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貝恩公司面經貝恩咨詢面試官可能會問你: 1. Why are you interested in consulting? Why Bain in particular? 這里你要大談特談貝恩的巨大魅力:諸如全球化的戰略咨詢公司、具有令人炫目的咨詢大師、無與倫比的聲望、一個強大的客戶群和不斷擴大的關系網絡。 2. Tell me about your past experience working in teams. 你要讓貝恩知道盡管你是一個有主見的獨立思考者,但同時你也歡迎以團隊合作的方式解決問題。 3. Tell me about how you overcame a challenge. 你可以談談是什么品質使你超越了一切困難(你可以順帶提及同樣的品質可以使你成為一名優秀的咨詢顧問) 4. What are the three best ideas you’ve had in the past five years? 在你的腦袋里儲備好一套“top three”lists永遠都是個好主意:top three, top three descriptive adjectives, top three pivotal experiences等等。面試官就是愛這么提問,盡管很少有人會將最內心的想法排序。 5. What are you most proud of on your resume? 這是你在任何面試之前都應該好好準備的問題。但是請記住,一定要盡量避免面試官看出這已是你津津樂道的老故事了。 你可以在面試即將結束時,詢問面試官: 1. Tell me about Bain’s training programs. How much continuing training can I expect? 2. Will Bain pay for my business degree (assuming you’re applying as an associate consultant)? 3. I notice that Bain has recently launched an LBO practice firm-wide - one of Bain Capital’s specialties. Has there been any cross-pollination between the two firms? 對于這個問題你要謹慎行事。盡管提這個問題可以向面試官暗示你完成了家庭作業,但是貝恩不愿意承認自己和LBO 公司有任何直接的瓜葛。如果你的面試官表現得不太自然,或是沒有直接回答問題,你不要不斷追問。 4. What is the 50/50 rule for consultants? At any given time, do Bain consultants divide their time between two different cases? How do your clients react to the division of energies? 貝恩為自己的雇員通常同時處理兩個case而感到自豪。貝恩認為雇員會從“cross-section” of cases上學得更快。然而,不少雇員經常抱怨兩份負擔帶來的受虐狂似的工作節奏。 5. What are Bain’s expansion plans? 公司對向外擴張一直野心勃勃。表達你對新offices的興趣,并且表示樂于在office間出差。本文僅代表作者觀點,與本站立場無關.【貝恩公司面經】相關文章:
KPMG Par面及M面 面試面經02-24
面經——McKinsey JIA02-18
人行面試 面經11-21