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  • 拿破侖名言英語

    時間:2020-11-22 13:29:40 英語名言 我要投稿




      1、敢說的人,就做得到。Dare to say, just do it。

      2、我凡事先做好最壞的打算。I do the worst plan in advance。

      3、沒有人能逃脫自己的命運。No man can escape his destiny。

      4、統治這個世界的是想像力。Rule the world is imagination。

      5、勇氣就像愛情,需要希望來灌溉。Courage is like love, hope to irrigation。

      6、我是靠人們對我的敬畏來統治的。I am fear to rule by the people to me。

      7、信仰使窮人不至于去謀害富人。Faith makes the poor not to kill the rich。

      8、幸福是個人價值的最大發揮。Happiness is a personal value maximum play。

      9、承受痛苦,比死亡更需要勇氣。It takes courage to bear pain, more than death。

      10、最重要的品質就是冷靜的頭腦。The most important quality is a cool head。

      11、德行之力,十倍于身體之力。Virtue, ten times the force of the body。

      12、不能分享勝利的軍隊是無法作戰的。Not share the army can't fight of victory。

      13、茍活比犧牲需要更多的勇氣。It requires more courage to suffer than sacrifice。

      14、所謂的天才是不斷地承受痛楚。The so-called genius is to bear the pain。

      15、統一指揮是戰爭的第一要事。Unified command is the first thing of war。

      16、所謂天才就是在不斷的承受痛苦。The so-called genius is in constant pain。

      17、人不管處在什么樣的情況下都可以幸福。No matter in what circumstances can happiness。

      18、人是無常多變的,好運也是。People are fickle and changeable, good luck, too。

      19、愛國是文明人的首要美德。Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized men。

      20、一定要成功﹗我只以成敗論英雄。Must be successful! I only by adversities hero。

      21、堅毅而清醒,一切都會隨之俱來。Persistence and sober, and everything will be in us。

      22、除了靈魂,我的一切都交給了上帝。In addition to the soul, my everything to god。

      23、害怕被征服的人,注定要失敗。Who fears being conquered is doomed to failure。

      24、人多不足以依賴,要生存只有靠自己。More people to rely on, to survive only on your own。

      25、金錢需要分享,也需要合理地利用。Money need to share, also need to use reasonably。

      26、不以小事為輕,而后可以成大事。Not to small for the light, and then can achieve great things。

      27、榮耀轉眼即逝;而平凡才是永恒。Glory which passes in an instant; But obscurity is forever。

      28、生死有命,沒有人能要求多活一秒鐘。Life and death have life, nobody can request for a second。

      29、不是被敵人征服,就是征服敵人。Is not conquered by the enemy, is to conquer the enemy。

      30、我成功,因為志在要成功,未嘗躊躇。I succeeded, because to be successful, I never hesitated。

      31、一旦你著手要攻下維也納,就把她拿下吧﹗Once you have set out to attack the Vienna, she scored。

      32、衡量一支軍隊的好壞,就看能否打勝仗。Measure the stand or fall of an army, see whether victories。

      33、如果你相信你能夠做這件事,你就能完成它。If you believe you can do it, you can finish it。

      34、人真正的幸福感存在于對幸福的分享當中。Man's true happiness exists in the share of happiness。

      35、孩子未來是好是壞,完全在于母親。Children in the future is good or bad, is all about my mother。

      36、要真正了解一個人,需在不幸中考察他。To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune。

      37、從偉大崇高到荒謬可笑,其間只相差一步。From the sublime to the ridiculous, great in which only a step。

      38、不想當將軍的士兵不是好士兵。He doesn't want to be a general soldiers isn't a good soldier。

      39、挫折也有好的`一面,它教給我們真理。The setback also has a good side, it teaches us the truth。

      40、能殺死我的那顆子彈絕對不會飛到我的跟前。The bullet that will kill me would never come to my front。

      41、請相信我,上天操縱著一切,我們只是它的工具而已。Please believe me, god with everything, we just its tools。

      42、總司令最重要的品質就是冷靜的頭腦。Commander in chief of the most important quality is a cool head。

      43、上帝已賦予我克服種種困難的意志與力量。God has given me the will and the force to overcome difficulties。

      44、人們較易于受邪惡的擺布勝于受道德的約束。People are easy to at the mercy of the evil than bound by moral。

      45、中國是一頭睡獅,一旦醒來將震憾世界。China is a sleeping lion, once woke up will shock the world。

      46、與世無爭是理性的范疇,是心靈的真正勝利。Otherwise is rational category, is the real victory of the mind。

      47、在愛情的戰場上,唯一獲勝的秘訣是逃跑。In the love battlefield, the only escape is the secret of winning。

      48、智慧是無限的,但是它與驕傲絕不可能并存。Wisdom is infinite, but it can never coexist with the proud。

      49、人生之光榮,不在永不失敗,而在能屢敗屢戰。The glory of life lies in never falling, but in can often hurt often war。

      50、正確的思維方法就是最好的提高效率的方法。The correct thinking method is the best method of improving efficiency。

      51、個人的計劃與實踐存在太大的落差即是瘋狂的表現。Plan and practice of personal existence is too large gap is crazy。

      52、一切不道德事情中最不道德的,就是去做不能勝任的事情。All the most immoral, unethical things is to do things that is not up to。

      53、人生的光榮,不在永不失敗,而在于能夠屢敗屢起。The glory of life, is not in never falling, but in can repeatedly beaten up。

      54、不會從失敗中尋求教訓的人通向成功的道路是遙遠的。Not seek lesson from the failure of the path to success is far away。

      55、決不允許讓一個天生要成為太陽的命運墮落成為一個衛星。Never allow a born to be the fate of the sun to fall into a satellite。

      56、命運是個女人。她給我做的事越多,我對她的要求也就越大。Fate is a woman。 She gave me to do, the more I to her request。

      57、你真正想要的是什么?放手去做,全力以赴,別管“能不能”。What is you really want? Let go to do, go all out, don't worry about "can"。

      58、人們常只想到自己的需要,而沒考慮自己的能力。People often think only of their own needs, without considering their own ability。

      59、一切逆境中應含有與逆境旗鼓相當或更大利益的種子。Should contain all adversity and adversity the seed of equal or greater benefit。。

      60、我的道路上滿是荊棘,而我卻始終堅持信念,從未踐踏過榮譽。My road is full of thorns, but I was always adhere to the faith, never trample the honor。

      61、垂頭喪氣!我絕對不會!我必須反擊,讓命運這個猖狂的家伙低下頭來!Depressed! I absolutely not! I have to fight back, let fate this rampant guy down!

      62、君主不應以統治為目的,而應傳播道德,教化和福澤。Monarch should not be for the purpose of rule, and should be spread moral indoctrination and blessings。

      63、所有的自負都會被輕易地識破,都會被看作自卑心理的表現形式。All conceit can be easily see through, is seen as a form of inferiority mentality。

      64、一個人是否謙遜,取決于他對自己的認識與自我努力相結合的程度。A person is humble, depends on his understanding of their combined with self effort。

      65、信心能戰勝人生道路上所有的障礙,也許連死亡它都不會放在眼里!Faith can overcome all obstacles on the road in life, maybe even death it in your eyes!

      66、事前考慮清楚,可是一旦到了該行動的時候,就要毫不猶豫,放手一搏。Consider to be clear about, but once it is time to move, will not hesitate, grind。

      67、勇士們!打掉北極熊的囂張氣焰,讓它在法蘭西的刺刀下瑟瑟發抖吧!Warriors! Abort embolden the polar bear and let it shivered under the bayonet in France!

      68、聰明的人談現在,愚蠢的人談過去,傻子才談未來。Intelligent people talk about now, stupid people talk about the past, a fool to talk about the future。

      69、一旦確定了目標,就應盡一切可能努力培養達成目標的充分自信。Once established goals, we should be doing everything we can to achieve full confidence。

      70、我堅信,在歷史發展的進程中,民主制必將取代君主制。I firmly believe that in the process of historical development, democracy will replace the monarchy。

      71、我不知道有什么極限,只想往一個世界帝國,世界要求我來統治它。I don't know what is the limit, just want to a world empire, the world has asked me to rule it。

      72、我的愿望不會枯萎,我要靠自己的力量和勇氣讓世界為之震栗!My wish will not wither, I want to rely on their own strength and courage to let the world to chestnut!

      73、世界會證明你的付出沒有白費,在未來的某一天,它會全部回報給你!The world would prove your efforts were not in vain, in the future one day, it will all return to you!

      74、積極的心態來源于積極的思維,而積極的思維又是積極行動的結果。Positive attitude from the positive thinking, and positive thinking is the result of positive action。

      75、金錢沒有祖國,金融家不知何為愛國和高尚,他們唯一的目的就是獲利。Money no homeland, financiers don't know what is a patriotic and noble, their only purpose is profit。

      76、優秀的推銷員都具有一個明確的觀念:認為自己和所販賣的商品皆為“卓越的物品”。Good salesman has a clear concept: think themselves and selling of goods are "excellent goods"。

      77、世界上最廣闊的是海洋,比海洋更廣闊的是天空,比天空更廣闊的是人的胸懷。The world's most broad is sea, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky, is the person's mind。

      78、我不能以一個被侮辱者的姿態出現在我的人民面前。我必須仍然是偉大的,光榮的!I can't with the attitude of a insulted man appeared in front of my people。 I must is still a great, glorious!

      79、每當你與別人分享幸福之際,即等于將幸福借給對方,而所借出的東西必能歸還。When you share happiness with others, that is equal to happiness to each other, and what you lend out will return。

      80、生命的意義,不僅在于不斷實現人生的目標,還在于不斷提升人生的目標。The meaning of life, not only to achieve the goal of life, is also constantly promote the goal of life。

      81、自信其實也就是擁有積極的人生觀,充分相信自己,朝著自己的目標不斷努力。Confidence is actually have a positive outlook on life, fully believe in yourself, continuous efforts towards your goals。

      82、只要是人的心理所能夠設想和相信的東西,人就能用積極的心態去得到它!As long as it is what the person's psychology can imagine and believe that people can use positive attitude to get it!

      83、命運不是丟在地上的廢鐵,我從泥淖從把它撿起,鑄成世界以我為中心的桂冠!Fate is not lost on the ground of scrap, I from the mud to pick it up, making the world crown for the center with me!

      84、不要以為你很高,如果在戰場上也因此蔑視我的話,我會立刻消除這個差別。Don't think you is very high, if on the battlefield and therefore despise me, I will immediately to eliminate the difference。

      85、應該蔑視一切政黨,心目中只有廣大民眾。只有依靠廣大民眾的支持,才能建立偉業。Only the general public should disdain for all parties, mind。 Only relies on the support of the general public to greatness。

      86、一個人應養成信賴自己的習慣,即使在最危急的時候,也要相信自己的勇敢與毅力。A person should rely on their own habits, even in the most critical time, also want to believe my courage and perseverance。

      87、一個失去了記憶的人落入了最為可悲的境地,他就像一個沒有哨兵的城堡,一座沒有衛戍部隊的城。A man lost his memory of falling into the most sad situation, he is like a sentry castle, without a garrison town。

      88、從某種程度來說,堅持也許會是個錯誤,但堅持時間過短或根本就不堅持則是更大的錯誤。To a certain extent, it would be a mistake to stick to, but time is too short or does not keep on keeping on is making a bigger mistake。

      89、優柔寡斷讓許多人面臨不幸,它會使人對一些事情失望,然后把懲罰強加在自己身上。Indecision let many people faced with misfortune, it will make people disappointed about some things, and then impose punishment on themselves。

      90、所謂軍事指揮藝術,就是當自己的兵力數量實際上居于劣勢時,反而能在戰場上化劣勢為優勢。So-called art of military command, is the number of troops when oneself actually weaker, but can change disadvantage into advantage on the battlefield。

      91、革命像是一匹無人能馴的脫韁野馬,我憑借自己的冷靜和寬慰的言語安撫了這匹戰馬,卻沒有讓它卻步不前。Revolution like no one can tame runaway horse, a horse with my own calm and comfort words soothed the horse, but I did not let it go back。

      92、需要解決的疑團,是一個需要回答的問題,或者是一個需要探測的奧秘;總之,它是一個值得追求的冒險。To solve the puzzle, it is a need to answer the question, or a need to the mystery of the detection; In a word, it is a risk worth pursuing。

      93、生命是無止境的,不能僅以年齡去衡量;有些人在瞬間過了一生,有些人則在朝夕之間卻突然衰老。Life is endless, not only with age to measure; Some people for a lifetime, in an instant suddenly aging between others in the morning and night。

      94、每當我運籌帷幄之時,所有的斗志都被激發,能夠抵抗一切饑餓,嚴寒,困乏,我的意志足以調動全部體力為征戰服務。All the fight out of when I operate smoothly, were inspired, resistant to all hunger, cold, sleepy, my will to mobilize all manual for their services。

      95、憑借火器的優勢是短暫的,面對一個幅員遼闊而又古老的帝國作戰是最不明智的,中國是一頭沉睡的雄獅子,一旦醒來將震驚世界。With the advantages of firearms is short, in the face of a vast and ancient imperial battle is the most unwise, China is a sleeping lion, once woke up will shock the world。

      96、巨富是如何產生的?正是使用他人的資金和一項成功的計劃,再加上積極的心態、主動精神、勇氣和通情達理等成功原則而實現的。How is rich? It is to use other people's money and a successful project, combined with positive attitude, initiative, courage and reasonable principles and implementation success。











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