainbow that brightens your day. - Anonymous(友誼是一道彩虹,照亮你的一天。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who gives you a shoulder to lean on. - Anonymous(朋友是給你一個(gè)肩膀依靠的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a fire that warms the heart. - Anonymous(友誼是溫暖心靈的火。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who is honest with you even when it hurts. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是即使會(huì)傷害你也對(duì)你誠實(shí)的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a garden that needs constant care. - Anonymous(友誼是一個(gè)需要不斷呵護(hù)的花園。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes you laugh when you want to cry. - Anonymous(朋友是當(dāng)你想哭的時(shí)候讓你笑的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a precious gem that shines brighter with time. - Anonymous(友誼是一顆珍貴的寶石,隨著時(shí)間的推移更加閃耀。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who sees you at your worst and still loves you. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是看到你最糟糕的一面仍然愛你的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a journey of discovery. - Anonymous(友誼是一段發(fā)現(xiàn)之旅。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who brings out the sunshine on a cloudy day. - Anonymous(朋友是在陰天帶來陽光的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a bond that transcends time and distance. - Anonymous(友誼是一種超越時(shí)間和距離的紐帶。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who knows your hearts desires and helps you achieve them. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是知道你內(nèi)心渴望并幫助你實(shí)現(xiàn)它們的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a symphony of hearts. - Anonymous(友誼是心靈的交響樂。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes your problems their own and helps you find solutions. - Anonymous(朋友是把你的問題當(dāng)成自己的問題并幫助你找到解決方案的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a canvas painted with the colors of love and trust. - Anonymous(友誼是用愛和信任的顏色繪制的畫布。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who is there to celebrate your victories and console you in defeats. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是在你勝利時(shí)慶祝,在你失敗時(shí)安慰你的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a star that guides you through the darkest nights. - Anonymous(友誼是一顆在最黑暗的夜晚引導(dǎo)你的星星。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes you believe in yourself again. - Anonymous(朋友是讓你再次相信自己的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a poem written by two hearts. - Anonymous(友誼是兩顆心寫的一首詩。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who holds your hand and says, Im here for you. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是握住你的手說:“我在這里支持你。”—— 佚名)
Friendship is a gift that enriches our lives. - Anonymous(友誼是豐富我們生活的禮物。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who sees the beauty in you even when you dont see it yourself. - Anonymous(朋友是即使你自己看不到自己的美麗也能看到的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a journey filled with laughter and tears. - Anonymous(友誼是一段充滿歡笑和淚水的旅程。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who accepts you for who you are and helps you become who you want to be. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是接受你本來的樣子并幫助你成為你想成為的人的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a bond that grows stronger with time. - Anonymous(友誼是一種隨著時(shí)間的推移而變得更強(qiáng)大的紐帶。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes your life a little bit brighter. - Anonymous(朋友是讓你的生活更明亮一點(diǎn)的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a treasure that should be cherished. - Anonymous(友誼是應(yīng)該珍惜的寶藏。—— 佚名)
A true friend is one who listens with their heart and speaks with their soul. - Anonymous(真正的朋友是用心傾聽,用靈魂說話的人。—— 佚名)
Friendship is a beautiful melody that lingers in our hearts. - Anonymous(友誼是一首美麗的旋律,縈繞在我們心中。—— 佚名)
A friend is someone who makes every day a little bit more special. - Anonymous(朋友是讓每一天都更特別一點(diǎn)的人。—— 佚名)