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5.1 建行北分 2011 暑期實習面經筆經--廈門站
第一次寫面經,因為之前看了很多面經,給了我很大的幫助,我也希望能回饋大家。先是網申,然后宣講,有一個要注意的地方,網申盡量不要拖到最后一兩天,雖然說網申截止到宣講當天的 24 點,但實際上,我是在晚上九點,即宣講結束收到面試通知的。我了解到的宣講回來網申的同學基本沒有收到面試機會。7 號晚上宣講,8 號面試,我是下午兩點。等到快三點才輪到我。參加面試的一共大概有一至兩百人。具體不清楚。
模擬面試。小伙子面試官從 A4 紙上準備好的面試題中選了兩個題問我。第一個,假如你是會議主持人,有一個同事由于對你們部門資料信息掌握不全面,導致對你們部門的看法有失偏頗,你會怎么辦?第二個問題,現在基層員工對高層管理者要求越來越高了,你怎么看待這個問題?如果你是一個管理者,你會怎么做?
筆試時間為 9 號晚上 6 點。參加筆試的人數一共 41 人,我們班進一面的五個同學都進了筆試。筆試題第一部分是綜合能力測試,即公務員題,包括言語表達(和公務員題有點區別,都是給你一個片段,一個推論或者論點,問你是正確,錯誤還是不確定),圖形推理,數字推理,數學計算,邏輯推理(這后面四個模塊很多都是公務員考試真題,或者略改一下)總的說來比公務員考試簡單很多。120 分鐘做 110 個題,時間算是比較充裕,可以答得完。8 點收卷后開始做個性測試,30 分鐘 90 個題(還是 100?不記得了)感覺時間還是有點緊張,不好選。有很多測謊題。不知道會不會因為性格測試不過關刷人的。
5.2 湖北建行 2011 定招筆試筆經
湖北定向第一次筆試機考 全部都是選擇題有單選多選都有系統上顯示的是 131 題 120 分鐘,但是我記得綜合題寫是的 80 道。然后計算機題目 10 道。英語兩篇閱讀 10 道。金融知識 50 道。綜合知識就是行測那些了。我個人覺得數字推理圖形推理都比較難 反正我不會。時政我印象中就一道,有個 24 節氣的問下列哪個不是 24 節氣?毛澤東語錄?什么時候出的?粗蠟燭可以燒 8 小時 細蠟燭可以燒的時間是粗蠟燭的 1/2 兩個蠟燭一起燒了 3 小時后一樣長,問細蠟燭是粗蠟燭的幾分之幾?計算機題都是 word ppt excel 操作方面的~~ 囧之前沒注意。
金融知識 會計方面的 貨幣銀行學 金融這些都有。。。。。 懵吧 單選多選都有 頭大~~還有就是覺得行測題類型是亂的 一會一個數字推理 下面一個邏輯判斷有一個類比 然后來個圖形 過會材料分析 然后就數字推理 反正順序比較亂。
Each year Universum, a Swedish consulting firm asks American MBA students where they would most like to work. The 2007 survey showed a few surprises in its top 50 companies named:
Hewlett.Packard and Cisco Systems had fell, while old reliables such as General Electric, Coca-Cola and General Mills had jumped up the list. But the most desired industry remains consulting, despite the beating it has taken since the end of the dotcom boom, and the top firm remains McKinsey. Perhaps the reason is: in recent years McKinsey has done as much as any company to provide MBA graduates with increasingly better and more profitable positions.
The reason for this was the firm’s popularization of a concept known as”war for talent”.It advocated finding the best and brightest and rewarding their innovations in proportion to “talent”instead of their performance or seniority. But what is talent And how does a company measure its employees’ talent,especially when assigning them to new projects The “war for talent”recommends a careful assessment of the inner skills and characteristics ready for success but gives few clues as to what those inner skills might be, which might make the war standardless. For a company focused on quick growth, one shortcut could be young hires who had already been rewarded for their talent by receiving MBAs from well-respected schools. Thus as the idea of finding talented employees who could quickly learn the skills took off, so did the asking price of the star MBA graduates.
Unfortunately, now the “war for talent” seems less of a brilliant idea. The economic downturn, bringing with it less competition for the available talent, also did its part to control in indulgent employers.
Similarly, Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer emphasized that cultivating a talent means not just hiring the most effective performers, but being able to deal quickly and firmly with the least effective C performers. But he adds that the C refers not to the person but to the individual’s performance in a given job. Some low-performing managers were A or B performers earlier in their careers—and may attain that level of performance again.
MBA programs will remain attractive recruiting areas, but the MBA model itself has come under increasing criticism. Prof.Pfeffer, in a 2007 article found little evidence that an MBA had much effect on future salary or career. Future MBA students might need to provide more evidence of their talent toimpress potential employers.
62. According to the text, McKinsey is favored by American MBA students in that the company
A) has a world wide reputation for high salary
B) is famous for its consulting business
C) makes very attractive job offers to MBA holders
D) successfully survived the burst of dotcom bubble
63. A weak point of “war of talent” plan is that _________.
A) talents are something invisible and might be shown with time
B) talent is very hard to be defined or measured effectively
C) the talented people do not always have an MBA degree
D) different companies may rank the same person differently
64. What can we learn from the third paragraph
A) The “war for talent” is totally useless nowadays.
B) The “war for talent” has caused serious economy decrease.
C) The Employers’ attitude toward available talent has changed.
D) The economy decrease was caused by the lack of available talent.
65. Which of the following is TRUE about Professor Pfeffer’s attitude
A) Only the A performers worth to be hired.
B) There is no difference among the A, B and C performers.
C) C performers cannot change into A or B performers.
D) How to do with the C level performers also needs attention.
66. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A) MBA degree has lost all its original function.
B) MBA degree might not be convincing in future.
C) MBA degree will still mean high income in future.
D) MBA degree holders often lack talent evidence now.
5.3 2011 建行總行筆經
考試地點還是很煩躁的,找地方找了半天,大家要提前去考場啊。去了之后要存包,然后到點進考場,ATA 系統考試,一共 3 小時連考,134 道題。
有不少數學應用題。建議大家先挑自己擅長的部分做。我覺得行測還是挺花時間的,我行測用了 1.5 小時,英語和專業加起來才用了剩下的 1.5。希望行測正確率能不負我望啊!提醒大家一下,考試不讓帶計算器,但是屏幕右下角有個計算器程序,大家可以用。白癡的我一直沒注意到,那么大的數字還自己在那里用速算法筆算,結果行測都做完了才發現有計算器。。。。郁悶死了希望大家把握好時間,建議先做行測很英語,再做專業題里自己拿手的部分,最后不會的隨便猜猜。祝大家好遠,偶明天的考試和一個面試沖了,只能放棄了,希望大家都有好成績!
5.4 2009 年 3 月建行總行筆試題(回憶版,含英語試題和答案)
考完了,不管結果如何,希望能給以后的師弟師妹們留下一些有用的資料,也以此答謝應屆生論壇、以及壇子里的 XDJM 們。
2009 年建行總行的筆試共 155 道題,70 道專業題,15 道英語,70 綜合測試(類似于公務員行測),考試時間 180 分鐘,時間基本上是充分的。
22、市場占有率:某公司的市場占有率是 30%,其他最大三個競爭對手的市場占有率分別為20%,12%,8%。問該公司的相對市場占有率
Text 2
Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved. No, you’re not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely. With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable. A coffee at Starbucks,just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States, runs about $8.
The once all-powerful dollar isn’t doing a Titanic against just the pound. It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar. Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar.
The weak dollar is a source of humiliation, for a nation’s self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency. It’s also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economy-from giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop restaurant operators in Miami-for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.
Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. But nothing makes people think more warmly of the U.S. than a weak dollar. Through April,the total number of visitors from abroad was up 6.8 percent from last year. Should the trend continue,the number of tourists this year will finally top the 2000 peak? Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexico-as a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking.
The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit. So do exports, which thanks in part to the weak dollar, soared 11 percent between May 2006 and May 2007. For first five months of 2007, the trade deficit actually fell 7 percent from 2006. If you own shares in large American corporations, you’re a winner in the weak-dollar gamble. Last week Coca-Cola’s stick bubbled to a five-year high after it reported a fantastic quarter. Foreign sales accounted for 65 percent of Coke’s beverage business. Other American companies profiting from this trend include McDonald’s and IBM.
5.10 建行北分筆試-2009.1.20
1 月 20 號
上午 9:00-11:30 專業測試
建行的一些基本信息時事政治 領導在什么會上講了什么要知道的禮儀 握手的順序 介紹的順序
高中語文的那些知識 語病 錯別字 成語的應用 和公務員的差不多
會計主要計算平均生產成本 所有者權益 資本公積之類的吧
金融主要是計算貨幣乘數 環比 到期收益率 套期保值 期貨的利潤計算 債券計算還有就是考了信用卡還款的東西 到期日 記賬日 還款日 寬限期 算利息的天數和基數是什么要搞清楚 只還最低還款額 怎么計算利息什么的
應用文寫作:1,寫會議通知,要素自擬 ;2,寫人物通
下午 2:00-4:20
7 套卷子
圖形變換,測智商 20 分鐘
數字題目 20 分鐘
語言能力 20 分鐘
性格測試 20 分鐘
青島校園招聘 筆試真題11-21