“你為什么要應聘本公司”也是面試時一個常常會被問到的問題。這時候,你之前對公司資料的收集就能派上用場了。你可以簡單的說一下你對公司的了解,當然,適當的夸一下公司是有好處的,但是不要太過火。我們來看看 Tom 和 Peter 是怎樣回答這個問題的吧!
Watson: What made you choose this company? Tom: Your company has a very good reputation, not only because your products are of high quality, but also your due to your well-constructed management system. I want to contribute to such an outstanding company which cares not only about the customer\ needs, but also about the welfare of employees. Watson: What do you know about this company? Tom: I know this is one of the biggest trading companies in the world. It was established in London in 1940, with a total of 40 million US dollars. It employs more than 17,000 staff throughout the world. Watson: Why do you consider yourself qualified for the job? Tom: I have the educational background and relevant experience required for the position. Besides, I am a very good team player and have the desire to succeed. Watson: What interests you most about this job? Tom: I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems.
1. What made you choose this company? 你為什么會選擇這家公司。make someone do something,讓某人做某事。
2. 那 Tom 是怎樣回答的呢?他說,你們的公司在業內有很好的聲譽,不僅你們的產品質量很好,而且你們的管理也很優秀。Earn a good reputation,贏得好名聲。Tom在這里把這家公司夸了一通,這是很必要的,因為沒有人會來應聘自己不喜歡的公司。即使你對公司不是很了解,也可以說一些套話。但是如果你認為這家公司存在很多問題,面試的時候可不是提出來的好機會,你可以把它們留到上任以后再說。
3. 說完了公司,就應該說說自己的原因了。這是一個向考官陳述你的職業目標的好機會。Tom說他想為既照顧顧客的利益,又兼顧員工的福利的公司工作,其實這還是從另一個角度在夸獎這家公司。考官接著又問,What do you know about this company? 你對這家公司了解多少?這時候你就可以把自己在面試之前收集整理的信息告訴考官了。這里同樣要挑最主要的說,可以在面試之前打好草稿。
4. Why do you consider yourself qualified for the job? 你為什么認為自己適合這份工作?這時候你就可以把你自己的能力和優點盡量展示出來。這里 Tom 說的是the educational background and relevant experience,相關教育背景和工作經驗,I am a very good team player and have the desire to succeed. 我有很強的團隊合作精神,并且向往成功。一般來說這幾點都是非常重要的,你可以在自己參加面試的時候用。
5. What interests you most about this job? 這份工作的哪個方面讓你最感興趣?其實,這還是在問你為什么會選擇這家公司,Tom回答說是因為喜歡團隊合作共同解決問題。你可以根據自己的情況來制定自己的答案。
Dialogue 2
Watson: What\s your career objective? Peter: I hope to lead an energetic and productive sales team. Watson: What do you consider important when looking for a job? Peter: I think the most important thing is the nature of the job. One should never do anything one is not interested in. To me, pleasant working conditions with co-operative staff are also important. Watson: Why are you interested in working in this company? Tom: My past experience is closely related to this job. I am confident I can do the job well. Watson: What do you think you would bring to the job? Tom: My business experience in China, mainly. I know a lot about how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.
1.What\s your career objective? 你的職業目標是什么?你的職業規劃對公司的發展也很重要,所以考官一般都會問這個問題。回答的時候要根據應聘職位的要求和自己的實際情況來確定自己的職業目標,不要好高騖遠,也不要妄自菲薄。
2. What do you consider important when looking for a job? 你認為找工作什么是最重要的?這就是在問你對工作的要求了,包括工作環境,同事關系等等。這個時候也要注意不要挑三揀四,毛病多多,以至于給人不好相處的壞印象。
3. Why are you interested in working in this company? 你為什么會對到這家公司工作感興趣?也就是問你為什么會來應聘這個公司的職位,只不過是換了一個問法。
4. What do you think you would bring to the job? 你認為你會為這個工作帶來什么?這個也是在問你的能力經驗等等適不適合這個職位。
求職英語. 離職和應聘原因11-12